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Wednesday, April 27, 2016

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments  4-27-16  Part 1 of 2

Post From BondLadys Corner
BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments  4-27-16  Part 1 of 2

Sentenced to three years on the director general of the health of the former Muthanna province[/size]
27/04/2016 12:32 | Direction Press / Baghdad   Muthanna Criminal Court issued a decision three years in prison on the director general of the health of the former Muthanna circle on the back of charges of financial corruption.[/rtl]
The head of the resumption of Muthanna Hassan judge demanded in a statement that "the trend Press" obtained a copy of it on the "integrity issues specialized criminal court examined a case concerning the former Director General of Health Nineveh Hussein Ali Musa from charges of financial corruption."[/rtl]
Hassan said in that "all the evidence was sufficient to convict the accused in accordance with Article 340 of the Penal Law No. 111 of 1969 , " referring to "sentence him to imprisonment for a period of three years". Thesa
[tlm724] good example of the fight against corruption, they are getting prosecuted as BondLady talks about here :

Commerce vows strict action under any circumstances blackmail marketers of wheat
27/04/2016 10:58 | Direction Press / Baghdad It vowed the General Company for Grain Trade, Ministry of Commerce, to take strict action against all employees deal bribe or blackmail any of the marketers, by marketing wheat crop.
A statement from the ministry, got "direction Press" a copy of it, from the company's general manager Haitham Khali, saying that "the marketing centers in the company's branch in Basra, continues to receive wheat crop for the current season for the sixth consecutive day in accordance with the standards adopted by the company for this season."
He pointed out that "the company has developed a hot numbers for reporting any violations occur in the marketing process and solving all the problems of cases of blackmail or pressure during the delivery of the crop to marketing centers."
"The company's management will take strict action against all employees deal bribe or blackmail any of the marketers." sa
Bondlady:   that's right!  get all the corrupt under control, more and more were seeing people go to prison for bribes or stealing the money,  people with titles and professionals  and yes polititions too.
we should start to see a whole lot more and very soon too, as Iraq tries to show its people and the world....changed behaviors... to make not only the people but also the world know , theres a new Iraq, who u can trust to invest in and all your banking needs met and protected 
I used to study a whole lot about the culture and there laws and moral laws too, they truly didn't believe in thievery they felt it was a huge evil and they kinda lived old testament about if u steal something whatever hand u used    to steal with would be cut off so u could never do it again etc,
heck you would get your head cut off if you were caught with a computer or any thing like that because it led to western worlds way of thinking and as we all know they think us infidels....
what made them so corrupt was thru all these wars Iraq became a complete cash society, a u.s. dollar cash society..with so much paper being thrown around and almost no way of proving any kind of corruption ,
cause if they thought they were going to be caught they'd just have a fire and every thing was done on paper or chalk boards...
before we hooked them up with computers and all the knowledge to bring them up to where they can function in a level they were never able to good to see all these punishments and warnings about the corrupt ones ...u will be caught and u will be punished...imo...BL
RCS1947:   yep... as it should be! Thanks BondLady
 [tlm724] agreed as Iraq continues into the age of technology the easier it will to catch them at their nastiness
Fakhri Karim: whales financial corruption and manipulative deposits of citizens .. North Bank model ..
Author: Editor: 26/04/2016 22:15    Long-Presse / Baghdad
Started instigator of the Prime Minister to act against the strongholds of corruption in the sectors of finance and business, which the two most prominent symbols of corruption in the country, and I mean between the Onihm whales banking sector, including the large number of Translated this "R" which is the economic lifeline, and the imbalance which reflected a disaster for society and the state and their development.
"Long" it has published a damning documents about the corruption of this sector and tampering with public money, whether through the gate of the currency auction, or rather sell the currency and smuggling, or visual means and other channels of money laundering and recycled in a suspected Ssuytha the economics of the country.[/rtl]
It was supposed to be the reactions of the central bank, as the first question in this sector, which is responsible for monitoring it and working to prevent banks from trespassing on the rights of depositors and their money .. it was supposed to take strong measures, not only some of the financial sanctions against what he described as the bank "violators" Posting to sell the currency,
and at the same time, coordination with judicial authorities to follow up on what you are doing against the whales banking financial corruption. Central management may have done what jurisdiction you see her, but duty-bound to circulate them that they have taken to protect public money, and go to promote a financial culture among concerned citizens, some of them to turn at least to the eyes of sentinel expose abuses.[/rtl]
What is clear, and between, the central bank has failed to protect the rights of thousands of depositors' funds and individuals, in addition to companies, institutions and special interests, including the authorities and media institutions. This failure and neglect under connected so far, putting at risk the serious situation of thousands of families, deposited or that receive salaries and bonuses of institutions and interests deposited in private banks, and including Foundation "term" which have deposited what she has in the North Bank pretext of "anonymous trust," President of the Board of Directors Dry Nawzad.[/rtl]
Although informed the central bank governor and his administration responsible for the supervision of private banks, this situation a year ago and more, and complaints of depositors, some of whom were forced to sell assets at a loss to double, the governor and his aides remained committed to the silence of the Sphinx, as if the erosion of thousands of Iraqi conditions and subjected their interests at risk North Bank due to poor management and manipulation deposits subtle ways, do not concern them are not included in this form or that at the heart of their specialty.[/rtl]
The most prominent North Bank and members of its board of shareholders, also indicate the facts, and that if other banks, bought over the years, dozens of factories and companies and real estate projects, and these properties cover many cities and various investments, are skeptical affected by the bank's policy of outsourcing these investments,
stressing that it had withdrawn from the private deposits in the bank crooked ways and away from the keenness of essential connected to the control of the central bank, but that the central administration has not obscured by the bank and his ilk from the sale of currency window, as he did not take the initiative to take over the deposit reserve bank has to withdraw deposits and withdrawals records, to take over the bank dues Exchange management depositors.[/rtl]
Among the property of a few officials in the Board of Directors of the Bank, a group of investment returns for each of the gentlemen Nawzad dry Saad Faik his elbow and Tarek al-Hassan and Essam al-Asadi: residential towers, cement Delta plant, a large basket of stocks in the Asia Cell, the largest plant drugs in Sulaimaniya, plant Gypsum in Sulaimaniya, plant for the manufacture of non-alcoholic beverages cans, shares in the group PepsiCo Baghdad, markets in Baghdad and Sulaimaniya, Hotel Babylon, a private transport planes,[/rtl]
Supply kinds of foreign cigarettes company, in addition to dozens of other investments, vast lands and properties as the Nawzad dry Saad Faik his elbow in Baghdad on the Tigris River, Abu Nawas and Jadiriyah, including a great host. Among the depositors Organization of Kurdistan to help cancer patients that have deposited 6 billion dinars collected from benevolent people and dozens of other investments.[/rtl]
The question remains, if this is not what is happening in the private banks do not enter into the door of financial corruption and tampering, is not linked to firmly fix Mr. Haider al-Abadi, not in the box is interesting and the validity of the central bank, what is the characterization of corruption? Will the central bank, which it was said that billions of dollars have crept from his window to sell the currency, it is not among the goals of reform and change, or that his administration "is safeguarded irresponsible"?![/rtl]
[rtl]It will follow in the days midwife other models in this area than reform sundown waiting for what is possible that overlooks the gate, even timidly, suspended and may emanate light at the end of this dark tunnel.  LINK

 [tlm724] Started instigator of the Prime Minister to act against the strongholds of corruption in the sectors of finance and business, which the two most prominent symbols of corruption in the country,
[tlm724] has published a damning documents about the corruption of this sector and tampering with public money, whether through the gate of the currency auction, or rather sell the currency and smuggling
[tlm724] go get those SOB's, enough already !!
[tlm724] stop the auction and float your currency and rid yourselves of the headache !
[cat] yes
[tlm724] let the CBI or MOF pay for the imports, create a better , more secure system for it and let the rest of them use the dinar ! If they would just get the dinar recognized for international payments they wouldn't need the dollar.
[tlm724] no need for all this XX !!

Umm Qasr port receives "a giant vessel" is the largest entering Iraqi ports
Author: AHF, SKM editor: AHF 4/26/2016 19:14    Long-Presse / Basra
Received the port of Umm Qasr, on Tuesday, the biggest giant steamer up the Iraqi ports since its founding in 1919, and in Iraqi ports company that showed the ship to dock berths for large size, it confirmed that the Iraqi ports in the process of evolution to receive the giant ships.
The director of relations and media in the Iraqi ports company Anmar net in an interview with (long-Presse) "The ship (MSC ROBERTA) is the largest giant steamer carrying containers entered the ports of Iraq," noting that it "docked in the port of Umm Qasr, south of Basra payload weighing about 45,803 tons and a length of about 297 meters long and 11 meters where Bgatts bearing the Liberian flag. "
He added that the net "This ship is the first giant steamer up the Iraqi ports since it was founded in 1919, where he anchored on piers No. 14 and 15 to be absorbed to their large size."
Net and between "the Iraqi ports in the process of advancement and development to receive the giant ships , especially after the completion of the port of Faw , which is one of the largest ports of the region ."
Founded Iraqi ports in 1919 during the British occupation, the establishment of the first berth in the Mnia stronghold where is the stronghold of the first Iraqi port and then followed by the establishment of ports, including the ports of Abu Flus and Khor Al-Zubair Umm Qasr.LINK     


Abadi in Parliament
Hakim coalition asserts: Abadi will provide the remainder of his booth next Saturday
27/04/2016 13:57      BAGHDAD / tomorrow Press: the citizen block to the leader of the Supreme Council Ammar al - Hakim, announced on Wednesday that Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi will provide the remainder of the ministerial cabin in on Saturday.
 A member of the cluster Hussein Khalati for "tomorrow 's Press," " The prime minister Haider al - Abadi will provide the remaining of his booth ministerial next Saturday , "noting that" Abadi can not provide his booth cabinet within 48 hours , he promised. "
" The first change would be prime minister next stage will be to change agents and the general directors and independent bodies , "explaining that" the board Representatives decided not to merge ministries and stay on the 22 ministries. " and held about 181 deputies, on Tuesday, a session chaired by Salim al - Jubouri , in the Great Hall of the parliament building after Tadhirhm held in the parliament Hall President, which unanimously voted to revoke the dismissal of the presidency of the Council by the protestors procedures.
followed by a vote on the candidates for the portfolios, which was granted confidence to three ministers are in fulfillment of James Baldwin, Minister of Labour and social Affairs, and Hassan al - Janabi , a minister of water resources, and Alaa rich and Minister of Health, while the Council rejected candidates Abadi , the Departments of Justice and Education.      LINK

 [tlm724] al - Hakim, announced on Wednesday that Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi will provide the remainder of the ministerial cabin in on Saturday.
[tlm724] good lets get it done and move on to the step in the reforms !

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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