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Tuesday, April 26, 2016

KTFA Monday Night CC Notes 4-25-16  Part 1


Aggiedad77:  Here are those monumental notes from last night's CC.....frame these...they are worthy....enjoy   .Aloha   Randy

*** The comments made by Frank26, Delta and others are their sole OPINIONS and cannot and should not be used as any form of financial, tax, banking or investment advice! We offer NO DATE, NO RATE on this forum!!! ***

CC Notes for Monday 04-25-2016

 Frank26:  Guess what it is now time to do our study of the Iraqi dinar, and as you know we review just a little bit…..when we get with you before we get into the new material….and another thing….all honor and glory to our Heavenly Father….to our God who put together our teams…..who gives us the information that we take to you….and that you take back to God in prayer….see how that cycle works….see how that ring of commitment works between the two of us.
No we don’t give dates….we don’t give rates…..we study what the Iraqi dinar is doing with the Monetary Reform along with many reforms that they are involved with right now….and the study right now has us in what is called the ReInstatement of the Iraqi dinar…..we are walking into what is called the Revaluation of the Iraqi dinar….IMO….we are walking into it.
There are many things that are going on….and as much as we have always said that the CBI and the GOI are two completely separate entities….it’s more like the relationship between a man and a woman in a marriage….it is still a man and it is still a woman….completely separate entities…..but yet their commitment to each other has identified them as one.
You know very well Family because you have been coming every Monday to listen to us…..that IOO (in our opinion) …..we thought that the revaluation of the Iraqi dinar was going to occur in July of last year…..we didn’t tell you this….we certainly don’t give a date or rate….but in our study we were pointing that July had good potential….but let’s see what happens….and as you know the story…..the IMF in the first week of July released an article that basically said look…..we are working with the CBI but….the conditions are not right….right now….

And then if you recall BlueStar, John, nine years ago directly asked Dr. Shabibi…..Dr. Shabibi when do you plan to raise the value of your currency for your country…..and he looked at John and he said well…..ahhhhhhhhhh (like a 45 second long “ahhhh”)…..he did this, taking his time because he wanted to give the right answer….emotionally the answer would have been….hey tomorrow…..hey as soon as we can John…..but John, you know as much as things….you know we can lift it if we want… know John I think….as the governor of the CBI John, BlueStar I think that ahhhhhhhhhhh…..we need conditions to improve a little bit better… Iraq….not only within our country, within our economy, but also within our banking structure… know what I mean John…..

And John sits back down and says thank you…..but that was a historical question with historical truth behind it.
Family…..IMO….this conference call….this Monday night conference call is going to tell you….ahhmmm….this is CLOSURE.
So to review…..very simply in July we thought it was going to happen…..and then you know what happened right after that don’t you….August, September, October, November…..oh my goodness….the United States of America….well excuse me the coalition forces really went into Iraq and cleaned things up didn’t they…..I mean from the good guys, the US, Australia, Canada….all the way to the bad guys….you know….Russia, China….

What is going on here….we learned that enough is enough…..hey Gorbechov did you bring down the wall…..yes we did…..well let’s make money honey……we basically do now….in fact we are at this new era on this planet earth where it is not so much the hatred and the wanting to kill you because you are different… is more the….eh….let’s make money….I don’t care who you are….China….what’s up….I mean really….China…..I mean good God….the most disrespectful country on this planet….China and the US in bed together….seriously….

The three muskateers ( Backdoc, Thunderhawk and Mountainman) are telling you very clearly why they are in bed together….but I’m looking at that and saying….seriously…..we couldn’t have picked somebody else like Russia….oh excuse me we did…..we couldn’t have picked somebody else like Vietnam…..oh wait a minute we did…..and what do you want China….gold….why….because it depegs from the USD….and you think that your currency has the same influence that the world can peg to….you need a lot of gold don’t you……laughing…..we have a lot of gold don’t we….

We just found caves and caves of it… fact I can show you a place where we have the largest embassy in the world…..and they don’t have veins…..they don’t have mines of gold…..the whole mountain is solid gold… yeah China you can kiss my gluteus maximus any time you want…..sure Iran what do you want…..your assets….why don’t you kiss my assets first….you will….you want to make a deal….alright….here’s what we need….you guys chill on your nuclear proliferation…and what we need more than anything else is heavy water…..give me the heavy water….no he ain’t heavy….he’s just my brother now.
So all of these weird combinations and the muskateers have been showing you why….it’s just amazing….because it is a new baby being born on this planet earth…..we are going to become… making nations…..and there are a lot of us……excuse me Christine Legarde….would you happen to have a list of nations that are about to…..oh you already do….Christine how do you feel about Iran….woohoo…..Christine how do you feel about Iraq…..woohoo….ok…..hey Jack how do you feel about all of this…..oh you too….ok….me too.
You know it just seems to me that conditions are right….and if conditions are right…..well then that is alright with me too…..I told you Family everything will be ok with your investment….we can’t give you dates or rates….but everything will be ok in the end….if everything is not ok right now it is because it is not the end…..BUT EVERYTHING IS OK.
So we made all kinds of deals and we made all kinds of bargains behind closed doors and in closed meetings where it would confuse you and you didn’t understand and why we are doing things now…..even the President of the US goes to Saudi Arabia and he buries the 9/11 documentation….I mean he buries everything and everything is cool….you guys ok….everyone ok, Iran, Iraq, Middle East….no body wants to kill anyone….you just want to make money… guys want to make money now…..yeah….why not….conditions are right.
There are many things that I wish I could tell you Family…..many meetings….but instead let me take you in a different direction….well in the same direction…..they are holding many private meetings….and they have a new focus….these meetings….which are mainly to settle…..personal issues……

And you may say…..well Frank… their banking structure set….is everything ready electronically…..are they ready to go….can they push a button and get going…..yeah….they can get going right now…..

Well why don’t they Frank? ….what did Dr. Shabibi say….when conditions are right….well what conditions are we trying to get….one that is very primitive….one that is very stone age….EMOTIONS…..but these emotions they are being curtailed and they are being controlled….and I’m really happy about what we are seeing….

You can’t see it….IMO…..because the articles are hiding what they are doing…..they are having a lot of meetings….not just in government buildings but in private homes….they are having meetings….IMO….in the mosques. 

I want you to understand Family that these meetings are progressing forward….it’s not so much the reforms…..I think that is ready to go….laws…ready to go…..GOI….ready to go….Parliament….ready to go….cabinet….ready to go…..everyone ready to go…..well then what is the problem…..we still hate each other….and these meetings I think are ironing out an awful lot of that nonsense.
Jack Lew, which we pointed out to you last week….why are you there….I mean the head of a major department….come on….you should not be there….now because he is there something HUGE is going on with the US and Iraq…..and it’s many things….it’s a lifting of the value of their currency IMO…’s their bonds….we cosigned for the bonds for the love of bonds…..we cosigned…..

Let me ask you something…..when you cosign for somebody do you know what you are doing….you are taking on their responsibility….that in case they can’t pay….you are going to pay….do you think that is the reason we cosigned with Iraq….ten years….ten year to develop things….and that is why we told you last Monday… we can trust them….now we can cosign for these loans….

And by the way….no more charity….when did that stop…..almost exactly a year ago….no more charity… can get loans now….pay me sucker….pay me….shoot….and have they gotten any loans….last year….no…this year….no… us sucker…..well give us the loans….raise the value because you aren’t going to pay us at no 1166….now you may say why don’t they do it….why do they delay….why this….why that….because you are not an economic major… don’t have a PhD in economic affairs over in the Middle East and you don’t know what is going on….so accept that…..and be grateful that we have these Monday meetings where we can get together and we can share TEAM studies…..they are pretty good aren’t they.
So Jack….how you doing…why are you there….well we are here to cosign not only the bonds but of many things we are going to do with Iraq very soon….no kidding….yeah….and you have the confidence in Iraq right now….yep….the US has confidence in Iraq….yep….why…..because we are there….ohhh….that is kind of like checkmate isn’t it….yeah…..

The US had their bellies full and we told you last Monday that is enough of this garbage….and we told there were a lot of meetings going on and that the Holy Men were involved in these meetings in big time conditions….so cosigning is nothing…that is chump change….that is kind of old….the meetings are so blatant that they are telling you they are going to give them loans….

I know they are telling us they are going to give them loans…..well don’t you understand how blatant that is…..what do you mean…..the only way they can get these loans is if they are Article 8 compliant….and the only way you are Article 8 compliant is if you lift the value of your currency… they want the loans… you want air…..are they going to get the loans…..they got….they are going to get them….then that means they are going to have to raise the value of their currency….well they are not as stupid as I look…..the meetings are so blatant…..

So we are going to give them loans….so you have to lift the value of your currency first….yeah….so what….isn’t that rather blatant….the US and Iraq together in cosigning these loans….come on….and we told you it is mainly because we trust them….but it is also because we have a DOG in this FIGHT….we have a BARK that has a BITE.
Where did you get that money Iraq….from the USA….what are you going to do with that money…..why don’t you do this….or that… because the Americans are here…..we have a bite in this fight….we are going to tell them what to do with everything….you just have the ability to do it….you got the green light….all three now get it done….do it….raise the value of your currency…..and we will protect everything…..we will protect our interest….oh SNAP….the big light bulb just came on….on everybody’s head….no wonder we married Iraq…..

Like my wife….I will protect her….and everything that she owes anybody that becomes my interest….and no body can tell me what to do with my wife….nor Iraq….because they will not fail….no our marriage will not fail….and this has much to do with the reforms….especially the MR….and this is the closest we have put the GOI and CBI together…..we have always separated them Family….but there is a reason to put them together….these meetings are doing it.
Our brother DELTA told you very plainly….Iraq has to remove the emotion in order to move forward…..they have everything they need…..I told you Abadi has everything he needs….for the reforms….all we need is to get rid of the emotion….this nonsense….and they are doing it Family…..

In fact….I’m going to take a dangerous step and tell you as of this day the 25th of April, 2016……they have removed the emotion.
So that time that they removed the emotion….three became one…..and those three were protected by what we call Ninja warriors….what I’m trying to tell you is that once these meetings dissipated….the next day the Rafadain….the Rasheed….and the Central Bank of Iraq were surrounded….now you know darn well who they were surrounded by….I don’t have to get into that….and they are still there and they are still protecting….you can’t get any where near them….

In fact as soon as they went in….at 10:00 in the morning…..they told all the employees…..go home….but we just got here to work…..go home…..why isn’t our boss telling us to go home….why is the military telling us…..GO HOME… has been this way now for the third day…..let me ask you something Family….you know there are many banks in Iraq don’t you……you know there are hundreds of banks in Iraq don’t you…..of course you do….why would our military surround just these three banks.
Ok what did we say…..Family look at your notes….give me Mosul…what percentage….we got it…..inside of this  place are banks that we need….is it not….the CBI, Rasheed, and Rafadain Banks are secured….even the demonstrators are protecting it…..why….why these three banks….why are these three banks becoming one…..these three banks are giving a green light….IMO….to the MR of the Iraqi currency of this country….why would they not invite other banks….why not Trade Bank…..because these are the three that are connected in order to move forward in the MR…

IMO….with these two state banks and the Central Bank….something is going on with the MR….it is that simple… is private….it is not for our eyes….something is going on with the MR… is that simple.
There was a Letter of Intent….it was sent to and by and from the IMF and it says…..”Iraq, the World Bank, the IMF, the Rasheed Bank, the Rafadain Bank, we completed 98% of bank restructuring….of the fully structured ready to contribute”……oh my…..shut the front door…there is no more BS….I am telling that every Monday we could literally say good night to you and good bye to you and you will never need me again…..IMO.
Why these three banks…..why not the other banks…..why at 10 am they let everyone go….why is it over a weekend….I like Tuesdays and Thursdays I’ve always told you, I’m not changing…what’s your name…..Frank26….I’m not changing.
Go….Go….Go….do not go away….they surrounded these buildings….why this protection and not protect the other banks…..why is it that we are having report after report from the IMF, World Bank, Iraq…..from everybody…..even Iran…..why is it from all of these places there are so much positive reports about Iraq at 1166….either I’m stupid or they are stupid…..but you know what….neither one of us are….it is a new beginning for many countries….that are waiting for Iraq….IMO.
In the first half of 2016 according to the IMF that has never lied to me and answers to the powers of this planet earth….12…..the countries are being set up like dominoes….IMO….all the countries of this earth are being set up as dominoes…..because when the first one falls, it affects the next country, then the next…..

It is set up to statistically benefit each country….this is a progression of domino effect that you can ever begin to understand….and that is why it has taken so long….10 years or more…and that is why when it comes out it will come out pretty darn good….and that is why Jack Lew is there because he has the experience of what happened in Kuwait and that is why he is doing it all over again and we learned that IMO it won’t come out at 3+ it will come out at 1 to 1 IMO…..

I love Tuesdays and Thursdays.
We are ready to let their army go into Fallujah….we told you last week Family and Mosul….because we have softened them enough….just like we are ready to let them go ahead and do things…..the CBI has just been waiting for ever and ever for all of this…..they are going to remove the inbred DNA that only wants to cause them to constantly argue with each other…..they even admit it….we got to stop this bickering….this fighting…this corruption….this stuff….thank God the Holy Men turned this basically into a Holy War.
Now Abadi you know what you got to do….dig into your Constitution and take out Article 61 and GOI….how about GO! looks the same….GO…take Article 61….the delays right now are limited….these types of delays are being done here at the end…these delays….need to turn into a new beginning… the end of this month the electronic bonds will be out… the end of this month there is no reason for them to not have a new rate for their currency….IMO.
But Abadi is now using his power…..along with the Holy Men….and the US presence to form this new government….not one made by corruption or by corrupt ministers….no….the laws that we’ve told you a long time ago were done…these laws will now be used to punish these bad people with the court systems and the same with Maliki….Maliki’s reign will come to an end….and for those of you who are constantly asking me…..why don’t we arrest him….your ignorance shows too much….stop it….we’ve explained why…..laws, the US presence, Article 61, the Holy Men….these are all things that are going to bring justice….they fired people to make deals with people…..they adjusted things within the GOI.
Now let the smoke clear and when Abadi clears his house….you will see it will no longer be a divided house…..legally….Abadi is doing what he has to do….same way the US troops did what they had to do…and still we gave them credit….even the UN is saying…..”Failure is gone from Iraq”….and IMO…..Abadi is doing many things

Family…..why do you think there is so much attention to a country that is at 1166…..why do you think the three muskateers have tried so hard to tell you about China and what they are doing with the US and I finally spoke a little bit about it….they were supposed to have a specific amount of reserves….53 then 52 billion but they went into the 40’s… enough….you can’t do that….

That…IMO….was one of the biggest reasons besides corruption because they asked us to come in there….when we saw the reserves go down….we forced that issue…..and like I told you….look at the price of oil we kept telling you….and look at the dates….January, February, March, going into April….

What did we tell you….at the end of April it would explode….get ready….why….I don’t know….get ready….IMO….get ready is all I am going to say.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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