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Monday, April 25, 2016

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments  4-25-16  Part 3 of 3

​Post From BondLadys Corner
BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments  4-25-16  Part 3 of 3

International auditor 's report reveals irregularities b " billions of dinars " in the provinces and the Kurdistan region
25/04/2016 11:43    BAGHDAD / tomorrow Press : affirmed international auditor firm ( Ernst & Young ) to monitor the work of the Iraqi ministries, on Tuesday, he point observations and irregularities " important and significant " the Iraqi provinces of work , including the provinces of the Kurdistan region, as pointed out that the completion of these projects is low and lagging behind ratios, He pointed out the existence of legal violations in the financial and administrative transactions .
The auditor 's report received " Tomorrow 's Press , " a copy of it, that " Basra province entered contractual obligations different amount 9798727000 dinars, without the approval of the Ministry of Planning and without a financial allocation in the federal budget ,

contrary to instructions, and in another note has to maintain contract with the Al Rasheed processing mechanisms specialized vehicles and rocket - propelled amount 6550000000 dinars, though the company is not specialized in this field has prompted the province to pay an advance batch amounted to 100% of the contract value
and the percentage of achievement 0% up to withdraw the work has not been able to maintain the restored amount of the advance, which represents the full amount of the contract until the date of audit completion conservative and did not take any action against the company .
" he said the auditor that he " has the province to withdraw the work from five companies amounted to contracts 307822232217 dinars " without taking any legal action against those companies or entities that referred them to work despite the incompetence " , has not been able to maintain the confiscating letters of guarantee issued by banks incompetent to these contracts .
" in Najaf , the report said , " that the province referred five decades at the same time to one company is a permanent river and $ 5,194,392,405 dinars , and the ratio of the actual achievement in these projects , ranging from 2% to 62% up to 31 Cannon the first 2014 did the province to take any action against the company above .
" point the report, also " contracted by the province in 2011 two contracts with a single company , a monumental architecture on the same day and $ 7.806 billion dinars note that the two decades of the previous and ongoing contracts and was the completion rate in two decades 53 % and 59% ,
despite the extra periods granted and that was 510 days for one of them and in 1004 on the last was the amount spent on the two decades up to the same date 4.257 billion dinars, however, the conservative signed a third contract with " the same as the company 's lagging " , amounting to 1.4005 billion dinars .
" he added ,  " for to hand over the sites their concerns are one of the comments auditing firm and the low percentage of completion on other projects amounting arrived 5163358000 dinars, despite the additional periods granted to the contracting companies, and in other contracts concluded by the province granted extra periods contracting companies ranged between 131% and 281% ,
of the four contracts worth 21041558000 dinars, while the amount of the advances accumulated unfiltered reached 10769270216 dinars , despite more than a year after each other . "
In the province of Babylon Asher report also, " three lagging behind decades since 2007 and 2008 amounted to 5.596 billion dinars ranged achievement rates between 0 % to 40% up to October the first 2015 did not provide maintaining audit Boulyat those contracts the company,
there are three lagging behind decades of the year in 2011 and 2012 and three decades parked although working out began in 2012 , and there are five decades of $ 6.495956 billion dinars a standstill despite the high percentage of completion in their projects . "
as Asher checker " the failure of the conservative study and analyze the final accounts of the firms tenders despite a request from those accounts which leads to hiring incompetent firms, and in the five decades for the establishment of schools in different places of the province inevitably to the General Mansour company has been executing company lagged achievement conservative and did not take any action against the company in addition to maintaining that auditing firm did not provide Boulyat follow - up projects . "
in the province of Diwaniya , the auditor said the " Notes auditing firm hold on the bridge rail in Diwaniya assigned to the banks of the Euphrates company at $ 339975000 dinars was the first of contract assignment in November 2011 before obtaining the approval of the municipality of Diwaniyah Directorate,
and the lack of municipal approval to set up a bridge incompatible with the design of the city, asked to maintain the nomination of an alternative site was another request by the province dated in February 2015 , noting that the audit firm was unable to find out the amount spent on the contract .
" because of the lack of information in the province show what has been spent on each contract according to claim conservative in her book directed to the auditing firm . "
 he continued, " was not to create customized to set up a project sites is one of the observations of the international auditor, plus a noticeable amount of advances suspended until 31 December the first in 2014 , which amounted to 18,315,504,156 dinars, and the note is the other for the low percentage of completion in four projects of $ 2.540495 billion dinars ,
which ranged between 35% and 65% to to December 2014 ". He added the international report, " in Wasit province were the first observations of the international auditor are advances operating granted to the four decades of the contracting companies, which did not recover after the withdrawal of work , including where he had a balance as at 31 Cannon the first 2013 amounted to $ 59,893,421,371 dinars was not able to maintain recover amounts " due to private banks refused to reserve funds or rejection of the letters of guarantee , claiming it was rigged " , has also conservative regardless instruments without balance of $ 2447862852 dinars . "
He warned the international auditor in Wasit province, said , " there are five other projects on hold in the amount of 54,797,087,050 dinars due to the withdrawal of labor in which the contracting companies , but the contracts liquidation took a long time and was attributed feat in those contracts up to date the withdrawal of work ranging between 0% and 71% , and tarry implementation of six projects worth $ 58,143,850,269 dinars , despite began working in one of them in " 2011.
the lack of readiness of the work sites of the projects one notes the international auditor, and the other stopped projects because of the lack of liquidity on the part of the province's 4 different contracts of $ 95619313000 dinars, in addition to the province referred projects amounting 7501944000 dinars in contrast to the instructions of the Ministry of Finance, where he contracted before approving the budget .
" in the Kurdistan region were observations international auditor with him in 2014 , " not to prepare the Ministry of Finance and economy in the Kurdistan detailed report of all federal revenues to check by the BSA in the region and transferred to the Federal Ministry of Finance, in addition to the lack of a detailed report receivables suspended and details between the province and the center for the period from 2004 to 2014 as opposed to the laws of the budget " ,
on the other hand it showed scrutiny and there 's predecessor suspended since 2011 with the Ministry of Finance Federal amount ( 1.184593 trillion) dinars belonging dues oil companies operating in the region . "
the report also found " the existence of a contract with the Zagros company for the processing of secondary power plants was signed in 2012 at $ 72 million dollars has not been implemented to to December 2015 , while the contract design, construction and operation water Akre site station by the Ministry of municipalities
and Tourism in the province in October 2012 implementation period of 630 days was the completion rate in which 25% represent civil works and that as of November 2015 , although the station processing is the most important part of the contract at a time when the extension period amounted to 66% of the duration of the original contract . "
He went on, " in the Ministry of Education in the province have signed a number of contracts for the printing of books without taking prior approval and without updating the study costs are speculative, point checker existence of checks paid to contractors in exchange for a commitment from the contractor had not withdrawn for lack of liquidity,
and between report the reluctance of the nine projects in the province of Sulaymaniyah because of the incompetence of the executing companies and the proportion of the implementation of the three of them zero %. "  LINK

tlm724:    affirmed international auditor firm ( Ernst & Young ) to monitor the work of the Iraqi ministries, on Tuesday, he point observations and irregularities " important and significant " the Iraqi provinces of work , including the provinces of the Kurdistan region, as pointed out that the completion of these projects is low and lagging behind ratios, He pointed out the existence of legal violations in the financial and administrative transactions .
tlm724:    and so it begins, time to hold the corrupt accountable !!

Gang arrested for theft of central Diwaniya
Author: AR, HH, TZ Editor: AR, HH 25/04/2016 11:12  Long-Presse / Diwaniya
Diwaniyah police command announced on Monday for the arrest of a gang of two people to steal home during the operation carried out by troops, the center of Diwaniya (180 km south of Baghdad).
He Diwaniyah police chief Maj. Gen. Hamza Abdul Zaid, in the interrupted by a (long-Presse), "The communiqué reported to Mvarzna citizens reported the implementation of a robbery gang on the home of an engineer, the center of Diwaniya,"
noting that he "was immediately conduct field inspection on the shop incident, in the presence of forensic evidence, which interrupted with information experts Vakchwna involvement of three people to the crime. "
Abdul Zaid added that "the combined force of anti-crime and intelligence office, managed to arrest two people belong to a gang that carried out robberies with knives on a house engineered process", adding that "the amount that was stolen is $ 4900, in addition to gold jewelry box worth eight million dinars ".
He said Abdul Zaid, that "the accused confessed during questioning the involvement of two other people to the crime," pointing out that "the security forces carried out search operations for the other two after Uncover clues indicating their whereabouts."
The Diwaniya (180 km) south of Baghdad, the provinces that are stable security remarkable but experiencing every now and then, for various criminal offenses and attacks affecting citizens and security forces alike.   LINK
Bondlady:      robberies like this is in Iraq news almost daily compared to maybe 1 every few months...its daily or almost daily, its almost as if there tryin to send a message trying to get the people to use banks for there money instead of under the mattress type thing,  ...letting them know if they would trust the banks again they would have still had there money and not to have been stolen...BL
tlm724:    thank you BondLady !! so true
House sitters refuse to attend Tuesday's session
Author: AB, MK  Editor: AB 25.04.2016 12:31   Long-Presse / Baghdad   Announced sitters Representatives, on Monday, refused to attend the parliament session on Tuesday chaired by Salim al-Jubouri, while underlining the illegality of the hearing.
The MP said Mutasim Mohammed al-Tai during a press conference at the parliament building and attended (range Press), "The protesters Representatives held today, a meeting which deliberated position tomorrow Tuesday's session, led by former parliament speaker Salim al-Jubouri," stressing that "the protesters deputies decided not to attend session being illegal. "
He said al-Tai, that "the House of Representatives of the protesters decided to stop all kinds of dialogue with the former president," calling "the former president to abide by the decision of the Federal Court which stipulated that any aggrieved by the decision of the House of Representatives, he has recourse to the Court to resolve the conflict."
Tai pointed out that "the head of the interim hearing Adnan al-Janabi will determine a new date for the next session." 
The cleric Moqtada al-Sadr called, on Sunday, his supporters to postpone the "million-man march angry" to next Tuesday, and attributed this to the postponement of the parliamentary session, while urging them "not to a failure to support the reform and the yard at home."
The presidency of the Iraqi Council of Representatives on Sunday,,, decided to hold a comprehensive hearing next Tuesday to discuss the government's reform and readiness to host the parliament, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to view his booth ministerial.
The cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, called on Saturday (23 April 2016) to a demonstration Magdy Rady on Monday, demanding to "vote on the new government cabin during an open session of the parliament," and accused political parties of "obstruction of the parliament and to complete the necessary quorum to vote the cabin, "and with the exception that the demonstration" Strabhm and force them "to hold a hearing and vote, called for" the gift of one people, women and men, young and children to achieve change. "

It is noteworthy that the Iraqi political scene of severe congestion compounded by a sit-in group of deputies, and removal of the Presidium of the parliament, the center refused Speaker Salim al-Jubouri, a collection of important political blocs, recognizing the legitimacy of the procedure,
while the Sadrists pressure on the current ministers to resign immediately, demanded a vote on "closed envelope" first, to resolve the current crisis List, before announcing the cleric Moqtada al-Sadr to freeze the work of the Liberal parliamentary bloc and to end their sit-in in parliament, which affected a quorum to hold the meetings called by the sitters.   LINK 
tlm724:    omg *slap* knock it off
Bangladesh executes the Prime Minister because of embezzling $ 400 thousand dollars
25/04/2016 12:30 | Direction Press / Agencies
Carried out on Sunday in Dhaka Central Jail in Bangladesh the death sentence against Khaleda Zia's Bangladesh Prime Minister earlier, was the prison administration to transfer the body to finish all of the burial procedures, where they were on death row at one time only a quarter.
Khaleda Zia, religion is the Prime Minister of Bangladesh's former office where she was from 1991 until I left that position in 1996, where she was the first woman to ascend to the post in her country and then glanced harmlessly off the post again in the period from 2001 to 2006.
The former prime minister Khaleda Zia religion is married to a former Bangladeshi prime "Ziaur Rahman" She is also president of the National Party Bangladeshi, he has been charged Khaleda Zia and three lady of her aides of embezzling $ 400 thousand dollars and wasting public money and embezzlement of the treasury for philanthropy.
Khaleda's wealth has reached Zia more than $ 200 million in 2009, The Ministry of Justice today governing them and the two others to death by hanging, one of them its own adviser claims Salahuddin Qwaider Chaudhry, and the other big Islamist party in Bangladesh claims Ahsan Mohammad Mujahid, after rejection request them presidential amnesty.
The death penalty was put in a Sunday morning, and were rushed to finish the burial ceremony in Bangladesh amid major security tightened.
Bondlady:     see whats goin on here?  lol this is in Iraq news, they've ((the protestors))set up gallows in front of ministers offices, for corruption. letting it be known what happens to other people of power when u rob your people Wink  I like it... no matter who u are, your to be held
tlm724:   yes ma'am !!!!
Abdul-Mahdi: gallows erected and surround the actions of the ministries "undemocratic"
20/04/2016 10:10 |

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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