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Saturday, April 30, 2016

Wealthwatch Chat Room News & Comments  4-30-16  Part 2 of 3

Post From  Chat Room
Wealthwatch Chat Room News & Comments  4-30-16  Part 2 of 3
chattels: The defeat of DAESH or any such group militarily is not the end but the beginning and without reconciliation there can be no permanent solution or peace according to serious observers.
chattels: To wit; Biden during his visit - Vice - President Joe Biden , who visited Iraq yesterday the US embassy in Iraq said that "Iraqi leaders stressed the importance of political stability to defeat al Daash."
chattels: the US vice - president on the importance of political stability to maintain the momentum in the battle against Daash urged Iraqi leaders to continue to push forward the political process wheel forward in ways that serve the interests and aspirations of the Iraqi people , " according to the statement.

 chattels: said the White House Josh Ernest "This is a good sign for continued US support for the efforts of the prime minister to unify Iraq in the face of the organization [Daash]."
chattels: Friday, April 29, 2016 Hawija The Moment Iraq’s Insurgency Was Reborn Three years ago the Iraqi insurgency re-emerged. In April 2013 the Baathist Naqshibandi group was able to provoke Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki to send the Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) to attack the Hawija protest site in southern Kirkuk governorate.
Immediately afterward other demonstration areas talked about taking up arms against the government, and there was a wave of violence by all the major militant groups. Security steadily deteriorated over the next year culminating in the fall of Mosul in 2014. The Hawija raid then was the moment the Iraqi militants began operating out in the open once again after their nadir following the U.S. Surge.
 chattels: On Wednesday, April 6, I sat in conversation with the Iraqi Ambassador to the United States Lukman Faily, for Global Leaders: Conversations with Alon Ben-Meir. The discussion with Ambassador Lukman Faily centered on the conflicts in Iraq and Syria, with a principal focus on the future of Iraq.
Other topics included the ongoing fight against ISIS, sectarian tensions between Sunnis and Shias, the prospect of full Kurdish autonomy or outright independence, the future of the Iraqi Sunnis, and how the influence of Iran shapes domestic politics in Iraq.
chattels: " ............ a conflict of US statements on the liberalization of the city of Mosul ......... "
 chattels: " the complete encirclement of Mosul before Ramadan ( June next) the most important of our concerns operational now. " turn ruled out , spokesman for the international Alliance against (Daash), Colonel Steve Warren, the possibility of " achieving complete the encirclement of Mosul within the period set by Carter that. "
 chattels: "Iraqi forces are now trying to shut down the south - west route between the tenderness of the Syrian city of Mosul, as well as supply regulation lines from north to south, between the cities of Baiji and Mosul. " she refused to Warren," to set a date encircle the city of Mosul process is completed , "
chattels: "number of militants (Daash) in Mosul between five to eight thousand people."
chattels: Parliament to raise its to the tenth of May
chattels: raised the presidency of the Iraqi Council of Representatives, on Saturday, the 27th of the second legislative term of the second legislative session for the year to next Tuesday, (the tenth of May 2016), for lack of quorum, and concern visit the death of Imam Moussa al-Kadhim (AS).
chattels: Sadrist protesters break into the Green Zone and the parliament building.
chattels: Demonstrators storming the building of the House of Representatives, on Saturday (April 30, 2016). Sadrist protesters break into the Green Zone and the parliament building
chattels: Courtesy of Butifldmr
Doug_W: ‹@chattels› GM
 chattels: Loveday Morris ‏@LovedayM 1h1 hour ago Protesters storming Iraqi Paliament- watch live here
chattels: Loveday Morris ‏@LovedayM 39m39 minutes ago Iraqi television showing hundreds of protesters inside the lobby of the parliament
chattels: Protesters storm Iraqi parliament in Baghdad
chattels: Sajad Jiyad ‏@SajadJiyad 10m10 minutes ago US embassy forces surround adjacent road to prevent any approach by protestors
chattels: Sajad Jiyad ‏@SajadJiyad 9m9 minutes ago Baghdad Ops Command announces emergency measures inside the city. IZ SOF have avoided clashing with protestors so far
chattels: Sajad Jiyad ‏@SajadJiyad 40s41 seconds ago SOF Golden Brigade now giving final warning to protestors to withdraw. Can't see how @Mu_AlSadr is in charge or wanted this
chattels: Kirk H. Sowell ‏@UticaRisk 2m2 minutes ago Two biggest threats are Sadr mob attack on parl't: 1) attacks on embassies 2) ignition of intra-Shia militia war in Baghdad.
chattels: Kirk H. Sowell ‏@UticaRisk 8s9 seconds ago Remember the hard response from other Shia militia groups when Sadrists first began threatening this. Other Shia groups are not defenseless.
chattels: Maybe there was the " RV " today and the mob is just celebrating :)
chattels: Kirk H. Sowell ‏@UticaRisk Kirk H. Sowell Retweeted Kirk H. Sowell I'd like to repeat this comment from 2 days ago re the April 26 session: giving into mob threats encourages more.
chattels: Kirk H. Sowell ‏@UticaRisk The April 26 session was a victory for Abadi and Jiburi. But it also implicitly legitimized mob rule.
chattels: Kirk H. Sowell ‏@UticaRisk 4m4 minutes ago And some moron at al-Sumaria TV just ran the Iraqi national anthem while showing pictures of the mob attacking public property.
chattels: iraqoilforum ‏@iraqoilforum 4m4 minutes ago #Iraq Parliament stormed, govt buildings ransacked, MP beaten, state of emergency declared...can it get any worse?
chattels: Hayder al-Khoei ‏@Hayder_alKhoei 9m9 minutes ago Angry protestors storm the Green Zone & take selfies inside parliament. #Iraq
chattels: Hayder al-Khoei ‏@Hayder_alKhoei 6m6 minutes ago Chaos in Baghdad today. #Iraq
chattels: Baghdad Operations Command announced on Saturday a state of emergency in the capital after protesters storm the Green Zone.
chattels: stressing the central bank and government banks , security measures
chattels: security forces imposed tight security on the Iraqi Central Bank building and government banks in Baghdad after storming demonstrators Green Zone.
chattels: Must be planning for an orderly exchange process with the " RV " :)
Dianne777: lol
chattels: Sadrist movement demanding his followers and protesters to vacate Parliament immediately
chattels: “All the ministers should be changed,” Sadr said. “I am waiting for the nation to announce a revolution against corruption.” He warned that, “The government has two choices: either reform or we will destroy it.”

chattels: Sajad Jiyad ‏@SajadJiyad 17m17 minutes ago PM inside JOC, don't think he will ask MPs to approve state of emergency as he expects situation to stabilise
chattels: Hayder al-Khoei ‏@Hayder_alKhoei 27m27 minutes ago Reports that protestors continue to enter the Green Zone but no other building besides parliament has been breached. #pt
chattels: Kirk H. Sowell Retweeted Hayder al-Khoei ‏@Hayder_alKhoei 14m14 minutes ago In stark contrast to attack on Fadhila MP Tuma, Sadrist MP Zamili is warmly greeted by protestors in Green Zone. #pt
chattels: Hayder al-Khoei ‏@Hayder_alKhoei 12m12 minutes ago More pics from inside parliament building. Looks like protestors are having quite the adventure. #pt
chattels: Hayder al-Khoei ‏@Hayder_alKhoei 9m9 minutes ago PM Abadi seen walking on foot in Green Zone along with senior security officers. Rumours that he fled Baghdad clearly false.
chattels: Hayder al-Khoei ‏@Hayder_alKhoei 6m6 minutes ago Sharqiya reporter quotes PM Abadi: "I am the one who gave orders to allow the protestors to enter the Green Zone" (peacefully) #pt
chattels: susannah george ‏@sgreports 31m31 minutes ago reports of violence begin to surface following the breach of Baghdad's Green Zone, MPs & their convoys attacked
chattels: appealed to the House of Representatives sitters cleric Moqtada al - Sadr, the demonstrators to withdraw from the Green Zone for fear of uncontrollable things and the collapse of the state.
chattels: Witnesses reported that the Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi, wandering in the Green Zone after the storming of the protesters for the region. Witnesses said senior security leaders and a major security force accompanied Abadi on his tour in the region.
Tootsie: Evacuation Abadi al - Jubouri , from the Green Zone 30/04/2016 16:13 Evacuation Abadi al-Jubouri of the Green Zone. Continued... - this is appx 40 min ago our time;
chattels: Hayder al-Khoei ‏@Hayder_alKhoei 9m9 minutes ago PM Abadi seen walking on foot in Green Zone along with senior security officers. Rumours that he fled Baghdad clearly false.
Tootsie: all out chaos abounds ~ storming parliament, etc ~ what's next?
chattels: Who can know for sure.
chattels: Going to take the rest of the day off - laterz all.
Tootsie: Abadi ordered the gates be opened, ~~ I would think he rather expected such.
Tootsie: Take care chattels! get a break!
Tootsie: Tomorrow is May Day - Wish they still had Maypoles in schools for the kiddos ~ - was a great celebration for spring - now turned into ~ sniff sniff
Doug_W: yes it was Toots
Tootsie: Good article here ~ w/video - from Washington Post via Google News (which has other items on such )
Tootsie: k, happy day - laterz

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