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Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Dinar Updates Tuesday AM Chat  4-26-16  Part 1 of 3

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Dinar Updates Tuesday AM Chat  4-26-16  Part 1 of 3

 flint says():the Parliament should already be in session over there
*.MOD.magnetlady.copy says():yes flint, would love great news to flow out of Iraq today
*.MOD.magnetlady.copy says():rcookie brought bunches out last night in his newstime.
flint says():yes, I hope so
rcookie says():Urgent .. Abadi sat attend parliament and MPs attending the session sitters
04/26/2016  Independent) .. Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi arrived in parliament and went into the meeting hall.
A source from inside the Hall of Representatives that the protesters had entered the hall, accompanied by the Prime Minister. (End)

rcookie says():Urgent .. Saleem al-Jubouri, the House of Representatives calls for protesters to dialogue and to the interests of Iraq, rather than trying to obstruction of the House of Representatives session    Wrote: April 26, 2016
Salim al-Jubouri, the House of Representatives calls for protesters to dialogue and to the interests of Iraq, rather than trying to obstruction of the House of Representatives session
rcookie says():Jubouri: the next phase requires a major effort to improve the level of services to citizens (Details)
26-04-2016 02:26 PM  A correspondent 'orbit News' on Tuesday that the parliament speaker Salim al - Jubouri said during today 's meeting, the next stage requires us a great effort and a further, in order to improve the level of services to citizens.
The reporter said, that al - Jubouri said during a parliament session to be doing our utmost to provide all the well - off requirements, and the most prominent of these services of electrical energy, which is still the people to languish due to scarce supply, rights of citizens, and providing service to them, in line with a decent life , it is the first and ultimate goal , which has to be put monument our eyes without being deflected him in any way.
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rcookie says():House sitters Jubouri storming session and call termination
Author: AB, MK Editor: AB 26/04/2016 14:05 Number of Views: 285  Long-Presse / Baghdad  The protesters broke into the House of Representatives, on Tuesday, the parliament session, which was held under the chairmanship of Salim al-Jubouri, as demanded termination for "illegitimacy."
A parliamentary source said in an interview to the (long-Presse), "The protesters broke into the House of Representatives, the parliament session convened by House Speaker Salim al-minutes after the session."
The source, who asked not to be named, said: "Representatives of the protesters chanted slogans affirming the legitimacy of the hearing, demanding al-Jubouri terminated immediately."
And reached the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, on Tuesday, to the House of Representatives, as the session came to view the new ministerial his booth, the protestors chanted Representatives of the illegality of the meeting and (void. Void).
The Iraqi Council of Representatives held on Tuesday, its 25th of the second legislative term of the second legislative year, headed by Salim al-Jubouri, and the presence of 179 deputies, while sitters Jubouri House of Representatives met with chants of the protesters as "illegal" the meeting called by.
As senior source revealed on Tuesday for County deputies blocs of Badr and virtue of the parliamentary session called for by Saleem al-Jubouri, as he emphasized they were speaking on condition of achieving a comprehensive meeting to attend.
And announced the Liberal block of the Sadrist movement, on Tuesday (26 April 2016), for agreeing to attend the parliament session, which will be chaired by Salim al-Jubouri, and required the presence of Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi and display ministerial his booth for the new entry to the meeting, and while threatened to resort to "street Iraqi masses "in the absence of the presence of al-Abadi.
The Kurdistan Alliance, announced Tuesday, to agree to attend a meeting of deputies of the House of Representatives, called by Parliament Speaker Salim al-Jubouri, while speaking on condition of quorum to enter the session.
The senior source revealed on Tuesday (26 April 2016), that the protesters deputies "determined" to continue the open Bgelsthm headed by interim President Adnan al-Janabi in the parliament hall, while likely to Saleem al-Jubouri hold the meeting called for by in another room inside the parliament building.
The Iraqi Parliament Speaker Salim al-Jubouri called, on Monday (25 April 2016), all deputies to attend the comprehensive meeting, which will be held on Tuesday, pointed out that the current crisis, "embarrassed the country before the international organizations,"
and as he emphasized that those organizations required "restoration of political affairs" extend a helping hand of the state ", as MPs expressed confidence in" the country out of its crisis, "he pointed out resorting to the Constitution in the" political interpretations that have occurred recently in the parliament. "
And it announced the Presidency of the Council of Representatives, on Monday (25 April 2016), that the parliament will hold its 25th Legislative Chapter II second legislative year, on Tuesday (26 April 2016), while confirming that the agenda of the meeting will discuss the issue of the dismissal of the Council presidency , hosting the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to discuss the reshuffle.
The sitters of Representatives declared, on Monday (25 April 2016), refused to attend the parliament session chaired by Salim al-Jubouri, while underlining the illegality of the hearing.
The coming parliamentary session on Tuesday (26 April 2016), in conjunction with the gathering of thousands of demonstrators Sadrist movement, at the gate to the Green Zone in central Baghdad, to demand that the House of Representatives to vote on the new ministerial cabin, and achieve comprehensive reform, while they prepared the platform in front of hotel Rasheed preparation to receive their leader Moqtada al-Sadr.
He denied the cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, on Monday (25 April 2016), the reports about the postponement of the demonstration called for by, on Tuesday (26 April 2016), and waved to "other steps to lovers of quotas is wrapped to understand," the issued seven commandments of demonstrators notably "get away from the monument gallows and
rcookie says():leave the political bickering and inviting sympathetic blocks with the real Islam and the private non-corrupt willing to participate the demonstration," Iraqi tribes, intellectuals and employees of civil and currents and minorities called for "participating in the recovery of the rights of Iraq to be without captain necessity or corruption ".
The cleric Moqtada al-Sadr in the called, (24 April 2016), on his supporters to postpone the "demonstration millions of angry" to Tuesday (April 26, 2016), and attributed this to the postponement of the parliamentary session, while urging them "not to dereliction of support reform and the yard at home. "
It is noteworthy that the Iraqi political scene of severe congestion compounded by a sit-in group of deputies, and removal of the Presidium of the parliament, the center refused Speaker Salim al-Jubouri, a collection of important political blocs, recognizing the legitimacy of the procedure, while the Sadrists pressure on the current ministers to resign immediately, demanded a vote on "closed envelope" first, to resolve the current crisis List.
rcookie says():Protesters are demanding the lifting of Representatives session .. Jubouri and set them for the people waiting for you to accomplish (Details)   26-04-2016 02:16 PM
A correspondent 'orbit News' on Tuesday that the House of Representatives of the protesters demanded that the Presidency of the Parliament to suspend the session.
The correspondent said that the House of Representatives of the protesters demanded that the Presidency of the Parliament to suspend the session, which the parliament speaker Salim al summoned back to them that the people waiting for you to accomplish and not disrupt meetings of the Council.

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rcookie says():Chairman of the parliament form a committee to negotiate with the protesters of Representatives and declare the agreement to pass the government cabin
Tuesday 26-04-2016 | 2:29:22  Chairman of the parliament form a committee to negotiate with the protesters of Representatives and declare the agreement to pass the government cabin
rcookie says():Urgent: the Presidency of the Parliament declares the heads of blocs and Prime Minister agreement to vote on the ministerial cabin today   26-04-2016 02:34 PM
- See more at:
rcookie says():Jubouri calls on all political parties to resort to reason and to rely on the constructive dialogue in order to overcome all the language Crisis
26-04-2016 02:32 PM   A correspondent 'orbit News' on Tuesday that the parliament speaker called for in today 's session all political actors to resort to reason and to rely on the constructive dialogue in order to overcome all the language of crisis.

The reporter said, that al - Jubouri said that what happened in Tuz Khurmatu requires more calm and increase the pace of fruitful discussion brotherly, out of this unharmed crisis , God willing, adding that he must evoke both morale and all over the momentum of national unity and solidarity of brotherly solid, Daash factions to confront criminal gangs and that expropriated land and our cities and threatened the security of our country and our society.
rcookie says():Iraqi Council of Representatives held a session chaired by Salim al-Jubouri, and the presence of 180 deputies
Wrote: April 26, 2016  Salim-Jubouri-Council-Parliament   Iraqi Council of Representatives held its headed by Speaker Salim al-Jubouri, was hearing a quorum after attending a hundred and eighty deputies in addition to the continued entry of deputies from several blocks.
The head of the parliament during the session that all opinions respected and ability according to the law and order, saying that what was issued by the House of Representatives of the views of the place of high esteem as suggested al-Jubouri, the formation of a committee to negotiate with the protesters of Representatives and stand on their demands and admitted to the session hall
rcookie says():180 DEPUTIES....SO HE HAD A QUORUM......
magnetlady says():AWESOME
mrjazzman66 says():Great news indeed
rcookie says():Sadr threatens to once again sit and break into parliament
Tuesday 26-04-2016 | 2:35:25
rcookie says():The Presidency of the Parliament .. We agreed with the heads of blocs and the prime minister to vote on the ministerial cabin today
rcookie says():Iraq 's parliament held a session chaired by al - Jubouri and intercept deputies sit

APRIL 26, 2016  BAGHDAD - (dpa) - Iraq's parliament held Tuesday, a session chaired by Salim al-Jubouri and the Presidium of the parliament in the presence of 170 deputies, and deputies sit objection.
And sat Parliament Speaker Salim al-Jubouri, in his position in the platform chairman of the parliament as he sat his two deputies Hamoudi, the first MP Aram Sheikh on the second deputy beside him,
and the presence of 170 MPs of the citizen blocks led by Ammar al-Hakim and the Badr led by Hadi al-Amiri, the Cra of Shi'ite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, and the Islamic virtue Party and the Kurdistan Alliance and the Alliance of Sunni nationalist forces.
As deputies launched a sit-in of the roughly 100 members of Parliament cheers in the vicinity of the parliament session hall of the illegality of the hearing.
It is expected to attend a parliament session Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to provide new ministerial cabin.
rcookie says():Report: America will deploy missile launchers in Turkey to meet the organization "Daash"  Wrote: April 26, 2016
Turkish Foreign Minister Davutoglu Chaooh born during an interview with Reuters in Ankara on 24 August 2015. Photograph: Umit Bktas - Reuters
News left the newspaper on Tuesday quoted Turkish Foreign Minister Mouloud Chaooh Ihsanoglu as saying that the United States will deploy unit rocket launchers in Turkey near the border with territory controlled by "Daash" organization in Syria.
The minister added that this comes within the framework of a strategy to close the area around the Syrian town of Manbej.
The newspaper quoted him as saying that the unit (artillery shells fast moving system) will arrive in May, near the southeast part of Turkey has seen frequent rocket attacks launched from Syria.
Chaooh Ihsanoglu said in an interview with the newspaper during a visit to Riyadh, "We have reached an agreement with the Americans to close manbij district and our strategy in this regard is clear."
"I will reach artillery systems fast transition to the borders of Turkey in May and will allow us to hit the" Daash "more efficient." - Reuters
rcookie says():The protesters are demanding Abadi deputies out of the parliament hall
By Roudao 18 minutes ago   Chanted the protestors inside the House of Representatives, on Tuesday, against the Iraqi prime minister, Haidar al-Abbadi, demanding him to leave the parliament hall.
The MP for the Kurdistan Democratic Party, Princess Zangana, network Roudao media, the protesters demanded that the House of Representatives Abadi out of the meeting held today under the chairmanship of Salim al-Jubouri, and the presence of 171 deputies, chanting against him: "Brh..brh.";
rcookie says():Reporter Tigris .. the Presidency of the Parliament is determined to complete the session today and vote on the ministerial cabin
- See more at: http://translate.googleusercontent.c....qR8QLHMK.dpuf
rcookie says():GO JABOURI!!!!!!!!!!!!
jtank says():wow- play by play
rcookie says():Source: shut the entrance to the Green Zone from the point of suspension bridge
Tuesday April 26, 2016 14:35  a News / Baghdad
A source in the police, on Tuesday, that the security forces closed the entrance to the Green Zone from the point of suspension bridge in case of any emergency.
The source said in an interview for the Sumerian News, "The security forces closed the entrance to the Green Zone from the point of suspension bridge in central Baghdad."
The source, who asked not to be named, said: "This measure comes in anticipation of any emergency."
And Thousands of followers of the Sadrist movement, on Tuesday morning, in Tahrir Square and near the Green Zone in central Baghdad to press for reforms and the elimination of corruption, while the protest continues until now.

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