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Thursday, April 28, 2016

Dinar Updates Wednesday AM Chat  4-27-16  Part 3 of 3

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Dinar Updates Wednesday AM Chat  4-27-16  Part 3 of 3

da58 says():Parliament session for tomorrow without voting on the rest of the government Abadi

History of edits:: 27.4.2016 16:42 except Table 26 acts business meeting of the House of Representatives to be held, on Thursday, hosting Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi and vote on the rest of the candidates of the cabinet reshuffle, while the vote on the alternative Hassan Sinead candidate, the first reading of the draft several laws.
According to the information department of the House of Representatives in a statement received by all of Iraq [where] a copy of " The council will vote on accepting the resignation of MP Hassan Sinead , and vote on an alternative candidate, and read the first reading of the draft law on ratification the Convention on Avoidance of Double Taxation Law and exchange of information with respect to taxes on income and capital between Iraq and Iran and its Protocol. "
it added that it" will be the first reading of the draft of the Iraqi national Paralympic Committee Act, read the report and discuss the draft second amendment to the Law of the Federation of Iraqi Chambers of Commerce Law No. (43) for the year 1989, and the report and discuss the draft Iraq 's accession to the international Convention on the law to prevent pollution from ships, 1973, and a report and discussion of the draft support doctors law. "

She noted that" also will be read the quarterly report of the activities of the Committee of the regions and governorates not organized in a region, and the quarterly report of the activities of the Committee of religious Endowments and religious Affairs. "
the Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi, yesterday pledged during the vote on the five new ministers in the House of Representatives, to provide the remaining of the cabinet reshuffle within two days, stressing his determination to choose the heads of independent bodies of technocrats after the completion of the reshuffle.
the presidency of the Council of Representatives has received in the April 20, a decision by the Federal Court invalidating Memberships MP for the coalition of state law Hassan Sinead , a substitute for the President of the coalition Nuri al - Maliki.

the House of Representatives had voted in the second of last March membership Sinead , who made 25 of August 2015 request to the House of Representatives to resign from the membership of the council after nearly two weeks of health Government announcement Haider Abadi , a Corrections included limbering senior positions, including vice - president, and one of them al - Maliki.
BGG says():What the real story is - here...
BGG says():the last couple of weeks have been a "good ole' fashioned" toe-to-toe between the Abadi GOI and Maliki and his crew in Parliament.
BGG says():as of this AM - looks like Abadi is half-way there and about to polish Maliki off...
BGG says():(politically)
larrykn says to BGG):can't wait for that to happen :)
subgirl says to BGG():WOW! (y) I am liking that for sure!!
BGG says():that is the way I see it... (based on info working it's way out...)
dfb334 says):Maliki nutralized for good BGG?
BGG says to dfb334():I did not say that... see comments above.
where'sthebeef says to BGG():Do you think Abadi will do what he said yesterday and finish the voting tomorrow or do you think the above article is correct and it gets pushed off tried at a later date?

dfb334 says to BGG():Okay.
da58 says():Kurdistan announce the "core principle" of the Ministerial change and denies the existence of anagreement to keep Zebari
27/04/2016 11:03  Alliance-Kurdistan  Information / special ..  It announced the Kurdistan Alliance, Wednesday, for the "core principle" on the ministerial change, as he emphasized his support forthe reforms, denied the existence of an agreement to keep the Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari.
The MP for the coalition Najiba Najib told / information / he was "no truth to the existence of an agreement to keep the Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari or any Kurdish minister last in office."
Najib said that " the Kurds have a fundamental principle which they fixed with reforms and change provided that the Kurds candidates for the ministries according to the specifications determined by the Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi that , " asserting "the Kurds refused to do Abadi choosing their candidates."
The media and political sources talked about the existence of an agreement between the federal government and the Kurdistan region serving to keep the Kurds ministers, including Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari , who did not vote on the dismissal of parliament during yesterday 's session. Finished / 25
dfb334 says():The MOF?
subgirl says():Ministers of Finance
da58 says to subgirl():my guess is he got his hands slapped.. and will be sticking around..
da58 says):Protesters Sadrist movement, on Tuesday, (April 26, 2016), filmed / (Mahmoud Raouf).
Sadr threatens to "another pause" in the event of delay reforms and emphasizes: continuing protests and Jihad
Author: HH Editor: HH, NS 27/04/2016 13:21 Number of Views: 399 Long-Presse / Najaf
Threatened to cleric Moqtada al-Sadr on Wednesday, as "another pause" in the event of delay or delay the completion of reforms, and stressed that the voice of the people "will top roar in front of the howling sounds anomalous claim quota system", and with the exception of a failure to vote on the reforms "and a disgrace Members of parliament ", has vowed to continue" the protests until we achieve comprehensive reform and the jihad against the terrorists. "
Sadr said in a statement received (range Press), a copy of it, he was "Promise God first and our second and our army and our fighters thirdly that we continue the jihad in surveys jihad against the terrorists do not want that sectarian strife is not ethnic, but Iraq's unity and integrity of its territory," vowing to "stay in surveys protests until they reach the full overhaul and complete reform without boredom or fatigue or fatigue or monument or onyx, peaceful and full transparency. "
He said al-Sadr, that "the people of Iraq wanted life and wanted permission reform must be responsive all subject," warning "any Lithuanian or procrastination or delay in the completion of reforms and only for the people had another pause, and will top voice of the people, and roar in front of the howling sounds anomalous claim quota system and the division of the pie." .
He said al-Sadr, that "any failure to vote on the reforms will be a disgrace to any deputy of the House of Representatives will not be erased through history, and thank God first and foremost of the relative success of Iraq's major epic, which is an extension of the revolution tuff and revolutionized twentieth and along major national resistance against US occupation brutal. "
The Iraqi Parliament Speaker Salim al-raising, on Tuesday (26 April 2016), the 25th of the second legislative term of the second legislative year, which was held in the Constitutional Hall in the presence of Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, 170 deputies session, after the banning of the House of Representatives of the protesters continued the meeting in the hall major, to tomorrow, Thursday, (28 April 2016).
The session witnessed a unanimous vote on the nomination Ala rich and Minister of Health and meet James Baldwin, Minister of Labour and Social Affairs, and Hassan al-Janabi, a minister of water resources, and Alaa Disher and Minister of Electricity and Abdul Razzaq al-Issa, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, and in order to vote on the candidate as foreign Sharif Minister Ali Bin Al Hussein, parliament failed to grant confidence to the ministers of Education and Justice.
As the meeting also saw the vote on the invalidity of the protesters deputies measures, through the hosting of the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to view ministerial cabin, and Machdth of a quarrel between the MP for the coalition of state law Kazem Sayadi and protect Abadi after trying Sayadi attack on the Prime Minister, as Abadi also received bursts Baknana water by some of the House of Representatives of the protesters.
The security forces closed during the House hearing, on Tuesday (26 April 2016), the entrances to the Green Zone in central Baghdad, in conjunction with the presence of Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi for the hearing and
da58 says to subgirl():yw.. man, sadr's amazing - to be able to control that many people in the streets.. peacefully.. here? fat chance!
NWBeauty says():because they respect a man of the cloth Allah is watching .... everywhere but Dubai

subgirl says to da58():I know, I saw a picture yesterday of the protest!! WOW!
da58 says to NWBeauty():right..

da58 says to subgirl():yes - I think I put two of them in here.. they are jaw dropping.. really makes one realize the magnitude of all this..

NWBeauty says():Allah cannot see Dubai or Bahrain if you're from Saudi
subgirl says to da58():yes and the people speak and abadi listens!!!

da58 says to subgirl():RIGHT!
da58 says to subgirl():he has to now! lol

subgirl says to da58():oh yes! glad for the people who were there yesterday! WOW!!! GO Sadr!!!

NWBeauty says():I am still baffled why Saudi doesn't increase their Riyal over these many years !!

Josie says():Those (like me) that believe rooting out ISIS from Iraq (particulary Mosul) i.e. 'stability' is paramount to our RV, will find comfort in the photos provided by US Special Envoy Breet McGurk on Twitter an hour or so ago. He is attending a meeting called "The Global Coalition to Counter ISIL" The multitude of countries that are depcited in the meeting room wiill provide comfort to know that it is just a matter of time before ISIS is mitigated.

NWBeauty says():or Vietnam with the Dong Their exports are not going to suffer WHO is living w/out gas or a cell phone or flat screen??

subgirl says to Josie():NICE!! thanks!

Josie says():I imagine thay (ISIS) will never be completely destroyed, but marginalized severly will do !
Josie says():Meeting took place (taking place) in Kuwait, I forgot to mention
wmawhite says to Josie():When the IMF made the statement to the world during October 2015 that Iraq "will"..not thinking about it........or might get around to it,.......instead, will enter the economy market during the 1st half of next year (2016).....................there was no way that the IMF never thought that ISIL would be gone from Iraq. No way. Therefore, we can conclude that the elimination of ISIL from Iraq is not a concern of the IMF in order for Iraq to enter the economy market this year.
NWBeauty says to clay():we're working on it though... the systems we use to find and destroy them boggle the mind !!
NWBeauty says to clay():and they're not as expensive as the counter-proliferation stuff we were fielding in Irag either
wmawhite says():Folks,..we can debate argue all day long what we think about this or that.............BUT, we can not argue with reason what we know for a fact. Hmmmm......

subgirl says to wmawhite():thank you for Newstime last night!! :) and for reminding us about the IMFand Iraq will enter the economy market during the 1st half of next year (2016).....

clay says to wmawhite():GM sure hope you are right
NWBeauty says to clay():this loan that JAck Lew co-signed Dr White ... is it addendum to theLOI or something else?
wmawhite says to clay():It Is Not About Me Being is about what we know we have been told.........
wmawhite says():Folks,......I try to separate what I "think" from what I "know".........
da58 says to wmawhite():I agree - there is no way they would say that - without saying 'IF YOU GET RID OF ISIS" - if it was a huge concern of the IMF's... they don't mess around when they speak, they were specific as can be! Clearly, WILL enter - and there's no arguement to be made..
wmawhite says to da58():Exactly,.....and it is reasonable to follow your logic.........and as rcookie has tried to point out....the "entering" is a process.....not an on or off event..............THEY ARE ENTERING NOW.......WE ARE SEEING IT TODAY, YESTERDAY, ETC.
maine says():very well put Mr White!
da58 says to wmawhite():YUP!! exciting to watch this.. very very exciting and educational
da58 says to wmawhite():I think if I hear 'push the button' one more time, I'll pull out what little is left of my hair..

wmawhite says to Josie():so, understanding..........or believing what we are seeing is the actual event unfolding, we can throw out any dates. Instead, we try to understand what or how it will manifest will we start to see the change in the IQD?
NWBeauty says to clay():I see the various contracts for infrastructure and trade as entering the market already !

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