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Monday, April 25, 2016

Islandg1211 and KTFA Members Early Monday Evening 4-25-16


Islandg1211:  A few things caught my eye today in the articles that Walkingstick has again diligently and unselfishly brought to the forum. IMO, they were expected at this time,
because I've felt the end of April was the most likely time for the RV based on their history.

Jack Lew's co-signing of Iraq's loans from the IMF prompted me immediately post "it's done." I have been expecting this time frame. Today, these articles just continue to support my expectations:

Oil Price:

Last week the price of gold made a parallel system appearance with the opening up of China's market and pegging it to the Yuan. I'm expecting more from oil, and feel that the price of oil needs to hit a benchmark and perhaps more depegging from the USD. Iran has stated that they will sell in Euros, perhaps we will see more changes.  

We were expecting oil prices to continue to climb a bit, and they did. 
LOI (Letter of Intent) steps:

Another step, is the continuation of the CBI checklist on their LOI (Letter of Intent) to the IMF being met. Restructuring the banks had to be done, was on the list, and has been completed. 

ISX Closure. CBI?

Lastly, I was expecting an expanded holiday this weekend with the ISX closed. I expected them to close this Thursday, and RV then.

That has been my opinion for many months.

Today's article states that ISX will be closed starting Friday through early next week. Let's watch to see if the CBI follows suit.


Another Mailman:  Hi Island Girl! They gave the reason for the ISX closure as due to the EID holiday. I don't remember them having an EID holiday this time last year or not.

They seem to be able to create a holiday out of thin air whenever they want!  I agree with your time frame btw!
Iggy: All you need is music...and a RV...

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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