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Saturday, April 30, 2016

Wealthwatch Chat Room News & Comments  4-30-16  Part 1 of 3

Post From  Chat Room
Wealthwatch Chat Room News & Comments  4-30-16   Part 1 of 3
chattels: Sajad Jiyad ‏@SajadJiyad New cabinet, political stability, progress in war, IMF support, reforms, rising oil price, all may contribute to improving situation in 2016.
chattels: Iraq Counts on IMF Agreement, U.S. Guarantee to Issue Eurobonds
chattels: [ Iraq ] is having “big problems” selling foreign bonds because lenders are asking for an interest rate of 11.5 percent, ............
chattels: The rate would fall to as low as 4 percent if Iraq reaches a stand-by agreement with the IMF, or if the U.S. agreed to back the bond sale.
chattels: ........................ the IMF has said it hopes to conclude an agreement with authorities in Baghdad in May.

chattels: Loveday Morris Retweeted Alexander Marquardt ‏@MarquardtA 54m54 minutes ago Pretty remarkable quote from Biden in Baghdad yesterday.
chattels: With Iraq Mired in Turmoil, Some Call for Partitioning the Country By TIM ARANGO, APRIL 28, 2016
chattels: “I generally believe it is ungovernable under the current construct,” said Ali Khedery, an American former official in Iraq who served as an aide to several ambassadors and generals.
chattels: Mr. Khedery said that a confederacy or a partition of Iraq might be the only remedy for the country’s troubles. He called it “an imperfect solution for an imperfect world.”
chattels: Mr. Khedery is now a sharp critic of American policy in Iraq, saying it has consistently ignored the realities of the country’s underlying political problems. Iraq, he said, “is a violent, dysfunctional marriage, and we keep pouring American lives and dollars into it, hoping for a miracle. We should instead seek to broker an amicable separation or divorce that results in self-determination for Iraq’s fractious communities.”
chattels: " Iraq, it seems, is stuck in a cycle of history that endlessly repeats."
chattels: " Mr. Maliki, who still occupies his palace and insists he is still a vice president of Iraq."
 chattels: " Pretty remarkable quote from Biden in Baghdad yesterday."
chattels: Mr. Biden has worked to promote Iraqi unity, despite his proposal a decade ago to divide Iraq into thirds. But in comments on Thursday to American diplomatic and military personnel in Baghdad, he harked back to that proposal. “Think of all the places we are today trying to keep the peace,” he said.
“All the places we’ve sent you guys and women. They’re places where, because of history, we’ve drawn artificial lines, creating artificial states made up of totally distinct ethnic, religious, cultural groups, and said: ‘Have at it. Live together.’ ”
chattels: Kirk H. Sowell Retweeted Zaid Al-Ali ‏@zalali @LizSly @UticaRisk because he [ Biden ] advocated in favor of breaking up iraq. he's particularly unpopular in iraq, and that's saying a lot.
chattels: Kirk H. Sowell ‏@UticaRisk Kirk H. Sowell Retweeted Tamara Cofman Wittes That's the problem. Iraqis will take Biden's presence to mean Obama wants to break up Iraq.
chattels: Maliki and Iranian Ambassador discuss political and security developments
chattels: the President of the Republic that " the political situation is moving steadily towards generally complete stability in general, " referring to the " coordination between the three presidencies continuing with the political process moving toward overcoming the obstacles recently encountered towards more concrete successes guarantor of Iraq 's progress and strengthen unity.
chattels: " the political situation is moving steadily towards generally complete stability in general, " - Masum
chattels: Close to Ebadi's shows [where] the reasons for Biden's visit to Iraq

chattels: Sajad Jiyad  ‏@SajadJiyad " New cabinet, political stability, progress in war, IMF support, reforms, rising oil price, all may contribute to improving situation in 2016."
chattels: Protesters in Baghdad threaten to destroy Green Zone walls By Rudaw : - - ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – Anti-corruption protesters gathered in Tahrir Square in the Iraqi capital on Friday demanded reforms and vowed to destroy the walls of Green Zone, Rudaw's correspondent reported.
Rudaw's Bahman Hassan said that the number of protesters is rising and they say that if government does not institute reforms, they will destroy the walls of the Green Zone.
"The Green Zone is guarded by dozens of security forces, equipped with heavy weapons, situated inside the Green Zone on order of Iraqi Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi," Hassan reported. Baghdad’s Green Zone is a heavily fortified 10 square kilometer area of the city where government and international institutions and bodies are located.
chattels: Joel Wing ‏@JoelWing2 3h3 hours ago Protests today in Baghdad Basra Najaf Qadisiyah Maysan Karbala Dhi Qar Muthanna against corruption & sectarian quota system in govt
chattels: Landmines hinder return of displaced to Iraq's Ramadi
Read more:
chattels: Hassan Sinead: Parliament approved the resignation and the State of Law coalition will nominate alternative
Doug_W: why do protesters always Destroy?
 chattels: Yesterday : House of Representatives ended in its usual twenty - fifth , headed by Salim al - President of the Council and in the presence of 184 deputies on Thursday, read the five bills, in addition to the formation of a parliamentary committee for dialogue with the objectors of Representatives. According to a statement of the Department of Media of the Council of Representatives .
chattels: God so loved the world that he did not send a committee. :)
 chattels: " .............. the formation of a parliamentary committee for dialogue with the objectors of Representatives. "
chattels: " The House of Representatives completed voting on the rest of the list of names of ministers nominated by Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi in the Saturday session.................... " 4/30/2016 0:00
chattels: Interesting that there is news of tomorrow today, eh ?
chattels: Baghdad’s Border Badlands: Why The Iraqi Capital Can Never Truly Be Secure
chattels: " The outskirts of Baghdad are very dangerous these days. Islamic State fighters hide here, mounting attacks on the city. A security barrier is planned but the real issue is intractable."
chattels: After a series of suicide bombings in these areas, which targeted Shiite Muslim mosques, Qais al-Khazali, the leader of one of Iraq’s more controversial Shiite Muslim militias, noted that it was more important to secure these areas than fighting for the distant northern city of Mosul.
“The Islamic State is using the city’s outskirts as camps, housing hundreds of fighters and suicide bombers and to make car bombs,” al-Khazali said during a television interview. “The Islamic State has started to return to the outskirts of Baghdad after being defeated around Anbar province,” says Hassan Mohsen al-Saadi, an MP affiliated with the Shiite Muslim Badr bloc in Parliament.
chattels: “The Islamic State group wants to threaten Baghdad and in doing so, cause the Iraqi security forces and the volunteer militias to retreat to Baghdad, leaving more distant fronts uncontested.”
chattels: Really the biggest problem in the Baghdad belt is the same as the country’s biggest problem: Sectarian antipathy. The Sunni Muslim locals don’t trust the Shiite Muslim security forces and vice versa. More local security forces – that is, those native to the Sunni Muslim neighbourhoods – are not seen as trustworthy as some of them are known to have collaborated with the IS group.
chattels: Some Shiite Muslim militias in these areas have managed to keep areas secure but they have achieved this mostly by using force. There have also been injustices and violations in the area – which is why the security that is imposed can only ever be temporary.
As soon as the security forces with draw – as some of them did last month when the Iraqi government stopped paying their salaries – then the extremist groups reappear.
chattels: Thus the repetitive rhetoric regarding " national reconciliation " and political inclusiveness and stability.
Doug_W: etc etc etc Ad infinitum.....

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