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Wednesday, April 27, 2016

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments  4-27-16  Part 2 of 2

 Post From BondLadys Corner
BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments  4-27-16  Part 2 of 2
The establishment of investment funds in banks and stimulate the capital market
4/27/2016 0:00  BAGHDAD - Mostafa Hashemi
He said director of market systems department at the Securities Commission Ali Abdel Sayed importance of expediting the establishment of the Deposit Insurance Corporation to protect depositors in the private and government banks contributing to restore the confidence of investors and savers in the national banks, as well as encouraging local banks to establish investment funds with the approval of the Central Bank.
And between Abdel Sayed need to exploit the elements of the investment environment for securities well available in Iraq of the presence of the securities market efficiently manage securities trading in a fair, efficient and orderly, as well as having a special good system depository, clearing and settlement in the Iraqi depository center, pointing to the existence of instructions relating to all regulatory and supervisory aspects of the securities markets issued under the Securities Act No. 74 of 2004.
​He called Abdel Sayed during a workshop organized by the stock market earlier this week to establish a committee of the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers and the Securities Commission and the Iraqi market for securities and central bank and those sectoral and circle recording companies to follow up and monitor the performance of the board of contributing to the executive and management companies in the commitment to implement the obligations provided for by law they are responsible for the performance  of their companies.
he added that it is necessary to stand up to the measures taken by some sectoral entities that adversely affect the shares of their companies and their performance rates , which, explaining that the Central Bank is the sector's 43 companies listed in the market out of the 98 listed companies , a 23 banking firm six financial investment companies and 14 money transfer company.
He said the central decision to increase the capital of banks to 250 billion dinars effect in both stock prices and the performance of companies, shareholders and local investors  and foreigners.
He that any banking company decided to increase the capital to 250 billion dinars , according to Article 55 / I of the companies Act (subscription at nominal value amounting to KD) and the company 's share price in the market of 500 fils or less (ie , less than the nominal value of the share) Is is true?
He Abdel Sayed need to be made ​​to contribute to listed companies disclosure early for annual financial statements during the period not to exceed 45 days after the end of its fiscal year, in addition to the annual and quarterly disclosure in accordance with the timing and the accounting board of directors and executive management in the event of non - compliance with the deadlines  specified.]
 [tlm724] importance of expediting the establishment of the Deposit Insurance Corporation to protect depositors in the private and government banks contributing to restore the confidence of investors and savers in the national banks
[tlm724] indeed !!!
[tlm724] during a workshop organized by the stock market earlier this week to establish a committee of the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers and the Securities Commission and the Iraqi market for securities and central bank
[tlm724] to follow up and monitor the performance of the board of contributing to the executive and management companies in the commitment to implement the obligations provided for by law

The readiness of banking institutions determine the growth of the economy
4/27/2016 0:00 BAGHDAD - Imad Emirate D said. Fouad Youssef from the Faculty of Management and Economics at Mustansiriya University, said that the banking reform requires a real and fundamental overhaul of banking transactions from traditional roots to contemporary tender to provide the service on a personal level or business locally or globally on the basis of that measure the progress and growth of the economy of the country measured by the readiness of banking institutions to accept the rapid global changes and activate trade and formulating monetary and credit policies to suit global and policies, taking into account the economic Privacy for this country.
Credit money and added d. Fouad Youssef «Banking Corporation is of important contexts in money creation credit necessary for customers to contribute to the growth and progress of fiscal and monetary development on a global level,
and the importance of banking reform came in restoring its banking engineering and drafting of policies and programming structure in harmony with the developments and new capabilities to draw knowledge of cognitive and enter the world of information and communication and the creation of a quantum leap by moving reality banking, economic , and keep up with it ideas and institutional policies that reduce the cycle of routines to dynamic banking service. »
balance of competition and drew Joseph, that banking reform is designed to achieve a balance in competition between the public and private sectors and to allow the process the way for private sector initiatives, because this process is an integral part of economic reform programs because they represent a radical change needed for economic development of economic policies,
and to mitigate the burden on the state budget economically and went public spending towards infrastructure facilities of importance of strategic support. this comes from through the financing of small and medium enterprises and companies to the private banking sector,
and make it a support for the banking sector year in this financing operations because of its positive impact on the state budget, so that government funding will be focused on infrastructure projects to support the process of economic development, increase savings optimized and used to finance investments and projects that help to achieve the objectives of economic development and raising the people 's living standard.
external shocks also contribute to enable the economies of the countries seeking economic reform to adapt their economies to face the requirements of economic development, as well as to face the external shocks that occur in the financial and monetary markets and its impact on other sectors economic, and aims banking reform to create a bank financial systems intact in order to strengthen macroeconomic stability and accelerate the pace of the desired economic growth, as banking reform works to reduce credit costs and increase the benefits from the market and make more transparent and competitive.
mail performance and pointed d. Fouad Youssef, that global variables in a digital world and the information age is moving towards the use of electronic performance alternative to traditional in the completion of many transactions, especially banking ones,
and became computerized banking stocks axis springboard events and activities of many organizations Ktmouh towards the top of the financial and banking transactions and credit with the assistance of the head of intellectual capital and knowledge accumulated by the human resource and the need for disciplines with high skills.
He concluded d. Fouad Youssef on to say that he « has become appropriate to provide banking services to electronically adapt these variables, as this technology has helped in providing a  handler method is based on electronics (electronic cards modern, electronic networks, electronic payment systems),
became an urgent necessity to reform banking for the transfer of monetary and financial world , and credit to the method is based on the pillars of contemporary systems  is the use of modern technology contribute to laying banking services are harvested in which customer satisfaction and achieve economic growth through fiscal, monetary and credit transactions growth,
since studies and trade field for many investment banks have shown that use of the service technology banking shares have an effective contribution to the transfer of the banking reform movement to improve the value of transactions between the bank  and the customer. »
that the banking reform requires a real and fundamental overhaul of banking transactions from traditional roots to contemporary tender to provide the service on a personal level or business locally or globally
new capabilities to draw knowledge of cognitive and enter the world of information and communication and the creation of a quantum leap by moving reality banking, economic that banking reform is designed to achieve a balance in competition between the public and private sectors and to allow the process the way for private sector initiatives,
 because this process is an integral part of economic reform that global variables in a digital world and the information age is moving towards the use of electronic performance alternative to traditional in the completion of many transactions  has become appropriate to provide banking services to electronically adapt these variables,
as this technology has helped in providing a handler method is based on electronics (electronic cards modern, electronic networks, electronic payment systems), became an urgent necessity to reform banking for the transfer of monetary and financial world ,
and credit to the method is based on the pillars of contemporary systems is the use of modern technology contribute to laying banking services are harvested in which customer satisfaction and achieve economic growth through fiscal, monetary and credit transactions growth,
since studies and trade field for many investment banks have shown that use of the service technology banking shares have an effective contribution to the transfer of the banking reform movement to improve the value of transactions between the bank and the customer.
[tlm724] it's time Iraq !!!
Swift» acknowledge flag incidents of electronic fraud
4/27/2016 0:00 Reuters - capitals   Global Financial Network «Swift» used by banks to transfer billions of dollars a day from customers that they are aware of «a number of electronic fraud incidents in recent» where attackers sent fake messages via warned
Its system.
According to this disclosure while the check law enforcement authorities in Bangladesh and other countries in the theft of $ 81 million from the account of the Central Bank of Bengal to the Federal Reserve Bank in New York. 
Recognized the Swift that the plan included a change Swift program in computers , the Central Bank of Bengal to hide evidence of transfers  fraudulent.
Platform Instant and the statement issued by Swift is the first acknowledgment that the attack on the Central Bank of Bengal was not an isolated incident, but one of the few criminal schemes targeted to take advantage of the platform Instant global used by about 11 thousand financial institution.
it warned the network customers in the notification seen by Reuters «they are aware of a number of online that have occurred recently and succeeded where familiar Khbaython or assailants external to provide SWIFT messages from a background of financial institutions and computers and personal or operation of stations connected to the local interface to the network of offices incidents  Swift.»
 value losses  did not mention the warning - issued Swift in Sri notice sent through Hbactha- the names of any victims did not disclose the value of any losses from the attacks that have not previously disclosed.
Swift confirmed to Reuters Health  Notice. The Swift - or the global financial communications association between the banks , the Commonwealth is a cooperative owned by three thousand Corporation  Finance.
tlm724:   this is a prime example of corruption and theft at one of the highest levels !

 " Tomorrow 's Press , " published the full text of a statement on Sadr 's parliamentary session " comprehensive "
27/04/2016 13:38          BAGHDAD / tomorrow Press : publish " Tomorrow 's Press , " the full text of the statement, the leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al - Sadr, issued Wednesday, on the meeting held by the House of Representatives yesterday, which was Khalaha vote on " some " ministers cabins " technocrats ." The Sadr hailed the demonstrators in front of the green Zone, was considered not to vote on the rest of the ministers of the Government of " technocrats " , and a disgrace to any deputy .
Sadr 's statement text :  I have won the people 's will once again on the will of corruption and corrupt .. thank God who has made ​​the people 's voice louder injustice and the oppressors ..
Yes triumphed will of the people who rose up on the green gates to leave the first mark by sacking some ministers corrupt and install Tknaqrat independent .. , those footprint has carved a myth of success in the coffin of corruption that first step to be followed by a complete dismissal of cabinets and all the bodies and special grades and bodies which combine them manipulator Bakot people do not feel their suffering to get to the government of the people and for the people steps
Yes Dear Iraqi people Rebel ... yes that the signs spring may pant and tree reform has begun its fruit , and will come pick the ripe Here are the signs of reform bloomed and only for Oagaftkm protest angry that plagued the sleep of corrupt thank for clans and thank you to our students with white shirts and thank you for our women and children and thank you for our young people and thank you for civilians and Islamists , nationalists and thank you for our intellectuals and thank you for thinkers ... and especially thank security forces and their media fair on stance ,
but was standing out of respect and pay homage to the reference position that supported it gave real Allowaaz reform Hence the promise of God first and our second and our army and our fighters thirdly that we continue the jihad in surveys jihad against the terrorists do not want that sectarian strife is not ethnic ,
but the unity of Iraq and the safety of home and Naahidhm Collect that we stay in surveys protests until they reach the full reform and complete overhaul without boredom or fatigue or fatigue or monument or peaceful fully alarmed and transparency the people of Iraq wanted life and wanted to reform
So they must respond to all subject ... and warn at the same time from any Lithuanian or procrastination or delay in the completion of reforms, but for the people had another pause ... and will top voice of the people , and roar in front of the howling sounds anomalous claim quota system and the division of the pie of all and knows that any failure to vote on the reforms will be a disgrace to any deputy of the House of Representatives will not be erased through history . ..
and thank God first and foremost for the relative success of Iraq 's major epic , which is an extension of the revolution and the revolution of the twentieth tuff and along major national resistance against the brutal US occupation ... and peace be upon the people of peace ..  LINK

 [tlm724] Here are the signs of reform bloomed and only for Oagaftkm protest angry that plagued the sleep of corrupt
and will top voice of the people , and roar in front of the howling sounds anomalous claim quota system and the division of the pie of all and knows that any failure to vote on the reforms will be a disgrace to any deputy of the House of Representatives will not be erased through history
[tlm724] well played al-Sadr
tlm724:   diff source
Chest: failure to vote on the reforms and disgrace to abstainers
Baghdad -arac Press -27 in April warned the cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, the delay of government reforms, and while stressing the continuation of popular protests, said that "the failure to vote on the reforms will be a disgrace to abstainers."
Sadr said in a statement: "We have won the people's will once again will corrupt praise be to God who made the voice of the people is higher than Dot unjust and oppressors, yes triumphed will of the people who rose up on the green doors of the leaves first made his mark through the sacking of some corrupt ministers and the inauguration of ministers technocrats independent van those footprint has carved a myth of success in the coffin of corruption ". In the recipe.
He pointed out that "the first step to be followed to complete the dismissal of ministers and independent bodies all, and special grades and bodies that combine them manipulator Bakot people do not feel their suffering to get to the government of the people and for the people steps,
Yes Dear Iraqi people, rebellious, yes, that the signs of spring may pant and a tree reform has begun its fruit and will come Aguettafh Here are the signs of reform and only bloomed for Oagaftkm angry protests that plagued the sleep of the corrupt. " 
And he gave the chest thanks to the families of the students "white shirts, and thank you for our women and children and thank you for our young people and thank you for civilians and Islamist nationalists and thank you for our intellectuals and thank you for thinkers and especially thank the security forces and channels and media, fair on Agaftna."
He continued, "but I stand out of respect and pay homage to the reference position that supported it gave real Allowaaz reform Hence the promise of God first and our second and our army and our fighters thirdly to continue the jihad in surveys jihad against the terrorists do not want that sectarian strife is not ethnic, but the unity of Iraq and the safety of home."
"The Naahidhm unanimous that we stay in surveys protests until they reach the full reform full and comprehensive reform without boredom or fatigue or fatigue or monument or peaceful fully alarmed and transparency The people of Iraq wanted life and wanted to reform then we must respond to all the subject."
He warned the chest at the same time "from any delay or procrastination or delay in the completion of reforms, but for the people had another pause and will top his voice and roar in front of the howling sounds Ahaih claim quota system and the division of the pie."
He stressed, "everyone knows that any failure to vote on the reforms will be a disgrace to any deputy of the House of Representatives will not be erased through history."
He concluded his statement by saying al-Sadr, "Praise be to God first and foremost for the relative success of Iraq's major epic, which is an extension of the revolution and the revolution of the twentieth tuff and an extension of the major national resistance against the brutal US occupation."
The House of Representatives yesterday voted to give confidence to the five ministers out of 10 candidates presented by Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi in the meeting, and pledged the rest of the candidates for parliament in the next couple of days. " Ended (1)

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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