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Friday, April 29, 2016

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments  4-29-16  

Post From BondLadys Corner
BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments  4-29-16  
Kerry: reforms in Iraq and begin a comprehensive government Biden there confirms this
29/04/2016 10:50 | Direction Press / Agencies
He said US Secretary of State, John Kerry, said that "reforms in Iraq starts overall government that represents everyone," adding that "Joe Biden, the US vice president, who visited Iraq in Baghdad on Monday stressed the need that."
US Secretary of State John Kerry said in an exclusive interview with one of the websites, "The Washington supports specific reforms in Iraq," he said. "We were clear with Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, if we want to progress and improve the Iraqi economy, and restore stability to the country, the government should be University and represent everyone. "

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 Kerry pointed out that "Washington has helped the Iraqis in finding some solutions to internal problems," he was quoted as saying "we have resolved some differences and difficulties, and we hope that people are moving in the same direction, and Joe Biden, the vice president is in Iraq, speaks of the need for the government represents everyone in the country ".

Bondlady    I hope biden isn't trying to make them keep on with the stupid quota system, it has literally kept them fighting each other for 8 years, like many decisions of this terms leaders its another failed policy.

that theory might have worked in some other country but not in the middle east where countries had dictators for at least a couple of generations later IMO out with the old and in with the new would have to be first cause holding a grudge forever is all the present guys ever know,
they might chill a little or change a bit but they will always revert back because its all this generation of goi knows and is set in ways.... just have to find a way to co exist ,
the quotah system obviously does not work it would never be unanimous with super important laws like hcl etc unless there forced either by jail or or u hurt there finances. imo BL

Parliamentary Oil: the lack of trust between the province and the center led to the obstruction of the oil accord
29/04/2016 12:13 | Direction Press / Agencies
He said the Commission on oil and energy parliamentary member Zaher al-Abadi said "the lack of trust between the province and the center prevented the continuation of the oil agreement, including; because the center gave the region what he wants, but the center did not continue with this agreement."
Among al-Abadi in a press statement on Friday that "if the region wants to stick with a real government in Baghdad, and be honest in uniting Iraq away from all the material gains, political, and economic must be entwined with the central government."
And the deputy that "the decline in the amount of oil in the province would adversely affect him," noting that "the region can not provide for its employees' salaries, but can not provide special Adamhmcharaah budget."
tlm724:    "the lack of trust between the province and the center prevented the continuation of the oil agreement, including; because the center gave the region what he wants, but the center did not continue with this agreement.
Kurdish MP: A delegation from the region to visit Baghdad to discuss oil and payroll problems[/size]
29/04/2016 12:25 | Direction Press / Agencies
MP from the Kurdistan Alliance said Shirin Dino, "We anticipate that there will be a party delegation from the region to visit Baghdad; to talk about solving the outstanding problems."
According to Dino in an interview that "the government delegation Kurds came a few days ago in Baghdad, and discussed several issues related to the situation between Baghdad and the region," adding,
"We anticipate that there will be a partisan New delegation from the province visiting Baghdad; to talk about resolving the outstanding about the oil problems, and salaries, and budget. "
 [tlm724] "We anticipate that there will be a party delegation from the region to visit Baghdad; to talk about solving the outstanding problems.
[cat] prolly a party lol
[tlm724] right cat, they should stop at dunkin donuts on their way bring some donuts and maybe that will resolve the differences this time
Khatib Kufa describes the government as "the cancerous gland" and asserts: exercise lying underneath masks Jihad
Author: AY Editor: NS 29.4.2016 13:25   Long-Presse / Najaf
Confirmed the imam and preacher of the mosque of Kufa in Najaf Ali Nomani, Friday, that the current government, which has a quota system is the "biggest threat to Iraq and its people's future", describing it as "cancerous gland," and as he pointed to the practice of lying and deception "under the masks of jihad and religious and national." , accused the judicial institution as "cover up the theft and political crimes."
Said Nomani during Friday prayers in the mosque of Kufa, Najaf and attended (range Press), "The current government, which has a quota system is the biggest threat to Iraq and the future of his people," describing them as "cancerous gland but did not address the excision are moving to destroy the history of this country and present. "
He said Nomani, that "the judicial institution being Bremer but rather to cover up the Sergatkm and your crimes through a long and orderly fool to silence the Iraqi people, ''
he said, adding," The government brought by the occupation practiced the worst kind of lies and deception and misinformation on the Iraqi people under the masks Jihad and religious, national and injustice, after he took over the reins of government over the thirteen years since the devastation and murder here they go out to the Iraqis on satellite television screen Abhrohm that Iraq's budget may go bankrupt. "
He continued preacher Kufa, that "the Iraqi people when it came to the end of corruption, and demands for reform, instead of being Asthawwa and ashamed insisted on corruption Salt them themselves to ride the reform wave,"
stressing that "the greatest who taught them magic and deception claimed that he seeks to reform government corruption Vttdaay him rest corrupt blocks to raise their voices for reform and accountability muggers and corrupt, indulging in lies and deception and mistaking ''.   LINK
 [tlm724] describes the government as "the cancerous gland"
[tlm724] no sh.. they are too
[cat] lying too
[tlm724] quota system is the "biggest threat to Iraq and its people's future", describing it as "cancerous gland," and as he pointed to the practice of lying and deception "under the masks of jihad and religious and national
[tlm724] cat yes !
[tlm724] describing them as "cancerous gland but did not address the excision are moving to destroy the history of this country and present
[cat] they learned a lot from our congress
[tlm724] yes they did cat
[tlm724] to cover up the Sergatkm and your crimes through a long and orderly fool to silence the Iraqi people,
[tlm724] misinformation on the Iraqi people under the masks Jihad and religious, national and injustice,
[tlm724] that true they cried we are trying to help you, trust us, don't be mad, we are working on it
[cat] sure
[tlm724] keep them down and dependent on the GOI and in poverty !
[tlm724] the people have spoken with the help of Hakim and Sadr and that was needed, they know the in's and out's and how to get things done !
[tlm724] eyes wide open now !
Iraqis between the loss and obey
Friday 29-04-2016 | 3:54:42   MM Hadeel Hani al-Asadi flap
Pat the status quo does not tolerate any more of complacency rights of people and their destiny, as events evolved and intensified the pressure on political leaders, and the Iraqis have taken the final decision to the direction of reform and change,
and on condition that the latter is not showing on the same basis upon which the political process since the assumption of office rule after the events of the year in 2003, because it did not meet their ambitions, because they lived under successive governments and to this day,
the case of the loss of all his rights, since lost their security, safety and stability and get jobs guarantee them live free and dignified life, in spite of ensuring the Constitution of the Republic of Iraq for the year 2005 to them, the under Article 15, which stipulates that "everyone has the right to life, security and liberty, can not be deprived of these rights or compliance, but according to the law ..."
as well as Article 16 it stipulates that "equal opportunity is guaranteed the right of Iraqis to all, and the state shall take measures necessary to achieve it. "
The question here Are those governments have worked to provide that for us as a people have suffered what they suffered in the previous regime?
No, but we did not find anything of that check, especially as the work became confined to those who have a party affiliation, as well as lack of potable water supply for drinking and electricity are two of the requirements necessary for life Did you have provided to us?
Ohrzatm or no progress in these areas, our situation if any rich blessings to the people? Can you, O political leaders and you are in a constant state of disagreement on positions for fear of losing it, Liberating our rats Daash of the terrorist and the return of displaced persons and displaced persons to return home safely?
We, the people every day really lose our rights even became the lowest level, and witness the people's revolution Balaatsamat against you because it is put unbearable not likely to deprive him a lot of those rights and Harder than that, he is losing dozens of his sons daily bombings terrorist Daash, and My question is addressed to those who their hands running the country these innocent blood from the neck of you? And how long his rights remain lost?
And the context in itself and in the parliamentary session to approve on 24.4.2016 to vote on the ministerial cabin, the same day sit-ins of the people in front of the walls of the Green Zone to put pressure on both the legislative and executive branches to push reforms and not to block it,
but the strange subject that we were surprised by the position of a number of parliament members who protested on put seizing the prime minister and cabinet, stressing continued their sit-in until the formation of a government of technocrats,
but the question that arises in this aspect, what guarantees the people of the sincerity of your intentions do you reform the overall change, and change the political process of quotas and sectarianism to the efficient and professional or otherwise? Will they keep the owners and Stsamadon attitude and opinion expressing his own personal conviction even realizing it or Stnsaon again under the tent?
Why all this dependency and to obey your leaders Kaamar and al-Maliki and al-Sadr and other leaders of the blocs Are they always right and you are wrong?
Iraqis are the opinion of the day could not fortitude of one mind to understand in each period with one party against another and it is difficult if not impossible to agree on a unified opinion, some bowed particular party for personal interest and implementation of third-party software that were not internal,
and this aspect mention mentioned in the incident history when he sent Abdul Malik bin Marwan Messenger of Iraq and Egypt and Syria to study the case of Iraq, went Apostle after four years returned to the king of the latter said to him, 
Why did you come without a report nor the will nor the news on the status of those countries, said to him, I will shorten you, I stayed in Iraq for three years period and half studied the natures of northern Iraq from the customs and traditions and their thinking and their souls and then sent down to southern Iraq for the same the same thing,
but when you return to the north in order to type what we have reached I find all changed, as well as in the south, and remained four months in Egypt and the Levant in two months you understand what is going on in each other's as I found the people of Egypt worshiped their king without God if it was fair,
while the people of Syria Give them money Aabdonk without God, while the people of Iraq revolt on the right and wrong and said to him on falsehood is natural that revolt, why revolt on the right said, is the crux of the matter which I did not understand.
This is what is happening today on the ground every time you get the Iraq crisis intervention in trouble, including reforms including change .. etc.
We note that the country under such crises from bad to worse and the main reason for this bloc and disputes occurring between the blocs participating in the political process, and the lack of a clear strategic plan with the decision-makers to resolve the crisis and to maintain private and personal interest over the public interest, and to solve this would be as follows: -
must work a conference involving all the political blocs to dialogue and outcome will satisfy the people before they satisfy their parties before worsen the situation,
and then falls to the protesters of Representatives that they are serious to move forward towards their goal in the comprehensive reform to submit a plan to the people shows how to end the quotas and sectarianism as soon as possible and they this will ensure people pause with them in the future

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