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Friday, December 25, 2015

Stevel:  "So Here Is What This Really Means"

Post From Peoples Dinar
From Stevel:
First of all, Merry Christmas to all members and their families, and a very Happy New Year.
There has been a CBI pdf file floating around and we finally got a few people to read and interpret it as to is true meaning and intent. This is not from a on translator, but real people over there in Iraq and here that have done an awesome helping us.

So here is what this really means. I think it is very positive and very telling.

Many banks, money exchanges, brokers and financial institutions have been questioning the CBI because they heard or was hearing that the currency value (RI/RV) had taken place or they were asking the CBI when it will happen.
The CBI had then published the announcement (see below for actual document) on the CBI website and what the CBI was telling them was no, it has not re-valued yet but they will publish the formal notice on the CBI website when it does and they will be notifying the rest of the world as well when it does.
The part in bold is very positive because the CBI could have simply said, not is has not changed value nor will it every change value, but just the opposite.
I love this news. We still do not know when, but my guess is not to far in the distant future.
Please spend some quality time with friends and family because that is free!!!!
To / all licensed banks and licensed money transfer companies and all financial investment companies and broker the buying and selling of foreign currencies approved all companies (foreign exchange rate)

I will keep you posted if I see or hear anything further.
Blessings,    Steve

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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