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Thursday, December 31, 2015

KTFA Wednesday Night CC Notes 12-30-15  Part 2

Part 2:

How many of you saw an article today that there was a courthouse…LOL….I’m sorry, there’s some personal things I know …and I don’t want you to think I’m crazy….I’m laughing with my teams at the moment , but there was a courthouse….and they got a BOOOM – blown up!! I’ll tell you something…it wasn’t like the US Air Force got lucky…Oh, look! We got that building! No… JTAC marked it and took care of it.

Then, you must understand that the Marines are specialists for “URBAN WARFARE”…and lately the bombing has become more specialized because our troops with JTAC really know exactly what targets to hit ….and they’re going after them.

They have a better understanding of the targets and that’s why it happened so quickly SO FAST . They’re very conscious of the citizens, but we all know in war, there’s collateral damage, but they’re very, very conscious of the citizens …and the citizens know this.
Ever play tag ? …you’re it and you run like a fool until you touch somebody else…and then they say they’re at base…or they’re at sanctuary..You’re what? Remember, here if I reach this spot, you can’t touch me for tag…oh, yeah, I forgot. The citizens know that our Marines….that’s sanctuary.

THE CITIZENS HAVE BEEN DOING SOME AMAZING THINGS …and I hinted Monday. At this idea…I’m going to try to hint on it today because you need to know what we need so bad – SECURITY that is being formed FAST!! Very fast! By ALL.

Yes, the military is conscious about the citizen and the citizens are conscious of who takes care of them and the citizens are involved with them on this battlefield, right now…because, in a way, I want to say the battle is out of their hands, but I want to say THEY’RE INVOLVED IN THE BATTLES because they put it IN THEIR HANDS.

You want something, don’t you FAMILY? The citizens want something too…it’s not the same thing but it’s on the same level. You’d do anything to hurry it up, wouldn’t you? So are the citizens.

FALUJIAH….I may tell you about Falujiah…and I’ll tell you about another place and IF ANYONE DARES SAY OH, THERE’S A DELAY – OR IT’S THIS QUARTER OR NEXT QUARTER – ALL YEAR, or whatever….I’m sorry, I’m going to say “goodbye”. I don’t have the time anymore to deal with undisciplined studies….and I don’t want to criticize anybody because I’ll be the monster…

Did you see what Frank did…I don’t want to get rid of anybody. We haven’t banned anybody for a long time, but we’ll ban left and right if we don’t have people that can hold their water, and say dumb things….Oh, you lied…or Oh, you misled…or whatever…Bye, bye!

You can express you’re opinion that you don’t like what’s going on …or say, Hey Frank, it’s my opinion and the total opposite of Frank’s, just do it with dignity and class. I love counter / counter-point – I hate stupidity.

You want to see the RV…the LD’s…wanna see the budget? Want to see the tax and tariffs…our teams want to see that too. But not until the SECURITY says we can do it.

Will they do it between the 31st and 1st? -- Well, they’ve got some pretty good security, don’t they? The POTENTIAL IS VERY HIGH….Will they do it maybe 2 weeks after that…you know what we said about the lag period? -- The POTENTIAL IS EXTREMELY HIGH, YEAH. Why?

Because 3 high ranking DAASH -- BTW ....... Do you know why we say DAASH more often than ISIS? Look up the word…it’s a derogatory word for ISIS…ISIS should say DAASH-ISIS…not DAASH and ISIS.

Three of the high ranking DAASH officials were among the refugees that came out of Ramadi….Can you believe that? COWARDS!! I told you they were running…I told you we were capturing more ISIS than we were killing. Remember all of that?

You know how it happened? Picture this! Left, left, left right…..singing a marching song…so they’re walking out of the city of Ramadi and all of a sudden, when the citizens saw it was the perfect time….they whistled….GI JOE….Yeah..what? Look who’s in line with me. Left, Left….LOL – Stop the parade and they were able to capture 3 of the highest officials of DAASH…they were hiding among the refugees. ---Just like it will happened in Falujiah.

Yeah…you want to see the budget, tax ad tariffs, RV, budget…SO DO WE.

I also want to see the SECURITY in the manner we know that needs to be in place. The battlefield advances…and this is extremely important…All right, for YOU and the MONETARY REFORM…for MY TEAMS…the MR and many, many other subjects but the battlefield advancements tells us where everything else is at in Iraq….at that moment.

How are all the reforms doing…at that moment? How’s the T & T?….at that moment….How’s the LD’s?….at that moment, etc., etc., etc., The battlefield advancements tells us exactly where everything is at at that moment. Therefore, ……..WE ARE HAPPIER ABOUT THE 1ST QUARTER IN 2016 FOR IRAQ.

The battle in Ramadi and Mosul, they’re similar….but the battles that are occurring whether it be in Falujiah or anywhere else…they’re FAR MORE ADVANCED THAN YOU NEED TO KNOW. The only thing IMO you need to know is that this is going to look and become an ARABIC VICTORY IN THE MIDDLE EAST….VERY SOON!

I have a feeling you all understood me very well tonight.

See the Pentagon were stunned when they found out that there were thousands and thousands of troops from China that were fighting against ISIS right now. ….I call them the black ninjas. I call them the “End Times”. That’s a whole other conversation….

Interesting that we have a member on our forum known as JR1553…he said, you know, I’ve been following Frank for a little while and I don’t know how his teams do it…it’s like they’ve seen the movie. --- There are some movies I pray you never get to see. For they are too grosseteste.

Abadi issued an order just within the LAST 48 HOURS TO RESTORE STABILITY AND RESTORE WITH RE-CONSTRUCTION IN RAMADI…..Sir, you just did that. My goodness…that’s a quick order. Now, do you think it was 3 weeks ago and they’re telling you now? Yesterday he said I’m issuing orders to restore and re-construct the city of Ramadi.

Now, what did we tell you on Monday and yesterday – IMO a demolition crew from the military came in to flatten the place because they were going to call in the construction crews ….but we didn’t think they were going to call them the next day!!

So much has happened, remember, when we called it an ACCORDION OF TIME? I think they’re misplacing their sequence of events, to be honest with you. I mean. exactly what we told you….But we didn’t think it was the next day! RE-CONSTRUCTON – those were the keywords we gave you: DEMOLITION crew, re-construction crew….

What do you want to do, Abadi? --- I want to re-construct the city of Ramadi RIGHT NOW…of all cities…! ---The city of Ramadi? Of all the cities too.

What else, Abadi? -- Well, I also ordered to SECURE Ramadi and the provisions for the services for the return of the citizens’ back to their homes. – Because they got involved in the war? -- Yeah. LOL….

Meanwhile, we seem to have a TRIFECTA forming itself. What were the qualifications of our trifecta from the 31st – 1st .

1 – LOWER DENOM’S – Now, family, I won’t mislead you – the only thing we’ve got are those auctions, and I told you there’s only 8 banks. I don’t think that qualifies for the LD’s…Oh, we know where they’re at and we thought they had moved them electronically, but……maybe not just yet. That can be done like (snap) that!

2 – TAX AND TARIFFS – Got ‘em….! You mean that’s no problem. – Shoot, no…I can show you all the evidence. --- after the 1st, I don’t know. We’ll see.

3 – BUDGET – Got it….it’s even got the HCL in it. Well, aggiedad said 2 out of 3 ain’t bad…you know, meatloaf. LOL – I suppose but 3 out of 3 would allow them to do what they want to do. How do we get 3 out of 3? WHEN THE SECURITY is all there. – You just said there will always be pockets…these isolated areas. --- How will we ever know they have security? --LET THEM PLANT THE FLAG.

Activation of customs…tariffs after Jan. 1, 2016….all of them (holy cow!) – IN ALL PROVINCES and BORDER CROSSINGS IN THE KURDISTAN REGION…In the what? The Kurdistan Region. I thought it was going to be all of Iraq…it doesn’t say ONLY…what else does it say….I don’t know, I read it too quickly. (That’s the problem with people.—Let’s read it again.)

ACTIVATION OF CUSTOMS AND TARIFFS AS OF JAN. 1, 2016 – IN ALL PROVINCES AND BOARDER CROSSINGS IN THE KURDISTAN REGION. --- I bet there was a little problem in the translation…I bet there was.

What else? PARLIAMENT FINANCE – Parliament finance committee told us very clearly that we’re going to be part of funding the budget for tax and tariffs. Then Parliament finance revealed ACTIVATION of the CUSTOM TARIFFS STARTING FRIDAY, JAN. 1ST, 2016.

Family – 2 out of 3 – budgets and tax and tariffs…But the lower denom’s?--- Look, they’re electronic and it would be almost impossible to find them unless you saw the pendulum swing.

I think I saw it the way I wanted to see it…it looked like that yesterday, but discussing it this morning, we’ve gotta be fair with you…It was only 8 banks…that’s not a totality. Okay – no problem – 2 out of 3. – Maybe we’ll see them this Friday?

---Tell you what…if this coming Friday – Jan. 1, 2016 – they activate the T & T’s, I’m going to have an emergency conference call.

The TRIFECTA we believe is turning into a TETRA…Instead of 3 it’s turning into 4 – what is 4? OIL…I’m going to go through this faster than lightening. (For those doing notes, you may not want to post them…I mean, they’re kind of ignored…they read them but I just think they should say thank you to you........... More than 1 to 10 for we have thousands of memebers)

Q & A:

So…what’s been reported is at least 3-4 days behind.

Baghdaddi – it was his Chief of Staff that was killed…air bombs in’s the courthouse we were talking about. It’s called the “cheria” courthouse…They flattened it because they thought Baghdaddi was there but it was his Chief of Staff instead.

Mosul also is done…and so is Ramadi…and now we say please look over at Falujiah and see what happens there. We’re also looking for action in xxxxxx because the National Guard law has not been activated for Abadi yet…that’s why you see Abadi going where he’s going – for specific reasons….it has not been activated yet.

Maliki – they’re getting closer and closer…I really thought we’d see something before the end of the year, but it might just be during that 1st quarter. Maliki is…when did you last hear from him? The last time we asked you was a month and a half ago…and we told you …the reason we don’t go after him now is that we told you – you keep your enemies close to you – to get intel.

What intel? –When you find out what Maliki did…well, you won’t find out all of it…it’s grotesque too. Hmmm…in the physical sense, it’s grotesque…in the electronic sense, it’s mind-boggling. IMO He stole over $500 billion USD from that country IMO . He devastated them and that’s why it took so many loans right now.

Family, Maliki stole more than what the CBI has now…that’s an easy statement because they have little liquidity…but you know what I mean.

Maybe I’ll tell you about Barsa…maybe…..cuz I’m walking right past that now.

So, the trifecta – 4th thing: OIL….I don’t know if you believe me or not, but you’ll see and as January comes to an end , you’ll see what happens. The oil has to go up because of this sequence that they are working out perfectly…also has to work out. You see……..the T & T’s …..IMO will actually go into effect on Jan. 16th, but precede if they brought it out on the table on Jan. 1st…we’re going to have an emergency call.

The T & T is also for fueling the budget, but I don’t believe they’re ready to do that because security isn’t where we want it to be…but if we see it on Jan. 1st, OMG….it’s like a submarine…whoo!! NOW, FAST, QUICK….DIVE DIVE .....because OMGosh…because those things need a rate, but don’t get too excited because they can do them at 1166 program rate, but where’s the logic of that with what they’re telling us they want to do.

There’s no international rate at 1166 – LOL – of course not. So, what are they going to do on Jan. 1st…I don’t know…we’re all excited and to see all the advancements of all these cities….and maybe later…but LOOK AT FALLUJIAH… for now.

Yesterday a brother of ours by the name of Thor asked a question on Monday – Do you think Iraq will eventually join the Asian Banking Theater – the AIIB? -- I said, I don’t think they’re doing it right now but I think they should and I think they will….I bring this up because of what’s going on with Iraq and China…I think it’s going to speed it up even more. It’ll only be a plus overall. It’s not of the monetary reform, but it’s good overall for Iraq– which affects our return.

The battlefield is going good…ok?

About 600-700 ISIS were hiding in Ramadi. Like I told you the citizens turned in 3 of their leaders and they turned into a lot of these 600-700 ISIS people. Do you know what happened? They were going to return the citizens to Ramadi but unfortunately there was some trouble with some tunnels that ISIS dug underground to escape…they could be a nuisance because you don’t know what’s underneath there…so they sent robots into the tunnels to blow up the whole area just to explode it…they collapsed the tunnels…and now they’re preparing the citizens to RETURN to their homes…and that’s why they made that statement.

All this little information stuff…you’ll be reading about it.

In Haija…there were 47 ISIS arrested and 35 killed in western Ambar. They’re all falling apart…it’s the coalition – AIRCRAFTS that are working with JTAC.

As I try to wind this up I want you to know that Fallujiah is a hot topic with MY TEAMS …you know one of the cool things is you don’t hear that much because the citizens say “up yours” ISIS…they prepared themselves and beat the living hell out of ISIS…Give me another sandle….slap, slap…..-- Ah, But we’re here to conquer you. – Conquer this…slap, slap….LOL The citizens of Fallujiah resisted ISIS all the time they were trying to form a stronghold …and gave all the information to the coalition forces which made it easier for these bozos to be targeted. That’s why targets have been a lot easier…same as in Mosul, right now.

One of the ISIS leaders…Omar Sisatine…sounds like the holy man…He left Mosul…and the USA got him while in route because he ran to the Syrian border. Got ya sucker. He’s a Chesnian.

Delta, Delta, -- Euphradis news….oil production reduces now. We talked about that…they’re starting to produce oil ceilings right now and lead to an increase in oil prices….because they’re going to reduce the supply – basic economics, IMO. ALL FOR THE BUDGET OF IRAQ !!!

There is a holy man from Karbala who said that we don’t want to take any more loans…because taking loans will not help to bear high benefits for Iraq – that’s powerful.

Here’s a holy man from another provinces and says…no, no, we don’t need bones…because it’ll ruin the chance of what we’re trying to do. – Ok – shut up. What are the benefits.

Then, you have Al Masahhadni…he’s the guy from OPEC! They said, they must take action to demand by decreasing the ceiling of oil supply to increase oil prices and help Iraq’s economy. – What do you care about Iraq? Mr. OPEC….that’s why yesterday on our conference call we made it very clear to you that it’s amazing what Saudi Arabia in history that they’ll probably never be able to tell you about.

Why does OPEC want to help Iraq? -- Because Iraq is an OPEC member. – Really? Is that the reason? -- Well, no….cuz SA wants to help SA…themselves. LOL …and they want it now…They’ve been helping Iraq for a long time to strangulize the supply of oil for a long time. It’s about time now for them to make money – and they’ve kept quiet about and been so polite. If you missed the notes, a lot of this isn’t making any sense…and for an OPEC member to say this (LOL) –the reason we’re doing this is for Iraq’s economy….LOL..... Well arright then.

They make our TEAMS look good, don’t they? Opec…hmmm

Organization of the petroleum exporting countries – tell me you knew that's what OPEC means …OPEC…

Organization – group…of the oil…leaving…a country ......really? So, OPEC means it’s an organization that’s leaving to a bunch of countries OIL so that they can help other countries.

What are those countries? -- There’s only 5…What? You didn’t study the BRICS?
Iran – Iraq – Kuwait – what a minute??? – Saudi Arabia – Venezuela. Oh, yea, you have to have a loser country….they’re all losing money but they want to help themselves to re-build their reserves….Yep!...... fascinating !

And the fact that they talked to you about COINS….what? You didn’t look at the last page walkingstick brought out? - COINS, FILS? It’s impossible with 1166 – maybe with a 50 or 250…coins? Fils? So, if they do the T & T on Jan. 1st and say they’re activated, I don’t give a darn if it’s 1166 – they couldn’t make it any sweeter.

There’s no frickin’ way they could stay at 1166 because they never brought them OUT at 1166. What’s it been ready for 2 years, we told you….No wonder you want to have an emergency call if they come out with the T & T on Friday…So, let’s wait until then.

Tomorrow’s New Years……did you see our website? We’re fast…we got our own server…it’s big We’re very, very pleased…If anybody wants to help, (it costs $5,000) push the donate button…we appreciate eveyones' DESIRE to help .......... TY Kindly. 419-283-2552…God bless you – you’ll never ever know the trueness we do at KTFA.

If you’re going out to party, be safe.

Dismissed with a prayer.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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