Don't WAIT!

Monday, December 28, 2015

News, Rumors, and Opinions Monday Morning 12-28-15


Iko Ward :  Markets are down and a bit confused this morning. Remember Monday always was a bad day for an RV but a lot was pointing toward today. Tomorrow or Wednesday which makes a little more sense based on all the intel coming out of Russia and China over the weekend.

Basically, they are now coming out with declarations and documents declaring they are fed up and moving forward on their own.

Iko Ward :  Forex, Crude, Gold, World Stock Market all show down but not in a consistent group. So it looks like we wait until this afternoon when Monday's word comes in.

JJF: Iko - Even though China and Russia are moving forward, if it is the west holding things up, what exactly will keep them from continuing to do so

Iko Ward:  JJF...they literally run out of purchasing power. No one will want the dollar.

Iko Ward:  All the DOW is red except Disney, McDonald's and Nike. Just the way the world should be.

RSquared:  IKO: everyone could have and should have realized back in Nov. of 2013 that things would play out like this. The PTB especially on the home front were not going to play nicely and refuse to facilitate this RV in any way shape or form. And it continues. I don't see China and Russia winning over the West any time soon.

Iko Ward:  rsquared...I would say they have already won. The West is just taking a while to bleed out.

LH:  My thought is it absolutely will take China and Russia moving forward for this to happen. I've never been a bigger fan of C and R until now, and I will cheer them on!

Iko Ward:  Bottom line, we are in such a good place. Peeps need to realize that. Even when I get frustrated I still know that in my knower.

Pearle:  This is probably going to be one of our most exciting weeks in Dinarland...I sure hope we have appointment but Friday

element01 :  For those of us still on a fine line but mostly for myself and other close to the breaking point. “And once the storm is over, you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm’s all about.”―Haruki Murakami

Chatter:  After great sacrifices by the Iraqi Security Forces, Iraqi flag is flying over the government compound in Ramadi


Dinar Updates:

Q: [i dont think anyone is calling a date or rate, just hoping.] 

firefly   :There is no hoping, it is happening before our eyes, Just enjoy the last moments.



Walkingstik:  The central bank today recorded the lowest sales of the dollar months ago
History of edits:: 2015/12/28 14:30 •


, it decreased sales of the Iraqi Central Bank, on Monday in the auction for the sale of foreign currency to $ 138 million, a minimum auction months ago.

According to a statement of the bank, the agency received all of Iraq [where] a copy of "The amount sold volume today reached 138 million, 485 thousand, and $ 411, priced at 1182 dinars exchange rate to the dollar, and with the participation of 22 banks and 21 financial conversion company."

He pointed out that " the amount of remittances and credits amounted to 117 million and 305 000, and $ 411, while the quantity sold in cash 21 million and 180 thousand dollars.

"The statement said that" the amounts transferred to the accounts of banks selling abroad is priced at 1187 dinars per dollar, and the cash sales price shall be the price of 1190 dinars per dollar.

"According to the daily statistics of the Bank sold more than 43 billion and 997 million dollars in the auction for the currency since the fourth of January 2015 until today Alaravae.anthy ... ryid=25417


TINK:  December 28th, 2015, 11:27 am

Iraq forces sweep Ramadi after landmark victory

Iraqi forces swept the devastated streets of Ramadi for bombs Monday, after recapturing the city they lost in May and clinching a major victory against the Islamic State group.
Pockets of jihadists may remain in parts of the city but the army said it had faced no resistance since IS fighters abandoned the flashpoint government complex on Sunday.

Iraqis celebrated in the streets of several cities late Sunday and officials congratulated the federal forces on their biggest victory since IS overran large parts of the country last year.

"The security forces now control all the streets. There is no resistance from Daesh (IS)," said Ibrahim al-Fahdawi, a security official from Anbar province, of which Ramadi is the capital.

The former government headquarters in Ramadi was the epicentre of the fighting but Iraqi forces did not rush in when IS pulled out because the entire area was rigged.

Explosives and ordinance disposal teams face the mammoth task of clearing a city where IS laid thousands of bombs.

"Daesh has planted more than 300 explosive devices on the roads and in the buildings of the government complex," said Brigadier General Majid al-Fatlawi of the army's 8th division.

"They used everything from oxygen bottles to jerrycans, that contain C-4 (plastic explosive) and chlorine," he said.

Several local officials said IS used civilians as human shields to escape the battle when it became clear their last stand in Ramadi was doomed.

IS had an estimated force of around 400 fighters to defend central Ramadi a week ago. It is not clear how many were killed and how many were able to pull back to positions outside the city.

- Mosul next? -

The Iraqi authorities did not divulge any casualty figures for the federal forces but medics told AFP that close to 100 wounded government fighters were brought to Baghdad hospitals on Sunday alone.

"The dead bodies are taken directly to the main military hospital" near the airport, said one hospital source, explaining why he could not provide a death toll.

The US-led coalition praised the performance of the Iraqi forces in retaking Ramadi, an operation in which it played a significant role, training local forces, arming them and carrying out what it said were 600 air strikes since July.

The speaker of Iraq's parliament was one of the first top officials to congratulate the security forces on their victory late Sunday.

"This great victory has broken the back of Daesh and represents a launchpad for the liberation of Nineveh," Salim al-Juburi said in a statement.

Nineveh is home to Iraq's second city of Mosul, from which IS supremo Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi proclaimed his "caliphate" straddling Iraq and Syria more than a year and a half ago.

State television showed footage late Sunday of Iraqis on the streets of Baghdad, Karbala and other cities celebrating the Ramadi victory.

- Boost for army -

Anbar residents account for more than a third of the 3.2 million people who have been displaced by conflict since the start of 2014.

Many have been living in the northern autonomous region of Kurdistan and some could be seen celebrating there on Sunday but Ramadi is devastated and a return to normalcy is some way away.

Iraq's defence minister, Khaled al-Obeidi, said a week ago that Iraqi forces had reconquered more than half of the territory lost to IS in June and August 2014.

The victory in Ramadi comes on the heels of operations that saw Iraqi forces retake Baiji, north of Baghdad, and Sinjar, the hub of the Yazidi minority in the northeast of the country.

The city of Ramadi was recaptured by federal forces, with the Popular Mobilisation -- a paramilitary force dominated by Tehran-backed Shiite militia groups -- remaining on the fringes.

Many of Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi's political rivals had questioned his strategy of excluding those groups and relying on the US-led coalition's air power.

"The prestige goes to the Iraqi military," said political analyst Ihsan al-Shammari.

"As an institution, it's the first time since the Daesh invasion (in June 2014) it has achieved a victory without the support of the Popular Mobilisation force," he said.

The Iraq army collapsed when IS attacked Mosul in June 2014 and swept across Iraq's Sunni Arab heartland virtually unopposed.
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REPLAY of Awake-in-3D Conference call Sunday Night 12-27-15

Let’s Talk GCR / RV and the Great Shift

Episode # 5

After GCR / RV Exchanges: What’s the Plan?

Now that the exchange process is working its way through the private group structures (as widely reported), it is time to have a dialogue regarding post-RV exchange plans. On this week’s show, I will be discussing a general planning approach, structure and activities to start now, both as an individual and also within a group engagement environmen

  •  Why it’s not too soon to engage with your post-exchange planning
  • Have you taken, or will you take steps to create a independent entity such as a Trust or Foundation?
  • A majority of us plan to engage in Humanitarian projects and activities to create a better world for everyone but have not yet worked out the details – let’s discuss options in this noble endeavor.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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