Don't WAIT!

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Wednesday Mnt Goat Update - "Read my Lips (again) there is NO 72 hour RV window"  Part 1 of 2

(Thank you George for sending this to Dinar Recaps.)

UU6851 – “Read my Lips (again) there is NO 72 hour RV window”  by Mnt Goat

Hello Everyone,

Thanks everyone for the nice Christmas wishes. The family and I had a great Christmas and proceeded it with a safe and wonderful trip to Nuremburg for the Christkindlemarkt. Now we are back and the news is pouring in.

Today there is lots of news. Some of it will amaze you since we have been waiting so long for it. We can now see more of the pieces to the puzzle being played out and the process goes forward. However we must wait and watch and not overdue and assume the information we are getting with rumors or conjecture to serve our own purposes. This is not fair to those wanting for the truth and so relax and lets see if we can find it.

I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt there is NO 72 hour window or any window for an RV until at least late Jan early Feb 2016 and this too is dependent on accomplishing certain goals, one of which is victory over ISIS and another is establishing the needed laws to fix the military and the judicial system. 
Today’s News

Today is Wednesday December 30th and yes we are now fully in the final week of December and still no RV. 

Some say the RV must happen prior to Jan 1st 2016 or the IMF will take it over. Really?

I can not find even a shred of evidence to even suggest such a plan. If you find it please bring to forums. I am not saying this may or may not be the case but I have not heard any such news or read of it. But Jan 1st is only a couple days away and still no RV. So what do you think?

So if we are to study this ongoing RV saga, we must dig deeper than what some “secret” sources or rumors being spread around with a stick of sound evidence. We must dig deeper than what is on the bank screens or what is being said in the mosques…lol…lol….

We must dig very deep and go to aspects of the currency auctions and the plan to diversify Iraq’s economy. So let’s look today more as these aspects and see if we can make some sense of them and gain appreciations for the pulse and heartbeat of Iraq (what is truly happening and what their political leaders are thinking).

Before I go any further in today’s news I want to clarify one issue that still has many spell bound. Months ago now these so called intel “gurus” told you that the salaries were being cut in half in preparation for the RV. At this time I disputed this claim and said it was all nonsense and had absolutely nothing to do with the RV. So once again I am correct and have proven these wrong. My advice is stop following these senseless leaders.

Oh – so what pops out in the news recently? Low and behold ! - an article telling us directly from Abadi that the salaries will NOT be reduced and that this is propaganda being spread by the “fifith column” (which is Maliki and his goons). Did I not tell you this was the case?  Funny how mnay are vented on bashing me but I am always correct and prove it. …….lol…..

Are you convinced now or will you continue to be ignorant and keep watching so see the salaries reduced as a sign of some future RV? This is all so foolish and ridiculous I almost have to cry over people being so ignorant in the entire RV process. It is very sad I even have to bring this article to you to prove my point.

I also want to add that the economic advisor in the article below is telling us that the economic process is NOT A SECRET and they are keeping the people informed, just as I have already told you many times in the past that there is no conspiracy here to fool us so we don’t know about the timing of the RV. It is not all about the RV. The RV is the ultimate prize not the process.

I quote directly from the article below – “the government does not hide anything about the economic situation in Iraq, and will have a position with every situation and in every interview incident”

Article Begins


The appearance of Mohammed Saleh. Abadi economic adviser denies staff to reduce the salaries and accused "fifth column" of being behind the rumors

Author: AHF, BS, MJ 

Long-Presse / Baghdad
Denied economic advisor to Prime Minister Council, on Tuesday, the government flew to reduce employees' salaries by half, and was charged with fifth column of being behind the rumors Thus, he stressed that the government does not hide anything from the people, with regard to the economic situation.

Economic Adviser to the Prime Minister and the appearance of Mohammed Saleh said in an interview to the (long-Presse). "The reports that directed the government to reduce the days of the official working hours of staff and reduce salaries for half rumors sick and miserable."

He accused the benefit of "the fifth column of being behind these rumors is part of the psychological warfare at a time when Iraq is fighting a war against terrorism and achieve big victories."
Saleh asked "Who is that talking about such subject and what are its powers," asserting that "talking about this topic at the moment is very bad talk about victories intended to distort Iraq on terror".

Prime Minister Economic Adviser explained that "the government does not hide anything about the economic situation in Iraq, and will have a position with every situation and in every interview incident."
Some local media quoted sources as saying that the Cabinet is considering a proposal to reduce staff time in half, in exchange for giving them half the salary, to overcome the expected budget deficit in 2016.

Article Ends

Update: Needed Laws

WOW! Looks like we are finally going to get the Federal Court law and a few others in a  basket of laws in the opening session of parliament in the new year. 

Amnesty is one of them.  Wow again!  We have waited soo long for this law.

But I noticed no National Guard law, at least not as of yet.

What is so important about the National Guard law?
It will give Iraq the blanket of security it needs for any significant revaluation of their currency. It also ensures that there are no private militias or Kud forces that can benefit from the revaluation and can use the funds to appose the Iraq security forces and military that may be necessary to take them out, if they do not cooperate once the National Guard law is passed and implemented.  Note also they recently overtook Ramadi and did not use any Iranina Kud forces or private militias in doing so.

Why is it taking so long for the National Guard law?
This law will NOT BE IMPLEMENTED until they complete the ISIS fighting operations and can then legally designate the private militias as either “for us” or “against us”. 
The good news in Abadi is telling us with complete confidence they are coming to liberate Mosul and then he tells us this is the key to the final victory over ISIS in Iraq. I have heard they have been planning this strategy for a very long time and it should go swiftly.

When can we expect to see the National Guard law implemented?
I am convinced that this will occur just after ISIS is beaten in Mosul and the liberation is announced. Let’s watch and see if I am correct.  If you want a timing I would say sometime in January and this is a know target since they already have told us they “postponed” the launching of the 50k notes until late January and that these notes were to “pave the way” for the deletion of the 3 zeros.

So you see we do actually have a timeline only many of these so called intel “gurus”  do not like future dates so far out because they can’t hype you up now and keep you in suspense over them. So they simply ignore it even though the news is overwhelmingly telling us there will be no RV window until at least this new target timeframe. This gives them time to complete these needed laws including the National Guard law and that is what I believe they are going to do (or attempt to do).

So once the Federal Court law and the National Guard law are passed, they can’t stall  the prosecution of Maliki and his goons any more and will be forced to deal with them. They are also slowly stripping him of his monetary power since there is a 5 billion lawsuit against him. Also he will no longer have his so called private armies (or militias) to do his dirty work (bombings, etc..) once the National Guard law is in place. They are also going after hundreds of billions stolen during that 8 year administration that is now in Jordan, Lebanon, accounts. I believe this is the long term strategy too to help pay for the many deficit loans.

It is all coming together very nicely.….lol…Just have patience !

And….YES…these laws are necessary and important prior to any RV. All you so called “gurus” can put that in your pipe and smoke it (along with the other hallucinating weed you are already smoking).

Article Begins



Parliamentary Legal Committee announced that the new legislative term will vote on three important laws in the forefront of a project of the Federal Court Act.

A member of the Committee to Morshedi: "There is a set of laws has first and second reading and completed discussions on them between the blocs and parliamentary committees and you just need to vote in agreement with the leaders of the blocks."

"The ready-made laws of the vote is the Federal Court and the Federal Service and amnesty, as well as a draft e-Crime Bill and the Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law."

He pointed out, "it was narrowing differences in the Federal Court Act except for paragraph 12 of the draft law concerning the quorum convene and vote on decisions of the Court."

"The general amnesty law is still under discussion for the study of the compatibility of the draft law with constitutional provisions and then introduced to a vote," noting that "the parliamentary Commission included a proposal for the inclusion of liquor within the project Drug and Psychotropic Substances Act, which is currently prepared with the Committee on Health and Environment in Parliament."

Morshedi pointed out that "the inclusion of liquor that the draft law came as psychotropic substances according to the opinion of the Committee on Health and the Environment of the proposal adopted by a number of deputies," pointing out that "the House vote to adopt that view will make the liquor is prohibited by law."

Article Ends
Update: Currency Reform

We still await for the “official” word from the CBI to allow the distribution of the new lower denominations. We know this must first be accompanied with a significant increase in value and we are told it will be a 1:1 par value with the US dollar.

This is NOT the RV but an inflation adjustment and only an incentive to  “dedollarize” the economy and reverse the trend in demand from the US dollar to the Iraqi dinar thus increase the demand for the new lower denominations. This would thus allow Iraq to withdraw or “de-dollarize” their economy as they would suck up US dollars are replace them with the lower denominations. This would happen because the citizens would migrate towards the new dinar since it would be worth more than the dollar.

Do they need a very significant increase in order to do this?
NO! All they need in-country is a value to the new dinar to be just over a dollar to create this incentive. 

Is this the RV we have been waiting for?

NO! – this move to a 1:1 par with the US dollar is just an inflationary measure they will undertake. The full RV ($4.00+) we are waiting for will come later  and will depend on how stable the economy is and how this whole process works out. It may take longer or it may be shorter than a couple weeks. 

Again it saddens me I have to keep telling everyone this news too. Sometimes you just have to buckle down and listen to those that know the RV process and what is holding it up. If you have been reading my news letters you are one of the informed people and do not have to resort to listening to all out there about an everyday / any day / any moment RV situation. Simply put the RV is NOT going to happen until we see the needed laws and hear news of the currency reform process starting up once again. Right now we are on-hold again with the project to delete the zeros until late January / early February 2016. So relax!

When late January / early February 2016 comes around and we do get news about the “project to delete the zeros” to inform us it is moving forward once again, then go back and re-read this news letter and know that I am correct in my news and telling the truth to you. If this doesn’t convince you I give up….lol….

​Soon Link to PART 2

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