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Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Wednesday Mnt Goat Update - "Read my Lips (again) there is NO 72 hour RV window"  Part 2 of 2

Update: Iraqi Economy

Does the article below seem like déjà vu to you?

What makes Iraq think the bond drive this time will be any more successful than it was in the past ? They are now strapped with debt from borrowing to pay their 2015-2016 deficits to IMF, China, Germany, Japan, etc.. Do they know something we don’t know?
To all you conspiracy people out there. If you want a conspiracy this may be the one for you –

Did you every read the book “Confessions of An Economic Hit Man” partly autobiographical book written by John Perkins published in 2004. Go read it and then think about what is now happening with Iraq. Can they be stalling the reinstatement of their currency for a reason? Now there is even talk of bankruptcy in 2016 of the price of oil does not rise soon. Does the IMF want to control the resources of Iraq and this is how they are going to do it.  Just look at all their loans. Wow! Something is going on.
"Economic hit men” (EHMs) are highly paid professionals who cheat countries around the globe out of trillions of dollars.

According to Perkins, his role at Main was to convince leaders of underdeveloped countries to accept substantial development loans for large construction and engineering projects while making sure that these projects were contracted to U.S. companies. Later these loans would give the U.S. political influence and access to natural resources for U.S. companies. He refers to this as an "economic hit man." Although he states that throughout his career he has always worked for private companies, and suggests a system of corporatocracy and greed, rather than a single conspiracy

Just saying……… maybe things are not always what they appear to be…..!

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Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari h d

Twilight News / Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari, on Monday, that Iraq has revived a plan to sell two billion dollars in bonds in 2016 at a time when the government is working on the face of the danger posed by al "Daash".

Zebari said in an interview with the agency "Reuters", and followed up Twilight News, that the 2016 draft budget provides for the government to sell bonds two billion dollars if lacked the resources to finance its spending target.

And was suspended bond sale plan - the first of its kind offered by the Iraqi government in the international market in about ten years - in October as investors demanded a yield of 11 percent, Zebari said he is very high.

Zebari said that the government hopes to conclude a better deal if you decide to resort to the bond market in 2016 with the achievement of the armed forces continuing victories on "Daash" and support the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund to the government's financial center.

It will facilitate the international institutions' confidence in the country's sovereign bond issuance process, expressing his belief that the liberation of gray will boost his country's position.

Iraq in 2006 and sold bonds worth $ 2.7 billion worth in 2028 and received a rating of -B agency Fitch Ratings in August.

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Update: Nori al-Maliki Syndrome

I really, really liked this article below because it is telling us first of all they are sick and tired of Maliki and want to find a way to prosecute him if not for his crimes in Mosul or Sticker AFB than for his other corruption and stealing the wealth from Iraq. So now we see yet another attempt to bring him down by a huge lawsuit. Appears he has too much money to buy off the judicial system and pay for all his body guards. Appears this suit will be the “big” test for the judiciary system. So will they proceed in this lawsuit? Could this be the beginning of the end for Maliki? Will this bring him financially down (what I feel is really needed to bring him down).

I quote from the article below – “He concluded by saying: Again I say that the Iraqi judiciary to the big test new phase and we hope that God willing, the judiciary succeed at this stage that the al-Maliki did not disappoint in blackmail national figures”.

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Baghdad -Arac Press -28 December 2015

Shen secretary-general of the Islamic National Accord Movement beauty agent, on Sunday, very scathing on the head of a coalition of law Nuri al-Maliki attack, promised to call set up by him a clear indication of "bankruptcy-Maliki and his failure to return to political project ".

He had earlier set up Nuri al-Maliki lawsuit against the agent asking him to five billion dinars in compensation for "insult to his reputation" during a television interview on the 30th of August.

The agent said in a statement received L / Iraq Press /, a copy of it, that "to raise this call many connotations, and were not that first interview, which not expose them to approach and behavior and the actions of al-Maliki, which are well known to all Labib and followers." 

He said the secretary general of the Islamic National Accord Movement: I am aware that al-Maliki was before this trying to evaluate a lawsuit against me to Catch or Jail and that when he was at the head of the government, but he saw that it was not in his interest and the benefit of that spotlight will shine on the agent more and more, and that al-Maliki knows exactly mainstream and the great line that I belong to him, and also knows that he will not be able to meet this inherent line.

And Sheikh agent said that the work done by al-Maliki, a clear indication of his bankruptcy and failing to return political project, and so began heals my wounds and begging some positions here and there, perhaps get some gains, in particular, and it was not only the money stolen and stolen and disappeared in the past eight years, and an estimated three hundred billion dollars.

Also demonstrates that work on the level of degradation of al-Maliki and is asking me to five billion dinars in compensation for the insult to his reputation, and I ask all honorable Iraqis the following question: Is that comes Baathists and handing them over Iraqi army command then these leaders to hand over a third of the area of Iraq to Daash, you He has a reputation and honor? And does he have the dignity? , If this man's reputation and dignity and honor what he has such a criminal act and kept silent about it.

The al-Maliki in this work demonstrates the extent Anahtath Almujdan in dealing with politicians in the Iraqi political arena, and al-Maliki is unfortunate that up to this point.
It seems that al-Maliki has been implicated in this case also dragged him before in more than one case, and it is regrettable to say that al-Maliki did not use the mind, and did not rely on the experts and advisers in the management of state affairs, and only what al-Maliki arrived begging for sympathy from officials stage in the Islamic Republic of Iran in order to Almawa his face and back onto the political process again, and had happened when I was invited to a conference in Tehran and given his speech at the opening session, but that did not satisfy him, especially after the word that I gave at the closing session, which explained the truth of what happened in Iraq, and stressed that the supreme religious authority, and we are proud of always been the decision maker in preventing al-Maliki that up to a third term, and is thwarted by some officials in Iran's plan in that Almawa the face of al-Maliki and back onto life Political again, and I ask Maliki: What do you want to do?

He continued: I think that the judiciary began to wake up these days, and is a major test, and required him to prove his courage in making decisions true, and should not be supportive of the criminals the likes of al-Maliki, and the Liberation of Iraq, and harbors, and blackmailing citizens for the interests of these corrupt.

He concluded by saying: Again I say that the Iraqi judiciary to the big test new phase and we hope that God willing, the judiciary succeed at this stage that the al-Maliki did not disappoint in blackmail national figures 

Update: Fighting ISIS

The articles below speak for themselves. We await further news on progress but we know now they are moving on Mosul again and this is excellent news…..the “final” blow to ISIS in Iraq….and so we hope! 

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@HaiderAlAbadi: We say with complete confidence we are coming to liberate Mosul, with the unity and resolve of this great nation and its brave sons We will work to ensure that 2016 will be the year of final victory and will mark the end of Daesh presence in Iraq

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BAGHDAD (Reuters) - The Iraqi army will need the Kurds' help to retake Mosul, the largest city under the control of Islamic State with the planned offensive expected to be very challenging in a region home to rival religious and ethnic groups, an Iraqi minister said. Mosul, 400 km (250 miles) north of Baghdad, has been designated by the government as the next target for Iraq's armed forces after they retook the western city of Ramadi, the first major success of the U.S.-trained force that initially fled in the face of Islamic State's advance 18 months ago.
Retaking the mostly Sunni city of Mosul would be hard as the local and regional players in northern Iraq have diverging agendas. The region is a mosaic of different ethnic and religious groups lying between Turkey, Syria and Iraqi Kurdistan.

It would effectively mark the end of the caliphate proclaimed by Islamic State in adjacent Sunni areas of Iraq and Syria, Iraq's Finance Minister Hoshiyar Zebari told Reuters in an interview.
"Mosul needs good planning, preparations, commitment from all the key players," Zebari, a Kurd, said on Monday in Baghdad. "Peshmerga is a major force; you cannot do Mosul without Peshmerga," he said, referring to the armed forces of Iraqi Kurdistan, an autonomous northern region close to Mosul.
Kurdish forces have positions east, north and west of Mosul while Iraqi security forces backed by Shi'ite militias have positions in Baiji, south of Mosul.

The city had a population of two million before it fell to the militants in June 2014, in the first stage of their sweeping advance through northern and western Iraq.The battle of Mosul would be "very, very challenging", Zebari said. "It will not be an easy operation, for some time they have been strengthening themselves, but it’s doable."Given the extent of the area that needs to be secured around Mosul during the attack, the army may also need to draw on local Sunni forces and possibly the Shi'ite Popular Mobilisation Forces (PMF) in support roles, he said. The PMF, known in Arabic as Hashid Shaabi, is a loosely knit coalition of mostly Iran-backed Shi'ite militias set up to fight Islamic State. The government sidelined the PMF in the Ramadi battle to ensure air support from the U.S. which is reluctant to be seen fighting on the same side as the Iranian-backed militias.

Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said on Monday that Islamic State would be defeated in 2016 with the army planning to move on Mosul. "We are coming to liberate Mosul and it will be the fatal and final blow to Daesh," he said in speech praising the army's "victory" in Ramadi. "It's there (Mosul) where Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi declared his caliphate," Zebari said, referring to the group's leader. "It is literally their capital."
The Iraqi Kurdish president, Massoud Barzani, discussed plans for the liberation of Mosul with Lieutenant General Tom Beckett, Britain's senior defense adviser, in September, according to Kurdish TV Rudaw.
Peshmerga forces, backed by US air strikes, in November dislodged Islamic State from Sinjar, a town west of Mosul that is home to Iraq's Yazidi minority who suffered at the hands of Islamic State when it overran the area in August 2014.

Barzani said at the time the capture of Sinjar "would have a big impact on liberating Mosul," as the Yazidi town lies on the road to Raqqa, Islamic State's stronghold on Syrian territory.
Arab Sunnis and Shi'ites are concerned that the Kurds could use the battle as a mean to expand the territory under their control, said Wathiq al-Hashimi, chairman of the Iraqi Group for Strategic Studies, a think-tank in Baghdad.

The Kurds are concerned that the Shi'ites would use their presence to bolster the influence of the central government in Baghdad, he said.

"The Peshmerga's involvement will be inevitable but could further complicate the battle in Mosul if not enough guarantees have been taken from the regional leadership that they will not use it to expand their territories," said Hashimi.

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One more item today:

Let’s not forget to keep praying for the success of THESE IRAQI AND COALITION SOLDIERS. I believe their success is in part some of the acceleration of the process we are now witnessing. 

“Lord, protect Abadi and all who stand with him in righteousness, the Iraq and Coalition Soldiers who are fighting the good fight against terrorism, that they would be shielded from the enemy and would be Victorious against them! We ask that the Victory comes swiftly and healing of the Iraqi peoples and all whom have been effected by these evil doers can begin! Amen!

Till next time…. Auf Wiedersehen!

Peace and Luv To Ya All, 
Mnt Goat

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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