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Monday, December 28, 2015

Wealthwatch  Late Eve Early AM Chat 12-27-15   Part 1 of 2

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Wealthwatch  Late Eve Early AM Chat 12-27-15   Part 1 of 2

OOTW: Trade settlements in dollars will diminish in the CIS countries, stimulating the use of national currencies in foreign transactions and increasing the liquidity of national currency markets. Consequently, the evolution of national currency markets will improve thanks to a coordinated monetary policy, resulting in the activation of economic cooperation and the strengthening of integration processes in the post-Soviet countries.


ladyfox: HEY GUYS I hope all is well with everyone. So CNN is taking about Isis being under Iraq control? or compound surrounded.
chattels: Reidar Visser ‏@reidarvisser 2h2 hours ago #Iraq's (Sunni) parliament speaker praises army & tribal forces for victory against ISIS at #Ramadi, says Mosul next …
chattels: Joel Wing ‏@JoelWing2 33m33 minutes ago Anbar Council 80% of Ramadi destroyed will take 10 yrs to rebuild …
Abraham: No need to worry about tariffs as tariffs would be a condition tied to IMF funding.
chattels: Kurdish parliamentary blocs announces its support for the government's reform project Read more:
chattels: New parliamentary move understandings pending laws, particularly the National Guard
chattels: "It is expected by state law to return the parliamentary blocs, the beginning of the next legislative term, to the negotiations on the important laws, particularly the laws National Guard and the Justice and Accountability and the criminalization of the Baath Party and amnesty."
Tootsie: :smile: Revive Najaf dresses cost of plant products (5.9) million12/27/2015BAGHDAD / JD / .. Men's ready-made clothes factory achieved in Najaf of the General Company for Textile Industries, one of the Ministry of Industry and Minerals quantum leap in the preparation of models and fashion, products which Tlim public taste developed within the project Men's Suit. 
He said the media center and public relations at the ministry director Abdul Wahid al-Shammari in a written statement / dinars / received a copy of it: The project developed from strategic projects economically and mission of the Ministry of Industry and Minerals Men's Suit, the project was set up at a cost estimated at (5.9) million and managed cadres technical more than five hundred employees and a member of the design capacity (100) thousand annually suit,
noting that he aims to produce a distinct and high-quality modern and Bmodellat fit the customer in the public and private sectors alike.
Tootsie: He noted that the output accompanied the global evolution in terms of the adoption of the new plans will bring about a change in the models and fashion, products through pushing the technical staff in training courses to become homogeneous with Italian and Hnkarah and Turkish companies as well as the supervision of experts on the production processes of various specialized companies and successive periods over the past years,
which reflected positively on the high-performance design and production as well as inspection and maintenance of machinery and equipment, pointing out that the clothing factory witness follow-up and supervision of experts from the Chinese companies currently specializing in this area. 
The lab took his share of the size of the destruction of infrastructure Bbenith during military operations in 2003 and the latest big material damage amounted to 62 billion dinars were revive him again over two years have endured the bulk of them. / End /   

Tootsie: G Night ~
Awake-in-3D: I receive many comments and questions regarding the complexity and/or secrecy surrounding the Global Currency Reset and particularly the exchange process and details. One often wonders why the whole event is so confusing and non-transparent.
Some conclude that this Event is unfair and and view the process with disdain, even comparing it to the shadowy machinations of the Bad Guy Banksters in the way they operate. In my view, a good analogy for the RV/GCR is that of a Private Company offering private shares.
If a group of owners/managers controlling a private company want to raise capital (funds) for various reasons, but do not yet want to take the company "public", they will "invite" people to purchase "private shares" of the company. Private shares can be configured (classified) in many ways.. either equity or debt (stocks or bonds). Let's just focus on equity shares for this analogy.
Typically, private shares can be called back (re-purchased) at any time by the Private Company, usually at a premium - meaning they will pay a higher price than they are intrinsically worth in order to "repatriate" the shares back into the company.
Another factor related to private shares is that the people who bought them have no say in the management or operations in the Private Company (voting rights).
Owners of the Private Stock are only involved to make a return on their initial investment and are "not privy" to anything that goes on within or around the Private Company, it's operations, management, strategies, or decisions.
Furthermore, once the Private Company re-purchases the private stock shares from those that initially invested in them, they can decide to go "Public" with their company upon which their operations and management activities become Public Record and transparent to all. Now let's apply the Private Company analogy to the RV/GCR process. 

 [12/28/2015 02:38:58 AM] Awake-in-3D: I consider the RV/GCR to be like a Private Company and all of us who own various currencies are the investors, and the currencies are analogous to private shares that we have purchased.
The function and purpose (the Mission and Vision) of this metaphorical "company" (the RV/GCR) is to end the Fiat Currency System (debt slavery), institute an Asset-Backed Currency System, and to Fund massive Humanitarian activities world wide with the proceeds raised via the RV of currencies in the process.
The "Management" of the RV/GCR initially intended that the shares (currencies) related to this Event to be purchased and owned by high-level, Sovereign entities (investors) such as nations (countries) and native, indigenous groups, etc.
However, currencies are really not private shares and are generally available to everyday people to acquire. As the word spread via the internet about the Iraqi Dinar, and then other currencies, many private citizens were now "unexpected investors" in the GCR plan.
Consequently, the GCR Management Team had to decide what to do about this unplanned scenario. Remember, the GCR is a Humanitarian Event first and foremost. One option was for Management to figure out a way to prevent all of us from taking advantage of what we had learned via the internet.
That would have been the simplest solution to the added, unplanned complications of having millions of people involved in the process. But then certain members of management spoke up and made the case that this is a Humanitarian Event! "Let's take a survey of those civilians who now own these currencies and get a feel for their intentions."
Upon doing that, Management discovered that most of us currency holders had definitive plans to help humanity in many ways with the proceeds from our currency exchanges. Imagine that!

Comments may be made at the end of Part 2   Thank You

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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