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Monday, December 28, 2015

BGG Monday Night Newstime 12-28-15  Part 2 of 2

Bgg newstime 12/28/2015  Part 2 of 2
BGG says to quicktolegit96(7:20 PM):   Soon.
jtank says(7:21 PM):   lol
BGG says to quicktolegit96(7:21 PM):   kinda funny there was so much made of this 50K note thing and then "bupkis"... NADA - Nothin'....

BGG says to quicktolegit96(7:21 PM):   whaaaaaaaaa????
BGG says to quicktolegit96(7:22 PM):   think about it like this... there was all kind of noise made about the LD's - there are even some legit (late model) LD's in circulation - BUT NOT WIDE SPREAD.

BGG says to quicktolegit96(7:23 PM):   SAME THING W/50k notes...
BGG says to quicktolegit96(7:23 PM):   a few leaking out...
BGG says to quicktolegit96(7:23 PM):   lots of talk - nothing...
quicktolegit96 says(7:23 PM):   BGG TRUE, I BELIEVE WE ARE AT THE ENDING
7shiela says(7:23 PM):   So as far as laws and such they are already done..right? I mean, we're not waiting on anymore of that stuff? So all we're waiting for now is the implementation of everything?
BGG says to quicktolegit96(7:23 PM):   point is - when it is expedient for "whatever plan is real" - we'll see them for REAL.
jtank says(7:24 PM):   why?
BGG says to 7shiela(7:24 PM):   IMHO - probably, yes...
puffdragon says(7:24 PM):   This all boils down to DO or DIE ! Iraq on the chopping block, My money is on Iraq and Abadi !(y)
BGG says to puffdragon(7:25 PM):   So far - he's a good bet.
BGG says to puffdragon(7:25 PM):    it's only been a year.
templejc says(7:25 PM):   So I have have just been just observing for 2 years - could you give us 2 or 3 reasons why many are suggesting by Jan1 or soon after?
puffdragon says(7:25 PM):   Ditto BGG:)
BGG says to puffdragon(7:25 PM):   things are stabilized and he's taking back ground that Maliki GAVE AWAY!!
puffdragon says(7:26 PM):   All good stuff also the port of FAW progress
BGG says to templejc(7:27 PM):   I don't want to denegrate another's opinion... I am glad we're here... could be LOTS WORSE.
templejc says(7:28 PM):   ok :)
BGG says to templejc(7:28 PM):   aand really - ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN at this point... meaning anything at anytime... (as opposed to the boo birds saying NOTHING for a long time)...
templejc says(7:29 PM):   Thanks :)
Bentley says(7:29 PM):   Do you think they can raise the peoples hopes to this new, higher level and then...yet again, not come through without serious repercussions? WOLF, Wolf, wolf, wo
BGG says to Bentley(7:29 PM):   please tell your grandson - I AM SOOO Sorry. I have been most preoccupied with a couple of projects.
Bentley says(7:29 PM):   will do
BGG says to Bentley(7:30 PM):   truthfully - they have come thru... taking Ramadi with only Sunnis is a major step.
Bentley says(7:30 PM):   yeah, but no jingle in the jeans!
BGG says to Bentley(7:31 PM):   not only does it signal a major political shift within the Baghdad GOI - IT FRIGGIN' WORKED!!
BGG says to Bentley(7:31 PM):   meaning they took back ground - which is real.
Bentley says(7:31 PM):   Its like me being excited about what happent in Seattle regarding Climate Change
Bentley says(7:32 PM):   Yea, good...but what does that do for me?
BGG says to Bentley(7:33 PM):   Don't get me started - this winter will have the CC peeps in high gear.
Bentley says(7:33 PM):   Woooops
BGG says to Bentley(7:33 PM):   we'll hear about it for years!!
Bentley says(7:33 PM):   I meant Marajuana
BGG says to Bentley(7:33 PM):   moving on...
BGG says to Bentley(7:34 PM):   (:o)
Bentley says(7:34 PM):   Thinnk they will follow up and go North!?
Bentley says(7:36 PM):   I'm thinking those two cities need to be in their control before they will feel save RV's the money.
Bentley says(7:36 PM):   sorry, jumped in there...
BGG says to Bentley(7:36 PM):   Mosul is symbolic - for sure.
Dinarnewbie says(7:37 PM):   that report a few days ago about them only being able to deal with dinar, has that gone into effect. No problemo :) Thank you for stopping by :)
BGG says to Dinarnewbie(7:38 PM):   I highly doubt - just yet.
BGG says to Dinarnewbie(7:38 PM):   However, hang on...
Dinarnewbie says(7:38 PM):   ok, I figured as much, thank you.
Dinarnewbie says(7:38 PM):   ok
BGG says to Dinarnewbie(7:38 PM):   HUGE SMOKE here -
Iraq revives plan to sell bonds two billion dollars 12/28
BGG says to Dinarnewbie(7:38 PM):   I laughed out loud...
 Dinarnewbie says(7:39 PM):   yeah I was curious about that, lol
BGG says(7:39 PM):   a snowball in TX has a better chance...
Dinarnewbie says(7:39 PM):   lol
BGG says(7:39 PM):   which begs the?? why spread that jibberish around??
benvetted says(7:40 PM):   Bentley(y)(y)
Dinarnewbie says(7:40 PM):   hmmmm
Dinarnewbie says(7:40 PM):   good point
jd says(7:41 PM):   Why mess around with 2 billion in bonds,are they inept?
Abby says(7:41 PM):   the snowball in Texas has a very good chance today
BGG says to jd(7:42 PM):   Smoke...
BGG says to jd(7:42 PM):   and now ask yourself why??
jd says(7:43 PM):   Must be. 
jtank says(7:43 PM):   bgg whats ur idea on that?
BGG says(7:43 PM):   Here's what I'll end on - for those of you wanting an idea of Maliki's plight - read this...
Iraq revives plan to sell bonds two billion dollars 12/28
Read More :
BGG says(7:44 PM):   Woops - sorry. Wrong article...
jd says(7:44 PM):   Maybe to show investors that they are a long ways off from a RV??
BGG says(7:44 PM):   Maliki resort to the judiciary to blackmail Sheikh agent in the amount of five billion Iraqi dinars
Read More :
BGG says to jd(7:45 PM):   When was the last time they told the truth?? EVEN IF THEY KNEW IT TO TELL??
Bentley says(7:45 PM):   methane in a windstorm
jd says(7:45 PM):   Poppy says if they are talking they are lieing.
BGG says to jd(7:46 PM):   That is a scathing piece on Maliki's current plight in Iraq... he's resorting to lawsuits to restore his public image...

BGG says to jd(7:46 PM):   if that's where he's at - won't happen... which is what the writer is pointing out. He's cooked.

BGG says to jd(7:47 PM):   (of course I said this long ago... :D )
BGG says(7:47 PM):   Nite everyone.
sheila3 says(7:47 PM):   WE WILL BE BACK WITH THE LINK SOON
Baxter1243 says(7:47 PM):  thx BGG..
 Read More :

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