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Wednesday, December 30, 2015

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments  12-30-15

Post From BondLadys Corner
BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments  12-30-15
Abadi economic adviser denies reduce the salaries of the staff and it confirms rumors
30/12/2015 11:49 |  Direction Press / Baghdad
Denied economic advisor to Prime Cabinet, today, the government flew to reduce employees' salaries by half, and was charged with fifth column of being behind the rumors Thus, he stressed that the government does not hide anything from the people, with regard to the economic situation.
Economic Adviser to the Prime Minister and the appearance of Mohammed Saleh said in a press statement that "reports he had directed the government to reduce the days of the official working hours of staff and reduce salaries for half rumors sick and miserable."
He accused the benefit of "the fifth column of being behind these rumors is part of the psychological warfare at a time when Iraq is fighting a war against terrorism and achieve big victories."

Saleh asked "Who is that talking about such subject and what are its powers," asserting that "talking about this topic at the moment is very bad talk about victories intended to distort Iraq on terror".
Prime Minister Economic Adviser explained that "the government does not hide anything about the economic situation in Iraq, and will have a position with every situation and in every interview incident."
 Some local media quoted sources as saying that the Cabinet is considering a proposal to reduce staff time in half, in exchange for giving them half the salary, to overcome the expected budget deficit in 2016.
 [tlm724] he stressed that the government does not hide anything from the people, with regard to the economic situation
[tlm724] he had directed the government to reduce the days of the official working hours of staff and reduce salaries for half rumors sick and miserable.
[tlm724] "Who is that talking about such subject and what are its powers," asserting that "talking about this topic at the moment is very bad talk about victories intended to distort Iraq on terror
[tlm724] uh huh bunch of BS being stirred up by those who will not see Iraq succeed !

Education will adopt a credit card for the distribution of teachers and teachers' salaries
29/12/2015 04:46 | Direction Press / Agencies

It announced the head of the Iraqi teachers Abbas Kadhim Sudan, Tuesday, with the direction of the Ministry of Education to adopt a credit card "in order to Card" for the exchange of teachers and teachers' salaries in the coming months, stressing that the card will be dealt with delayed salaries or exposed to theft, while attributed Education salaries delayed due to lack of liquidity banks.
Sudanese and said in an interview with the local media and I followed, "obelisk", "The Ministry of Education applied the salaries of its employees delivered during the current month, via credit card (Ki-Card)," explaining that "The ministry will work with this card also to the staff of the departments of Education, teachers and teachers, in the coming months ".
He said the Sudanese, we are "in touch with the Directorate General for Financial Affairs of the Ministry of Education, which will begin this procedure, starting from next January," explaining that "the adoption of this card will prevent teachers and teachers' salaries or stolen delay."
He attributed the Sudanese delayed the launch this month of the salaries of some districts of Tarbiat that Baghdad, to "a lack of liquidity," explaining that "this problem get each month, and will be gone by the adoption of a credit card."
 [tlm724] the Ministry of Education to adopt a credit card "in order to Card" for the exchange of teachers and teachers' salaries in the coming months
[tlm724] thats great the national card will eliminate alot of the need for cash
[tlm724] different article
[tlm724] "Nationality Directorate General in the Department of the conditions of Suq Dhi Qar province decided to suspend work starting on Sunday 03/01/2016 until 12/01/2016 day, in order to get ready for action issue a national card in the circuit in question, and be audited by booking mail and through thewebsite.
[tlm724] work it !!

Parliamentary Finance reveal activation of customs tariffs starting from next Friday
Economy and Tenders

Since 12.30.2015 at 11:29 (GMT Baghdad)  Special - scales News
Detection of the parliamentary finance committee member Husam punitive, Wednesday, for the activation of customs tariffs as of 1/1 in all provinces and border crossings in the Kurdistan region, while the government called for a non-recourse to the salaries of its staff during the passage of the country's financial crisis.
He's punitive / scales News / "touched on the government not to private employees' salaries as much as possible under the circumstances plaguing the country."
He revealed, "activating the customs tariff as of 1/1 in all provinces and border crossings in the Kurdistan region," calling on the government to "obtain the non
He called for "hold negligent and corrupt, leading to the advancement of the financial reality of Iraq," stressing the need to "stay away from touching the employees' salaries and not be manipulated." Ended 29/4 e  LINK
 [tlm724] parliamentary finance committee member Husam reveal activation of customs tariffs starting from next Friday
[tlm724] the activation of customs tariffs as of 1/1 in all provinces and border crossings in the Kurdistan region
[cstacy] tlm724 sure hope they do it this time
[tlm724] cstacy me too
[tlm724] I looked through the GOI sites this morning trying to get confirmation but it's not there YET
[cstacy] thanks
[tlm724] yw
[tlm724] we will watch for news about it but so far this is the only mention of it
[cstacy] hoping 
[tlm724] per BL = yippee!!
[tlm724] pretty sure yippee = *hallelujah*
[tlm724] lets hope they can follow through with the application this time around
[cstacy] thats great
[tlm724] IF they do then they won't have much time to pacify the people with the increase in the price of goods, they will have to give them more purchasing power some how, floating the dinar sounds like the logical step to me
[cstacy] yessssssssssssss
[tlm724] yes indeed !!!
[tlm724] keep your eyes on the prize *mission
Parliamentary Finance do tariff

Ministry of Finance

Parliamentary Economy: Political control of border ports

Baghdad morning's new:  detection of the parliamentary finance committee member Husam punitive, on Wednesday, for the activation of customs tariffs as of 1/1 in all the provinces and border crossings in the Kurdistan region, while the government called for a non-recourse to the salaries of its staff during the the country over the financial crisis.
He said punitive in a press interview, that «the government not to touch the employees' salaries as much as private as possible under the circumstances plaguing the country».
He revealed «activation of customs tariffs as of 1/1 in all the provinces and border crossings in the Kurdistan region» , calling on the government to «obtaining the non-oil revenues in addition to the necessity of obtaining the all court fines obtained and the benefits of mobile phone networks and the Internet».
He called «hold negligent and corrupt, leading to the advancement of the financial reality of Iraq», stressing the need to «stay away from touching the salaries of staff and lack of manipulated ».
For its part, revealed the economic and investment commission parliamentary Najiba member Najib about the presence of politicians influential in control of the border crossing points, as pointed out that the application of the customs tariff law need to take strong measures to control market prices.
The answer that« there is coordination and communication between Baghdad and Erbil to hold a meeting for the application of the customs tariff », adding that« the law would be of great interest to both parties ».
She said, that« the meeting would be of the order and not to the order of another attributed the reason to be valid and binding law and the duty of the application «, stressing that« there are considerable difficulties for the application of the customs tariff ».
She Alynan« Iraq is in control of the border where ports «, stressing that« those ports do not all fall under the federal government's control ».
She said« there are influential politicians in control of the border crossings », noting that« application of the law need to take action powerful to control market prices attributed the reason to be applied without the existence of control over market prices weigh the shoulders of the Iraqi citizen ».
She explained that« the new tariffs to be imposed on imported materials to Iraq will be added to those fees on the citizen by trade, making the prices are high in the markets » , calling on the government to «put those ports under its control to be able to apply the customs tariff better and achieve the desired goals of the application of the law».

Vice Basra demanding Abadi declare a state of emergency in the province[/size]
30/12/2015 09:46 |Press direction / Basra

MP called for Basra province, Abdul Salam al-Maliki, Wednesday, Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces Haider al-Abadi to intervene immediately and send extra security forces to grab the reins in Basra, calling for the declaration of a state of emergency in the province.
Maliki said in a statement received "direction Press", a copy of "Basra province to suffer during this period of a senior security degradation and conflict between some views known hidden and the other with qualifying physical opponents,"
noting that "that create a kind of chaos within the province as the number of by the victims of these conflicts to more than 40 victims registered only, in addition to the cases of kidnapping and tribal clashes in several areas, including which increased insult to injury. "
He added that "Basra is the economic lifeline of the country and Iraq's budget depends including representing more than 80% of its imports," adding that "any security breakdown or dominance of views is the federal government on the capabilities let us go in a downward spiral burns green Bagliabs has a direct impact on each country's economic Not to mention the security and physical and human the damage that would maintain that originally are suffering from difficult situations. "
Maliki has demanded the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces Haider al-Abadi to "intervene on the development of the security to maintain and work to send additional security forces to control the situation and end the state of chaos and horror felt by its citizens", calling for "a declaration of a state of emergency until the return of security fully before it's too late and out of the province for state control ".
And demanded the Liberal bloc in the province of Basra, in the December 16, 2015, the Iraqi government to take swift action to keep the security situation in the province, as pointed out that the increasing crimes of murder, kidnapping and looting caused by errors and gaps in the security plans.
The province of Basra, which is characterized by their security posture relative stability may have seen in the past few weeks, excessive increase in the rates of crimes of murder, kidnapping and armed robbery motivated by theft,
while cell crisis announced in (8 December 2015) for the start of preparations for the implementation of a new security plan to confront the phenomenon increasing homicide, kidnapping and armed robbery involving the redistribution of checkpoints and patrols activate the rescue and restructuring of emergency regiments.  
[tlm724] Basra MP calls Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces Haider al-Abadi to intervene immediately and send extra security forces to grab the reins in Basra, calling for the declaration of a state of emergency in the province
[tlm724] He added that "Basra is the economic lifeline of the country and Iraq's budget depends including representing more than 80% of its imports," adding that "any security breakdown or dominance of views is the federal government on the capabilities let us go in a downward spiral burns green Bagliabs has a direct impact on each country's economic Not to mention the security and physical and human the damage that would maintain that originally are suffering from difficult situations. "
[tlm724] well he has a good point Basra is a lifeline for Iraq, it's gotta be protected and he is saying lets do this BEFORE it gets too ugly
[tlm724] and IF they apply the tariffs on the first Basra will need all the help they can get
tlm724   That was quick  Wink
President   Security
The arrival of a brigade of the federal police to Basra to eliminate tribal conflicts
Written by SA Date: 12/30/2015 22:16
The arrival of a brigade of the federal police to Basra to eliminate tribal conflicts
Baghdad INA / security source said that a brigade of the Federal Police arrived on Wednesday, the province of Basra to eradicate armed tribal conflicts.
The source for "official Iraqi News Agency," said Maj. Gen. income evening vine area north of Basra and the marshes in the concentration of silk and Almshab area which is witnessing an armed conflict between clans and Alkramch Allav.
He said, the brigade arrived on the decision of the Ministry of Interior to implement the recommendations of the security and defense committee in Parliament after a visit to President Haidar Zamili vine region to mediate in resolving the dispute between the two clans.  LINK

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