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Thursday, December 31, 2015

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments 12-31-15  Part 1 of 2

Post From BondLadys Corner
BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments 12-31-15  Part 1 of 2
Navy looking readiness of its units to protect the exports and imports of Iraq's economic[/size]

31/12/2015 01:06 | Direction Press / Baghdad

It examined the readiness of the leadership of the naval force units to protect the exports and imports of Iraq's economic,

According to a statement of the Ministry of Defense received "direction Press" a copy of it today that "the commander of the naval force and coastal defense Admiral General Ahmed Jassim Qubool, toured inclusive of all naval units, including base or Marine Palace headquarters, marine brigade and a brigade of marine infantry, and the Presidency Gulf Arab Academy for Maritime Studies, Marine and college, and professional maritime training center,

and came round to determine the readiness of the units and to overcome the difficulties and dilemmas faced by its members during the performance of their duties.
The statement added that "the leadership of the naval force and coastal defense has made great achievements in Iraq water protection through a lot of contraband tuning, as well as meeting the arrest of many of the bands that try to abuse of Iraq's economy and destroyed and that there is no difference between them and terrorist gangs".
He pointed out that "Qubool also visited the oil port (port of Basra and the port of al-Amaya) to follow up the territorial waters and commercial ports Insurance (the port of Umm Qasr and Khor Al-Zubair) as well as the theater of operations in the Khawr Abd Allah has praised the significant role played by the Iraqi Navy to protect exports and imports Iraq economic.
 [tlm724] the readiness of the leadership of the naval force units to protect the exports and imports of Iraq's economic
[tlm724] the readiness of the units and to overcome the difficulties and dilemmas faced by its members during the performance of their duties.
[tlm724] ok this one ties into the tariffs providing protection at the ports and to protect the exports and imports of Iraq's economy !! "the readiness of the leadership of the naval force units to protect the exports and imports of Iraq's economic"

Economist: Replace the currency of the positive benefits of Aaakhlu
12/31/2015 0:00  BAGHDAD - Imad emirate  adopt the monetary authority decision in the process of replacing the currency on the approach to costs and benefits, as a change of the Iraqi dinar and the deletion of zeros is an important step on the road to monetary reform,
and the reform of the currency management system through structured to control the flow and management of the cost of the money supply in a manner optimized using Model «Mosley» the most comprehensive, which does not stop at the borders of the costs and benefits but includes economic, social and political environment variables.
This is what started his speech by economist d. Abdul-Hussein Abdul Jalil Ghalibi »Sabah», pointing out: that the ideas can be raised in this area, from the process of deleting the zeros and replace currency terms would be too costly to the Iraqi economy and society, from the cost lawsuits and compensation, as well as cost support the economy during and after the the replacement process.
He stressed that no one denies that the process of changing the dinar require the costs to complete, but the discussion of these costs come from several directions, the first being that maintaining the dinar generates community ongoing costs in accounting fields and procedural counting, sorting, storage and others.
He said that these costs can be saved When you change currency and reduced to a minimum, and the second direction that is secreted by the costs is the issue of paper currency printed and punching the coin,
and here it can be said: The huge number currently in the Iraqi economy, which amounts to 4 billion paper needs to be replaced operations damaged leaves and shredded and consumed him .

And that old deliberative banknote no more than ten years, but it is in conditions of heavy use, as is the case in Iraq, which hit the currency rate in circulation to money supply which about 90 percent of the old could be up to five years.
He Ghalibi So These costs are already unspent along with the replacement will reduce the number of banknotes issued to the gain of 70 percent from the previous issue, and therefore the costs also will be reduced by more than this percentage because the old Deliberative new paper will be longer than the previous two reasons. First, the coins will reduce the burden to use it, and that large banknotes will be the speed to use less.
He said that the second reason is that the quality of the paper better and more tolerant than the current paper, which was issued in 2003, the mission of the developments that have occurred in printing money the field.
He continued: The reference to the cost of compensation and claims there is nothing to do with the process of replacement as well as support the economy cost also nothing to do with this, as the government support of economic activity is affected by the process of changing the currency because what determines the amount of support and direction is the government in the financial policies.
He explained Ghalibi Changing the currency and the deletion of zeros does not reduce the source of paper, and with the relevance of this opinion and his health, what taken it is that the currency (the dinar) does not stop the replacement limits of the same categories,
but will be Asaddarviat monetary larger so that the total number of papers will reach 1.18 billion paper instead of 4 billion paper, Mmaakhvd number of leaves significantly along with increase the range of categories used is not Top only, but from the bottom to issue coins.
[tlm724] He said that these costs can be saved When you change currency and reduced to a minimum, and the second direction that is secreted by the costs is the issue of paper currency printed and punching the coin
[tlm724] The huge number currently in the Iraqi economy, which amounts to 4 billion paper needs to be replaced operations damaged leaves and shredded and consumed him
[therealbubbie] and how long have they been saying this crap ! lol
[tlm724] therealbubbie lol  too long 
[therealbubbie] crap ... were getting closer !! 
[tlm724] yeah we are
[tlm724] The reference to the cost of compensation and claims there is nothing to do with the process of replacement as well as support the economy cost also nothing to do with this, as the government support of economic activity is affected by the process of changing the currency because what determines the amount of support and direction is the government in the financial policies
[tlm724] so the costs associated with the replacement doesn't matter at this point it must go forward because it is part of the currency reform policy  
[tlm724] He explained Ghalibi Changing the currency and the deletion of zeros does not reduce the source of paper, and with the relevance of this opinion and his health, what taken it is that the currency (the dinar) does not stop the replacement limits of the same categories,
[tlm724] Changing the currency and the deletion of zeros does not reduce the source of paper
[tlm724] but will be Asaddarviat monetary larger so that the total number of papers will reach 1.18 billion paper instead of 4 billion paper,
[tlm724] the total number of papers will reach 1.18 billion paper instead of 4 billion paper
[tlm724] thats a 75% reduction in physical notes
[tlm724] number of leaves significantly along with increase the range of categories used is not Top only, but from the bottom to issue coins.
[tlm724] so not only replace the paper notes but take it to the bottom of the value range and re-introduce coins
[tlm724] gotta have value to use coins, just sayin...  it's great to see this in the news now if we hear it from the CBI we'll be cookin
Iraq is making a "standard" rates from the southern oil fields being strengthened "fastest" growing exporters Worlds Today at 6:34 am
Oil fields in Basra
Author: HAA   Editor: BK 2015/12/30 21:05
  Long-Presse / Baghdad   Informed industry sources, on Wednesday, for enabling Iraq to achieve a "standard" export rates from the southern oil fields, during December, the current, usually that enhanced the role of Iraq as a "faster" oil exporters, growth in the global market during the year 2015 despite difficult conditions experienced as a result of his war against the (Daash) and anxiety of the possibility of blocking the low price growth rates of production.
The industrial sources of oil familiar with the data loading, in Ahlamah's comments followed up (range Press), said that "oil exports from Iraq's southern oilfields, reached through December, the current, to three million and 270 thousand barrels per average day,"
noting that "it is equivalent to almost Standard export rates through November 2015, which amounted to three million and 370 thousand barrels that promise high Iraqi officials and unprecedented. "
They said those sources, that "Iraqi exports have achieved very high numbers, and they may exceed the maximum energy pipelines border."
While Iraqi officials and oil experts predicted, that "Iraq's oil exports growth rates increase during the next year in 2016 but at a slower pace than in the current year 2015".
It is noteworthy that Iraq adopt an ambitious plan to increase its oil exports and regain its place in the global markets, as well as compensate the decline in imports as a result of falling oil prices.     LINK  
 [tlm724] "Iraqi exports have achieved very high numbers, and they may exceed the maximum energy pipelines border."
While Iraqi officials and oil experts predicted, that "Iraq's oil exports growth rates increase during the next year in 2016 but at a slower pace than in the current year 2015".
It is noteworthy that Iraq adopt an ambitious plan to increase its oil exports and regain its place in the global markets, as well as compensate the decline in imports as a result of falling oil prices.
[tlm724] yeah baby

Comments may be made at the end of Part 2   Thank You

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