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Tuesday, December 29, 2015

KTFA Monday Night CC Notes: 12-28-15  Part 2

Part 2

Frank26:  It’s not a coincidence….that we look at a long weekend….no coincidence…meanwhile the ISX went ballistic today…they sold 619 million shares that is worth almost 500 billion IQD’s….all in one afternoon….that is why we sense we are very close to the international world….

That is why we think there were meetings last week in London about investing in the ISX…..and that is why right now the ISX is still within their own….but if they go international next week into next month…..shoot…..they are shouting….

In all honesty if you do the math…..619 million shares….sold for 496 IQD’s…that isn’t squat…that is less than a dollar for the return….that is it…so why are you so excited about it Frank….well if they have this kind of volume at 1182 can you imagine the volume when they lift the value.
I hope this conference call gives you food for thought…..normally I bring you intel and files….but I don’t need to do that right now….look at your files….I told you the last week of December look for an auction….we told you we would see the LD’s in the auction…..

IMO….I think many of you missed it….last week there was an auction that was just under 10 million…..what did we tell you we were looking for….an auction between 5 and 10 million….then it went back up to 153 million IQD….then there was another low auction…..IMO…that is when that swing occurred and the LD’s electronic transaction was made with the banks…..they just tell you about it today….so please enjoy it….trifecta remember….

What is that trifecta…..this file that I’m not supposed to talk about…..let’s see…we are supposed to see the LD’s…..the budget is another part of the trifecta….they said they have the budget waiting on 2016 to activate it….the last part is the taxes and tariffs…..they said last week they activated them…..they’ve had the codes for the past 2 years and were just waiting…..they are saying now…..the T&T’s are at the borders….waiting to collect money for the budget….at a miniscule rate right now…..but when they lift the rate….then it will fund the budget….and when oil prices go back up mid January it too will fund the budget.

What brilliancy… this a coincidence….a masterpiece….yes a coincidence… one would be so insane to create such plotting on a global scale… is your homework….I think it is graded….it was turned in last week……

This trifecta is on the precipice… will have to get in the LL if they don’t change that rate….and the loans…they will give Iraq the loans….but when it comes to the big boys….these loans are different…..the size of these loans….at 1182….up yours……raise the value then we will give you the loans….it is almost comical how things fall into place….even Up yours.

Like we told you, Turkey is being bad….just bad…..stop it….meanwhile…while they wait…the GOI reviews plans to sell $2 billion in bonds in 2016…..wait a minute….laughter….come on man….let me ask again…what are you going to sell in 2016…..bonds…ok James….how many…..$2 billion….oh for crying out loud….one person could buy those….especially a shark or whale….especially if you raise the value…..are you testing things out again….the same way the ISX is testing things out…..don’t give me no back talk about testing things.

Remember they themselves, the GOI said….this SECURITY has strengthened Iraq’s position and facilitates the confidence of international institutes…you mean like the BIS and the IMF and all the countries that want to invest in you…..yes…..well no wonder you want to sell bonds again for the third time.

The liberalization, the sterilization, the gamma rays, the pancaking, it is all giving SECURITY and is giving Iraq a position of strengthening and facilitating and allowing the confidence within us for the international institutions….all the big boys outside of our borders where we have T&T awaiting….you all know that this SECURITY that we have back allows us to tell you we are strong enough we are ready for the international world….we don’t have to tell you anything…..we are proving it with all that we do….we are just setting it up….and you recognize it don’t you…..

We train our people on international standards……they won’t do them any good in the bathrooms….but they will when we step into the international world… as a sovereign country….unbelievable……the international institutions confidence in Iraq will facilitate the bond process to continue…all due to the fact that you will introduce a 2016 budget…..many cities have been rescued….why….because we needed the SECURITY…

And this time it was done much faster….because there is an accordion compression of time because we are walking through an RI into an RV….IMO…..there are no little grey aliens that live on Mars…….there is SECURITY to enter an international world……so from the 30th to the 1st…that little time…the trifecta seems to have worked.

Have you noticed they cancelled the auctions…..I mean we do know they has stopped selling the USD…they only use their currency….you did notice there is a long weekend over the end of the year into the next year.

You do know the Iranian sanctions will be lifted in this same time frame….this little venture time.

You do know the budget is to be implemented in this time frame.

You do know the taxes and tariffs are ready to be applied in all ports of Baghdad….Erbil…all of them…that is powerful…that is serious for a monetary reform.

Toledo News Paper…..Iraqi’s Retake Key Sites from ISIS Control.

WSJ…..Front page….Islamic State leaves Iraq City.

If you ever see that google video where they show maybe 50 different broadcasters across America….one guy reads something….then another face saying the same thing….then another….the same thing…almost spooky to watch the video….they are all saying the same thing on the same day….why do I bring this up….all these newspapers are saying the same things in the same way….why do I say this….this is about 3 weeks old…..because if these things were happening today we couldn’t be wading into what we are….we would still need time to get those cities back.

Why don’t I start to wrap this up with a plethora of other ideas.

I want to thank Frosty, Aggiedad, denaridori, it turns out we released two copies of notes from our last CC…but it turns out that denaridori also posted a copy of notes that was almost word for word of our notes….sorry denaridori….and thank you for your effort.

I think the Rial is getting ready to be real…..I told you that you will see the Iranian Rial around June 2016 they will just say “up yours” we will raise our rate….we saw an article from them telling us this without the “up yours”….which surprised me.

This is like the starting gate of a horse rate…trying to get all these currencies into the starting gate ready to start the race…..everyone jockeying….ready I’m ready to hit the lever.

The Iranians were telling everyone last week…”up yours”….you can’t fire missiles….up yours”….you can’t do the nuclear proliferation…..”up yours”… can’t raise the value of your currency….”up yours”…….so I see the Iranian Rial that is about to get real….I see this like a Black Friday at Best Buy….all those people in line…those tents…..down to the last 10 seconds before they open the store….they will crawl over their Mom and Dad to get to the sale….the Iranian Rial is about to do the same….they will cause trouble.

Do not be surprised if you see Iran right after the first of the year starting to tell the world what they intend to do….boasting….but you don’t do that Iran.

So Parliament announces right after Christmas we are forming sovereign committees….what for…..oh come on…..that is impressive.

Did you see the Rafadain Bank…..they came out and said we re-affirm….re-affirm the commitment to international standards on money laundering…..what for….you know what for.

You know….all the things that Iraq has done….from March of this year….to now….and from August to right now….they don’t tell you everything….Dr. Shabibi came out and told you they would free float…and all the internet ran with it….then when we found out from our TEAMS…..they threw out the 10 cents, the 40 cents, the free float…..1 to 1 let’s get this thing going…..all IMO of course.

Well during this March to where we are now….it reminds me of the first time TINK and I went swimming….we had to go and change into our bathing suits….a closed area…..she told me TURN AROUND….I said ok….let me know when you are done then we can get out of here…..but that young teenage mind kept saying….just one quick look…she doesn’t have a gun….but out of dignity….I didn’t give in….this is the girl I’m going to marry.

When you think about it….Iraq is that girl…..kind of personal and private…..turn around…..I don’t have to show you all that I’m doing….don’t be watching as I do my monetary reform and other reforms…..turn around….give some dignity. They seem to be bragging about international standards…moving into the international world…..about moving from a reinstatement which has nothing to do with numbers…..into a revaluation which has everything to do with numbers…the mathematics…..God willing it was approved and God willing we something new going into next year.

Remember I told you there as a lag period….consider this seriously…..because if they really do go from an RI into an RV….because 13-14 days….middle of January….if we don’t see this direction from them….if our TEAM doesn’t see this activity we will have to rethink things.

I know the IMF gave them until the first quarter to get things done….but they are short on many things……What they are doing with their budget, the reforms, their SECURITY it is all for one thing….to enter the international world with an international rate 1 to 1….but if they take us into February and March….it will only get louder and louder…..all those things they dreamed of…taxes and tariffs….yes….SECURITY….yes….unbelievable….because the year is coming to an end…..I just can’t see them wasting this….can’t see them prolonging things….all of this IMO….IMO…..China and others would not have hooked up right now if they were not ready to enter the international world.
Questions from Chat

$1 to 1.13 to 1.20…..then the full RV….yes I like that….I wish I could tell you why I like that so much.

Frank what would the exchange rate look like at 1 to 1…..1 to 1…not being silly…that is what it would be…then it would climb.

Let me tell you about Maliki… is time for Maliki… is so interesting….we do need laws…some of those laws give the jurisdiction and power to go after Maliki…..they may have asked the US to help go after Maliki…..but we don’t want to lose any personnel in such an effort…..IMO….laws were created to deal with him same way Saddam was dealt with…..if he is captured he is worth so much more….you want and need laws that will make him scream and squeal to make deals in trade for information.

Iran will not follow anyone….they want to lead….they will tell everyone to jump in the lake….Iran will be the reason why Jesus Christ will come back.

Will Iraq join the AIIB…..they should….but not right now.

Did you ever think you would live during a climatic change to this planet….you are about to witness storms and floods….climate conditions that can only be found on Saturn…..Iran is about to screw everything up…..I believe this blessing is the way for us to protect ourselves and our children until Jesus comes back.

You think the wise men brought gold, frankensense, mirth….three of the blue chip stocks of that era that took weeks maybe months following that star to give to baby Jesus.

It is not that as Christians we love money….no….we would give it up if we could…..but we need money to share the Lords Word with others.

Dismissed with a prayer.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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