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Sunday, December 27, 2015

BLC Admin Tlm724  News & Comments 12-27-15

Post From BondLadys Corner
BLC Admin Tlm724 Morning News Comments 12/27/2015
[tlm724] best news of the day  Wink
Forthcoming meeting between Baghdad and Erbil for the application of the customs tariff law in all outlets

December 27, 2015 views 11
Our economy / Baghdad  --  The economic and investment commission parliamentary announced a joint meeting, soon, between the federal government and representatives of the Kurdistan region to apply the law of customs tariff in all border crossing points.
Said committee member Rep. Najiba Najib said in a statement seen by corrosive of our economy news that "the Parliamentary Committee in connection with a joint meeting of the ministries of planning and finance, industry and the interior of the central government and the Kurdistan Regional Government to implement the collection of customs tariffs and increase fiscal revenue for the state."

She noted that "2016 general budget approved by Parliament includes commit the government to apply the customs tariff as one of the laws in force and applicable."
She added: "The main problem encountered in the collection of customs tariffs according to the law, relating to non-state control of all border crossings."
He continued: "The most traders importers resort for the supply of goods to the local market through these ports."
She noted that "there are border ports under the control of the government are not taken to the application of the customs tariff in the absence of political will."  LINK
Economist: promote the economy needs to be steps, legislation and drastic changes
[tlm724] but came across the wrong policies over the past years .[/  Antoine In an interview with "direction Press," said that Iraq did not invest in the economic well-being to diversify its resources of oil yield agricultural economy into a tourist trade
[tlm724] ya think
[tlm724] we want to build the economy and raising its need time through the steps and legislation and radical legislative changes and mechanisms of action and the characters
[tlm724] as well as the government's intention to raise the levels of taxation on a number of goods Very Happy
Parliamentary Economy: Government will pay full salaries for next year
[tlm724] The Commission on the parliamentary economy, said on Sunday that Iraq is able to pay employees' salaries next year despite the economic crisis experienced by the country
[tlm724] the state is able to pay next year the employees' salaries, because there we have a reserve as the government was able to adopt bonds issued by the Ministry of Finance and resort to internal and external borrowing.
[tlm724] so the bond money will help pay the salaries, thats the MOF bonds
[tlm724] We draw to The development loan program unleashed by the Central Bank of Iraq with the blessing and support of the executive and legislative branches should be one of the requirements of the availability of quality management system and the application of international standards «ISO» in this area so that national production will be a strong competitor and recouping all imports indiscriminate and shoddy goods to achieve the success of the product Alwaleed and expected.
[tlm724] part and parcel with all that is happening with the evolution of industry and tariffs  Wink
Leather industry critical of the defense minister and demanding a ban on the import of military equipment
[tlm724] as demanded the Council of Ministers support the national industry and prevent the import of military equipment "capable of industry", called on state institutions and citizens to stand with them in support of the national product and the reduction of hard currency to leak out of the country.
[tlm724] I have something that goes with that ^^^^
Trade .. press conference for ministers of trade and industry
Commerce Minister Mohamed Xiaa Sudanese stressed that the ministry is serious and practical steps to secure items of the ration quota of the national product and the fact that the time of import sugar imported products require saving a lot of money in hard currency ended and that a clear government direction to support the national product
He pointed out that industry and commerce are working on the development of the first steps to secure the ration card needs of the Ministry of Industry of oil products and other materials substance and detail and joint steps on all products and contracting mechanism and other details that serve the work of both ministries.
Pointing out that the ministry also supports the private sector as a partner in the development of the Iraqi economy.
And the amounts of compensatory Sudanese said that the amounts of compensation to the ration card items of non-Muslim subject to the decision of the Council of Ministers is to decide the disbursement of these funds in the absence of processing a single from the ration card and that the amounts are calculated by the relevant companies and are disbursed in accordance with the approved mechanism in the ministry.
For his part, Minister of Industry Mohamed's Darraji to consult opening marketing outlets in supermarkets as well as the rehabilitation of the Ministry of Industry coefficient by the two ministries and the rehabilitation of the Military Industrialization building in the Baghdad International Fair to be an exhibition always to market our products national as well as seeking to secure some of the needs of the ration card as a first step.
Noting that these projects will be promising after the rehabilitation of laboratories and factories for the production of the national product to match the foreign product.
For his part, Kazem al-Hassani Economic Adviser to the Prime Minister that the government supports private and public sectors and activating the customs tariff is to protect the national product, whether industrial or agricultural to cover total or partial local need, whether from public or private sector.
Posted By: Site Management | Date: 27-12-2015
[RCS1947] big push on now to get it done!
[cat] sure hope so and soon too
[tlm724] I couldn't agree more, huge changes are happening  Wink
During a joint press conference held at the headquarters of the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministries of Industry and Commerce Announce a mechanism
During a joint press conference held at the headquarters of the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministries of Industry and Commerce Announce develop a common mechanism of action to support local products and supplement the ration card, including
The Ministries of Industry and Minerals and Commerce held a joint press conference at the headquarters of the Ministry of Commerce have announced through on the status of the mechanism of action for future support of local products and talk about the possibility of providing the ration card from the Ministry of Industry and Minerals products vocabulary,
Mr. Minister of Industry Mohamed's Darraji said in a statement at the conference: that it was agreed with the Ministry of Commerce on the rehabilitation of the Ministry of Industry plants for the production of materials are already present but they need to increase its production capacity to meet domestic demand in order to reduce import in addition to opening new marketing outlets for the Ministry of Industry products through supermarkets scattered across Iraq's provinces and rehabilitation  Previously the permanent exhibition of products MIC building in the Baghdad International Fair for the same purpose,
praising the great cooperation shown by the Ministry of Commerce in securing the needs of the citizens of the local product in line with government attitudes towards national product support and revealed Darraji for there will be a protocol between the Ministries of Industry and Trade for the rehabilitation of oil plants the Ministry of Industry and add a new line for packaging and ceiling time is estimated one year to cover 30% of the domestic requirement of oils.
 It is his part, Minister of Commerce Mr. Mohammed Shia 'Al Sudani said the government has taken practical steps and serious to support the national industry and the Ministry of Trade is one of the first ministries in this area announcing the ratification of the contract to provide 225 000 tons of sugar by local investors.
He noted that the vision of the government and the ministry are clear, that there would be support for each of the Ministry of industry products, and there will be the prevention and identification of the private sector because it is a key partner in the economic sector development in Iraq and pointed to the need to trust the Sudanese national product development
Many of the well-known industries humble beginnings started and that the economic situation requires dependence on national resources and capabilities.
Posted By: Site Management | Date: 27-12-2015
Defense Minister confirms that the ministry is supporting the first and encouraging local production
Mr. Defense Minister, Dr. Khalid al-Obeidi said during an expanded meeting with a large crowd of media personalities, agencies, newspapers and local and international media that the Ministry of Defense is the first supporting and encouraging the domestic product and in particular with the Ministry of Industry, through a contract with them with regard to the requirements and needs necessary for the Ministry of supplies.
But this contract must be in accordance with the guidelines and conditions and standards of international quality and efficiency, according to the specifications laid down by the affiliate commissions to the beneficiary in the ministry, stressing that this is the ministry's approach to contract
and there are a number of contracts have been concluded with the Ministry of Industry after briefing the special committees of the ministry on labs and production lines and now it is being implemented tight on the refusal of the Ministry of Defense to take the Ministry of Industry the role of mediator and this is unacceptable and is not allowed.
When we found the good and the right product and the corresponding specifications then the ministry will be the first to enter into contracts with any party internal instead of resorting to imports from abroad.
Posted By: Site Management | Date: 27-12-2015
[tlm724 everyone is getting on the same page !
Ebadi, an adviser to criticize the performance of the Ministry of Finance, prepared by the "weakest link" in the country's economy circle

12/27/2015 10:11      I criticize an economic adviser to Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, the performance of the Ministry of Finance in Economic Policy Management for Iraq.
Said Abdul Hussein Al-Anbuge in an interview, "The Ministry of Finance is now the weakest link in the economic circle in Iraq because we do each year to develop a strategy for the budget and there are people specialists from the gathered ministries with them and put many of the recommendations that improve revenues and rationalize spending but everything that we have proposed in this regard to increase the country's imports have not actually translated in the budget.
"He added that" among what we have proposed partial sale of state property from the lands and governmental institutions which is redundant and neglected originally and Atstamlha and this can sell them to save a lot of money as there is a method of last large residential areas built on agricultural land
and let us to turn the race ground from an agricultural to residential and giving occupants vacation building and support for drug Deed] and get revenue in return for paying a value of up to 10 Trellnaat dinars.
"He pointed Anbuge to "the possibility of imposing a fee for converting the genus ground on every square meter a certain amount, especially that some drugs are expensive, especially near religious shrines in Karbala and Najaf, where it built residential facilities and hotels."
He continued, "As we suggested converting the dinar exchange rate against the dollar to 1300 dinars allowance Selling the dollar to 1116 dinars to sell the central bank B1300 and this will save nine trillion dinars, or about $ 8 billion and thus can bridge the budget deficit without borrowing, 
but weakness found in the Budget Department and Accounting in the Ministry of Finance and they do not possess the ability prevented turn these proposals into reality and diversify sources Imports of the state. " 
He noted the economic advisor to the prime minister, he said that "this department in the Ministry of Finance has transferred the budget deficit next year of $ 24 trillion dinars to internal and external lending
This is another problem that must be studied well-being mortgaged the country conditions and the government should accelerate to take action Instant to increase revenue from other sources and not just pressure spending.
"The House of Representatives approved on 16 of this month, next year's budget in 2016 a total of more than 105 trillion and 890 billion dinars expenses deficit accounted for 22.8%.
The total revenue which 81 trillion and 700 billion dinars formed oil revenues, of which 69 trillion and 773 billion dinars The increase of 85.1% of total revenues, while non-oil revenues amounted to more than 11 trillion and 927 billion dinars The increase of 13.6% of total revenues.
and formed the current expenditures [operating] a salary and other more than 80 trillion dinars, and increase of 76% [of total expenditures 105 trillion dinars] while the capital expenditures of more than 25 trillion dinars, and increase of 23.8%.
It is noteworthy that, the World Bank, it was announced on 18 of this month, agreed to give Iraq a loan of one billion and 200 million dollars to help in fiscal consolidation and improvement of the energy sector,
and to compensate the decline in oil prices and rising security costs, for its part, announced the Ministry of Finance last Saturday, that "Iraq will get the loan amount during the next few days and by the end of this year."

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