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Tuesday, December 29, 2015

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments 12-29-15  Part 2 of 2

Post From BondLadys Corner
BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments 12-29-15  Part 2 of 2

Executive Director of the Stock Exchange: Lower stock prices during 2015 by 26% due to the financial crisis 
12/29/2015  BAGHDAD / Jassim Al-Karim al-Tai / .. Executive Director of the Iraqi market for securities, Taha Ahmed Abdul Salam, the existence of a decline of 26% of the stock price because of the financial crisis revealed during the current year 2015, said Abdul-Salam said in a statement singled out by the (agency economic dinars) that the market market index closed at (995 944) points in the first feeler trading and closed at (730 560) points in the last trading of the 2015 session,
the index reached a decline of (26%). Indicating that the reason for this decline is due to the financial crisis in general and Iraq experienced by the world at large particularly as a result of lower oil prices.

Abdul Salam said that the effects of financial market indicators economic indicators through the capital and the movement of foreign trade and the net trade balance and levels of employment and inflation cycle and the ability of companies to generate profits and to continue in comparison with the potential for investment risk activity,
 but the trading indicators in the Iraqi market Securities approached from the expected levels and continued trading mechanisms to achieve investors and shareholders targets are equivalent to the financial position indicators of joint stock companies and the expectations of investors.

and between Abdel-Salam said Iraq Stock Exchange achieved during the current year 2015 Machert in organizing (233) trading session at the rate of five meetings a week as well for inclusion (98) Iraqi joint-stock company with a number of shares listed (8.712) trillion Shm.fima number of shares traded reached 618 billion shares worth 495 billion were traded through (120.978) Akd.makda that the market value of listed shares amounted to Market (9265) trillion dinars.

He Abdel-Salam said the most important factors that influenced the traded stocks during the current year 2015 is the destruction of infrastructure and components of capitalism material produced by the criminal gangs of gangs Daash and the decline of the Iraqi economy indicators after the sharp decline in oil prices, 2014 and 2015 and transforming the economy from a surplus economy to economy
Adz.baladavh not to the evolution of the contribution of the private sector in the composition of GDP for structural reasons and the lack of the legal climate is encouraging the development of the founding contribution and attract national and foreign savings companies so that you do not build a new investment opportunities add to the capital formation of the Iraqi economy and contribute to the expansion and diversification of the investor base through new issuance absorb unemployment and contribute to private sector growth.

He said Abdul Salam that reason affected by lower shares traded price during the current year 2015 is also the inability of the banking sector to finance development projects and the weakness of the existing banking services
 and not to create banking services new as well as change the decisions of investors as a result of economy rating of Iraq (B) as well as the lack of a development proposed laws to respond to the requirements of austerity and deficit financing economy in 2015.
baladavh not to the evolution of the means of national and foreign investment attraction and only the increase of capital as a source of funding and the failure to approve the instructions for issuing and trading Help bonds and portfolio management and components and not to allow companies to exercise the role of a market maker by purchasing a portion of its shares to absorb the decline in prices.
Stressing that the continued weak financial position of the sectors of industrial, agricultural, tourism and insurance and investment portfolios for investment companies for the continuation of the structural, financial and legal where obstacles along with variables that have to do with foreign trade is restricted.

He noted Abdul Salam that the market promising plans for the development of work during 2016 in terms of general policy of the market and monitor the performance and discuss and propose means stimulate investment securities in collaboration with the Securities Commission and the Central Bank of Iraq and the proposal to amend
and issue new instructions concerning the regulation of securities trading and the organization of portfolio management and allow companies to contribute to the purchase of proportions of shares at low prices big deals and the proposed amendments to the laws that contribute to the stimulate investment. As well as to follow up the implementation of the Iraqi market plans Securities Depository Center, discuss and approve the development of electronic systems plans. / End / 22 /
 [tlm724] Salam that the market promising plans for the development of work during 2016 in terms of general policy of the market and monitor the performance and discuss and propose means stimulate investment securities in collaboration with the Securities Commission and the Central Bank of Iraq and the proposal to amend and issue new instructions concerning the regulation of securities trading
and the organization of portfolio management and allow companies to contribute to the purchase of proportions of shares at low prices big deals and the proposed amendments to the laws that contribute to the stimulate investment.
As well as to follow up the implementation of the Iraqi market plans Securities Depository Center, discuss and approve the development of electronic systems plans.

Zebari announced the revival of a plan to sell bonds two billion dollars in 2016 Today at 6:27 am


Zebari announced the revival of a plan to sell bonds two billion dollars in 2016
12/29/2015 10:32   --  Tomorrow Press / Baghdad: detect and Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari, on Monday, for the revival of Iraq's plan to sell bonds two billion dollars in the 2016 budget, while pointing out that the liberalization of gray will strengthen the government's position and the easy confidence of international institutions there.
Zebari said in an interview with the means of press seen by "Tomorrow's Press," that "the budget in 2016 allows the government to sell bonds two billion dollars in the event lacked the sources of funding for the targeted spending project."
He noted that "the government hopes to conclude a better deal if you decide to resort to the bond market in 2016, with the armed forces victories continuous on Daash terrorist organization and support of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund for the financial center of the government.
"Zebari said, that" the confidence of international institutions in the country will facilitate the issuance of sovereign bonds process ", believing that" the liberalization of gray will strengthen our position. "
And was suspended the bond sale plan, the first of its kind offered by the Iraqi government in the international market by about ten years, in October as investors demanded a yield of 11 percent. The fall in oil prices to less than half in the last 18 months, which reduced income The government, which constitute the raw sales 95% of it.      LINK 
 [tlm724] Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari, on Monday, for the revival of Iraq's plan to sell bonds two billion dollars in the 2016 budget
[tlm724] fully expected to see these bonds coming out
[tlm724] while pointing out that the liberalization of gray will strengthen the government's position and the easy confidence of international institutions there
[tlm724] by taking back portions of the country, they hope that will bring back some confidence 
[tlm724] believing that" the liberalization of gray will strengthen our position. "
[tlm724] "the government hopes to conclude a better deal if you decide to resort to the bond market in 2016, with the armed forces victories continuous on Daash terrorist organization and support of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund for the financial center of the government
[tlm724] looks like they are stepping up to the plate to ensure the support of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, they know they need them ! 

Finance Minister: Iraq revives plan to sell bonds two billion dollars in 2016

Publishing Date: Mon, 28 Dec 2015 16:41:36 | Views: 143
Bgdad_abar today  --  Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari, on Monday, that Iraq has revived a plan to sell bonds in the budget of two billion dollars in 2016, as pointed out that liberalization of Ramadi, the Iraqi government will strengthen the position and facilitates the confidence of international institutions.
Zebari said in an interview with "Reuters", "The budget of 2016 allows the government to sell bonds two billion dollars if lacked sources of funding for the targeted spending project," adding that "the government hopes to conclude a better deal if you decide to resort to the bond market in 2016 with the achievement of the armed forces Victories Daash continuing to support the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund to the government's financial center. "
Zebari said, that "the confidence of international institutions in the country will facilitate the issuance of sovereign bonds process", believing that "the liberalization of gray will strengthen our position."
And it was suspended bond sale plan, the first of its kind offered by the Iraqi government in the international market by about ten years, in October as investors demanded a yield of 11 percent.
Iraq in 2006 and sold bonds worth $ 2.7 billion worth in 2028, and received on Iraq -B rating agency Fitch Ratings in August.
Oil prices have fallen to less than half in the last eighteen months, which is what the government trimmed crude sales, which make up 95 percent of it in income.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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