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Sunday, December 27, 2015

Wealthwatch  Saturday Night  Chat 12-26-15   Part 1 of 2

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Wealthwatch  Saturday Night  Chat 12-26-15   Part 1 of 2
chattels: Satellite images of the area around Zakho show the presence of 12 thousand oil tanker on the border with Turkey
chattels: Russian General Staff published satellite images of the areas in the vicinity of the city of Zakho in the far north of the Kurdistan region of Iraq show the presence of nearly 12 thousand oil tanker in the border between Iraq and Turkey.
chattels: Russian General Staff did not say whether these carriers to Daash or she returns to the exports of the Kurdistan region to Turkey.
chattels: the exports of the Kurdistan region to Turkey.
chattels: " There might be a man who could save Ramadi " By AYUB NURI
chattels: This man is Suhaib al-Rawi, the governor of Anbar. Al-Rawi was elected governor only a few months before the ISIS takeover. It is said that the people of Anbar support him and he has a genuine following. He is from the Islamic Party of Iraq which is a legal political party and has members and offices across the country, especially in the Sunni regions.
But in Anbar and Ramadi in particular, he is liked because he is new in his post and has so far remained neutral between the tribes and the government and rather focused on his job as governor.
chattels: He appears to be getting on well with Baghdad and the locals alike. It is too soon to know what the future holds for Anbar and what the outcome of the war will be, but if the ordinary people have realised the civil administration is their best friend and have placed their bet on the governor, then it is a good sign and a step forward.
Al-Rawi, who has put his family in the safety of the Kurdistan Region, is himself overseeing the fighting Anbar. He has three more years as governor and if supported by Baghdad, the Americans and others, he might bring some peace and stability to this troubled province.
chattels: The city of Ramadi could actually be free by the end of the year. The offensive for Ramadi started almost immediately after the city fell to the Islamic State (ISIS).
It has been in progress since May but without any progress. At times it went so slowly and so many soldiers had amassed in the outskirts of the city without doing anything that even the Pentagon became frustrated and said it would withdraw support for the Iraqi forces because they appeared incompetent and incapable of such a task.
Perhaps it was that public shaming of the Iraqi army by the US and its humiliating loss of the city that prompted them into this action this time. But there is more to it than incompetence. The real reason for the slowness of the early operations and stalemate was that the army wasn't just soldiers.
Many Shiite militiamen were also poised to attack the city and their sectarian banners fluttered in the desert wind on top of sand barriers and army vehicles. As a result, even though many of them were against ISIS, the people of Ramadi opposed any such operation that had Shiite militia contribution.
A Sunni tribal chief said to this newspaper some months ago that the people of Ramadi had seen the death and destruction the Shiite militia had brought to Tikrit and Baiji and there was no way they could welcome such a force anywhere near Ramadi.
chattels: I purchased my first IQD in May of 2011. Approaching five years ago.
The revaluation of the IQD at that time was inevitable and imminent. Indeed I anguished over whether I should try to pick up my package from Fed Ex at their office and before it went on the truck for delivery.
I was afraid that our event might occur while my package was in transit and be recalled by the currency broker before it was delivered to me. Much has happened since that time, but the revaluation is not one of them. I think it fair to conclude that revaluation was not then imminent. Is it now imminent or is it inevitable ?
chattels: Reidar Visser ‏@reidarvisser 13h13 hours ago Speaking from parts of #Ramadi liberated from ISIS, Anbar governor @Sohaib_Alrawi says structural damage is limited  LINK

chattels: Reidar Visser ‏@reidarvisser 12h12 hours ago Iraq ministry of defence confirms some popular mobilization units have arrived at #Ramadi to serve in defensive role …
 chattels: Joel Wing ‏@JoelWing2 2h2 hours ago Maliki has more supporters in State of Law but Abadi more support in Parliament from other blocs …
 chattels: Kurdish-American commandos raid ISIS base near Hawija By Rudaw - - Erbil, Kurdistan Region—Kurdish and American commandos raided an Islamic State (ISIS) base near Hawija Friday night, killing a number of militants and capturing others, Kirkuk police said.
Brigadier Sarhad Qadir of the Kirkuk police told Rudaw that at 11:00 pm Friday night Kurdish commandos backed by American special forces stormed an ISIS court in the town of Riyadh east of Hawija where they killed a number of militants in the ensuing firefight.
Brig. Qadir said some militants were captured in the raid and Hussein Umair Assafi, a commander of the radical group was killed. He added that more information on the raid is expected to be released by the special operations team. It is believed the raid was to free Kurdish Peshmerga soldiers from ISIS captivity.  

 chattels: ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – The leader of the Islamic State (ISIS) group on Saturday mocked Israel and the West for not daring to fight his forces directly, and claimed that Russian air raids had been “ineffective.” Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi also accused the US of using the Kurds to fight its war
Tootsie: Yes, Baghdadi warned Israel, ~ ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Warns Israel: We're Getting Closer Every Day Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi releases new voice recording, including threats to attack Israel. Haaretz and Reuters |  Dec 26, 2015 6:18 PM 24/25 min speech earlier today
Tootsie: I tried to copy it, several times, kept freezing puter, so gave up.
Tootsie: Saw a very interesting program on him etc on recruitment. I have watched a multitude of stuff. One America News is on my u-verse. They played a series, documentary, done by a Japanese company, very interesting, they spoke with some who had been involved in IS and left.
showed many of their indoctrination videos, and so on. Well worth the time . Also have watched a series on CNN and also History channel. Goes waaaayyyyy back, not a new organization. Check it out if you can. OAN has a website. It is a family owned news source. NO commercials, not at all like the news networks most (90+ %) people watch. Just news - cut 'n dried.
Tootsie: Actually Baghdadi was in jail 2 x and set free
Tootsie: Parliamentary oil: the Iraqi economy will rebound again with the first shipment of gas exported to overseas 2015-12-27 05:13:01 | (Voice of Iraq) - Baghdad He saw the Committee on Energy and Oil parliamentary member Awad Hussein that Iraq will see an economic recovery again with the first shipment of gas to be released abroad.
Said Awad in the "oil crisis that hit the world was more affected where is Iraq on the grounds that there are several issues, including security and economic situation", and pointed out that "there is a real port will lift Iraq from the current economic crisis, but a {natural} gas, and the government Abdul pass this port,
which burns annually an estimated {} billion dollars a year into the atmosphere, "returned him" a waste of public money revolution. " CONT
Tootsie: Do hope they can expand the natural gas, exports, rather than just flaming it.
Tootsie: Think will bid adieu to this for the evening. Have a great evening (what is left of it) toodles ~
chattels: Meeting soon between the federal government and the provincial government
chattels: a joint meeting, soon, between the federal government and the Kurdistan region representatives for the application of the customs tariff law in all border crossing points.

Comments may be made at the end of Part 2  Thank You

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