Don't WAIT!

Friday, December 25, 2015

Thoughts From Martha Christmas Day 12-25-15

Thanks Martha for sending this to us today

A new day,  a new world? - from Martha

Yesterday, a close friend of mine was watching live stream from Kruger Park in South Africa and saw the magnificent full moon but also saw a tranquility amongst the animals on Christmas eve.

Last night, I went outside to see that full moon. It was so quiet outside and the moon was so bright ,it took my breath away. Is this how it was the night when Jesus was born?

I came back in and decided to take a look around the world on the news sites.

First was that IRAQ is in final push for Ramadi. Is this not the final holdout that they/we needed to finish off the security of the nation?

Syria is headed to the peace talks and China has been asked by Iran to help them too.

ISIS is being "contained"
.The icing on the cake was what the Pope had to say at the Christmas Eve mass.

He talked about CONSUMERISM. Now isn't that so ironic considering what 20 million people are waiting for.

Okay, so now as we wait for our turn, it doesn't matter if this is a Christmas blessing or a New Year blessing it will be here very shortly.

I can only say that between now and January 6th as the planets align themselves we are entering a new phase of our lives but also the Jubilee and /or the Shemitah.

As I understand it…..Part of the history of the Jubilee is that the lost tribes must return to Israel. One interesting snippet is that the Iraqi Jews are returning to Iraq. I won't say anymore but their history is very interesting.

I will say that as we potentially head into the Jubilee, will we now see the further collapse of the financial markets?

In September we saw what should have been a collapse but it didn't happen.

I kept saying it was tempered by the BRICS. The warning was giving.

We expected it this month with the RV but IMO instead WE have been spared for the time being of what will be the final "collapse" of a manipulated financial system.

Hopefully we will all arise from the ashes as a better world.

We also know that on January 1, 2016 (crazy eights), Iraq is RV ing. No holds which now means when the markets fully come up on January 4th the WHOLE WORLD is going to know.

Finally, I sincerely hope that we are not waiting till the 29th /30th to start. SOONER IS BETTER. Remember that the banks changed their vacation dates ( or did they?)

Now with China playing Santa Claus, I think the US has no choice but to play nicely.
More News of Interest today:

Something Extraordinary Is Happening in the World, And Most People Haven’t Noticed –

Prepare for Change

From Reuters News:   Coalition planes pound ISIS in Iraq's Ramadi to aid attack, TV says

Coalition air forces pounded positions held by Islamic State in Ramadi on Thursday, Iraqi military statements said, in support of government troops seeking to retake the western Iraqi city and push on to drive the militants from key population centers.

From Reuters News:

Iraqi troops prepare to drive Islamic State from Ramadi

Iraqi forces are preparing to liberate the Anbar province from ISIS after the forces surround the area with support of tanks and heavy machinery. Nathan Frandino reports.

From Reuters News:

Syria ready to take part in Geneva peace talks: minister

Syria is ready to take part in peace talks in Geneva and hopes that the dialogue will help it form a national unity government, Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moualem said on Thursday during a visit to Beijing.

From Reuters News:
Iran calls China to join the fight against the Islamic State

China should play a more active role in fighting Islamic State, a senior figure in a body that advises Iran's Supreme Leader said on Thursday, according to the country's Fars news agency.

World intoxicated by consumerism - Pope    
Well,how interesting what the Pope had to say on xmas eve on WEALTH!!!

Iran hostages 'win compensation'

Wow,just caught this.This is the start of releasing certain compensation packages liken to Breton Woods.

When is the next Jubilee year? - Questions & Answers

What are the dates of the 70 Jubilees?

The year of jubilee inspires interfaith understanding in Africa |

Wary of Risks in Jubilee Year, Rome Is on Alert -

Q&A: What’s that Jubilee Year of Mercy the pope is talking about? | The Kansas City Star
Sabbatical Year (Shemitah) and Jubilee Year (Yovel) - My Jewish Learning

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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