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Saturday, December 26, 2015

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments 12-26-15  Part 1 of 2

Post From BondLadys Corner  12-26-15

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments  Part 1 of 2

Rafidain Bank reaffirms its commitment to international standards on money laundering 
 Author: AB, HH, TG    Editor: AB, HH 2015/12/26 11:52                  
 Long-Presse / Baghdad --  Rafidain Bank confirmed on Saturday its commitment to international standards that it reinforced international institutions regarding the money laundering according to the rule "know your customer and form particular to identify the sources of funds", as pointed out that citizens depend on it to deposit their money being no breach of its obligations and its agreements towards them.
The general director of the bank on behalf of Kamal al-Hassani said in a statement received (range Press), a copy of which, "The global institutions and in the impact of central banks in both countries reported instructions to banks operating with in accordance with the know your customer and form particular to identify the sources of the person funds base before it starts with practice banking activity and the nature of his situation and potential and activity of the ".

He said al-Hassani, that "the revenue be confirmed according to fixed criteria to be adopted Everyone In Iraq, it is countries that rely on direct cash deal in light of the lack of comprehensive technical both civil and governmental institutions and specialized banks."
The al-Hassani, that "citizens rely on the Rafidain Bank to deposit their money in the fact that the bank has not been without its agreements and obligations towards them."
The Iraqi Council of Representatives voted, in (16 September 2015), on the draft anti-money laundering and terrorism financing law.     LINK

  [tlm724] Rafidain Bank confirmed on Saturday its commitment to international standards that it reinforced international institutions regarding the money laundering according to the rule "know your customer and form particular to identify the sources of funds"
[tlm724] thats really good !!! And by international standards 
[tlm724] pointed out that citizens depend on it to deposit their money being no breach of its obligations and its agreements towards them
[tlm724] they need to continue to do all they can to encourage people to deposit their money
[tlm724] and this will help but the deposit insurance will do even more

Invitations to support the national industry and the application of the customs Atarafh

Industry is seeking to sell their products to markets and central specialists call for the application of tariff
Author: ZJ Editor: BK, BS 2015/12/25 23:58                         

Long-Presse / Baghdad   Revealed the Ministry of Industry and Minerals intention agreement with the Ministry of Commerce on the allocation of one of the central market in each governorate to sell their products, and called for the need to pass laws to protect the local product and the application of the tariff,
while the Iraqi Federation of Industries accused some ministries to "indifference" to activate the national industry, saw Economist that the state should support the industrial sectors that contribute to improving the balance of payments during the next two years.
And suffer factories owned by the Iraqi state of many problems since 2003, is to stop most of them and increase the number of employees largely on the economic viability of these plants account, where thousands had to be during the past years, as well as the lack of a marketing program to her,
and gave Mkainha and the need for their products to development, is comparable to the imported product and who invaded the Iraqi market since more than 13 years.
He said the ministry spokesman, Abdul Wahid al-Shammari, said in an interview to the (long-Presse), said that "the cabinet's approval to merge the Ministry companies have been a great incentive for affiliates to promote national production," adding that "The ministry will include 31 productive and efficient company starting in next in 2016, after it has been accessed 90 companies for domestic investment or Arab or foreign.
Shammari said, "The ministry will ask the Ministry of Commerce and the allocation of one of the central markets in each province to sell its products," noting that "the central markets will be fixed for the sale of products and the Ministry of Industry and Minerals place."
He called the official spokesman for the Ministry of Industry and Minerals, to "make laws for the protection of the local product and activate the tariff, and the cooperation of other ministries with the Ministry of Industry and Minerals."
For his part, head of the Iraqi Federation of Industries, Ali Sabih al-Saadi, said in an interview to the (long-Presse), "The decisions made by the Council of Ministers or the Ministry of Industry and Minerals, to activate the national industrial sector is still just the aspirations and wishes not been activated by about real on the ground ".

He said al-Saadi, that "the reforms announced by the government is very good and did not get 12 years ago," inferred "but should actually apply because each ministry or government agency, is a country in itself, some of which does not recognize third-party decisions."
And he saw the head of the Iraqi Federation of Industries, that "the reforms will not achieve its goals without the application of the tariff by about right," and accused "some ministries indifference to activate the Iraqi industry, and import preference for benefits and privileges."
He called al-Saadi, ministries because "working as a team and activating the laws that advance the domestic industry."
Conversely called economic expert, Ahmed Rehn, the Council of Ministers to "discrimination in economic policy between the medium and long term versus short-term, which will face the country the years 2016 -2017", and urged the financial industry and minerals, planning on "cooperation between them to draw a clear policy for the development of the private sector" ministries.
Rehn said, in an interview to the (long-Presse), said that "the promotion of the national industry requires the adoption of foreign currency standard," noting that "the industrial sectors that should be supported during the next two years 2016 and 2017, are those that can contribute to improving the balance of payments."
He attributed the economic expert, however, that "the industry that will improve the balance of payments are contributing to the increase in imports of foreign currency and reduce Iraq's payments of them, and support exports, or reduce the import of goods and services," adding, "Even these industries if it did, would not add anything Iraqi budget for the next two years, although they serve the economy. "
He said Rehn, that "to talk about serving as a budget involves a great mislead, they will not be so unless those companies began to work and made a profit and paid tax", Msttrda that "all this takes time might take years."
The Minister of Industry and Minerals, Mohammed al-Darraji, said in (the 22 of November 2015), that Iraq produces 271 material, while the existence of a campaign to hit Iraqi industry, counting the hard currency from Iraq get out and converted to consumables will lead to the collapse of the country's economy.
The Ministry of Industry and Minerals, announced in (the 25th of November 2015), for approval of the Cabinet of the forty-five minutes, to activate the decision required all ministries and government agencies to purchase public its products.  LINK

 [tlm724] Revealed the Ministry of Industry and Minerals intention agreement with the Ministry of Commerce on the allocation of one of the central market in each governorate to sell their products
[tlm724] the ministries are working together
[tlm724] and called for the need to pass laws to protect the local product and the application of the tariff,
[tlm724] that "the cabinet's approval to merge the Ministry companies have been a great incentive for affiliates to promote national production
[tlm724] The ministry will include 31 productive and efficient company starting in next in 2016, after it has been accessed 90 companies for domestic investment or Arab or foreign.
[tlm724] He called the official spokesman for the Ministry of Industry and Minerals, to "make laws for the protection of the local product and activate the tariff, and the cooperation of other ministries with the Ministry of Industry and Minerals."
[tlm724] keeping pushing for those laws, Iraq doesn't have any choice in the matter  Wink
[tlm724] And he saw the head of the Iraqi Federation of Industries, that "the reforms will not achieve its goals without the application of the tariff by about right," and accused "some ministries indifference to activate the Iraqi industry, and import preference for benefits and privileges.
[tlm724] that "the reforms will not achieve its goals without the application of the tariff
[tlm724] uh huh
[tlm724] Rehn said, in an interview to the (long-Presse), said that "the promotion of the national industry requires the adoption of foreign currency standard," noting that "the industrial sectors that should be supported during the next two years 2016 and 2017, are those that can contribute to improving the balance of payments
[tlm724] He attributed the economic expert, however, that "the industry that will improve the balance of payments are contributing to the increase in imports of foreign currency and reduce Iraq's payments of them, and support exports, or reduce the import of goods and services," adding, "Even these industries if it did, would not add anything Iraqi budget for the next two years, although they serve the economy.
[tlm724] "the industry that will improve the balance of payments are contributing to the increase in imports of foreign currency and reduce Iraq's payments of them, and support exports," the more they produce and export the less money that goes out to pay for imports !
Parliamentary Finance: World Bank granted on condition of exchange in the fields of energy
Economy and Tenders
Since 12.26.2015 at 11:05 (GMT Baghdad)
Special - scales News --  Stressed the Finance Committee in the House of Representatives member Hossam punitive, Saturday, that the theme of the World Bank grant of Iraq took another aspect in the media, noting that the World Bank when it gives a grant or a loan is required disbursement in certain aspects, he explained that the bank requires Exchange awarded in the fields of energy.
He's punitive / scales News /, "The theme of the International Bank of Iraq not as a grant deliberated in the media and that turned out last," pointing out that "the World Bank conditions are not so severe."
He added that "the International Monetary Fund or the World Bank when he gives the loan takes into account the issue of where the disposal of these loans, and wants her to act as grants and salaries or such, which is called (exchange is the product)", noting that "the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the situation In the first of their business need to conduct these loans in the areas of energy. "
Punitive pointed out, that "the World Bank emphasizes the need to employ the financial and economic capacity in Iraq even taken advantage of this loan," explaining that "the condition of the bank to develop a plan to prevent associated with the extraction of crude oil gas flaring."
The Executive Directors of the World Bank board approved in December 17 2015, to provide a loan of $ 1.2 billion for Iraq.
And always warns supreme religious authority and economic experts of the consequences of external borrowing, which ranks the country's major financial burden in the future. / Ended 29 n / 10    LINK  
 [tlm724] , noting that "the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the situation In the first of their business need to conduct these loans in the areas of energy. "
[tlm724] "the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the situation In the first of their business
[tlm724] they will make sure this money goes where it is supposed to go   
[shunshine] *hallelujah*
[tlm724] yes they are done with the corruption and loaning money that gets stolen !

Comments may be made at the end of Part 2  Thank You

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