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Thursday, December 31, 2015

KTFA Wednesday Night CC Notes 12-30-15  Part 1


Remember, it's best to listen to the call and study the notes....there's never been a better time to understand your investment's progress and learn the "behind-the-scenes" events that have been and are taking place.

May you all have a very HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I pray we will see a new and exciting year ahead that we can continue to grow in many ways as we reach out to others in many ways. God bless!!    ~ Denaridori

KTFA CC Wed – Dec. 30, 2015
Frank26:  How did we start that Monday CC? The whole body – and how did we leave you? In between we sandwiched Saudi Arabia on Monday to you and you saw the following day yesterday the articles of what they did and how they contributed…just the way we told you.

What I’d like to tell you is….we were talking about Saudi Arabia between a bunch of cities. LOL – We re-sandwiched them between security, family. We said the #1 thing we want is SECURITY........ for the advancement of Iraq.

We need this country to be safe and we already went through the whole evolution since 2003 when we invaded from the slipper of the citizens slapping it on Saddam’s statue all the way up to where we’re at right now.

Basically, right now Iran is telling everybody “up yours” too. Can you imagine when that statue was taken down for Iran to say “up yours” then? Ten years later we have so many combinations of countries swapping currency in a basket that it makes you a bit dizzy. Last minute agreements that you wonder….How did that happen so quickly??

So, once again, we did talk about the trifecta, which we will again tonight, but you need to understand nothing works in this world without OIL.

See this juice I’m drinking….the straw is made out of petroleum…the plastic bottle, petroleum…the juice itself, the plastic, petroleum, the juice, petroleum derivatives. We get a lot of our elements that makes other components using basic oil because you see, we’re carbon units. Hi, I’m made of carbon atoms…whereas somebody on another planet is made out of silica!

LOL – What was that? --- We’re made out of carbon and that’s what makes the world go round. These carbon based elements….we bathe ourselves in oil because that’s where ours comes from. Sure we get oxygen, nitrogen, helium…but you know other elements too, but carbon is the #1 thing we want.

And the oil in Iraq….whew! Anywhere you step into Iraq and it’s almost everywhere….you step on it! Oil is everywhere…and the thing about oil in Iraq, you can stand on Lake Erie and look right and left – and that’s a big lake ---that’s about the size of the lake underneath Iraq….and it’s not brown-green water. It’s BLACK OIL…and it’s the highest in carbon – one of the top 3 – oil burns efficiently. Because it’s so high in carbon, it’s extremely viscus….that means you get a lot of that stuff..into barrels if you want to dilute it. LOL – And on top of it, it’s so easy to get….it’s right there …how many barrels do ya want? Pull up your car!! LOL

So, the security in the middle east is so important – you think it’s because you can make a lot with your capital gains. Well, yeah, it’s part of it --- it’s a by-product, but the real reason is it’s to PROTECT WHAT MAKES THE WORLD GO ROUND.

We certainly don’t go to any country to take democracy and freedom anymore, especially in jungle warfares…No, our equipment is made to battle in environments, in niches, where oil is predominant….sandy environments.

Security? I want to put security back on the list like I did on Monday, but I want to put it on neon lights…SECURITY – SECURITY – SECURITY! It’s extremely important for everything…and I’m not going to be so dogmented to say it’s important for the monetary reform…it’s important for everything, but if you want to be real with me – want to be frank about it? THE SECURITY IS FOR THE OIL.

Okay – the people….(nah) ….the country (fine)….the government….(nah)….If we had it our way…just shut everything down and just give us the oil. We don’t need anything else from anybody. But….that’s not how it works. So, the whole world got involved fighting ISIS and I think was an amazing turn of events, but nothing in life is coincidental. –Oh, all of a sudden we all have some common foe…so let’s get rid of ISIS.

Who created ISIS? -- Who’s beatin’ the hell out of ISIS and say that’s the end of that?…..because we’re done with them. It’s complicated…it’s also ugly.

But right now I want you to know that security is SO, SO, SO important. You see, it was I think about a month ago when we brought to our study table, when everybody else was talking about other things, we said – Look, SECURITY IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT RIGHT NOW…and I believe about a month ago I said to you we said PAY ATTENTION TO RAMADI…

I’d love to talk to you about it, but it is military stuff, so let’s wait a couple of weeks. Well, a couple of weeks went by and just up until a few days ago they told us what we told you about Ramadi. And we prepared you last week for another place, remember? We said 3-4 cities and we pointed to another place…MOSUL. We told you Mosul was next…Why? Just keep watching.

These cities as we explained to you the other day --- they were leveled -- but NOT IN THE MIDDLE but on the outside because that’s where the economic growth is going to occur. We explained to you. Family, the BATTLEFIELD IS WELL….it’s doing good. I want you to understand there’s this coalition that needs to do what it’s doing.

I’m not here to tell you we need more time….in fact it’s not fair to ask me for a date or a rate…it’s not fair, it’s not polite to ask me for a rate or a date. – Well, I’m not Frank, but what’s the percentage of the ….STOP IT!

And I mean that sincerely….I’m studying. It would be like if we were in high school and we were studying for the final exam….and you would say – What grade do you think I’m going to get? A, A+, A- -- well you’ve got it in with the teacher.. Stop it!! Nobody knows the date or the rate. We, here at KTFA, study – and we study pretty good, don’t we? All honor and glory to our heavenly Father.

It’s important you understand that SECURITY IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT for what is occurring in Iraq right now…Well, what’s occurring in Iraq, Frank?

-- I don’t care if it’s Abadi getting his shoes shined, I don’t care if it’s the monetary reform… I don’t care if it’s the citizens coming out because they feel comfortable and safe in the streets….I just want the SECURITY to be done.

Okay – I do too….How do we know, Frank? --Look at your notes!! Family, we level the place. But they must ALWAYS GET CREDIT – FIRST AND ONLY.

Where are we at right now? ---OMG! You’re right, Frank….It doesn’t matter if we were right….Look at Ramadi…Look at Mosul….Did you say there were more cities? Yes, but do you understand SECURITY IS PRIMARY RIGHT NOW? Not the MR…Oh, NO!!! You mean it’s not the MONETARY REFORM? Is there a delay???? You mean are you moving this to MARCH? -- Will you STOP IT?

I’m here to tell you that before you see anything that you want…do you not agree with me that SECURITY MUST …..PLANT ITS FLAG…! Perfect!! LOL -- That’s exactly what I wanted to say…!! Thank you God, because Abadi is doing that RIGHT NOW! LOL –

WE MUST NOT GET CREDIT…..How many times do I have to say it? I’m so blue I don’t even have to use blue ink anymore! LOL How many times have we said that? SECURITY – and then on top of that, we’re going to kick everybody’s donkey…I promise you flattened….our technology ….I talked to you about gammas….

Ring a ding ding…Hey Abadi ….Can you get Maliki here…we’ve been there…Look, we’ve got it covered. …Ramadi, Mosul…we’ve got it covered. – You see, family, everybody’s joining in to REMOVE TERRORISM because, unfortunately, terrorism is what gives everything delays.

Can I tell you something? Take this to prayer… It’s my strong opinion that in any military campaign – the US Marines are the first to invade. You see, I can’t talk to you as clear as I want to…you’re listening, OK? I know you’re probably on the edge of your seats right now. I am too! TRY TO LISTEN……take notes, and take it to God in prayer and it may make sense later or even now.

The USA must not be seen as the victors against Arabs. We’ve been telling you – we’re doing all the work, but they can take all the credit. We’ve been telling you they can knock on our door …knock, knock…Can you guys come in here and take care of this? You know we’re infidels. If we come in…. – No man, take care of your own stuff, but we did get in there….and laws were passed that made it much easier and needed to be done.

In the process 3 people got together – ABADI, THE HOLY MAN, AND SHABIBI …they said…Are you sure you’re ready? -- Yeah, we’re ready. Abadi: Do your thing. So, he picks up the phone and says can you come here an help, US?

Now, you need to know this sequence: The Marines land first and there are mercenaries that are contracted by our own government….everybody knows this. They go in and work hand-in-hand with those who land first. But what the media tells you is always within 2-3 weeks OLD…O-L-D…..We did tell you that JTAC was helping about a month ago and that way you were able to see certain things occur….like…, I don’t need to give you an example of that.

But, IMO I feel that within about a week……I think in about a week…the flag that Neil Armstrong planted on the moon will be nothing compared to the flag Abadi will be planting soon. The Marines and the mercenaries…they WERE IN RAMADI…and they were side-by-side with Iraqi soldiers as the helped.
Now, there’ll always be little pockets so within the week, maybe we’ll be at about 95%....and I would like you to turn your attention without going into details, the same way we did with Ramadi….we couldn’t, could we? The same way I couldn’t…they do now….about Ramadi and Mosul…The same way I’m going to tell you, FAMILY, ON THE COUNT OF 3 – LOOK AT FALUJIAH.

Here’s another point that’s EXTREMELY CRITICAL FOR OUR TEAMS. This security was created extremely fast when it was NEEDED FAST … So the Marines have landed, huh? Yeah!! Weeks ago.

We told you about JTAC – What is J-Tac? – I can talk about it because the media is talking of it without telling you it’s JTAC – it stands for JOINT TACTIC AIR CONTROL. Usually they’re very highly trained and specialized branches of our military. What JTAC does – they mark buildings….no need to get into the explanation of how they do that, but I’ll tell you …….that the Marines and whoever they’re working with are assigned with different groups of the Army, different groups of the Air Force All our branches …and the Marines with their JTAC are highly trained for marking buildings.

They don’t go up to them and do graffiti…no, not that. LOL…The Marines are highly specialized invaders…highly specialized ground troops.

Here’s the beauty of what I want to express….The marines are specialist at “URBAN WARFARE”….Yeah, isn’t that cool? LOL You want me to give you an example?

Link to Part 2:

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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