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Monday, December 28, 2015

Wealthwatch  Late Eve Early AM Chat 12-27-15   Part 2 of 2

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Wealthwatch  Late Eve Early AM Chat 12-27-15   Part 2 of 2
 Awake-in-3D: So the Management Plan was modified to include all of us in this grand, Humanitarian Event. In the big scheme of things, I sometimes have to remind myself that I am here because I was on a free will path that brought me to the RV/GCR investment "opportunity".
I then had the fortitude to make the choice to purchase the currencies and suspend my logical brain telling me this is too good to be true. And here I am. I suspect that many of your reading this right now could share a similar story.
 Awake-in-3D:  Furthermore, when I am confused and frustrated by what I think I know or do not know about this Event, I remind myself of the above Private Company analogy. I do not have a voting right in how this event works and unfolds. I do not have access or privileges to be informed by the Management of this Private Company as to what, why, and how they do things.
[12/28/2015 02:39:33 AM] Awake-in-3D:   I also understand that much of my confusion and disdain for the RV/GCR process comes from reading so many thoughts, theories, speculations, and rumors about the RV/GCR process on the internet.
Not much of what we read on the internet or hear on conference calls actually comes from the Management Team itself. I believe that dis-information is sometimes used to keep the Bad Guys from learning confidencial, strategic, and tactical operations regarding the RV/GCR (and rightly so).
If too much of how this will actually unfold is discovered, the consequences could be disastrous for the Mission itself (financial speculators, leveraging, derivatives, etc.)
[12/28/2015 02:40:18 AM] Awake-in-3D: I continue to gather information and vet it when and where I can, because I enjoy doing so. I will await the moment when my "shares" (currencies) will be recalled and repurchased by the Management Team at a Premium from what I purchased them for initially.
I understand that secrecy is paramount to achieving the mission and that this is absolutely a Humanitarian Event including some of the proceeds of the sale of my currency (shares).
Awake-in-3D:   I also understand that there are different levels of "investors" (Groups) that got in at different times and methods as part of the Management Plan that will be paid different Premiums (rates) based on their position - just like there are different classes and types of stocks and bonds that pay differently for investors. ...and, that this process is rolling out and the repatriation of the currencies (shares) is happening now!
 Which it truly is... this week will be significant as the repatriation continues to move on down the chain for us, the investors!  :)
chattels: Maliki salutes Ramadi liberation.
chattels: He, in particular, praised the Shiite militia forces for their role in the liberation of Ramadi. Maliki’s remarks contradicted earlier reports that the Shiite militia known as the popular mobilization forces (PMF) did not have a part in the offensive for the Sunni city.
chattels: Iraqi forces reclaim Ramadi
chattels: The city, 90 KM west of the capital Baghdad is said to have been cleared of Islamic State (ISIS) militants.
chattels: Reidar Visser ‏@reidarvisser 7m7 minutes ago From his "disputed website", ex #Iraq PM/VP Maliki beats PM Abadi in congratulating army on #Ramadi victory …
chattels: Reidar Visser ‏@reidarvisser 2m2 minutes ago Slightly odd that #Iraq PM Abadi hasn't been more visible in relaton to army's #Ramadi op. In China during launch, so far silent on victory.
chattels: " First Deputy President of the Republic bless big victories in Anbar province "

chattels: Reidar Visser ‏@reidarvisser 24m24 minutes ago Official Iraq army victory declaration for #Ramadi just released. Says Iraqi flag now flies over main govt building …
chattels: Currency Auctions Announcement No. (3104) The opening offers the sale and purchase of foreign currency in the window of the Central Bank of Iraq on 28/12/2015 and the results were as follows: DETAILS              NOTES Number of banks               22 Number of remittance companies        21 Auction price selling dinar / US$  1182 Auction price buying dinar / US$       ----- Amount sold at auction price (US$) 138,485,411 Amount purchased at Auction price (US$) ----- Total offers for buying (US$)               138,485,411 Total offers for selling (US$)
chattels: 3104 ......... 28-Dec ........... 1,220 ............ 1,182   chattels: 1,220
chattels: The central bank today recorded the lowest sales of the dollar months ago [Baghdad-where] , it decreased sales of the Iraqi Central Bank, on Monday in the auction for the sale of foreign currency to $ 138 million, a minimum auction months ago.
According to a statement of the bank, the agency received all of Iraq [where] a copy of "The amount sold volume today reached 138 million, 485 thousand, and $ 411, priced at 1182 dinars exchange rate to the dollar, ................
chattels: The volume of sales of USD is generally declining. 
chattels: :: 2015/12/27 19:15 • [Baghdad-where] Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi stressed the need for marketing of completed apartments in the housing project Basmajh.
chattels: "The Iraqi government handed over 17 of last September, $ 202 million as the first financial boost to the company Hanwha] Korean implemented Project City Basmajh housing being constructed southeast of the capital Baghdad.
Korean company is in the process of establishing the city Basmajh which is located just 10 km south-east of the capital Baghdad and an area of 1830 km and includes residential complexes, it could be expanded by 100 thousand housing units and 300 units of schools, hospitals and centers the police. It is expected that the city can accommodate about 600 thousand people in the event of its creation is complete by the year 2019.
chattels: the Federal Judiciary Chairman Medhat al-Mahmoud said, can not be judges and the salaries of members of the public prosecutor announced reduction of more than a draft law prepared by the Judicial Council earlier time to reduce the salary ceiling.
chattels: Federal Judiciary Chairman Medhat al-Mahmoud ..........................
chattels: Apparently NOT RETIRED.

chattels: the deployment of the Central Commission for compensation for those affected by the military operations and military errors and terrorist operations in the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers branch, in Wasit province, more than 144 million dinars in compensation for those affected by terrorism in the province.

chattels: The further costs of war. Iraqi constitution requires compensation for the victims of terrorism ( DAESH )
chattels: Reidar Visser ‏@reidarvisser 2m2 minutes ago Reidar Visser Retweeted Matt Bradley Two relatively large suburbs in eastern Ramadi still ISIS-held.
chattels: Allawi pays tribute to the victories of the security forces in Ramadi, calls for reconciliation;

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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