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Tuesday, December 29, 2015

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments 12-29-15  Part 1 of 2

Post From BondLadys Corner
BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments 12-29-15  Part 1 of 2

Parliamentary Economy: Political control of border ports

Economy and Tenders
Since 12.29.2015 at 10:13 (GMT Baghdad)  Special - scales News   --  It revealed a member of the economic and investment commission parliamentary Najiba Najib, Tuesday, about the existence of influential politicians in control of the border crossing points, as pointed out that the application of the customs tariff law need to take strong measures to control market prices.
She said Najib's / scales News /, that "there is coordination and communication between Baghdad and Erbil to hold a meeting for the application of the customs tariff," adding that "the law would be of great interest to both parties."
She added, "The meeting will be of the order and not to the order of another attributed the reason to the law in force and binding and the duty of the application," asserting that "there are great difficulties for the application of the customs tariff".

She Alynan "Iraq is not in control of the border ports," asserting that "these ports do not all fall under the federal government's control."
She said "there are influential politicians in control of the border crossings," pointing out that "the application of the law need to take strong measures to control the market prices attributed the reason to be applied without the presence of the control of market prices weigh on the shoulders of the Iraqi citizen."
She explained that "the new tariffs to be imposed on imported materials to Iraq will be added to those fees on the citizen by trade, making the prices are high in the markets," calling on the government to "put those ports under its control to be able to apply the customs tariff better and achieve the desired goals of application of the law. "ended 29 quarters e     LINK

 [tlm724] Najib, Tuesday, about the existence of influential politicians in control of the border crossing points, as pointed out that the application of the customs tariff law need to take strong measures to control market prices.
[tlm724] that "there is coordination and communication between Baghdad and Erbil to hold a meeting for the application of the customs tariff," *hallelujah*
[tlm724] "the law would be of great interest to both parties.
[tlm724] The meeting will be of the order and not to the order of another attributed the reason to the law in force and binding and the duty of the application,"
[therealbubbie] :{weigh on the shoulders of the Iraqi citizen."
[tlm724] the new tariffs to be imposed on imported materials to Iraq will be added to those fees on the citizen by trade, making the prices are high in the markets," calling on the government to "put those ports under its control to be able to apply the customs tariff better and achieve the desired goals of application of the law.
[tlm724] making the prices are high in the markets,
[tlm724] apply the law and give your people some purchasing power, done !

Calls for consideration of alternatives for oil industry
12/29/2015 0:00  BAGHDAD - Alaa al-Tai  called two economists, to find alternatives to oil to cope with the financial crisis experienced by the country, by adopting the strategy of reform comprehensive include taking a number of decisions to address imbalances and revitalize agriculture, industry and investment sectors.
Financial and economic expert, Dr. appearance of Mohammed Saleh, confirmed that " The new government strategy aims to carry out a thorough and radical reform to address the imbalance in the structure of the state and specifically economic aspects ", indicating that it was" complete effective steps began months ago to cope with the decline in oil prices.
"He added," The executive branch proceeded to take measures to support the private sector and move economy and reforms included to facilitate the entry of oil companies by reducing the obstacles and bureaucracy and make it less complex.
"government adviser, revealed the" morning "yesterday" went to the expansion of the financial revenues of the country through the activation of agriculture, industry and investment sectors of the form in which we can cope with the financial crisis in light of processors that is placed with the continuation of oil exports flow significantly from Iraqi ports and through the pipelines.
"He also noted that" those measures has parallel announcement of other decisions issued by the government regarding the rehabilitation of state-owned enterprises and to support the agricultural initiative, "revealing" a government motionless for the involvement of the international community to support Iraq in its war against terrorism.
"promised to Saleh, the expected international support" an important step that reflects the extent of Iraq's interaction with countries of the region and the world, and his support in the war being waged against gangs (Daash) terrorist.
"For his part, stressed the economic expert on behalf of Antoine in an interview for the "morning" yesterday, the importance of expanding and diversifying imports Iraq financial, and develop a strategy for the management of the country's wealth is oil.
said Antoine: "Iraq's dependence on oil revenues is one of the most prominent economic gaps that should be addressed by diversifying the sources of income," adding that "the promotion of the economy is not easy and requires the promotion of the private sector and giving loans away from corruption."
He also called for taking effective steps in the field of industry, agriculture and services, which the private sector takes a bigger role, because it is the largest owner of liquidity.
 [tlm724] Saleh, confirmed that " The new government strategy aims to carry out a thorough and radical reform to address the imbalance in the structure of the state and specifically economic aspects ", indicating that it was" complete effective steps began months ago to cope with the decline in oil prices
[tlm724] ata boy Saleh
[tlm724] went to the expansion of the financial revenues of the country through the activation of agriculture, industry and investment sectors of the form in which we can cope with the financial crisis in light of processors that is placed with the continuation of oil exports flow significantly from Iraqi ports and through the pipelines.
[tlm724] thats it, expand those revenues
[tlm724] "promised to Saleh, the expected international support" an important step that reflects the extent of Iraq's interaction with countries of the region and the world
[tlm724] said Antoine "the private sector takes a bigger role, because it is the largest owner of liquidity"
[tlm724] indeed the Iraqi's have some money, well the upper classes anyway and they will spend it IF given the right incentive and legal protection
Three presidencies agree on the formation of a committee for economic ease the impact of financial crisis              
December 28, 2015 23:55  --  Three presidencies held Monday evening at the Peace Palace in Baghdad meeting attended by President of the Republic Fuad Masum, and the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi and Parliament Speaker Salim al-Jubouri, the head of the Supreme Judicial Council, Medhat al-Mahmoud
The meeting agreed to form a committee economical experts and specialists Iraqis and others in order to work on the study and mitigate the effects of the economic and financial crisis.
A statement by the Presidency of the Republic announced today that "accept it in a comprehensive manner to the overall political, security and economic developments, with emphasis on the following, paying tribute trophies and victories achieved by our fighters in Anbar province, and especially the military operations that took place in the city of Ramadi, where these operations confirmed the ability of the Champions fighters, at the meeting various configurations, to defeat the criminals, terrorists and liberate the land of Dnassehm,
as the price of meeting dear sacrifices made by the people and armed forces in order to achieve victory in this heroic operations that put Aldoaash in front of the real their size large and their collapse in front of the great strikes of our heroes and proud of all Iraqis, including open it from Full prospects for the Liberation of Iraq's cities, and especially the important processes that liberated by our troops Nineveh province, dear. "
He continued, "it was emphasized that the success of the return of displaced persons to some administrative units in Diyala province, an important step to restore the rest of the displaced and displaced persons to their original home areas in all the liberated areas of the existence of Daash and securing supplies such return, was also stressed to take all achieve addressing groups The kidnapping and murder, intimidation and practices of various terrorist and criminal. "
The participants praised the Arab League's decision on the level of foreign ministers in condemning the incursion by Turkish military forces in the territory of Iraq and demand the Turkish government to withdraw its troops and not to prejudice the sovereignty of Iraq.
And that "the conferees agreed to form a committee economical experts and specialists Iraqis and others in order to work on the study and mitigate the effects of the economic and financial crisis because of falling oil prices and the development of proposals and solutions that help to it."
The statement concluded that "the conferees agreed to speed up measures to complete the investigation in accordance with the assets in regards to the accused and to expedite the resolution of the outstanding issues and so as to ensure fairness and compliance with laws and provisions in force.
 [tlm724] that "the conferees agreed to form a committee economical experts and specialists Iraqis and others in order to work on the study and mitigate the effects of the economic and financial crisis because of falling oil prices and the development of proposals and solutions that help to it."

Comments may be made at the end of Part 2   Thank You

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