Don't WAIT!

Sunday, December 27, 2015

News, Rumors, and Opinions Late Sunday Night 12-27-15

Emailed to Recaps:

Here's one we forgot - from Martha

UN OPERATIONAL RATE  changes 12-29 for 12/31. Well do you think this will finally show?
Here's another one. 12-29 money moves in the Arab world.

If this happens on the 29th, add 2 days which is 12/31 - the day sanctions are REALLY released on the Iran rial.

You know what?   it doesn't really matter since China and the rest of the world could care less about those "sanctions".  Iran is pumping oil and shipping.

I just saw an article on Reuters that states it will take 24 years for oil to reach 100.00 per barrel. They can't give it away! I noticed that gasoline at our pumps is down to 1.83 and dropping. Will we see under a dollar? Wait and see.

Well, what's left? NOTHING!!   Everything is signed, sealed and delivered.

The only question I have is if "We the people" are ready, not just for the bank, but are we ready to face the challenges ahead of us?  You have to answer that for yourselves.
Martha: More news of interest:

In Sweden, a cash-free future nears

Oil back at $95 - but it will take 24 years: OPEC

What did I say about oil!!

From Reuters News:

Iraqi army declares first major victory over Islamic State in Ramadi

Iraq's army declared victory over Islamic State fighters in a provincial capital west of Baghdad on Sunday, the first major triumph for the U.S.-trained force since it collapsed in the face of an assault by the militants 18 months ago.

Why the dollar's rise could be more modest in 2016

Talk about backwards philosophy. The dollar is falling and where she stops will be a guess

In 2016, the Federal Reserve will pay at least $12.2 billion to U.S. and foreign banks to keep the money created via its quantitative easing programs out of the economy.

If the Fed raises rates as expected next year, the amount nearly doubles to $23.1 billion.


TurkeyHntr:  Elmer is on OM…. He says we r just waiting our turn, exciting times

SallyPuff:  My good friend is on OM. He texted that the church groups have started. OM is full so I can't get on.

Tex20071:  elmer....on OM.....across the pond friend, been a year of many challenges. Iraq, full of promise, been thru many deaths...average age is 37. Waited forever for their promise. They can NOW star to live their promise.

Tex20071: IKO...on OM....hoping to see Forex trend continue, AIIS App shows 70 + tankers in Gulf just waiting...NIKKEI just opened...Gold doing same thing...


PlatinumRunway:   Someone is using my handle and created a fake twitter account…They are slandering intel people from tnt along with Pam also….RayRen has informed me of this tonight. So if by some chance you come across this in another chat room please pay no attention to whoever this coward is. Thanks and goodnight!


GoldenStar:  Helping a stranger in the grocery store

This afternoon while checking out at the grocery store, I over heard behind me in another check out line, a couple apologizing that their bank card not didn't work.  When I finish my transaction I looked at them I see the husband counting out change from his pocket.

 I looked at the groceries they had and they try to buy just fruit and a loaf of bread.  The bill was only $8.00.  So I reached in my purse and the only cash I had was a $5.00 bill so I gave to the cashier.  The couple was so surprised and appreciated the gesture.

Right before I got into my car they said thank you so much and next time they see me they will pay it back.  I told them no, just pay it forward.  The couple had tears in their eyes.
They went on to tell me their nephew had a rear brain condition that is incurable and only have a month to live.  Then this morning they received a call that their aunt is not doing well and has a few days left to live.  So guess who has tears in their eyes.

 I just wanted to share this experience.  Even though it was a small amount it made a couples day.  So no matter how big or small a gesture can be, we can make a difference in a person's life.

Dnari131:   Marshall Planning

Anbar Council: ISIS destroys 80% of Ramadi, 10 years budget is needed to re-build the city

By Abdelhak Mamoun - Dec 26, 2015 3

( Anbar – On Friday, Anbar Provincial Council announced, that the so-called ISIS destroyed 80% of the city of Ramadi (110 km west of Baghdad), while pointed out that the local government may need the budget of ten coming years to rebuild the city.

Anbar Provincial Council member Athal Fahdawi said in a statement received by, “80% of Ramadi is destroyed as a result of ISIS control over the city, in addition to the destruction of infrastructure, government and civilian buildings and bridges.”

Fahdawi added, “The government of Anbar may need the budget of ten coming years to rebuild the city, establish important projects and provide the necessary services.”

Noteworthy, Anbar Province has witnessed fierce battles, in addition to the control of ISIS elements over most of the province’s cities including Fallujah, Ramadi and western regions. ... uild-city/


The Sandman:   Just trying to give some current visuals of the area.    The Sandman

 Iraqi police: Security forces freed 80 per cent of the city of Ramadi

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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