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Monday, December 28, 2015

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments 12-28-15

Post From BondLadys Corner
BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments 12-28-15
Deputy calls for the development of small industries and filling the void in front of decline in the flow of imported goods

History of edits:: 2015/12/28 10:00  -----  {Baghdad: Euphrates News} called for a parliamentary member of the Committee of Economy proof Almamori to tap potentials in the agricultural, industrial and transport sectors and filtering to maximize the country's non-oil resources.
Said Mamouri in a statement received by the agency {Euphrates News} a copy of it on Monday that "the financial crisis experienced by the country's temporary and that Iraq has significant economic potential", calling on the government to "exploit this potential in the agricultural and industrial sectors, transport and liquidation to maximize the resources of the country's non-oil" .
He pointed out that "the current financial crisis is a crisis of cash does not mean that Iraq is a poor country is probable causes of this crisis to the poor previous governments management by the drop in oil prices from the other side,"

noting that "what is going on on the crisis of the downsides carried with it a positive factor represented by forcing all local economic sectors to take over the reins and start the development of small industries and filling the void in front of decline in the flow of private imported goods
and the Iraqi private sector now has become a strong and focused has the cash blocks a good addition to the expertise that has accumulated through its openness to the world's economies,
and will be a step task if offset government measures in a legal activating the customs tariff and the protection of the local product. "
He predicted Almamori" decrease the local stock of foreign currency as a result of lower oil prices, which is the column foundation for the import of Iraq of hard currency and thus Sneks on the value of the dollar on the one hand and the low turnout on imports
Here, domestic production will be the best alternative ruling out at the same time, the emergence of large industries away from government intervention.
"It is said that the decline in oil prices, led to the economic sector deterioration, and to enter the country in a state of Alchagaf because of Iraq's dependence on oil as a resource constant, and the absence of agricultural sectors and industrial and Gerha.anthy
 [tlm724] to tap potentials in the agricultural, industrial and transport sectors and filtering to maximize the country's non-oil resources.
[tlm724] tap away !
[tlm724] "what is going on on the crisis of the downsides carried with it a positive factor represented by forcing all local economic sectors to take over the reins
[tlm724] now that is the truth !
[tlm724] the positive side is that they are forced to make the changes needed to further their economy
[tlm724] will be a step task if offset government measures in a legal activating the customs tariff and the protection of the local product.
[tlm724] decrease the local stock of foreign currency as a result of lower oil prices, which is the column foundation for the import of Iraq of hard currency
[tlm724] less dollars needed to buy imports if they produce their own stuff
[tlm724] domestic production will be the best alternative ruling out at the same time, the emergence of large industries away from government intervention
[tlm724] one more step in dedollarization is the bonus to this reform

Parliamentary Finance: There are fears that the year 2016 witnessed a major financial crisis
History of edits:: 2015/12/27 17:12   ---- {Baghdad: Euphrates News} confirmed a member of the parliamentary finance committee pros Hamadoun there is a real fear that the next witness in 2016 financially austere, severe economic crisis.
She said Hamadoun told {Euphrates News}, that "the real deficit, which appeared on the budget in 2016 will cause a lot of service projects complete, which makes it imperative for the government reduce government spending at high rates."
She said a member of the Finance Committee that "the adoption of the country's unilateral economy any dependence on oil as a resource and a single, significantly affected the creation of a financial crisis; due to lower global oil prices.
"She stressed the need to find alternatives to oil to revive the Iraqi economy Ktfiel sectors of industry, agriculture, and support for local products are suitable for imported goods, which took a large area in Iraqi market. It ended 1 h      
 [tlm724] there is a real fear that the next witness in 2016 financially austere, severe economic crisis
[tlm724] the real deficit, which appeared on the budget in 2016 will cause a lot of service projects complete, which makes it imperative for the government reduce government spending at high rates."
[tlm724] IF they pay attention *slap* and follow the guidance given they will come out of this
[tlm724] they created it and now they are paying for it
[tlm724] too worried about stealing money and who gets what instead of building up their country to prepare for the oil shock
Parliament calls for reducing the financial value of the dinar against the dollar, rather than external borrowing
BAGHDAD / Noor Ali - Ibrahim Ibrahim   --  Parliamentary Finance Committee confirmed, on Sunday, said the decision to reduce the value of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar is not a fortuitous and that the work done began two months ago.
As predicted that up sale of the dinar against the dollar to 1,400 dinars in the coming weeks and is considered a substitute for foreign loans, economists said the decision to raise the value of the dollar against the dinar is one of the conditions set by the International Monetary Fund to extinguish the fire loans.
He said the parliamentary finance committee member Ahmed Hamma Rashid , in an interview for the "long", "The decision to reduce the value of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar is not new was introduced two months ago, but the central bank has not been announced and today revealed gradually."
He added by saying that "The central bank is responsible for the stability of the Iraqi dinar against the other currencies, has been the Parliamentary Finance Committee discussed how to raise the value of the dollar without causing confusion in the local market, and personally asked the research department to conduct a study on the subject from all respects.
"said Rashid said" the low rate of the dinar against the dollar will increase the volume of inflation, and the survival rate Dollar quo at the present time would hurt the state, because the demand amount will increase every day, it is possible that no state can repay the amount of this demand.
"He added that" We have a study with one of the financial advisors are focused on raising the government support to the dollar gradually, and that the coming days and months will see changes to monetary policy, and there are benefits to be reaped government by reducing the value of the Iraqi dinar.
"For its part, the parliamentary finance committee member Majda al-Tamimi said in an interview for the" long ", that" the reduction in value of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar and other foreign currencies is one of the alternatives substitute for external borrowing, and this procedure can state from which to believe the employees' salaries and controls the volume of expenditure and thereby reduce the fiscal deficit ratio, and the measure taken in such a critical condition.
"She added that" there are expectations that up selling price to 1,400 dinars, in the case implementation of this resolution, the citizens' purchasing power will be reduced, as received by the employee of his salary will be the amount of not blocking the little needs during the month, but it is one of the alternatives that were presented to the government in order not to borrow externally It is possible to solve the crisis.
"Meanwhile, he says economist Resan Hatem in an interview for the "long", that "the reduction in value of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar decision is one of the conditions set by the International Monetary Fund in order to extinguish the fire of Iraq accumulated loans years ago."
He added that "the decline in the value of the dinar against the dollar by 1 to 2 per ten would lead to harm to people with limited income and the owners of savings, and this action is a kind of rush and must be carefully applied, because it could lead to damage to the value of the Iraqi dinar.
"He said Hatem" I do not think that this decision will have benefits for the state at the moment, Because the Iraqi economy is a yield economy depends on oil revenues, only without the diversification of sources of income. "He added that" there are effects on the central bank by the government and the International Monetary Fund to reduce the value of the Iraqi dinar, and may be forced to it.
"He said economic reform Institute adviser Ahmed Husseini, Wednesday (23 / December / 2015), in an interview to the (long-Presse), "The devaluation of the dinar against the dollar error involves a very serious implications," noting that it "leads to inflation, especially in light of the austerity experienced by the state and reduced salaries.
"Husseini and adds that" the thrust of such a procedure requires the presence of the production of goods and services to be covered, and not, as is the case in Iraq, where almost are imported everything, "adding that" the central bank went to lift the dollar exchange rate will hurt the middle class and exacerbate the suffering of the poor more, what requires him (the central bank) to pay attention to the consequences of that. "
In turn, says a member of the Union of Entrepreneurs Muhannad Sabri, in an interview to the (long-Presse), said that there is "confusion in the political decisions of the government reflected negatively on the economic reality," he returned to "prosthetic solutions do not benefit the Iraqi economy and the government must find a radical solution unilateral economy depends almost almost entirely on oil."
 Sabri explains that "Iraq is a sorry state of dependence on oil", calling for the need to "revitalize agriculture, industry, tourism and other important sectors to diversify national income resources.
"and see a member of the Union of Entrepreneurs to" raise the value of the dinar will reflect negatively certainly on the commercial reality which would lead to an unequal equation as a result of the abundance of the dinar against the lack of the dollar, in most of the country's business dealings in dollars, and imports almost everything.
"confirms Sabri "The decision to reduce the value of the dinar will be correct only if a real production and national industry obviates the importer and meets the need of the citizens are available."
 A source at the Central Bank in an interview to the (long-Presse) that "the selling price of the dollar has not changed and is still the equivalent of thousand and 166 dinars "noting that" the Board of the Central Bank's management met a few days ago has not been included on its adjusted sale price of the dollar against the dinar table, but did not think so at all.
"The source, who asked not to be named, said:" The central bank is always trying to find solutions that support the Iraqi dinar and maintain stability. "  LINK
 [therealbubbie] the reduction in value of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar and other foreign currencies is one of the alternatives substitute for external borrowing, and this procedure can state from which to believe the employees' salaries and controls the volume of expenditure and thereby reduce the fiscal deficit ratio, and the measure taken in such a critical condition.
[therealbubbie] the reduction in value of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar
[tlm724] " A source at the Central Bank in an interview to the (long-Presse) that "the selling price of the dollar has not changed and is still the equivalent of thousand and 166 dinars "noting that" the Board of the Central Bank's management met a few days ago has not been included on its adjusted sale price of the dollar against the dinar table, but did not think so at all. "
[therealbubbie] the reduction in value of the Iraqi dinar
[therealbubbie] thats enough ! lol 
[tlm724] all talk   
[therealbubbie] the reduction in value of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar and other foreign currencies is one of the alternatives substitute for external borrowing 
[tlm724] here are expectations that up selling price to 1,400 dinars, in the case implementation of this resolution, the citizens' purchasing power will be reduced, as received by the employee of his salary will be the amount of not blocking the little needs during the month
[therealbubbie] is one of the alternatives substitute for external borrowing
[tlm724] The devaluation of the dinar against the dollar error involves a very serious implications," noting that it "leads to inflation, especially in light of the austerity experienced by the state and reduced salaries.
[tlm724] leads to inflation
[tlm724] that" the central bank went to lift the dollar exchange rate will hurt the middle class and exacerbate the suffering of the poor more, what requires him (the central bank) to pay attention to the consequences of that.
[tlm724] yeah pay attention *slap*
[therealbubbie] here's my ans. SO!  
[tlm724] Sabri explains that "Iraq is a sorry state of dependence on oil", calling for the need to "revitalize agriculture, industry, tourism and other important sectors to diversify national income resources. "
and see a member of the Union of Entrepreneurs to" raise the value of the dinar will reflect negatively certainly on the commercial reality which would lead to an unequal equation as a result of the abundance of the dinar against the lack of the dollar, in most of the country's business dealings in dollars, and imports almost everything
[tlm724] how many opinions can they fit in one article    Shocked just proves how clueless all these minions really are !
[therealbubbie] dependence on the dollar !! their stupid !
[Tobyboy]:     [therealbubbie] dependence on the dollar !! their stupid !   your correct their stupid. I have a solution just float the dinar. Next take back the money over 50 Billion dollars that Maliki has stole then arrest the whales who have been involved in the corrupt & confiscate the money they have been slealing over the years.
Problem solved plenty of money to cover the budgets for next 10 years. Don't tell me you don't know who the thieves are thats bs, just follow the money trail.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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