Don't WAIT!

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Bits and Pieces in Dinarland on a Quiet Saturday Afternoon 12-26-15


Elmerf123456: Good afternoon TNT. If you haven't viewed my post in Intel and just might want to work it into your viewing pleasure.

Needless to say I'm Happy and Excited !

Elmerf123456:  Finally after 5 weeks of silence from my contact across the pond:)

This has been a year of many challenges both good and bad. We have been thru much pain and loss, but a loss as these only fielded our energy and commitment to drive through adversity and strive to our goal for all people of our country and live as promised in our beloved Iraq.

Our land is almost cleansed of our enemy and not without help from other nations, but ground battles victorious by our own brothers and from all sects in unison . We are a thriving nation full of promise. That promise now begins!
Siesta:  I am so happy for the people of Iraq.  A beautiful new beginning for them as a Nation.

Thanks Elmer.

PS.  I just heard from Iraqi friend that China is signing off on everything on Monday.

PlatinumRunway:  Platinum saying good-bye

Well we have all been on this journey for quite some time. I must say i enjoyed meeting everyone and learning along the way.

Now it is my time to cease any intel at this given moment. Remember to pay it forward, remember your personal individual struggles. We were destined to become something greater in this venture.

Like i have said before, you are ready, be a light in the darkness, live and love life, most of all, thank God for all the blessings that have now become a reality. Take care everyone, and never forget those on this journey who did not make it.


TennWolfMan:  A Wolfy Goodbye

This may just be my goodbye.  I have been told to keep silent. As some in here alresdy know. This to me means one thing--we must be getting very very close now.  When I come into chat now, I get blasted by some that ask all kinds of questions like who told you that and where did that come from and why would they ask you to keep quite when everyone else is saying what they want to.  

So with this being the way it is I am not sure if I will be back in chat again. Now I wanted to let you know that I LOVE most of you very much and I only wanted to help.  I think I did and now my job is done--We are there and I must stop with the info now….I will treasure your friendship always...  

I really think this is it so I am wishing all of you the best. God bless each one of you.   Love you all - Wolfy


Ivantulafitov:  Central Bank of Russia introduces new rules for currency exchange. They will come into effect from this Sunday. The regulator itself has already given an explanation for its innovations: the measure is aimed at combating money laundering and terrorist financing



JamJam1280:  Hey frankie I have a question, if iraq borrows 1.4 billion from w b. At a rate of 1182, when they convert that loan to dinar they end up with 1.654 trillion dinars. Then if they change the rate say 1 to 1. They only pay back 1.4 billion usd. A profit of 1.653 trillion. Just a thought between me and my bro in law j irrera

Frank26:  But of course ........... DELTA and I have covered this in the past Friend.
It is quicksand that Iraq must sidestep.

Yet they painted THEMSELVES into a corner with so much procrastination and laziness by creating what we Taught and Called as a LL .......... A LONG LINE.

This LL has become as we Taught ........... An Expensive CREDIT CARD for Iraq.
Hilary KNEW what she meant when she said "if you haven't invested in Iraq ....... It's too late now."

She did NOT mean dinars ........... She meant beyond EO 13303 ............ She meant ........ THE LL !!!

Get in it ........... IF YOU KNOW HOW ........... And wait because Iraq will eventually have to .......... PAY UP !!!


Because We/12/USA/IMF .......... Big Foot for all I care ............. Will make sure they do.
The ghostly images that we see clearly now and then on the MR (Monetary Reform)  are profound.

The evidence is there as it forms before us.

Finally .......... The problem with Your mathematics is that You can not apply this on such a large scale
The Good thing about this is that ................ Iraq and USA can and ............ Are.

KTFA   Frank


Dnari131:      2 for 2 Saturday haha

Friday, December 25, 2015 19:32

Dhi Qar protesters carrying al-Maliki responsible for the destruction of Iraq and demanding the sacking Mahmood

Dhi Qar / Baghdadi News / .. carrying protesters Dhi Qar, on Friday, the former head of the Council of Minister Nuri al-Maliki responsible for the destruction of Iraq and demanded a trial Medhat al-Mahmoud.

A reporter / Baghdadi News /, that "hundreds of citizens of Dhi Qar out mass demonstrations near Habboubi Square in central Nasiriyah in which they demanded the trial of Nuri al-Maliki for causing the destruction of Iraq and the fall of large areas of territory, however Daash".

"The demonstrators also demanded the sacking Medhat al-Mahmoud and directed by the judicial authority of Altzeyss," he continued, "the demonstrators also raised banners entitled (Save Ahuarna)." Ended 21 h ... LGLND.html


Dnari131:   Rafidain Bank: We are committed to international standards on the subject of money laundering

Saturday, 26 December 2015

Shafaq News / Rafidain Bank said on Saturday that the issue of money laundering approved the criteria set by global institutions.

"The global institutions and the central banks on track in both countries reported the instructions of banks operating in it in accordance with the rule know your customer and fill a particular form to identify the sources of money of a person before starting a banking activity and the nature of his situation and potential and activity which he is doing.The general director of the bank , Basem Kamal al-Hassani said in a statement received by Shafaq News .

The statement added that when there are revenues , they must be confirmed according to fixed criteria to be adopted by everyone while in Iraq, it is of the countries that rely on direct cash deal in light of the lack of comprehensive technical for all institutions , civil and governmental and specialized banks.

Al-Husseini added that citizens rely on Rafidain Bank in depositing their money because it did not witness any position that the bank had made a breach to its obligations and its agreements towards them. ... ering.html
Thanks Martha for sending this to us today

My take today  - from Martha

What happened to the platforms being down?

Yes, the markets are down till Sunday night but I see the numbers are definitely changing.

China is definitely calling the punches. This is the reality



THE IMF IS ALSO BROKE AND HAS LOST ITS CONTROL (their US benefactor! ) and because CL got her way (which the US never intended to happen.) Now CL is being punished again? for the same thing she was vindicated for how many times?

The US MODEL  is either SANCTION, ACCUSE AND ARREST AND EVEN VANISH OR "KILL OFF" Really great methods of diplomacy wouldn't you say?

Now the BRICS ALLIANCE and the Chinese dynasty and 198 countries pulled off a plan to hopefully open ALL are eyes.

We are hearing that China has tried to do this thru diplomacy and playing hard ball with the US but they have reached their boiling point and they are ready to let this RIP!!

Iraq has been ready for so long yet each month there was an "entity" that wanted it stopped.
Im not going to say who but there are still "families" who want the control; the greed and the hatred it creates to continue on in this manner no matter what it takes including starting wars if need be.

Okay so here we are 12/26 and things are ready to pop and hopefully we will be in the bank before the first.

Wells Fargo only needs the rate to exchange all of us . I believe they will have it this week.

Several banks have already received bond money for this exchange and soverign countries like Iraq also received bond money.

Between debt forgiveness and China backing several currencies, this is a whole new ball game.

Our information says that the RV has happened it is time to show it to the world.

I believe that the US has run out of time outs ;no more tricks, this is for real.

I realize that everything has gone quiet but I will stick my neck out to say we will be in before the first and by the 6th of January,

I think you will see the collapse of the financial markets in order to totally clean up a broken system that cannot continue to destroy not just the USA but the world.
An answer to the oil situation and why.

#1 yes, the market is gutted right now and yes for good reason. We, the US bought oil from Iraq at 38.00 per barrel and China bought at 20.00 per barrel and yes that is where it is headed to.

#2 ISIS is trying to gain oil fields in order to pump oil and sell it on the black market to the highest bidder. good luck at 20.00 per barrel. Now enter OPEC that also wants 100.00 per barrel. Saudi Arabia is crying poverty to the US while they continue to flaunt their family riches.

#3 Now enter the international summit on the environment. Well, it looks like a major shift in the weather this winter - less heating oil. Now add all these new alternatives to using oil as an energy source. Less need for black gold

And last Obama opened up the US to production of oil for export. It's about time. Lets share the wealth although it maybe little late…. but it is a start.

One last note. We have been told that the world settlements were finalized last week and will hopefully start to be available starting this week.

Be reminded that we have been paralleling the prosperty packages and their release.

Things should be full force starting the 1st week of January. Lets keep our fingers crossed

And one last note TNT team. .None of us are professional financial wizards. We have all spent hours putting together a puzzle that has had so many "missing pieces" in it that we have had to go looking for.

None of us are "gurus " a term that I  personally feel has become derogatory. We are concerned citizens who came together with a cause to exchange some currency. Little did we know what we all signed on for.

I have said that I would hang on until we are in the banks even though how many times I said good-bye. We need to respect those who need to go silent with info.

We all have our sources and sometimes it is necessary to stop the flow.

Please give all the Intel Providers their well earned respect as we finish up this journey.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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