Don't WAIT!

Saturday, December 26, 2015

News, Rumors, and Opinions Saturday Morning 12-26-15


SmartBlonde55:  Is the AIIB a forcing function for us?

Lucky:  Smart...the AIIB is a major part to the big picture going forward (imo)

JerseyBoysFaninMN :  Tenn - Is it safe to say that you and Platinumrunway have been asked to be silent... And that you and he are obliging?

Tennwolfman : Jersey--yes

chardinar :   And platinum too? Boy I missed a lot taking yesterday off sheesh

JerseyBoysFaninMN :  Both Tennwolfman and Platinumrunway stated that they had been asked by their sources to be quiet because we are so close. Platinumrunway signed off and said goodbye. Tennwolfman is still with us, but he just left for a while to get things done today. All is well. We are CLOSE!!!
JerseyBoysFaninMN :  (Tidbits from OM Friday Night)  It appears that the AIIB was opened up to all countries to join. Most did... With the exception of Japan and the US. With the AIIB.... They are no longer subject to the IMF rules and desires, so that let's China do their own thing.

Second thing... Someone received notification from a high level Wells Fargo official that Tuesday is the day this will go full blast.

You know how that goes... Treat it as rumor.

I'm going to say this... We're just talking right now. How many times did you just shake your head when you were listening to a call, and the reason it didn't go that day was the stupidest thing you'd ever heard?

I think the PTB (I'm not talking about President Obama now... rather the Rothschilds and those in charge of the U.S. financial system)  came up with another doozy to stop things. They seem to have waaaaaaaay too much power. The AIIB is leveling the playing field, in my estimation.

Back to the AIIB for a second... I'm speculating that China did the AIIB thing because the U.S. (and those controlling the money in the U.S. aka Rothschilds) were just not willing to give up their wicked ways. They gave them many chances, but the U.S. wouldn't budge. So they literally went around them.

It leaves us in a wonderful position... because it's forcing their (those in power) hand. Everything is lining up for us to exchange. They are running out of excuses.... And have been for quite a while now.


Iko Ward:  WTI is pulling away from Brent Crude. There are now 72 Oil/Chemical Tankers off Galveston. Forex closed out the week at 1067.7 All the articles out there are positive . Everything points to a major shift in world monetary policy and a move toward the East and BRICS. Iraq has been ready for months. Please hold.

Natok:  a while back someone posted a link showing the ships that were just sitting, waiting. Can someone re post that link? Ty

Gramps77:   @natok

Kue911:  My best friend has close contact with 4 star general. He told my friend that there are around 100 tankers of shore

55Classic:  I think they realize that once this RVs, etc...oil prices will jump they wait




If it were up to me ............ I would have a Special CC right now. But we feel it would cause confusion. The net is just NOW understanding what DELTA translated for You from the CBI on Your last MONDAY CC.

In the last hours since we talked ........... We feel 3 major events have been missed due to the rush of the holiday season.
An Auction.
A Silver Bullet with an Arm of Justice.

T an T's. (Taxes and Tariffs)

We find these events to be Sound ALL Surrounded by a Force Field of LAWS and .......... INTERNATIONALISM !!!

There is a New Smell to these Steps ........ A New Taste............ Of Ambrosia !!! A New Ointment to Cure ......... A New Perfume.

With more of a Venturi Effect evolving ........ Faster. Vortex forming

Sooooooooo ............ Praise God and Enjoy today then join me and ALL TEAMS on Your next MONDAY CC where things will be kinda ................... SPECIAL
Pure and True Aloha ........... \m/  KTFA   Frank


LCM:  : Well...well... here we go,,,,, now? what was that countdown???? Hmm?? 3 - 2 - 1.... maybe?I know it's in there somewhere,,, we might be really close to the boom!!! lol... not a real explosion, but then again I guess it will be an explosion in a currency

JJonesMX: Iraqi Government activates customs duty law and ... - Ernst & Young

Iraqi Government activates customs duty law and issues new sales tax instructions On 4 June 2015, the Iraqi General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers announced that the Council has resolved to approve the imposition of customs duties and sales taxes with effect from 1 August 2015. Customs duties and sales taxes are to be collected at all points of entry without exception, in accordance with Article 33 of the 2015 Federal Budget Act.

This follows the publication of the Iraqi Federal Budget Act in the official Iraqi Gazette on 16 February 2015. The budget includes several articles intended to raise revenues and increase borrowings in order to address the projected deficit consequent to the decline in global oil prices.

Article 33 introduces sales tax on specific items detailed below and also serves to activate the: • Customs Duty/Tariff Law No. 22 of 2010, as amended • Consumer Protection Law No. 1 of 2010 • Iraqi Goods/Products Protection Law No. 11 of 2010 Customs duty Although Iraq’s Custom Duty Law No. 22 of 2010 was published in the official Iraqi Gazette on 6 December 2010, its implementation was postponed.

As a result, the 5% Iraq reconstruction levy introduced by the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) has continued to apply. The new law that is expected to apply from 1 August 2015 introduces customs duty rates ranging from 5% to 40%. Sales tax The Minister of Finance has issued new sales tax instructions (Instructions No. (5) of 2015), which are applicable from the date of publication in the official Iraqi Gazette, 4 May 2015.

However, the recent announcement from the Council of Ministers suggests that the practical application will be from 1 August 2015. The following table provides a summary of these sales tax instructions, the applicable rates, the filing requirements and due dates:

Read more here.. ... zIpIeWj4Lg

Zerb: Vietnam economy grows at highest rate in five years ... 31250.html

Eagle1968:  Love to read about Vietnam's growth...Ding DONG..
From Martha:  News of interest today:

From Reuters News:

Iraqi forces prepare for Ramadi final push

Iraqi army officials say troops have pushed deeper into the last remaining area held by Islamic State fighters in Ramadi. Rough cut (no reporter narration).

Q & A with Cobra – December 15, 2015, Part 1/2… “Important News from Rob Potter”

From Reuters News:

Skirting booby traps, Iraqi troops close in on Islamic State redoubt in Ramadi

Iraqi troops have pushed deeper into the heart of the last remaining district held by Islamic State in the city of Ramadi, despite being slowed by bombs and booby traps, army spokesmen said on Saturday.

From Reuters News:

Evacuation of Syrian Islamic State fighters from Damascus delayed

A U.N.-sponsored deal to evacuate more than 2,000 Islamic State fighters and other militants from rebel-held parts of south Damascus has been delayed, a monitor of the war said on Saturday, after a rebel commander was killed.

From Reuters News:

Top Syrian rebel leader killed in air strike in Damascus suburb

A top Syrian rebel leader and head of the most powerful insurgent group in the eastern suburbs of Damascus was killed in an aerial raid that targeted the group's headquarters, rebel sources and the Syrian army said on Friday.

From Reuters News:

Anglican leader: "IS is Herod of Today"
The leader of the world's Anglicans, says Islamic State is a 'Herod of Today' who want to exterminate Christians in the Middle East. Rough cut (no reporter narration).

From Reuters News:

Queen Elizabeth calls for love during annual Christmas message

Britain's Queen Elizabeth calls for "light" and "love" to confront the "moments of darkness" the world experienced in 2015, during her annual televised Christmas message. Rough Cut (no reporter narration)

Martha:  Holy Cow…….has Cobra gotten to the Queen?

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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