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Sunday, October 25, 2015

Wealthwatch Sunday Chat  10-25-15   Part 1 of 2

Post From Chat Room  10-25-15
Wealthwatch Sunday Chat  10-25-15   Part 1 of 2

chattels: Kurdish security release video, new information on Hawija commando operation By RUDAW    chattels:
 chattels: ERBIL, Kurdistan Region — The Iraqi Cabinet claimed Sunday that 13 Islamic State leaders were killed by Iraqi airstrikes in western areas of the embattled Anbar province Saturday. The warplanes carried out the airstrikes based on intelligence and destroyed an ISIS “shelter” in Qaim on the Syrian border, according to the Cabinet in a statement.
“The shelter was being used to harbor ISIS suicide bombers and was where 13 ISIS leaders were killed in the bombings, including Abu Ali Salmani, head of the suicide bomber shelter, and Muntasar Hardani, charged with preparing rockets,” the Cabinet statement said.
The other leaders claimed among the ISIS dead were identified as Sabah Fallah, Abu Turab al-Muhajir from East Asia, Abu Jarah al-Iraqi and Abu Ibrahim al-Shami, a Syrian national. ] chattels:;
chattels: stressed the security and defense committee member of the parliamentary Nayef al-Shammari, that the parliamentary investigative committee reasons Daash gangs control the city of Ramadi, Anbar province, the center will start its functions in the coming days.  chattels:
chattels: " Fall of Ramadi Committee "
chattels: the National Alliance MP Ali Keywords, said the reforms needed to complete the solidarity of the judiciary and state institutions. He said the Keywords, told all of Iraq [where],
"The reforms do not achieve a magic wand," adding that "part of the reforms achieved as the hands of the government and government decisions urgently taken immediately reflected financially Ktkulail protections and salaries and a new ladder of salaries and pensions and so on." .
 He added, "There is also a fight against corruption, as it launched anti-corruption campaign," adding, "We need solidarity to complete reforms Valamada it forward needs the solidarity of the political blocs and the Iraqi people, the judiciary and all state institutions."  chattels:
chattels: "The reforms do not achieve a magic wand,"
chattels: A member of the parliamentary finance: the budget and the government is still waiting for the arrival of the Parliament :: 2015/10/25 10:58 • A member of the parliamentary finance: the budget and the government is still waiting for the arrival of the Parliament [Baghdad - where] the parliamentary finance committee member Ahmed Sarhan said, that the budget bill is still with the Council of Ministers.
 He said Ahmed told all of Iraq [where], that "the draft budget law is still the Council of Ministers, and we are waiting for her arrival in the House of Representatives to read the first reading."
"The budget will be forwarded after reading in Parliament to the Finance Committee for further discussion and to introduce proposals and observations Sabdiha of Representatives during the reading of the bill.
chattels: "the draft budget law is still the Council of Ministers, and we are waiting for her arrival in the House of Representatives to read the first reading."
"The budget will be forwarded after reading in Parliament to the Finance Committee for further discussion and to introduce proposals and observations Sabdiha of Representatives during the reading of the bill."
chattels: Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari said at a news conference last Wednesday the financial year 2016 as "difficult because of the dramatic decline in oil prices," stressing that "it is difficult to continue monetary policy and past expenditures and we have to happen to change and reform in this direction and can not run the state like what it was previously, ".
chattels: " ............. monetary policy and past expenditures and we have to happen to change and reform in this direction ............... "   chattels:
Tootsie: :w00t: Integrity: Maliki and most of his ministers convicted oil licensing rounds and armament and investment projects Baghdad-Iraq-Presse October -25: Chairman of the Parliamentary Integrity Talal Zobaie said on Sunday that the investigation and audit in the files of corruption operations are still ongoing,
and will arrive at the judiciary in the event of completion of the investigation in the nearest time, and this is what we seek within the Commission in collaboration with the competent authorities, adding that "investigations proved condemn the head of the former Iraqi government Nuri al-Maliki and his ministers and most of the files of various corruption."
He criticized Zobaie in a televised interview followed up / Iraq Press / Iraqi government performance led by Haider al-Abadi regarding the corruption files that unveiled recently, and which affected the high-level officials in various disciplines specifically in the energy, oil and armament sector,
 stressing that "government support is very weak in the detection of this files, and not up to the size of rampant corruption in the country's institutions, and that evidence of the reluctance of the government. "
He added, that "there is an arrest warrant and the introduction of the right of ministers and a number of officials orders will reach more than 130 officials from agents and ministries and rank shall be fixed and managers of two years and a number of other convicted officials of corruption and waste of public money because of him suffering most Iraqis from the decline of their economy and their income standard of living."
Zobaie also confirmed the existence of several convictions against former Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki (2006 - 2014), in addition to members of the former cabinet, most of them convicted of oil licensing rounds and armament and investment projects and many other areas. The Zobaie had announced early last week the names of dozens of current and former officials, including former ministers accused of corruption and rank shall
Tootsie: including former ministers accused of corruption and rank shall be fixed issues, some of them sentenced to prison Gapea.anthy
Tootsie: Some sentenced to PRISON - hope M is one of the those!!
Tootsie: ‹@MichelleL› I watch blacklist also LOL.
Tootsie: Well, off I go - just had to put that 'ditty' out there, re Maliki and most of his ministers CONVICTED !!

Tootsie: take care all in the path of this misery!! Toodles
OOTW: President of the Parliament and Barzani discuss the security effort in the face of Daash 25 October 0.2015 House Speaker Dr. Salim al-Jubouri, received a phone call, on Friday evening, Mr. Massoud Barzani, President of Kurdistan. During the call, discuss security in the course of the effort to counter terrorism, where Mr. Barzani, President al-Jubouri,
a look at the quality process that took place and the role of the Peshmerga and Iraqi forces and international bonds received by our forces for the success of the details of the operation. And the price of Mr. President of the Parliament professional role of the Peshmerga forces,
which provided a model brave in this process is of higher quality and coordination between the Iraqi and international security events, calling for a repeat this successful experience and sustain the momentum of communication between the province and the center of the face of terrorism. *** information Office The President of the Iraqi Council of Representatives 10/25/2015
 chattels: Reidar Visser ‏@reidarvisser 3h3 hours ago In sign of widening rift between pro-Iran & pro-US forces in #Iraq PMU spox says Hawija op violated Iraq sovereignty 
 chattels: security and defense of quitting, commander of the armed forces, called on Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, to clarify the process of Hawija. Said Zamili, told all of Iraq [where] that "Abadi says he is unaware of any air raid carried out by the international coalition forces to Daash in Iraq, does not take place only after approval, how can implement the process of this size it is unaware of it."
 He added that "the government never learn process Hawija, "pointing to the existence of a number of hostages belonging to Daash America has to take them to the United States, and the challenge that is handed over to the government and disclosure of their identity," he said.
 chattels: A member of the security and defense committee parliamentary deputy Majid Ghraoui the existence of coordination between the Kurdistan region and US forces for the implementation of Hawija process. He Gharrawi told all of Iraq [where], that "the US military rescued leaders Daashah linked to its site Hawija.

He added that" Washington is trying to take its decision in the war on Daash away from the Defense Ministry and the Iraqi government, and this is unacceptable, "and urged the federal government to "take a tough stance toward the US ground intervention in Iraq."
[02:04:57 PM] chattels:
chattels: Iraq has arguably a " selective " approach to the matter of sovereignty, eh ?

Comments may be made at the end of Part 2  Thank You

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