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Friday, June 3, 2016

Wealthwatch Chat Room News & Comments 6-3-16

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Wealthwatch Chat Room News & Comments 6-3-16 
 OOTW: Association of Banks discussing with the US Treasury to combat money laundering  Baghdad / term It examined the Iraqi private banks association with a team from the US Treasury Department the latest developments pertaining to the banking sector in Iraq.

The statement said the Association received the "long", a copy of it, that " the representatives of the Association gave a comprehensive report on the obstacles and constraints faced by the private banks , the banking sector put an offer,"

noting that " theefforts of the Association to develop the efficiency of the banking sector in particular in the field of combating money laundering and terrorism financing, through the training of workers in this sector in cooperation with the ACAMS International Foundation."

the representatives of the US Treasury during the meeting to " the Iraqi Central Bank 's decision on stop 300 banking firm for the purpose of subjecting them to scrutiny by the standards followed by the central bank.
" the representatives of the US Treasury , " their support for the plans of the Central Bank of Iraq to Ttoiralqtaa banking and subjected to Maiaratah in the fight against money laundering and financing of terrorism. " the statement continued , " it was touched on the need for the banking Ttoiralqtaa and overcome obstacles inorder to take its role real. "


OOTW: President of the Association of private banks pays tribute to quickly answer the Supreme Judicial Council on the legal inquiries Association [Image: 6798.gif] Economy News / Baghdad .....

Over the head of Iraqi private banks association Wadih Handal his appreciation to the Supreme Judicial Council responded rapidly with inquiries regarding the association legal position on issues concerning the private banking sector

He said Handal told Economy News that the answer to the Supreme Judicial Council, which represents the highest judicial authority in the country to an inquiry we made him a private message and within 72 hours sent the employees of the private banking sector, the assurance that there is a wall of a legal basis sheltering him and approached him and receive him answers quick belong the problems they face and the legal basis Rezin Handal noted that at a time when the association has received a written response, and quickly and within 72 hours of the Supreme Judicial Council, many ministries and government establishments were still ignoring the association messages At best to Atrd only after weeks


 OOTW: New issuance of a number of newspaper judiciary

OOTW: Offering "exclusive interview" Page extended interview with the President of the resumption of Babylon, the Federal Court judge Haidar Naieli Speaking of the judicial file in Babylon, and the most important developments there.

And publish a page file criminal strangest crimes that took place and the decisions of criminal courts and primarily respect to the subject of money laundering which provides large sums of money trying to enter through the border port of Safwan in Basra.

The page displays the judicial affairs of the full details of the main report of the newspaper also publishes a cover for eradication efforts and some courts in the various provinces and the most prominent cases brought before them.

 chattels: Parliamentary Finance: high customs revenue

chattels: announced that a member of the parliamentary finance committee, Majida al - Tamimi, the high fiscal revenue of Customs. She said Tamimi on its front page on the social networking site [Facebook] "that the total General Administration of Customs for the month of March of 2016 , revenues amounted to 53 billion and 658 million and 6260 dinars."
 She added , "in what was the amount achieved in the same month last year , in 2015 a total of $ 43 billion and 809.677 million dinars , or that there is an increase in total revenue for the month of March by 9 billion and 848 million and 985 thousand dinars. "
chattels: " ................ an increase in total revenue for the month of March by 9 billion and 848 million and 985 thousand dinars. "
chattels: Good news if true. Tamimi is, in my observation, a " straight shooter".
chattels: The announcement of the 33 investment opportunity in Baghdad as a first stage
chattels: Fallujah fight stalled by fierce fighting, civilian concerns By QASSIM ABDUL-ZAHRA Jun. 1, 2016 2:32 PM EDT
chattels: Jean-Marc Mojon ‏@mojobaghdad 12h12 hours ago Daily life in besieged #Fallujah: bombs, drinking from the river, eating animal feed #Iraq
chattels: "Today's offensive on Fallujah is different from the one the Americans fought in 2004," said Brig. Haider al-Obeidi. Unlike the insurgency that U.S. forces fought in Fallujah and elsewhere in Iraq, IS fighters are operating like a conventional military in addition to carrying out suicide attacks and planting hidden bombs
chattels: Progress against the IS militants has been slow due to their intense resistance and the need to protect the civilians, said army Gen. Jalil al-Sharifi.
chattels: "The main goal of the military operation now is to reduce civilian and army casualties," al-Abadi said. The fight for Fallujah is expected to be long and hard because IS has had more than two years to dig in and because of the dense urban setting. Once Iraqi forces are in the city center, calling in airstrikes will become more difficult due to the many civilians and the proximity of friendly forces, according to the U.S.-led coalition.
chattels: Kirk H. Sowell Retweeted Nathaniel Rabkin ‏@NateRabkin 18h18 hours ago (1/4) Interviews from Fallujah with Hashd leaders Hadi al-Ameri and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis:
chattels: Kirk H. Sowell Retweeted Nathaniel Rabkin ‏@NateRabkin 18h18 hours ago (2/4) Both Ameri and Muhandis agree: Hashd won’t enter Fallujah, and hasn’t yet succeeded in putting IS forces there under siege
chattels: Kirk H. Sowell Retweeted Nathaniel Rabkin ‏@NateRabkin 18h18 hours ago (3/4) they blame geography for difficulties so far in area around Fallujah: too many swamps, orchards, sand dunes with dust storms,
chattels: Nathaniel Rabkin ‏@NateRabkin 18h18 hours ago (4/4) Ameri says: “the battle with the enemy is easier than the battle with nature.”
chattels: News reports a couple of days ago declared that Phase 1 of the Faullujah operation was completed. Phase 1 was the encirclement of Fallujah to deprive DAESH of resupply. If Fallujah is not " under siege " then Phase 1 is not completed. It is difficult to separate Iraqi optimism in the press from the reality on the ground.
chattels: The Iraqi army, supported by Shiite militia units and US-led coalition warplanes, is stalled at the edges of Fallujah after more than one week of fighting and blames ISIS’ use of human shields for the slow progress.
chattels: Daesh has moved families to the centre of the city to serve as a buffer between the militants and the Iraqi forces.
chattels: IMF loan does not include any shares to the provinces ................... loan granted by the International Monetary Fund to Iraq did not want it mentioned any quotas to the provinces.
 chattels: " .............. on the demand of the Kurdish parties, the government grant portion of the international loan to Kurdistan, said," According to the Iraqi constitution to be the region 's share of the IMF loan of 17% of the total loan amount,
and applies on the other revenues and loans obtained for the government Alathadahmbana " the decision to approve the granting of Kurdistan 's share of the international loan includes political aspects, and this will be discussed in the cabinet, because he needs to be an exchange of views between Baghdad and Erbil."
chattels: " ................... this will be discussed in the cabinet, because he needs to be an exchange of views between Baghdad and Erbil."
waldowould: Here's a question for you all. If ISIS is driven out of the middle east and goes under ground where do you think they will strike next. Europe or US. Something to think about.
Ononotagain: What no one wants to admit about fighting ISIS: the US has only bad choices The Obama administration will argue, if implicitly, that America is better off managing the problems posed by ISIS, that Obama's cool-headed restraint and his doctrine of "don't do stupid shit" will keep us from overreacting and making things worse.
What they don't want to admit is that there is a near-total certainty under this approach that the ISIS problem will persist for years and will continue to pose a threat to Americans, and indeed that ISIS attacks are all but certain to continue, even if most of them can be stopped.
chattels: ‹@waldowould› Daesh has a very active and fairly open profile in Libya now.
chattels: People crowd: Fallujah surrounded by 360 degrees
chattels: Another proclamation. It is difficult to separate the rhetoric of victory from the reality on the ground.
chattels: susannah george ‏@sgreports 2h2 hours ago sistani repeats calls for the hashed to protect civilians in Fallujah operation #Iraq #PMF
chattels: Kirk H. Sowell Retweeted Aymenn J Al-Tamimi ‏@ajaltamimi 14h14 hours ago Good overview by @NateRabkin of Iraq's fragile democratic system, Islamist politics & the militia threat … 404 error page not found
chattels: Iraq’s political system is unique in the Arab world. The sharp competition among powerful religious parties— especially within the Shiite community—means that Islamists, at least in the term’s broad sense, hold power without implementing authoritarian rule and without shutting non-Islamist actors out of the political arena.
But the power sharing among Iraq’s Islamists operates through dysfunctional arrangements that fail to meet the Iraqi people’s basic aspirations for security, development, and economic growth.
chattels: " ................... dysfunctional arrangements that fail to meet the Iraqi people’s basic aspirations for security, development, and economic growth." 

chattels: The most dangerous alternative to democracy in Iraq is an Iranian style of government consisting of competing, nominally Islamist cliques—the rule of thieves and bullies in the guise of theocracy. The Iraqi version of this system, run by militiamen rather than clerics and without an overarching Supreme Leader, would be even more lawless and violent than the Iranian original and would leave Iraq poorer and more internationally isolated than at any time since 2003.
chattels: The advocates of militia rule in Iraq are well armed and determined, and they of course benefit from Iran’s political and economic support. But the militias’ own competition and infighting undermine their efforts. And they face a formidable opposition in the many Iraqis, both Islamists and liberals, who understand that only democratic politics and the rule of law can secure Iraq’s long-term security and prosperity.
chattels: " .................. only democratic politics and the rule of law can secure Iraq’s long-term security and prosperity."
chattels: Without long(er) term security and prosperity I doubt that the currency of Iraq will be afforded " great value " or the value that we would like as a return upon our speculative investment.
What is the state of politics and rule of law in Iraq today necessary to " secure Iraq’s long-term security and prosperity. " ?
I think we all know the answer to that question. Iraq must function more reliably, efficiently, inclusively and justly. Real world investors do not bet their money on a nation with a dysfunctional government embattled from within and without ( politics and security ) and lacking the rule of law. IMO.

​chattels: US military: Peshmerga win the Khazar and freed 85 km
chattels: Hayder al-Khoei ‏@Hayder_alKhoei Battle for Fallujah: Not Shias vs. Sunnis but Iraqis vs. ISIS … my latest article for @CNN on #Iraq media coverage
chattels: Hayder al-Khoei Retweeted ‏@montadhar_najem 18m18 minutes ago Retweeted Hayder al-Khoei Thanks to @Hayder_alKhoei & @CNN we finally read a balanced article.looking forward to see more from others
chattels: "Falluja will take time, and will be very messy. But there's a current of poor commentary that's more sectarian than the situation itself."
chattels: ISIS systematically destroys the communities and cities they control through ruthless co-optation of the local population. When a city is liberated from ISIS, it is not just some Shia soldiers or paramilitary forces that seek revenge but also the Sunnis who lived under the tyranny of ISIS' occupation. It is the locals who have a much better understanding of who the collaborators in their own city and neighborhood were.
chattels: “The federal government of Iraq is not ready to fulfill the IMF conditions,” the Kurdistan Regional Government’s (KRG) Board of Investment chairman Noori Abdulrahman said on Thursday.
chattels: This is partly because Erbil does not believe Baghdad can implement the necessary reforms outlined by the IMF.
Doug_W: can U imagine that "C" ?
Doug_W: the ISIS thing ^^^

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