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Thursday, June 2, 2016

KTFA Wednesday Night "Dessert" Notes 6-1-16  Part 2


Frank26:  DELTA will be with us soon….but I have pages and pages….let me try to do some highlights….some quick hits…but please do look at that WalkingStick post 122.
For example….World Bank meanwhile….do you want to say anything….we are helping the Kurds….we know….is that all you want to say….what else is there to say when you think about it….you are right….oh my gosh….Kurdistan is re-taking Baghdad and it is the only reason we are having the MR….and it turned Abadi into a Superman….which is exactly what the campaign wanted.
US Treasury…..can you guys say something……well…”Iraq Private Bank Assessment was Discussing with the Representatives of the US Treasury, the Developments in Iraq’s Banks and Developing Ways for Iraq to Combat Money Laundering”… that exactly what we told you on Monday Family….what I just said about the UST was huge….I hope you were able to hear it.
Meanwhile….the Minister of Planning of the GOI…do you have anything to say…..well there are a lot of talks going on in Parliament right now….about our economy….about Iraq’s economy….and we are also talking about Iraq’s Business Council mechanism to reimburse contractors….how can you do that…..well I can’t tell you but that is what we are talking about.
Abadi….what….do you have anything to say…..yes….we got our flags in Fallujah….and victory is at hand in Mosul…and you will see a flag in Mosul when I’m ready to show it to you….anything else Abadi….yeah….all my achievements have made me a Superman….I agree.
Meanwhile….Integrity Commission of the GOI….do you have anything to say…..well I tell you what….we are the integrity of this whole country…and the only thing we are really doing right now is studying the corruption files within the GOI……him….him….well yeah…if you look at that we are saying “Hi to Maliki”…hi m….him….we are studying him right now…..why are you studying him right now…..well now is the time to get him….now is the time to go after him… is the time to open these files about him….to show the world….we have power in Fallujah…..we have power in Mosul….we have power in Iraq….not Maliki….

It was Maliki that led all the corruption in our government and to steal these cities, to steal the banks, and to steal Dr. Shabibi’s goals of raising the value of our currency….all of this time we kept Maliki close to us…and we avoided the non-student who kept asking…why don’t we just arrest him…..they might as well just say….why don’t they just raise the rate….well not bad Integrity Commission you go.
Meanwhile the Iraqi Central Bureau of Quality Control….what are you guys doing….we are getting ready to inspect all of this new stuff….all this new equipment that we got in to be international….in fact we got accreditation certification that says we can fix all of the equipment now…..isn’t all that pointless at 1166.
Meanwhile….ISIS how you doing….we are paralyzed with fear of an imminent RV in this country….I mean an imminent operation of the Kurdish army on our stronghold in Mosul….well ISIS guess what….you better be scared.
There is another post that I would like to highlight….it is from one of the three muskateers it is post 215….excuse me it is not a three musketeer…it is Moutainman…..a member of our forum…it talks basically about how we got Mosul back….it talks about airstrikes on ISIS… talks about things we could not talk about before….I like it…it is a little confusing with all the colors to be honest with you….but that is his style….you think I’m confusing….we respect MM and this is a good composition of what he has put out….post 215….you see didn’t I call them BBB’s… is it that we got Dr. Shabibi’s banks back….why did we need Mosul….so well done Mountainman….good report there and I would encourage people to read it.
So give me Mosul…..Give me Mosul….Family you give me Mosul and we will go into warp speed for the RV and all the reforms.
Ki cards….how are you doing….good….in fact on June 5th we are going to be helping to pay the retirees through credit cards….to pay the works….to pay their salaries….you know Family after June 5th I am very curious to see where the money comes from….because like I told you….for all of this year, since January we have been paying for everything for all of Iraq….everything….all their bills…..we made deals with the Paris Club…with their armies…..Kurdistan region and their employees… after June 5th I believe they are going to use these loans….but they will only last so long….so they have to raise the value of their currency.
DELTA strolls in…..Family we have a bit of a surprise for you tonight…..DELTA….DELTA are you there sir.
DELTA:  Hello Frankie….I am doing well sir….I know it is a bit unusual for me to come in unannounced like this….but I have three points that I want to cover…..that I think are important and want the Family to know about it…..I know we are getting very close to a lot of things going on….some of the things I will talk about there were articles that have been posted on the forum about them….but some of them the Family may not have paid attention to…and some of it is from Arabic sources.
Number 1 is an announcement from the Minister of Planning…there was an article about this…and I’m going to read some of it….this coming Thursday they are going to launch something very…very important…and very significant for our investment…they call it the Development Management System….I know there is an article on this and some of you highlighted a little bit of this….but it was in Arabic and on Iraqia TV and I’m going to read to you one of the most important parts of the whole article….

basically for those of you who may not know….the Development Management System….we know the CBI with help from the GOI…..they decided to be a cashless society in the long run….so they want to do everything electronically for as much as possible for many reasons…there has been a lot of corruption…but if you move to e-government that the CBI has pushed a while back…their goal is to move the whole country in this direction of e-government or electronic….

However e-government will never be successful without the Minister of Planning putting something like the Development Management System in place….they have been working on this for a while and trained over 900 people…the launching of this project will be this coming Thursday and it looks like PM Abadi will be present to launch to this…..

When you look at what is said about this project in Arabic…they speak of this project as being one of the important tools with regard to trading and financial reform…..Frankie there is that Arabic word again for financial reform….what the Arabic article is telling you that does not translate well….is that without this Management System the financial reform cannot proceed….they have to have this system in place to do the currency reform and the financial reform….so this system it vitally important and many have been waiting on this system to be put in place for these reforms to go forward….

So this coming Thursday they will celebrate the launching of this system….so indications are we are getting really close…but we don’t know exactly a date…but it doesn’t matter based on this article we are very close.
Second point….we all know of the deal between Iraq and the IMF….there was information on Iraqia TV and another article today….but unfortunately when you do the English translation you lose a lot of goodies….this is from the Financial Advisor to Abadi and I will share with you what was missed in the translation… with this article and the TV announcement…you have to study it really close or you miss things and don’t fully understand what is going on….

One thing he stressed is that the IMF Board has to give the final go ahead for Iraq to get their funds….so he said that for Iraq to get this loan they have until June 15th to submit a letter from Iraqi authorities to the IMF board that they do agree to all the IMF conditions and the framework of the loan…

I know someone posted this translated article and highlighted some things….but a small piece that is highly important was missed….this was where they talked about  the conditions and framework of the fiscal policy….so they must submit this letter by the 15th of their agreement to all the conditions…and the most important condition to us concerns the financial reform…and remember Family the article I brought to you in the past on several occasions there were things that Iraq had to do in order to get help from the IMF….

This is something they are not showing you now, it is behind doors….but they talked of two things….one was about taxes…and the other….they HAVE to lift the 000’s and basically do the currency reform….so within this letter that is to be submitted by the 15th are these things…and they must agree with regard to the fiscal policy…so this seems to give us a very small window Family….so they have less than two weeks to accomplish everything and send the letter to the IMF….

Now what is going to happen….they have to get these things done….one of them is the currency reform where they must come up with a true rate…and they have to accept Article 8….so this letter being submitted will be exactly the same as Iraq accepting Article 8…right….so by the end of the month of June then…the IMF board will look at all of what Iraq has said they have done….and one is the currency reform and the establishment of the true value of the Iraqi dinar….

Once they approve what Iraq says they have done…they will start to dispense in July $600-700 million dollars every month…and with each disbursement they will be watching closely to see where this money is going.
Again…now these two things seem to point to the idea that we are very close.
Frank:  Before you go to the third point….that is amazing brother because you and I have not had a chance to talk and I did not want to bother you today….but you obviously saw the importance of something that I too saw as very…very important….in fact we talked of April 28th into May 28th…and then IMO…we believe they gave them 20 days…if you add that it takes them to about the middle of June to complete everything the IMF….actually I told the Family this came from the BIS….they said to the IMF….ok we see you working with them….but you now have just 20 more days to finish things up….from the 28th of last month which would take us to about the 15th of June…

And now here you are coming in almost word for word of what I said…matching us….this is your study….my study…and of course you and I have talked to I-TEAM and we know what their study is….this is wonderful…..we are in agreement that this nation of Iraq has been working hand in hand very well with the IMF….this is all new to them….they have no idea what they are doing…..they have never worked this fast before….but they are being guided and they are being shown what to do and to get it done by the first half of this year…and that is what I’m seeing and I’m extremely happy….

And you know….and I know….that the moment they show you Mosul….you see I think they have already shown us Fallujah….but the moment they show us Mosul….you know the flag….I think then you will see the reforms blossom right before our eyes… make your third point….or comment on what I just said….I just had to show that your study and my study though we had not compared notes we are equals today in this study….go for it.
DELTA:  Absolutely I agree with you and what you have been sharing for the past two weeks…the reason I came on today is more and more confirmation Family that we are really very close…with this third part I am going to bring you things to show you we must be really close for the announcement to come out.
Third point….it is about the CBI….we all know that my TEAM has been digging into and watching the CBI really closely for a very long time….there is a spreadsheet that the CBI has they have been doing for years and in this is a calculated ratio that they provide….they come up with this ratio to determine the value of the currency…by dividing the foreign exchange assets divided by the money supply…this ratio reflects very close to the exchange rate…and for the last six or eight months the ratio has been showing like 0.85 or 0.86 cents which is close to the value of the USD….

But it looks like we have the magic number in that spreadsheet….when you put all the numbers into the ratio it appears the ratio is basically saying 1 to 1….this is with the CBI but you are not going to be able to see it….you have to really dig for this…but the magic number is there Frankie.
Frank:  Alright…there it is….we started this CC with 111 people and I think we started at eleven minutes after one….1:11….there are just so many ones going on today…but….we keep saying that logic says this is what it should have been….

You go back to December….in December the IMF came out and said look we are going to come out at 1 to 1 with this currency in the first half of next year….but then they said when that happens we are considering a float for the Iraqi dinar…..I mean they told you everything in December Family… sure enough 1 to 1 is logical….especially if Jack Lew learned from Kuwait…and then three days later if they release that….oh my goodness….within a matter of hours….it will change….and by the end of this year….

I’m actually going to say something….I came onto the internet as Frank26 because I believed in 3.86 based on what the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Planning did….and IMO….they need to add about 20% to things….so by the end of this year it might be around 4.20….MY OPINION….because I have no idea what I’m talking about…..but jiminy crickets….DELTA….everything they said to us in December is literally right before our eyes.
DELTA:  Absolutely Frankie….but I would like to add that even though it is showing 1 to 1 I believe it will come out even higher….because remember they have to add inflation into it… we could see “out the door” more than one dolloar….maybe 1.15 or 1.20….even up to 1.42 is possible….because of them adding inflation… 1 to 1 would be the bare minimum we could see….and the other reason I think we will see it come out higher than 1 to 1 is that at that rate it is what the Iraqi citizens are used to seeing….a dollar….but anything higher will be very good for them….IMO I think we will see 1.13-1.20 after inflation is added to it.
Frank:  You remember when we were talking to an unnamed person….I said IMO I see it as 1 to 1….logic says 1 to 1….Jack Lew’s homework says 1 to 1…..simple math says 1 to 1….and then they said to us it will be higher than 1 to 1….remember that.
DELTA:  Yes absolutely I do remember…..but even before you know me I said I am not as concerned about the rate just so long as they keep movning….and I’m not sure if you told the Family about the Special Committee from the US that is in Iraq right now who is there to basically implement the reform as soon as we hear that Fallujah got liberated.
Frank:  If the French Foreign Minister can keep his mouth shut…..the French Foreign Minister was being interviewed and he comes out and says….well as soon as these two cities are liberated…which they have and they are really secure now and they change the rate we will be able to go in and fix things….what….shut up man.
DELTA:  He knows exactly what is going on.
Frank:  He reminds me of six others who have spoken out….how stupid to be talking about something that was done in a private meeting….but I think they believe it has already been announced.
DELTA:  Just as I was saying there are so many indicators that we are so very close….remember the CBI was supposed to start giving loans the 6 trillion dinar loan….the reason they have not done this yet is they want to do everything electronically….so with the Minister of Planning launching this Management System on Thursday that is so important….and you said something very important about the Ki card…you remember a long time ago the Rafadain bank manager said you got the cards and said we are just waiting on them to delete the 000’s for us to do the cards….the CBI has to do that in order for the bank to issue those cards….so when are they going to issue those cards.
Frank:  On the 5th of June….but I’m not talking….not saying anything.
DELTA:  Again look to this Thursday for the implementation of the Development Management System…..they were told to get these things done…..they have to have systems in place and that is what they are doing now working both the financial and economic reforms to deal with the conditional aspect of the loan from the IMF….

Abadi looks to be implementing laws and so much of this stuff in the right way at the right time…..they have to complete all that the IMF has put on them in order to get the final approval for the loan….this is all GREAT news Frankie.
Frank:  They are not going to take their time….IMO…they are in warp speed….and Iran is also doing a bunch of interesting things too…..they have accepted the anti-money laundering law…it’s almost as if they are in a race….I’m really happy… happy….that the things that the IMF layed out in December…..we are seeing them right before us now….and another thing….we also said that Iraq will take this to the last nanosecond to some time in June….God willing we will see this.
DELTA:  I was reading another article before I came in that reminded me of something we talked about a while ago about taxes and tariffs….those things have to be hooked up at the borders….they are to be electronic….so they had to put systems in place and make sure they are working…and it sounds like this has been done too.
Frank:  Everyday another domino from the IMF requirements are being shown to us…..and if it is shown to us….I’m sorry but it was done a long time ago… IMO….I think they have 4 or 5 things to show us…things that have already been done…..everyday we are getting more and more stuff that they had to do to go into Article 8….to get the loan done.
DELTA:  I agree and it looks like Abadi is doing so much of this stuff, all of a sudden they appear to have money to pay people when just a short time ago they had no liquidity….what is up with that….but Abadi is creating this new image like the article today said a Superman….and no one knows a date or rate…but it could be that Abadi is able to provide something really nice for Ramadan that is coming up.
Frank:  The IMF does not practice Ramadan….we don’t calculate it….but if I were Abadi this is exactly when I would want to release things…..Ramadan is a time when they take inventory and they are grateful….it is not a time to say I am rich….but they will be very grateful that their currency has purchasing power for them….this is wonderful and during Ramadan would be nice….

I have no problem with that…..I also want to say that if it doesn’t happen in June I don’t want any problems….if it goes into July I don’t want a bunch of people saying oh this was just a bunch of lies it’s not happening….seriously…..look how deep they are….look how far advanced they are….sure you can be with us and even post and vent…but you don’t have to be so negative…..don’t blame DELTA and Frank…blame the IMF…they supposedly have the control.
 DELTA:  I see most of the media stations and newspapers in Iraq…and most all of them are asking Abadi to stop the CBI auctions….stop them immediately….but Abadi is an economist and he is aware you can’t stop the auctions unless you are also prepared and ready to raise the value of their currency…..

They want to be international as the IMF has suggested…they have to go global….they talk about opening up the private sector….but again this requires Article 8 for them to be allowed to move things freely out of the country at something besides that program rate….we are so very close with all of this….they have to have a tradable currency in order to move money from one country to another…..also look at how hard and fast Abadi is trying to get things done….diligently he is working along with others….that Special Committee is waiting on the announcement…the US Embassy is waiting…..the announcement will bring forth a new currency rate as well as the LD’s.
Frank:  You know DELTA….the fact that the IMF is holding their hand…or grabbing their ear and guiding them through the MR….I am so at peace because of their presence….in fact it allows the international world to not only feel confident…but to also tend to over talk…and I do agree with you about stopping the auctions…but it is suicidal unless you can also lift the value of your currency…and for them to have all this pressure from so many different angles….not just the IMF….not just the reserves….not just the international world….but stop and think about this….all of this equipment….all of this training of the staff so they can talk in an international language….all of this technology…spending months with US techno-geniuses….they went over there….they have been there in the Embassy….in the Green Zone….guiding Junior to their final quest….

If Iraq does not lift the value of their currency what an insult….not to the IMF but to the fact of being under a program rate…..I don’t think Iraq is trying to go in the direction of internal suicide….not with them working on all these things…no….they are hungry….our God tells us that Baghdad will once again become the Mecca of the world…and it is…..

My brother I am excited and I am thankful for this extra information that you brought to us right now….the fact that the Minister of Planning is going to be making an announcement on Thursday about the Development Management System to establish their e-government…you might as well say international government….and then the letter to the IMF by the 15th that says we are done…

Alright then let’s move things….let’s go….let’s start making money…and the third thing that IOO opinion there is enough evidence showing a calculation of at least a 1 to 1 ratio for the Iraqi dinar coming out soon.
Dismissed with a prayer.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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