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Thursday, June 2, 2016

KTFA Wednesday Night "Dessert" CC Notes 6-1-16  Part 1


Aggiedad77:  Here are the notes from last night's CC dessert....enjoy each morsel....for there are many golden ones.   Aloha    Randy

*** The comments made by Frank26, Delta and others are their sole OPINIONS and cannot and should not be used as any form of financial, tax, banking or investment advice! We offer NO DATE, NO RATE on this forum!!! ***
 CC Notes for Wednesday June 1, 2016
Frank26:  We are now walking into the second part of our conference call which is about our investment and the study of the Iraqi dinar.  I want to give thanks to Aggiedad, our Admin, and all you Transcribinators, not only Aggiedad, but Frosty the Snowman, Doodlebug, bless her heart, she said it took her 9 hours just to listen and type it all out. 

Do you see why I bring this up Family, show your appreciation to people that do things for you on  our forum….it does take a lot of work….but I’m really grateful that they transcribe our conference calls because there are a lot of senior citizens that benefit from that….so once again thank you to Aggiedad and all of you.

Listen the last time we were together we talked about nuggets…..golden nuggets…..magnesium nuggets from the bottom of the ocean that are very valuable…..and there seem to be a lot of golden nuggets on the floor of the CBI and the GOI.
Now I’m not going to review because we just found out that DELTA is going to join us tonight….I really don’t know what he’s got up his sleeve….you see this is not how we do things… I think he’s found something or he has something and he’s trying to get it to us….so he is going to join us in about another hour or less than that.
Family the last time we were together we left off with the understanding that their reserves…..the IMF wants them to keep their reserves at a certain amount….and as you know…that amount that we showed you is dwindling…..this is another form of pressure for the Monetary Reform….along with all of the reforms of Iraq….the $54 billion they should have….IMO….is around $52 billion….and like we told you….they spend around $2 billion per month to run their country and they are draining their reserves through their auctions to get this money…..and that is why the loans are going to help a little bit….

But I believe….IMO….and by the way this whole call is IMO….but I believe IMO….they are giving them that ability to have a loan so they can stop draining these reserves….this is dangerous what they are doing.
Now how do you stop draining the reserves… stopping the multi-currency policy that is being done….and the thievery by the way through the CBI… IMO….that is under control….the anti-money laundering law really made an effect on that….and it also opened up the international world to look in the direction of Iraq and what they are doing with the IMF….

You guys are protecting us….us foreign investors….yes we are….we are all set…..well that causes a lot of attention….and it causes….IMO….for them to receive this loan that gave them the credit that allowed them to move up into an international platform with their banks…..because the banks are also now set to do international communication….and then the employees of these banks have long ago been trained to talk internationally…..with equipment that was foreign to them but is now familiar…..and to understand how banks do business with platforms between each other in a private manner…..or sometimes called the SWIFT Code System.
Now let’s continue and pick up this baton where we dropped it….like I said this is great pressure on the CBI and the GOI to hurry up…..stop the crime….stop the stealing….the IMF wants all of these things done….and Family we see them done…..aren’t you encouraged by what you are seeing….well yeah….that is an understatement no doubt…..there is great excitement isn’t there.
Now….IMO….back on the 28th of April….the BIS… that stands for the Bank of International Settlements….that is the Mother of all banks…..turned to the Father of all banks….which is the Central Banks….and said…..IMF are you working with Iraq….yes we are….are you going to get this MR done…..yes we are…..when…..we hope to get it done in the first half of this year….alright…..tell you what….let’s see if we can get it done by April 28th….ok…..remember that….yeah…you saw the article.
So April 28th came around and nothing….so IOO….they gave them another 30 days….so we go into May 28th….and we pass May 28th….but from that day onward…..good God it is like they raised the value but they didn’t show you…..because of all the shadows and all the evidence that is everywhere….

there are so many golden nuggets on the floor of the CBI and the GOI that you can’t help but say wait a minute….you guys did something didn’t you… IMO…..they added another 30 days….so go to June 30th….why not….well that would be the end of the first half of 2016….alright….sounds good to me….but why don’t we just give them 20 days this time…..and IMO….20 days were given by the BIS to the IMF with Iraq to finish the MR….

Therefore IMO….add 20 days onto the 28th of April….IMO….well sometime in the middle of next month isn’t it….and I will tell you there is a lot of pressure to get this done….and IMO…these son of a guns they did something….I just wish I knew what it was that they did…..because during this time a lot of other pressures have been formed….like….how are you doing American dollar… name is USD….the United States pushing the dinar….really….yeah….you see we are going up in value…and this is also hurting the reserves of Iraq…..through their auctions….yeah  we talked about it…..but you didn’t talk about me….USD….

Ok…ok….so there is where we sit Family…IMO….and I know I got a lot of texts and phone calls….Ramadan….Ramadan…what about Ramadan….the IMF does not practice Ramadan….stop asking me about Ramadan….well the other guys are saying….stop telling me about other forums.
It’s the American dollar that is actually killing Iraq right now….not the terrorists….and if you understood the beauty of that….you would know that someone is in control of doing this….well heck yeah….who have we been telling you…..come here Junior….because we control the dollar….I tell you what Iraq….if you fail… are looking at an occupied country….fail with us again….fail with us again….make my day says the banks….that is why you are scared aren’t you Iraq.
We can’t tell them directly…but we tell them in the best way we can….Family…what do you think a bank does….what is it’s purpose… we talked to you about the Mother of all banks and the Father of banks today didn’t we….and you understand a little more don’t you….even though you know all of this….all of a sudden light bulbs the size of the sun are lighting up above your head aren’t they….this is making sense isn’t it….I want you to believe nothing in the media…..because it is way…way….out of proportion…it is very old.
I want to talk to you about another thing….I’m trying to be careful with my words….remember I told you to look up KE….Kangaroo Elephant rating….I’m glad you did Doodlebug and thank you for doing that…..and by the way….the higher the number the better….not the lower….that is why the US is 99….and that is why Iran is lower than Iraq….

But I now have something else to tell you….you looked at that definition….ya’ll did good….hold on…before I tell you about the new terminology….things that are not on the internet….you know the BIS….for them to get involved and make these little agreements….now this is all IMO….ok….but you will eventually read it…..but maybe you won’t read this….because the BIS doesn’t have to tell you anything….

In fact what the IMF is doing for Iraq….the allowances that the IMF is doing for Iraq….you’ve never seen these before or with any other country…..they are treating them like a spoiled child….and that is why the IMF/BIS don’t talk to you about these things….they give you a report in December….and they give you another one in February…and that is about it….and they told you….in the first half of 2016….they will be international…

What does that mean…..well does that mean…..does that mean the rate….does that mean we will see a rate….does that mean….will you stop it….I kept telling you Give me Mosul….once you see Mosul you will see the MR….beamed down by Scotty….know what I’m saying…and when they told you that Fallujah fell….what was it….a few days ago…whenever….so much has been happening….ya’ll think we are here on a vacation….we work every day my wife and I….and there are so many of you that are visiting us and I’m not supposed to say the names of the families….this week we’ve seen what two or three families and they all want to meet us and go out to dinner….our time is so occupied.
Ok, I couldn’t believe they told you about Fallujah….because we’ve known and we couldn’t tell you and we have to keep things to ourselves….and then when we saw it….we went nuts….and now they are starting to tell you a little bit more about Mosul…..look IMO….there were some promises made to the Kurds and I tried to hint about that….and skullcrusher…..Pappa-J did a very good job of analyzing what he thought was going to be given to the Kurds…..

I like that post…and in fact I think I responded to it…..and I told him….yeah that is our CC right there…..I think the Kurds were promised something…..and when the Kurds went in and took over Mosul and everything…..we went nuts but we couldn’t tell you….and they just started telling you yesterday….so in the next 3-5 days they will tell you everything about Mosul….and some time after the 5th of June I think they are going to start telling you about these reforms….the MR and others.
I got a big kick out of an economist that came out yesterday, I have a proposal….what is your proposal…..I would like to make the IQD 1300 to 1….ahhh Family….that article is 2 years old….it’s 1166 knucklehead….what did I say…..Family don’t believe the media….they are flooding you because the media is suffering….they shut down….you think that DELTA and I can’t get stuff….the media can’t get stuff….they are covering every inch of their underwear.
Our troops as you know did all the work….IMO….you know what the UN calls the people who are in Iraq right now…..they say… Iraq we have peace keepers that are assisting the Iraqi army and the Peshmerga….oh shut up…..I mean even from the time of Vietnam things don’t change do they…..we are there, we’ve cleaned the place up….they are getting the credit….they are about to tell you….well they told you about Fallujah…and are about to tell you about Mosul….

They are about to tell you about the MR and all their reforms…and they are already telling you about reforms….because they are saying….we got money because we got these loans….and we are helping this province and that… sir…you are lying….you don’t have one penny from those loans yet.
Ladies and gentlemen…..KTFA Family….may I say to you…IMO….we are paying everything….when you see they are paying for this….when the Kurds say they are paying their employees or their army… is we….the USA who is paying everything….they are getting a loan to kick off their economic reforms….only if they do the financial reform.
Let me ask you a question Family….who gave you the words…..”They need to edit Kurdistan”…..who gave you those words…..we did….when did we give you those words…..a week ago yesterday when I did the Bible Study.
What word did they give you yesterday when they started to tell you about Fallujah….what word did they give you yesterday….they told you they are now going to edit Mosul….now the flags in Fallujah are up….but they are continuing to edit Mosul….it’s under control….

Fallujah is totally under control….the Popular Crowd militia helped out in Fallujah….they actually joined the army troops….if you go back and look at the notes we told you….”Hi GI Joe…NO…..oh…Hi Iraqi army…..YES….and the Popular Crowd militia as it is called out there, joined the Iraqi army and the Kurdistan army….because it was partially a propaganda campaign…and it worked brilliantly…..oh and by the way….the battle for Fallujah and Mosul….they started on the same day….

I can’t tell you when that day was…but I can tell you it started on the same day…..many…many weeks ago….those places are secured….they are ours….but…there is a process to tell you these things…you know what I mean….I made a post… was like someone was saying….Frank why don’t they raise the value of the Iraqi dinar….it’s not time to do that….well Frank why don’t they arrest Maliki….it’s not time to do that….well Frank why don’t they tell us about Kurdistan and Fallujah….it’s not time to do that… don’t give out updates with the media so the enemy knows how we are defeating them….while we are defeating them….how stupid is that… when you say…why don’t they raise the value of the dinar….why don’t they get Maliki….why don’t they tell us about Fallujah….

I’m sorry but you are lacking a lot of common sense…..all I see is greed and a need for individuals…..we put out some powerful studies….and at the end… when is it going to happen….what….and you know how depressed I get….you know how I walk away sad….that all that work for nothing….no God tells me….there is at least one Frank….there is at least one out there.
So yeah they have control over these places….and yeah they are starting to tell you about them…and yeah the MR is being done right now….so they can tell you later about it….IMO….maybe by the middle of this month.
The Kurds….IMO….cut a deal….and that is why they are helping…and that is why it is kumbyyah….and that is why you see nothing negative from the Kurds….all it is….jump sir…how high sir….because of what they are getting….holy cow…they are cooperating so much….holy cow….and again Pappa-J did a really good job with his interpretation and I really liked what he said….and also I gave you a lot of hints…and Pappa-J took those hints and worked them out good…..

I told you it might have something to do with status….it might have something to do with borders….it might have something to do with Article 140…..with their territory….Mosul is within their region….it might have something to do with the countries who are at their borders….all I know is it is censured…and all I know they are giving you old articles and rehashed articles right now….are you listening to me Family.
The USA is paying the Peshmerga….the Kurdistan army….not the Kurds….not the loans…and by the way….the cost of this war is being borne the USA…..the cost of this war is being BORNE by the USA.
I want to thank a member of our forum by the name of ReddStarr….you had an article that when we say it we thought…..dang that is pretty good….we had not seen that one….thank you ReddStarr….it was an example of what we have been trying to tell everyone….and I think I want to do it now.
I introduced KE to you….Kangaroo Elephant….that is the Cost of Equity…it is a rate of return to an investor… tell me….are you an investor of Iraq….yes you are Family….you bought the Iraqi dinar….well what is your KE….well right now the numbers are….and when you look at it and study it….you say to yourself….dear God….how did they go from this number to this number…..are they going to give me my rate of return with my investment in the dinar….really….now that you studied it….Doodlebug….not being factitious….I’m just sad….Doodlebug may I give you the last and final term….Tango Elephant….TE….got it….would you please look that up and teach the Family what that is all about….

I want you to know Family the KE…WAS….the TE…IS….TE talks about the Trade Exchange rating….it is the rating of a country on it’s creditworthiness….do you remember I said creditworthiness on Monday’s CC…..go back and look at the notes and understand what the TE means…..the TE of Iraq….the Trade Exchange rating of Iraq has been determined to be creditworthy….and ReddStarr comes out with an article that says to us…..France Foreign Minister is telling Iraq….”Things in Iraq with them will Change…the Risk Rating of some Iraqi Citizens After the Rate was Secured…Security as Improved”….shut  the door….another one….we’ve been counting this makes six countries….shut up….you don’t see the Kurds talking about their deal….or Maliki talking about a deal….you don’t go telling the international world that the risk rating….

The KE…the TE….both that Frank talked about…’s going to be nothing man…..because these two cities that they just got…..yeah what about it….well after the rate….yeah we will all be happy after the rate change….because this is the place where security has really changed in these two cities….and I keep hinting to you….these two cities mean something….I’m in the mood to tell you what they mean….we will see…..and on top of that…this knucklehead Foreign Minister from France says…yeah and it was amazing wasn’t it how rapidly the victory in Fallujah and Mosul came about….no…..they just told you….the victory was weeks ago man.
Oh this is fun….hey Japan….yes….how are you doing…..I’m willing to invest in Iraq…why are you so willing to invest in Iraq….because the risk factor has gone down….you see the numbers….well economics people see it.
Foreign Minister of France….will you please keep your mouth shut…yeah I’ll keep my mouth shut…why are you going to keep your mouth shut….well because Iraq….Iraq they done good….they changed the map of some Iraqi provinces(Monday we told you 9 of them)….they changed some provinces from the color red you know from being very dangerous….to the color orange which is less dangerous….and they are trying to turn Nineveh and Karbala and one other….to the yellow color…..oh thank you Mr. Foreign Minister.
Now Family when I tell you leave my colors alone….I’m not playing….and I don’t need anybody to tell me….well if it is in red or blue we all know who it is from….Frank or DELTA…..leave my colors alone…..DO NOT TALK ABOUT THEM….DO NOT POST THEM…..YOU ARE CAUSING ME TROUBLES….LEAVE MY COLORS ALONE.
So the BIS….IMO….passed down to Iraq….look we are watching and we will give you about 20 more days….and this rating has exploded on the internet theater….where all these countries….they are excited….because they know that Mosul has already been edited…..they are just telling you that they are doing it right now.
And the Kurds….oh my goodness….I told you on Monday and notice my calmness today….I told you on Monday if it wasn’t for the Kurds we wouldn’t be where we are at right now…Junior…..I told you big brother is always way advanced…..we had to go make deals where we can get something from our deals…and not stupidity.
I so want to talk about Mosul……so Kurds how are you doing….we are in Mosul reclaiming our niche…..ohhhh…..Kurds how are you doing….the World Bank wants to give us money….yeah like Baghdad….Kurds how are you doing….Article 140 is our territory….oh snap….no you didn’t…..Kurds how you doing… countries ready to help the Kurd economy….really….Kurds how you doing…..we said seven countries but I think we are going to get more than 17%....not this year but next year….you go Kurds…..

Kurds how you doing….we are trying to sell our oil now…..we’ve always sold your oil……yeah but we might not use Turkey….we might use OPEC…..Kurds how you doing…..well we are increasing our territory which means we are increasing our income through our budgets and Baghdad’s budget and our voice is getting bigger….oh shoot….Kurds how you doing…..well we are also getting historical lands brought back to us because we demanded it… mean borders….Kurds how you doing….well speaking of borders….they are of specific value…not necessarily for us….but in a military sense for our good friends….the USA…..because the Americans have the weapons that they can use….Kurds how are you doing…..we are settling a lot of our tribal issues.
Alright let me try it this way…..Mosul how you doing…..come on in….because once we go in and Mosul is being talked about with the media….you are going to see an international global investing financial marketing system explode in Iraq….and it can’t be done at a program rate with the IMF….and that is why the IMF is here with us…and that is why the UN is looking over the shoulder and saying….hey look….we got peace keepers in there….are you guys done….can we have them back…..because then you can have the rest of Chapter 7… already lifted Chapter 7…..we are holding it with the IMF….watching you guys….Article 8….oh I see…sure…..what are we going to become….an international global investing financial marketing system.
BIS/IMF/WB….what do you think of Iraq….of what they are doing…..well Iraq has gotten itself a worldwide framework of agreements for an international flow of financial capital for investments and trading….I’m sorry….either someone did something….or they are preparing to raise the value of their currency.
IMF….what….can you say anything….Iraq sent a message to us on the 15th of May confirming the agreements we have made with them and all of the conditions and all of the mechanisms and the framework for the fiscal policy…..and they presented it to the IMF board….so we are going to present it to the rest of the IMF board sometime around June…..well that is pretty good isn’t it….well yeah because you see basically Iraq is adopting a modern method in the preparation of their financial budget….that is why we said for the fiscal policy…..

Well IMF….you guys have been working hand in hand with the Iraqi’s to raise the value of their currency….this is all we see all over….yes….in fact the loans… are asking me questions….let me talk to you Frank….the IMF is here to say that the loan we gave to Iraq contains no risk….none what so ever….they can raise the value of their currency….it is no problem….the loan is to simply support their economy…..but to continue that support they have to raise the value of their currency….yeah….and there is a war to be paid by the way.
Family…..WalkingStick put out an article….it is post 122….it is about the IMF loan and how it will revive the economy of Iraq….and you can’t not be so naïve to think that $15 billion is going to revive things….no….understand all of these steps.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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