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Tuesday, June 7, 2016

KTFA Monday Night CC Notes 6-6-16  Part 2 of 2

Part 2:
Frank26:  How about the HCL….how about the AML….how about the DL….yeah we are getting all of these….good….good….and by the way Family the Deposit Law is in the Gazette….but it is not activated yet.
You know what the Deposit Law really boils down to….it is really like the FDIC law….you see the reason you feel comfortable in taking your money into American banks is that they guarantee your money in case they should lose it or have it stolen… if a country comes into Iraq….internationally…they bring in their supplies, their equipment, employees, everything including their money…and if they deposit it with Iraqi banks….

there better be some type of insurance… back up that money…..and that is what this Deposit Law is all about….and I like it a lot.
Sistani….how are the people out there….they are doing good….they are in love with their GI Joe…..I mean their Iraqi Army…that is good….”Washington Welcomes the Invitation of Sistani to Protect Civilians in Fallujah and Stresses Confidence of a Professional Iraqi Force”….wow….wasn’t that the mission Family…..look we will clear it out….just don’t tell anyone we were here for the last two months….and then we let you guys in and you proclaim the victory….yeah….and does Sistani and the citizens know about this….yeah…and they have great confidence in Abadi as a professional….he is doing a really good job and we are a force here in Iraq…..really Sistani….all of this from the citizens….yep….well that is pretty good.
Family we communicate….and we communicate in ways that we ask you to respect….yeah sure we are dealing with someone who right now is belligerent and refuses to obey…..let me give you an example….I want you to pay attention that it was on Monday night when we…..I think it was Monday or Tuesday night…but down in the bottom I communicate with my TEAMS sometimes don’t I…..I can’t use colors right now we are causing problems… instead I post down in the bottom and I paint it white….some of you got to see it….and what it said was….DELTA….whale songs…..well within 24 hours you see the article that came out….This Minister within Iraq says….”Provides Five Whales to Eliminate Corruption Sponsoring Recovering Billions of Dollars”….you see how it works.
You know what I like…..I like the internationalism…and like I told you….if they start to tell you about Fallujah….and they did….but….if they start to tell you about Mosul….oh my goodness….we are running….we are running to the reforms….and the MR is one of them yes.
Check this out….”Urgently Raise the Iraqi Flag in the Center of a City in NE Part of Fallujah”….who said that…..Abadi….so just out of curiousity….Abadi….where you at….I’m here… Iraq….yep….where you at….I’m here….in Fallujah….how long you been there…..a while…..what you are you doing there…..I’m editing the whole neighborhood…..really….yeah….that’s actually part 2….we started the edit a while ago….so you decided to stay in Fallujah….why didn’t you go back to Baghdad….because I need all of these young bloods…..

I need the militia that is helping us to pay attention to me….what militia….the Iranian militia mainly….pay attention to you how…..they are a bunch of young wild bucks…they are a little disorganized…..they don’t really follow a commander….but I am their Commander…..I decided to stay here in Fallujah to make sure these people do exactly as I told them…..are they giving you a hard time….they are trying to but it is not succeeding… are they giving you a hard time….they won’t listen to orders….some of them….but we take care of them….when it comes to communicating they are talking in a different dialect….they talk in Farsi and it is hard for us to understand what they are saying…..fascinating….are they still shooting their guns up in the air…..yeah…and they actually shoot at the citizens….so I decided to stay here in Fallujah to control the Iranian militia…and to tell them to act like an army because I am their Commander while we edit Fallujah.
And while this is going on….the commander of ISIS puts out many orders to pull out….pull out…quick….actually quicksand.
US Ambassador…..yeah….what’s up….how are you doing….I’m alright….are you over there in Iraq….I was…what did you do over there….I talked to them about the internationalism…you did…what did you tell them….”I said, the IMF Measures Will Enable Iraq to Integrate Further into the Global Economy to Improve its Competiveness and to Establish Partnerships with International Businesses”…..really….yeah that is what I told them….you know US Ambassador… sure seems like a lot of the international world either knows something or is very suicidal… Tarabot….they are going into Iraq to help other countries and businesses coming into Iraq to help them assimilate and make things easier for them in their partnership with each other…in their international partnership….and by the way….thank you ReddStarr for bringing that up….we didn’t even know that….we saw the article that you put up….that is amazing.
I told you the theme of this CC was going to be Internationalism…..hey Abadi….how are you doing…..I’m doing good….I got a list of candidates for the ministers that I want to include in my new government….do you really….yes and by the way it has Sunni’s, it has Shiite’s, and it has Kurds…..really Abadi….yeah….I did this….wow….that is one heck of a leader…in the midst of tribal warfare….and you just brought in equilibrium within this triangle of powers….you bring stability, security, unity….oneness….you are doing good Abadi….the Middle East and the International community want to see this so badly….you are doing good Abadi….

By the way….how is the IMF doing with you guys……oh you mean the PLAN….yeah…how is it doing with you guys……Abadi laughs….I like the Brady Bunch…what you drinking….no really I like the Brady Bunch….Marsha…..Marsha…Marsha…she’s funny and I like the maid too…what are you talking about… asked me how the IMF PLAN is going isn’t it…..yeah…..I like the Marshall Plan….I like the pace of this Marshall Plan….can I say TA-DA by the way….how many times have I told you Marshall Plan Family.
All I know Abadi is that you are doing good with these tribes and you are organizing your country….and the Financial Committee within the GOI is working with the CBI….this is great…..yes it is great…in fact the Anbar Tribal leader came out ahead of me and said that ISIS left Iraq over 60 days ago……I told him to shut up….did you really… might as well tell France to shut up too…..anyway you take care Abadi….yeah….Marsha…Marsha…Marsha.
Meanwhile China and Iraq have set up an e-payment system….why…for internationalism…..I give up….what more do we need… don’t set that up at 1166 and if you did…that is dumb….why is it that we see a venture effect…a  concentration of so much internationalism entering into Iraq….the e-payment system between China and Iraq….that is one of the largest money transfer systems in Iraq….with offices in the US, Britain, UAE, and in Jordan….they are starting it up with Iraq and China for 1166….I give up… tricked me……they are not explaining everything are they.
Iran…..I didn’t do anything….we aren’t saying you did anything….Iran…can you spare a cup of water….we did already and we were promised to get something back…..we can’t build the missiles so we give you the water….you build them and let us have some ok….shhhh….oh ok… want me to be like a Kurd and shut up and not tell anyone what I’m getting…..ok….I’ll shut up…..IMO.
I mean internationalism….come on….security….come on….and they haven’t told you about the security they had in Fallujah and in Mosul….and when they do….KA-BOOM come the reforms….you want nuclear…..they will go nuclear with the reforms once they tell you about Mosul….but Frank they are moving into Mosul……they haven’t even finished about Fallujah to tell you yet…..Mosul is still not on the horizon yet.
Check this out…..”More Security in Iraq….more than 600 modern digital cameras are going to be set up all over Iraq….here in the US the only place you don’t find a camera is in a public bathroom…they got you sucker….and they are just now putting 600 digital modern cameras all over Iraq….for 1166….come on…and on top of that….these 600 digital modern cameras are in cooperation with the international companies that are coming into Iraq to install them…..they tricked me….come on….so much internationalism….I mean without saying we lifted Article 8….without saying we did something….what did you do that is driving me crazy….because something is missing in this formula….in these actions….in this attitude… this international approach….and IMF….I read the article….you said it was classified and it is right now…but you gave us the report of what the PLAN was…why is it so classified to tell us where they are at right now…..because it is.
The head of the Islamic Supreme Council stated… know post DAASH we have a lot of tools that will take Iraq into 2016 national and international levels….I quit….I mean….ok….fine…..head of the Islamic Supreme Council….can I ask you….why are you guys going international….because of the “Liberation Vine That Has a High Strategic Dimension”….you mean the liberation of these two cities….I just said that….yeah I guess…..but when you tell us about these two cities then you are going to have to tell us about the liberation of these two cities and of the strategic dimension….we will….keyword….keyword….keyword.
Meanwhile, more internationalism…..”Iraq Plans to Raise Abadi into an International Lawsuit Against Media Satellite Channels That Have Been Promoting DAASH”….and international lawsuit by Abadi against the media that we’ve been telling you…..don’t pay attention to them….TA-DA.
World international courts to help us….come one….can I say something besides international.
IMF….you are really controlling all the money…..all these loans…..yes we are….you know something we told them to reduce the budget of the salaries…..yeah I know we saw that but they turned you down….they reneged….yeah we know….we know…..and that is why we the IMF is going to make sure that every GOI member of Abadi’s staff….we are going to make sure they all pay their income tax…..I’m not done….what do you mean IMF…..we are going to make sure they pay their income tax to international standards…..are you kidding me….no…no.
IMF….you did something with them didn’t you….I have to go Frank….IMF don’t go…wait….man….bozos….tell me….once you get me Mosul.
AECOM…wins the contract to repair the Mosul Dam….why didn’t you guys come in when the dam was busting up… come in now….someone did something….someone knows something…..what the IMF has done….Saleh…will you talk to me……the IMF doesn’t want to talk to me….I am the Economic Advisor of Abadi…..I am very important….do you have any cookies…..well no I have no cookies….then you cannot talk to me then…..I give you two dozen cookies……ask your questions….Saleh…what is going on….well the IMF has confirmed that Iraq is of international community supporting….yeah we are of the international community…and the IMF has confirmed that the international community is going to support us….and this is very good…..I know it is good…but is there anything else you want to tell me…..ahhh…… are a bozo too you know that……we have learned…..yes you have.
KTFA Family I told you earlier they no longer use the RV word….they only use the term international….check this out….”International Loans are the Gateway to the Diversity of Resources in Iraq”….are you kidding me….no we are not… guys did something….tell me…..don’t act stupid…..apparently if they are getting international loans and they are the gateway to a diversity of resources then Iraq has got to use international standards from now on with everything they do……yes they do….

But 1166 is not international by any standards….no it is not….well then tell me…what did you do……Frank you are going to see an international global marketing investing system explode in Iraq….I know those were my words….those are the words of the IMF, the GOI, and the CBI…..because none of this can be done with a program rate…..the first half of 2016 prepares Iraq to become international….as the Parliamentary committee within the GOI is demanding the help of international experts to this….not only for 2016….but also for 2017… 1166……do you see us talking about 1166 Frank26… you don’t…..then you should stop talking about it….I will….wow….so Fallujah can we talk to you….Mosul….can we talk to the cities.
Then on Sunday Family the Shiite militia fighting in Fallujah says its work is finished….Family this is the Shiite Militia….the moment that Abadi proclaims to you….that he is done editing….the words that we gave to him….you better cling on to those words….IMO….I ask you kindly….squirrel….we’ve been getting it and presenting it to you….I’m not asking you to admit this…but when we tell you something… would behoove you to consider it…..Abadi will tell you they are finished with Fallujah….not a Shiite militant….but this Shiite militant must be from France.
Can we talk to you World Bank….yeah that is me…what is up Frank……are you guys helping Iraq to reconstruct itself….to rebuild….yeah…we are….why….to keep them moving….that doesn’t make any sense….well you know to keep the reforms going in the direction we want….wow…..that is pretty cool WB.
Oil….can I talk to you……yeah you got me spot on Frank…what is up….oil I told the Family where you would be from January, February, March and into April….but I didn’t really tell them anything about May….but I did tell them when June comes around you should be somewhere between $50 and $55/barrel……yeah that is where we are at Frank….at least we are knocking on it….right on course….it is necessary for what is going on in Iraq….really….yeah…there are many contributing factors….it is not that the oil price is determining the budget or the RV….but it is one of the factors for the reconstruction of Iraq……got it….yeah I guess…..look let me try to explain further to you……OPEC has crumbled….because of the US dollar and a few other things….OPEC has outlived its usefulness….so oil will be put on the world market….do you understand Frank…..oh yes I do understand now and that is why the three musketeers are always going ballistic when they talk about black gold…..yes Frank bravo you finally got it…..let’s just call it the perfect timing…..again.
So Family try to understand….here I made this quote to someone….I said….”understand that you seek Mosul because we taught you this….we do not….for Mosul was over two months ago….it was over….IMO….they are editing it….and they are filling it in…..filling it in what does that mean….they are filling it in with citizens, with equipment….you mean with LD’s….ahh…sure….I got you Frank….what do you mean….you said that all the LD’s were already escorted to the banks…..excuse me you knucklehead….I actually have to tell you that they were not escorted to the cities where ISIS was at…..oh….and that is why they are putting LD’s in the banks there too now….IMO…..oh.
So every time someone says to me….if they edit…and if they give us Mosul….so how many more days….so how far till we see…..will you stop it…and here is my answer to the individual that made that post…..I said….”we own the car that they drive for the Monetary Reform….but sometimes they just drive us crazy because of the speed….they  cornered themselves into a position right now Family where they to send a letter of intent of what they are about to do….the agreement….yeah we are going to lift it because you guided us all the way through the Monetary Reform and all the other reforms and we got the loans and we got a credit rating and everything is looking good so yeah we are ready….and this is good.
And Parliamentary Finance….check this out…..Parliamentary Finance what is happening…..well we are entering the global capital market….dear God those are almost the same exact words that we gave you Family….weren’t they…..but we added two more words to it…..ok you are entering the global market….but Parliamentary Finance may I suggest something….there ain’t a bond in hell that is going to be sold until you raise the value of your currency…..well we know about the distrust for our international bonds and the circulation will be difficult….well of course it will be difficult at a program rate… don’t be pretending you are going to sell them at 1166…..don’t even try to pretend that.
I don’t know….global this… that…market this…..I’m seeing international everywhere….I used to see 111 now I see international…you know with trillion dinar student loans that are now being set up not from the international world….you ready for this….it is coming from the CBI…..excuse me….it’s not a loan from the international world….you broke your pattern here Frank….I know.
Check this out….the CBI is willing to put out trillions of dinars for loans for students to get a good education…and you know what the CBI….and you know what the CBI said about this….they said it was a global international strategy….wow….what did you guys do….tell me please…..we will once they tell you about Mosul.
Zebari says….oh by the way….you seven states….thank you for all these loans….IMF….thank you for the loans…..Europeans….everyone thank you for the loans….my gosh we are poised…and the first little chump change loan we got…that has put us perfect with our credit rating….my goodness we are ready.
The GOI says that they sent troops….where… Mosul….wait a minute….so the GOI is finally admitting their army is in Mosul….yeah….well this comes on the heels of a new victory by the Iraqi Army in Fallujah then….yeah pretty cool huh…..can I say…..TA-DA.
Check this one out….”Iraqi Troops in the Area are Reinforcements and will Speed up the Operation for Mosul”…..well yeah that is true we have to give these guys credit….my goodness KTFA Family they are so close to telling you about Mosul…they are inching…and inching…but they are not done with telling you about the edit of Fallujah….but they are starting to get close to being done with Fallujah…and they are starting to get close to telling you about Mosul.
Why do we need Mosul….because of a big military loan from Washington will finance a deal for Iraq for military weapons…..tanks, airplanes….and they are eager to get this….but all of this is awaiting an approval….and that approval….IMO….is the raising of the value of their currency.
Internationalism….from Big Foot to France, to Germany to everyone….Vietnam….everybody.
There are millions of contractors poised to come into Iraq for the growing economy…..I mean look at this….these are huge companies that deal with international companies who enter another country to facilitate things…..everyone is coming into a global investment world in Iraq….especially with the borders being very well secured….not just with troops but with taxes and tariffs now.
Someone came to their senses…now…because they took a census….why did they take a census….because they got a loan that allowed their credit rating to go up….and they need to know how many individual people they have…..the census is important for a lot of things…but in all honesty….the census was taken a long time ago….but the census was part of a loan.
Let me leave you with a little bit about this census….I would like for you to consider what Pappa-J, a skullcrusher did he had a beautiful post about the first half of 2016 and what it is all about….it is the preparation for bringing them into the international world….and the only way they can do this is by raising their value… the question is will they raise the value in the first half…because they are now in the international world….and if we should go into June, July, August, September, whatever….we are going to become even stronger on our forum in discipline….

We are very close IMO…and even though we own the car that they drive for the MR….they tend to drive it crazy because of the pace they are at…..Family they are going to raise the value…there is no doubt about it….we just don’t know when….but I like the condition we are in right now….I like the enthusiasm of the GOI and the CBI working together….and not against each other….and I LOVE the Deposit Law….because that was the next law that needed to come in….but it is not activated…..

The Deposit Law will help them with their e-banking commerce to connect with the World Banks and all the international banks….this will lead to trust in the banks in Iraq….this will create a symbiotic relationship between the citizens and the bank…and not only that…but the citizens and the international community too…this project of e-banking commerce has been going on for many years now….and for them to now release the Deposit Law….I’m sorry that is a marker…that is a pattern….the Deposit Law is in the Gazette….but Iraq is not yet using it because they have not lifted the value…

The Deposit Law is wonderful….powerful….the equivalent to the FDIC when you go to a bank here in the US….Article 140 and the shining wealth of Iraq and all of its tribes has come to its census….if you are an Iraqi….this census is for you……congratulations citizens….your HCL is waiting for you.
Please study WalkingStick’s article that he put out….also the other one he put out….”Parliamentary Variations on Census Laws”….please study these articles that WalkingStick has given you.
The regulation of banks in Iraq is rapid….it’s rampant to international standards….to create order….community….control….trust….confidence and a willingness to trade with this country and their money.
The  IMF laws very plainly say you have to kill your multi-currency policy and you have to add value to your currency….let’s wait till they tell you this after they tell you about Mosul.
The loans were for the credit rating and for the TE confidence.
How did you like your conference call tonight.
Let us be dismissed with a prayer.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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