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Tuesday, June 7, 2016

KTFA Monday Night CC Notes 6-6-16  Part 1 of 2


Aggiedad77:  Here come the notes from last night....enjoy   Aloha    Randy

*** The comments made by Frank26, Delta and others are their sole OPINIONS and cannot and should not be used as any form of financial, tax, banking or investment advice! We offer NO DATE, NO RATE on this forum!!! ***

 CC Notes for Monday June 6, 2016

Frank26:  Are we ready to talk about our investment….what do we do….we review….we go back and look at a little bit of the stuff we have done….but you know the only thing to really look back at is….”give me Mosul”….I’m not changing from that…..I’m not changing from that at all…..we want Mosul.
Now tonight’s conference call….what we are going to do, what I’m going to do is go ahead and give you…..I’m going to share our study….you don’t have to study….you remember last year I got in trouble because I told you….you need to study…..and you told me….how dare you tell me to study….and God told me… dare you tell them to study….if they want to study they will study…..

I don’t tell them to come to Jesus my Son….I show them my Son….and I realized my mistake…..I can’t force you to study….but….I want to bring to you the gift that our Heavenly Father brings to us through our studies…..all honor and glory to Him…..we can’t do this….we think we can do this but we can’t…..God makes things accessible….possible…..because with human beings everything is impossible.
So we share with you and what I would like to share with you tonight as we start is that they don’t say the word “RV”….they don’t say they are revaluing their currency… fact you notice they don’t even say any more that we are going to lift the value of our currency that we are going to add value, that we are going to lift the 000’s…..because that is not necessary…..and we told you this almost a month ago….

About three weeks ago….they are no longer saying the words “RV”….revalue….raise the value…..raise the 000’s….we told you they are only using internationalism…..correct….and tonight’s conference call….obviously I want to bring that out to you and….show you proof of it….and the reason why…..well many of us are saying….well Frank…..what….they are saying they are going to bring Iraq into the international world by the first half of 2016….that is right….and that is what we are going to see tonight.
Iraq is entering….if not already entered….or poised to enter….or has entered and hasn’t told us how they did it….you know….lifting Article 8 into the international world…..and it is a big world out there…..I mean it is HUGE…..the whole world is pitching in….I’ve always said that Iraq is like the pretty girl that everyone wants to take to the prom….everybody….and that is what we are seeing….not revaluation….we are seeing internationalization….do you agree with me….everywhere you look.
Abadi….can I talk about internationalism….Kurdistan….we are international….ok…..Shiites…international….ok….I mean seriously Family….what did the IMF tell us….what they would accomplish in the first half of 2016 with the country of Iraq…..that they would enter them into the international world….this is one of the biggest TA-DA’s that I could ever give you.
Now what I am about to do….I’m going to take you on a magical mystery ride…..I’m going to take you on a little ride with me and my TEAMS… FRIENDS….what we are going to do is we are going to talk to you in the same way we talk to each other throughout the whole week… there along the way you are going to pick up some information….please enjoy.
When DELTA came in last Wednesday and surprised all of us….he said Frankie….Frankie we got three things we need to point out…..NUMBER 1…..this coming Thursday which was last Thursday…the Development Management System is going to establish the Iraqi government in an e-government structure….they will celebrate the launching of this system on Thursday…and they did…..

Family this opens the door for Iraq to go into the international world…..can they….not until we see proof of Article 8 being lifted….do you have it….no…..but you have a lot of shadows of Article 8 everywhere don’t you….yeah…..NUMBER 2….Frankie….Frankie….it turns out that on Iraqia TV….the IMF says they made a deal with Iraq….and they are going to receive a letter of intent to this commitment by the 15th of June….which overlaps with what we told you about the 28th to the 28th to the 28th…..

They didn’t add 30, they added 20 more days to it….sure enough June 15th….they want an answer….they being the IMF who is bringing them into the international world by the first half of 2016…they want an answer from Iraq…..are you going to lift the value of your currency….this is basically the final ok….because if you do lift the value of your currency…and if we do get an ok from you guys from around the 15th with this letter of intent we are asking for….that we told all the Iraqi citizens on Iraqia TV that you are going to give us if you do this….you get the loans….

And on top of that….sidebar…sidebar….oh my gosh do you see all the loans….it was one loan from the IMF and the next thing you know…everybody….everybody……knock knock…who is this….open the door….who is this…open the door Iraq…who is it….Sasquatch…who….Big Foot….who…..Daddy….I got loans for you….everybody wants to give Iraq loans….the moment that the IMF and the US did it and approved their bonds…

And by the way those bonds are going to suck like octopuses if they don’t raise the value of their currency…..meanwhile….NUMBER 3…Frankie….Frankie….we also have an issue with the CBI spreadsheet….why….well you know how we’ve been talking about how they are doing math….accounting….they are doing a lot of homework….yeah….well you know about seven or eight months ago the CBI on their website they took off the program rate of 1188…they even took off 1166….yeah I know that why…..well Frank they took the money supply and they divided it by the foreign money supply….and I’m now seeing a 1 to 1….really….yeah….when did this go up….just recently….he was with us on Wednesday and it happened on last Tuesday….a week from tomorrow… those were the three things that DELTA brought us Family.
No doubt the Development Management System was huge to enter into the international world….no doubt….all these loans….they make you dizzy when you stop and think about it….how is all this possible….how is all of this happening….it doesn’t make any sense….well kind of like the same thing with Fallujah and Mosul….they are telling you now about Fallujah aren’t they…but I’m here to tell you Family….IMO….I’m sorry Family…that was a long time ago…over two months ago…..and we certainly don’t tell you anything about what is going on…with what little bit we know….because you don’t go around talking about our military when they are doing things….

So we were to stand down and as of last Monday….guess what….Family they are about to tell you about Fallujah…and the moment they do….they will tell you about Mosul…and the moment they tell you about Mosul….all the reforms will travel at a very fast pace….and I’m not changing from that…..I’m still agreeing with that.
So let me take you on this magical mystery ride that shows you internationalism and it also shows you an expanded version of our Friday TEAM Chat.
Libya has entered the war against ISIS….ISIS is now in Crete….do you think they are trying to get to the banks…….the banks are secured….then Libya is a solvent country….why would they enter the battle against ISIS….because ISIS is very close…they are right up there where Crete is at…..and if they enter they are afraid they are going to enter their military bases…really….yeah….so it has nothing to do with oil, it has nothing to do with money, with their banks….it has to do with the security of that country….yeah….well then it is actually good to see Libya join this fight….very good….thank you sir….thank you.
Ring…ring…ring…..yes this is Frank how can I help you….hey Frank there is a guru on the internet saying that soldiers are exchanging on military bases in Iraq….well first of all I said….there are no military bases in Iraq….we have no military bases in Iraq ok…..well it could  have been the military bases here in the US….well get your story straight….well all I know is he said they are exchanging at military bases it could be here it could be over there and they are exchanging the Iraqi dinar…..well first of all we do not have any military bases in Iraq…and we do not have any banks in these military bases that are not in Iraq… whatever this information that you got from somebody….I’m sorry….it’s wrong….

I’ve never seen a military base with a foreign exchange office either by the way….there are some military bases abroad that do have some yeah….but not anywhere near where you are talking…..thank you for the information Frank…..oh no problem.
Ring…ring…ring…yes this is Frank how can I help you…..Frank a guru is saying they planted the flag in Mosul….I said….there is no flag planted in Mosul….well maybe he meant there is a flag planted in Fallujah….yeah…Abadi already declared that….and that is where the mistake is at….exaggeration.
Family….there is accountability going on right now…..let me see how I can share this with you….ring….ring….yes this is Frank how can I help you….hey Frank is it true that our American soldiers cannot bring back any of the dinars….that they are cashing out at military bases in Iraq….I said look….this has really gotten silly….I can’t believe all the people who are calling me….to ask me about somebody else.
Family let me try to teach you by giving you this story…..many…many years ago when we first started fighting in Iraq….our soldiers….our military they were handed dinars….I’m not going to tell you the amount….or the denominations….but our soldiers back in 2003 when we entered….our soldiers were given many….many dinars… the thing I want you to know is that DeLaRue was not commissioned until later that year….but here is what I want you to know….because the rumors and the gurus who are causing these problems….they need to behave….when we first entered back in 2003 our American soldiers were given many dinars…and the reason why they were given these dinars….actually they were handing out millions of dinars….a large amount…and it was basically like a check to cover any damages….

I mean we were just entering into the country….if we killed a goat….or blew up a camel…if we shot up a building that was the citizens….here you go…and we paid them….I’m sorry this is for the damages….now the soldiers were told to use this money for that purpose and they did and it covered a lot of the damages that were incurred when we first got there… our American soldiers were told if you purchase dinars through any banks here in this country….yeah you can bring them back home….you bought them legally….you bought them here in a bank in Iraq….yeah you can take them home…..but you know the currency we gave you when we first arrived….to cover our mistakes…that money you have to hand back….and our military when they finished their hitch….they did that….

Now some of them did not hand them back….because you know what they did….they ended up giving it to the citizens or they ended up spending it themselves….in the country of Iraq…..but there is no more money and that was just that one time….you know why there is no more money being given….because there is no more ISIS to cover the damages that are being done… that is what I want you to learn and make note of….there is no more money….and there is no more ISIS…whatever money our soldiers got….they got it legally and they brought it back….and whatever was handed to them that they did not use….they spent it or gave it away to the citizens.
There is too much myopic thinking on the internet and I am afraid the gurus will take anything and make anything out of it…..Iraq really doesn’t care about you…the Monetary Reform….it doesn’t care about you…the government….the CBI….they don’t care about you….you the investor that has bought dinars….and I’m telling you something very sincere when I say this…..when you add up the people on this planet who have purchased dinars…..IMO….and this whole call is IMO….it doesn’t even come up to one federal reserve of a country….you are not important to Iraq….you think oh they want my 000’s….they know you are going to give them back as soon as they raise the value….you are not important to them…whether they tell you what they are doing with the reform is none of your business….or if they don’t tell you it is still none of your business.
But the IMF made it their business to tell the international world…which is you….because you invested…which is many countries because they have invested….this girl is very pretty….everybody wants to take her to the prom… the IMF said look… the first half of this coming 2016 we are going to take Iraq into the international world….and Family…..that is what you are seeing everywhere….and there are loans poised to give to them….not so they could qualify for the international status….no….so they could qualify for a credit rating that allows them to enter into the international world….and it also allows them to qualify for something else….and we will talk about it tonight.
But let’s continue to talk to our TEAMS….you want to…..hey guys….they got a $600 billion loan….from the UN through the IMF… know what this money is for… is for the reconstruction of the cities….wow….now the key point here is….here is more money coming in….where is the logic in this…..when you give someone money freely….there you go that is your money….thank you very much….they don’t have to worry about it…..they are not cornered to pay back…..but everyone that was giving them money are now giving them loans….why….because loans entrap you… are going to pay this back aren’t you…..yeah….give me a contract that says you will pay it back at a different rate…..oh ok….IMO…..and that window you can’t see and it is none of your business right now.
It is fascinating that this money that is coming from the UN through the IMF for the reconstruction of the cities is being controlled…it is being targeted by the IMF….even though it is a loan that they got to pay back…..the UN…the IMF….the USA….whoever is giving them these loans is telling them what to do with the money….targeting this money with contracts inside of Iraq.
The loans are for the government of Iraq but not for them to use it….they are simply going through the government…..and you know why….for accountability…..look inside of the CBI you have the workings of their currency….but inside of the GOI you also have the same thing….uh-oh Frank is tripping he has no idea what he is talking about……no…give me a break….give me a chance….you see inside of Iraq you have the CBI that controls their money….but you also have within their government the Financial Committee….that for one of the very first times….you are seeing an accounting….well you aren’t seeing it because they aren’t showing it….but IOO….we are seeing an accounting effort between the CBI and the Financial Committee inside of the GOI….there is accounting being done….the accounting of the CBI and the GOI is being put on their spreadsheet…..and we with our TEAMS are seeing it and we are sharing it with you….and that is what DELTA brought to you last Wednesday.
You see Family….here in the USA we have what is called the United States Treasury….and we have the Federal Reserve… the Federal Reserve is basically our Central Bank….like the CBI….and the US Treasury is like the Financial Committee within the GOI…..and we also have the accounting for the US Government and  the Federal Reserve don’t we…..interesting…..that is what is going on in Iraq…..there is a lot of accounting going on in Iraq with these loans that have been given to them and the accounting is being done through the CBI and the GOI, Financial Committee…..which is a rarity….that is magical….that is why this is a magical mystery ride.
So when we in the US give money to a nation…..let’s say the US wants to help Uganda… we want to help them so and we write a check…..but we don’t write a check out of the Federal Reserve….we write a check out of the US Treasury…..because that is more with us….interesting isn’t it….in other words it is more related to our Constitution and our laws….and that is why we are separate from the Federal Reserve….and that is why the GOI is separate from the CBI.
What you are seeing is a bonding….in the same manner there is a bonding between the UST and the Federal Reserve in America…..why…..because you need control of the loans being given through their Constitution and laws… see we are dealing with two separate issues….you are dealing with money that is coming in from the international world inside of Iraq….and inside of Iraq we are trying to get it out to the international world.  It is a symbiotic relationship but there are two different roads….our Central Bank cannot be owned by the government…the Federal Reserve cannot be owned by the UST…..they are separate….the CBI and GOI are separate….but the unity we are seeing on the CBI website is telling us they are doing something with their Monetary Reform as the loans are doing something with their Economic Reform….that is why they have the accounting or the Finance Committee which is equivalent to our UST.
I hope this helps you….I hope you understand they have to be separate….they are separate…..and you can see they are physically separate….but I need for you to understand….they are working together right now on all their reforms…..we really like that.
Last time we were together with you on Wednesday we said that France needs to learn to keep its mouth shut…..they came out once again and said….DAASH/ISIS is falling dramatically and the loss of Mosul….it is just the beginning of the end….the beginning of the end of what….Mosul has ended…what do you mean… mean the beginning of the end of Mosul….or the beginning of the end of their currency…..France just shut up.
In the same process we have Kurdistan who has always wanted to trifurcate and become three separate states….I suppose I understand the reasons behind it…..but there is a call for unity…and Kurdistan ever since September/October last year has become a very obedient son….they are doing a lot of things for many reforms….and for Baghdad as well as Abadi…..Barzani is not necessarily bending over backwards but cooperating very well.
“Kurdistan calls for International Companies to Invest in the Extraction of Minerals from the Subsoil”…..yeah….they don’t have veins of gold….they have mountains of gold… see when God created the Garden of Eden He put in four rivers…..rivers bring in many minerals….rivers bring in a lot of wealth and value….when God created this area He did it in abundance….and you see Kurdistan calling for international companies of this planet to come in and extract the minerals from their land.
Lukoil is also deciding they are coming back and want to invest….it’s amazing isn’t it….all of these companies coming back….all of these loans… an international environment that basically they are calling it……”$800 million of the IMF Loan is Coming in Days”…..they got it Saturday….it’s amazing….these are loans that need to be paid back….and if they are in an international theater with these loans….there is no program rate to pay back….and that is why I would say…..I’ll give you a loan….if you give me a contract with the rate I will get.
“In the Parliamentary Finance, By Calling for the Support of Banks and Activating the Deposit Law”….what….the Deposit Law….another law….I told you there were like five more laws didn’t I…..oh yeah I forgot….is this another one we need…..yeah….and pay attention that it is the Parliamentary Finance….wait a minute there is no CBI inside the GOI….wait no….you really did explain that Frank….well this is really good isn’t it…..of course it is good….the accountability of money in the GOI Committee is saying….we need the Deposit Law because we are the ones who create the laws….can you guys here at the GOI help me and the Parliamentary Financial Committee by giving us the Deposit Law now…

Why….because we are entering an international world and the Deposit Law is going to allow all of these international countries to come in with great confidence…’s kind of like…we want them to come into our banks and bring us their money….if they bring in their money they have to convert it to our money and with our banks we make a profit… know with the exchange rate….but they are not going to do it unless we have the Deposit Law…..alright we will get the Deposit Law.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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