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Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Dinar Updates Tuesday AM Chat  6-7-16   Part 3 of 3

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Dinar Updates Tuesday AM Chat  6-7-16   Part 3 of 3

larrykn says to rcookie():thank you , I was thinking that but wasn't sure
larrykn says():A government source: the Kurds ministers resume their attendance of meetings of the Council of Ministers
Last Updated: June 7, 2016 - 13:17  BAGHDAD / News Network Iraq, a government source said early Tuesday that Kurdish ministers resumed their attendance to the Council of Ministers, after weeks on absenteeism after the incident to storm council building Alnwab.oukal
Source: "The finance ministers Hoshyar Zebari, culture Faryad Roandozi, immigration Jassim Mohammed who belong to the Kurdistan alliance attended the cabinet meeting today.
"the ministers and MPs Kurds recently decided to boycott the sessions of the House of Representatives and the ministers after the incident to break into the green Zone and the parliament building and the attack on a number of Kurdish MPs end of last April.
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larrykn says():Vice: The Federal Court's decision will be, along with al-Jubouri political interference!
Last updated: June 7, 2016 - 11:46  BAGHDAD / News Network Iraq came in the Committee of Experts report, the problem in advance by the Federal Court to look at the invitation of the appeal hearings of Parliament last, submitted by the protestors of Representatives,
and the other lodged against the protestors of Representatives, on the meeting , which was held under the chairmanship of Adnan al - Janabi, during which the vote on the dismissal of Salim Alajabura.naib civil power,
high - Sheikh Ali, posted on his page in Facebook: "I put before the members of the House of Representatives and the Iraqi people and the media a summary of the report of the Committee of experts, whose mandate under the Federal Supreme Court on the Council of Representatives, included the dismissal of the previous presidency and elect a president new temporary board, which can be read in the light of the Federal Court decision which will be released later, as follows:
House of Representatives session on April 14, 2016
1 - The number of quorum of 129 deputies.
2 - The number of voters amounted to manage Mr. Adnan Abdel Monem Rashid session , 120 deputies, with 9 abstentions.
3 - The number of voters was the dismissal of Mr. Saleem al - Jubouri , 121 deputies and with 8 abstentions.
4 - The number of voters was the dismissal of Mr. Hamoudi 120 deputies, with 9 abstentions.
5 - The number of voters was the dismissal of Mr. Aram Sheikh Mohammed 123 deputies abstained and six abstained.
6 - when checking lists of signatures attached to the case file it turned out to be a private and not a quorum to vote.
7 - Number of present staff of 30 people.
House of Representatives session on April 19, 2016
1 - the number of attendees reached earlier in the session 126 MPs after the withdrawal of a number of blocks.
2 - the Commission was unable to calculate the number of voters on the choice of Adnan Abdel Monem Rashid as interim president for the management of the
larrykn says():the meeting, due to lack of Representatives sitting in their designated places and the accompanying chaos.
3 - did not address the meeting only to invite deputies to be elected on the Presidency at the next meeting.
House of Representatives session on April 26, 2016 AD
1 - Total quorum main hall 173 deputies reached.
2 - Total quorum Great Hall 179 deputies reached.
3 - has not been able to commission experts to determine the number of voters on the dismissal and naming ministers, due to sit rapid imaging method and impartial rule of cameras.
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larrykn says to rcookie():these are a good indicator as to where we are at and what they have planned I've never seen them do things like this for anyone who keeps saying I've seen this in the past
larrykn says to rcookie():we are in a new Iraq now, I'm so excited as to what is going on :)
larrykn says():Vote on the remains of the new cabin waiting for the end of the legislative recess
Dated: Tuesday 07/06/2016 3:48  Iraq today / special  Ministerial cabin provided by the Government, has been voted upon in installments, it was to postpone the vote on the rest of the portfolios in the cabin, so the fire Athtrq political struggle which has taken an arena of Parliament.
Parliamentary Legal Committee, touched on the fate of the vote on the rest of the cabin, where he declared, "The completion of the vote on the amendment ministerial cabin, and sworn in the new prime minister, will be conducted during the sessions of the new legislative term."
MP Hassan Turan - a committee member of the Iraqi Turkmen Front, pledged that his committee would be able to pass some laws in the next days: "There is legislation important laws package, still Off we passing in the new legislative term sessions" - referring to the Federal Court Rules general amnesty and accountability, justice and the prohibition of the Baath Party and the follow-up to recover the money smuggled.
The share of the new ministerial cab from the talk, it was in these lines: "The parliament will go to complete the modification of ministerial cabin and vote on them, and then sworn in the new prime minister in the coming sessions, after the legislative recess and resume the business end of the beginning of the month of July."
MP Turan, then commented on the problem of quorum, which has become impossible as a result of the political crisis, and its impact on passing laws: "The achievement of a quorum in the new chapter sessions, does not constitute an obstacle, and will take effect automatically after the end of the parliamentary crisis, the Declaration of the Federal Court decision in the appeal proceedings."
mention quickly, that the House of Representatives officially began the legislative recess, last week, and will last one month, after he finished second legislative term sessions extraordinary session, did not complete the quorum.
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 larrykn says():War exclude session of Parliament held in June and the speaker of parliament would not venture again to call for an extraordinary session
Dated: Tuesday 07/06/2016 3:48   Follow-up / Iraq today   Following the legal expert Tareq Harb on the scheduled Parliamentary Iraqi Council of Representatives a statement, which included the possibility of a parliamentary session to say he was "unlikely session of parliament held throughout the month of June, so that this month is the second month of the parliamentary holiday, which lasts until the thirtieth of this month
And on and 01/07/2016 will be the beginning of the first semester of the third year of the Parliament in accordance with Article 57 of the Constitution and Article 22 of the Rules of Procedure of the House of Representatives, because the House of Representatives did not enjoy the first part of the holiday, which started from 05/01/2016 up to 30.05.2016 any entire month of May, "added the war,
and that" the proceedings before the Federal Supreme Court on the legality of the parliamentary sessions for the month of April 2016 is unlikely to be resolved in the next deadline tomorrow, Wednesday, 06.08.2016
so that this date will be the date to deliver a report experience to the parties to the lawsuit to indicate their opinion on this report after the completion of writing by the experts whom the Court assumed the appointment, obliging them to submit a detailed report experience for this lawsuit, including parliamentary sessions placed challenged judicial before the court may be asked to a party to the proceedings,
any vice-reform protestors session and agents Prime the House of Representatives to postpone the hearing to a new date for the study or report the experience of a party to the proceedings may approve the report and ask the other party to postpone the case to the new date for the examination of the report,
especially if the report indicates against the interest of the party and the interests of the other party or to apply for both sides or one of its edges lawsuit the appointment of five experts in accordance with the provisions of the Evidence Act,
which give them this power, and therefore will postpone the case or may be required to suit a party or one of them discuss the experts in their report, which follows that to postpone the hearing to a new date making it difficult to hold a parliamentary session and be unlikely held in private if the front reform suspended attend the meetings of the parliament on a decision by the Federal Court,
"emphasized the war" that might not convene parliament is increasing by the month of Ramadan, which is a pretext for the degradation of some MPs to participate in this session, and add to that the issue of liberalization of Fallujah and the consequent Forward voltage to security and military side as well as the constitutional inhibitor,
so that the holding of a positive article Bell (58 / I) of the Constitution requires that
larrykn says():the extraordinary meeting, which if held associated new exceptional circumstance or new emergency situation got during the parliamentary recess did not exist prior to the start of the holiday parliamentary,
and told his parliament rapporteur matters not exceptional and not an emergency but not new, and previous experience that the oldest graduate of parliament in the last session had its share of failure, where a quorum was not achieved for parliament in its last session we do not believe that the Speaker of parliament Sagamr again to call for an extraordinary session to be achieved the quorum doubtful and therefore, many things stand in front of the report by parliament rapporteur in his statement. "
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pizzaman says():GM all....anyone want to interpret and comment on those last two articles ?
larrykn says to pizzaman():the last article is this guy saying they won't meet till the 13th, he doesn't believe they can agree by tomorrows date, but how much I believe they say and do are two different things 
pizzaman says():OK...I thought he was saying they would not meet this month...hope your interpretation is correct
larrykn says to pizzaman():the first article looks like they are going to past some big laws in the coming days
larrykn says to pizzaman():reread the first part of it
pizzaman says():I did...I can see your point...but these articles read like greek to me
larrykn says to pizzaman():I hear ya there lol
larrykn says to pizzaman():also remember they are on a timeline ,, first half of 2016 which is coming to an end soon and with all these loans at stake I would think they will get it done this month
pizzaman says to larrykn():Yes...and that first article RCookie brought in was exciting!
larrykn says to pizzaman():yes it is , I'm excited we are in a real good place now :)
pizzaman says to larrykn():what was your take on that Federal Court decision article?
larrykn says to pizzaman():I think we will see the results in the near future and like BGG says , the bad guys will be nothing but losers for now on

larrykn says to pizzaman():I believe its time to look where the money is now not the politics

pizzaman says to larrykn():Certainly hope thats the case and another reason to delay doesnt avail itself
larrykn says to pizzaman():I don't believe there has been a delay , just a process

pizzaman says to larrykn():Agree with the process...but I still think a cooperative parliament in session would help smooth things out and move things along in a more timely fashion
larrykn says():the thing is parliment will always be in disagreements like all govenments, I don't think the politics and the reforms have that much in common

pizzaman says():disagreement yes, but disfunctional is another and it can't help the cause.
larrykn says():well to a point, they do need stablity and security

larrykn says():artlicles this morning saying the Kurds are back in town , thats a good start so Im thinking everyone knows its time to get this done an will not do it. time is running out and everyone wants the MONEY
pizzaman says():agree with that !

larrykn says():one thing about the ME to get their attention just offer them MONEY :D
pizzaman says():(lol)
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