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Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Dinar Updates Tuesday AM Chat  6-7-16   Part 2 of 3

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Dinar Updates Tuesday AM Chat  6-7-16   Part 2 of 3
wilson6060 says():GM everyone....Are We There Yet....:D :P
subgirl says to larrykn():quick go look !!!lol
subgirl says to wilson6060():We are in exciting times right now!!! WOW!!!!!
wilson6060 says():Yup, it is awesome...
subgirl says to wilson6060():that article ought to put a BIG smile on your face!!!! :)
wilson6060 says():For sure..
subgirl says to wilson6060():course of i am doing this: :D
subgirl says to wilson6060():I am pretty excited! :) Come on IRAQ!!! lol
rcookie says():About 10,000 Civilians Escape Iraqi City of Fallujah in Past 10 Days - UN
MIDDLE EAST   07/06/2016 01:53  Topic: Violence Erupts as Islamic State Rises (1693 )
About 10,000 people have fled the Iraqi city of Fallujah occupied by the Daesh terror group, UN agencies said in a joint press release on Monday.
WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - Officials from the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF), the World Food Program, World Health Organization and International Organization for Migration based their estimate on a weekend visit to the camps, according to the release.
Soldiers from the Syrian army carry a rocket to fire at Daesh positions in the province of Raqqa, Syria
Syria, Russia Must Avoid Targeting Non- Designated Terror Groups in Syria - DOS
The estimate came amid reports that Daesh fighters were shooting people who attempt to flee the city.
"In the past ten days, approximately 10,000 people have come to these [government-set] camps to seek safety and services," the agencies stated. "An estimated 50,000 people remain trapped in the city as the military offensive continues."
Fallujah, located some 42 miles west of the Iraqi capital Baghdad, is one of the largest cities in the Anbar province. The Daesh, outlawed in many countries including Russia, has been in control of the city since 2014.
The Iraqi Army and Shiite militias, backed by US airstrikes, launched the offensive to retake Fallujah on May 22.
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larrykn says to subgirl():wow great news :)
subgirl says to larrykn():yep that is what I said about the WTO!!!
larrykn says to subgirl():I like were things are going
subgirl says to larrykn():me too!!!AWESOME MORNING!!!
rcookie says():Iraq's foreign minister says that Qassem Soleimani works military adviser in his country with the blessing of the government
Ending the controversy over the secret Iranian military appearance near Fallujah
Jun 07, 2016  Oman Anatolia said the Iraqi foreign minister, Ibrahim al-Jaafari, on Monday, the commander of the «Qods» in «Revolutionary Guards of Iran», Qassem Soleimani, «working in the Iraqi territory function of military adviser to the knowledge of the Iraqi government and its know-how full», ending the state of the debate about the mystery of the recent emergence of the battlefield near the city of Fallujah in western Iraq.
He said during a press conference at his country's embassy in Amman, where being a visit to Jordan, that the «Baghdad is fighting a war on behalf of the countries of the world against al Daash», adding that «elements of this active organization on the ground in Iraq come from about 100 countries».
He said the Iraqi minister that the delay in regaining control of the city of Fallujah from the grip of state regulation until now, despite what he described as »the victory achieved on the ground», due to the «keenness of the Iraqi forces to preserve the lives of civilians, who Atakzhm Daash as human shields in Fallujah.»
Iraqi troops began in May 23 / May last, a military campaign to regain Fallujah, the second largest city in the grip of state regulation, after Mosul (north), which is a stronghold of the Islamic organization in Iraq.
A few days after the start of the military campaign to regain Fallujah, pages on social networking sites to advocate militias «popular crowd» Shiite, participating in the campaign showed, meetings between Soleimani and military leaders in the crowd on the outskirts of Fallujah.
The Saudi foreign minister, Adel al-Jubeir, said during a televised interview in the May 26 / May last, said his country considered the presence Soleimani in Iraq that it is «very negative».
He added: «Revolutionary Guards fighting the Syrian people, to fight in Iraq, and carry out sabotage activities in other parts of the world», adding that «what he is doing Soleimani, the Revolutionary Guards in Iraq is unacceptable» by the UK.
In a related development, received Jordan's King Abdullah II, yesterday, Minister al-Jaafari, who conveyed to him a message from Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, discussed ways to strengthen relations between the two countries, in addition to overall developments in Iraq, according to a statement of the Royal Court.
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rcookie says():The king, during the meeting, which took place in Husseiniya Palace in Amman, «Kingdom's support to the efforts of the Iraqi government in the face of extremist gangs», praising «the Iraqi army, including his efforts in addressing the terrorist gang Daash and defeated», according to the statement.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates Affairs of Jordan, Nasser Judeh, had met earlier in the day al-Jaafari, and discussed with him bilateral relations and the latest developments in Iraq and the region and the challenges facing the two countries, according to the government news agency «Petra».
The two sides reviewed, according to the agency, «efforts to confront extremism and terrorism, which affects everyone, and Iraq in particular». Quality confirmed that Jordan «at the forefront of the war» on what he described as »Kharijites era».
Jaafari arrived yesterday to visit Jordan in a one-day, and comes as part of an Arab tour in the region, including Egypt, which he visited Saturday, aiming to mobilize Arab support for Iraq in its war against the state regulation.
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larrykn says to rcookie):do you think this battle they are going thru has anything to do with them coming into the global market,,( security)
larrykn says():Central Bank: procedures in determining the dollar intended to codify sell
Published in: 13:30, June 7, 2016   Opinion economy
The central bank said Tuesday that its procedures on determining the dollar intended to codify sell, asking all employees of the banking domain to abide by his decision on the sale at a price of 1200 dinars to the dollar.
The general director of banking and credit control Ihsan Shomran Yasiri "a Bank on determine the sale price of the dollar in 1200 dinars comes to codify and rationalize sell," noting that "citizens can, who are forced to buy the dollar for more than its price have submitted complaints to the Central Bank to be paid by the bank account and companies conversion done Baaah more than the price fixed
He Yasiri on "citizens to get a dollar from registered as a follow-up and accountability of institutions in case bucked the FAQ," pointing out that "the citizen who allows himself to deal with parties unknown and unregistered, not given a receipt, he wasted a chance accounting and re-rights."
He called Yasiri all employees of the banking domain of "commitment decision because the country is fighting," pointing out that "some of them are indifferent to what is happening in the country" .anthy
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rcookie says():Baghdad market and the provinces teeming with people purchasing groceries in the middle of the stability in prices
7/6/2016 0:00   Jinan al-Asadi Baghdad Nasiriyah - Hazem Mohammed Al Kut - Shahid Hasan
With the holy month of Ramadan, filled with popular markets and stores that sell food in Baghdad and the provinces with people purchasing groceries to buy what they need for a table of Ramadan, as citizens flocked heavily on the markets are willing to provide for their needs of food during the holy month, especially in the (beautiful Alwa) within Sadr City. This comes at a time when the relevant departments have taken measures to maintain prices and prevent the exploitation of citizens by the weak people.
Shopping month of Ramadan
She said the need for, or on behalf after the completion of the purchase of what you need from food items from markets (beautiful Alwa) statement »Sabah»: The Ramadan special flavor it brings the family at one table, along with the participation of most of the family members in the preparation of various kinds of food, indicating it has prepared a list for the purchase of the necessary beans and canned meat as well as cheeses, noting that the high temperatures and fasting, Haddaha to buy large quantities than you need him instead of going out every day.
She said she is going to the market for the convenience of prices, especially as the goods are sold at wholesale prices, saying that prices have not seen any rise in the opposite of what was expected by some traders from weak people who are always taking advantage of the needs of citizens of various kinds, to raise prices.
As noted Almtda Haider Sarhan said this is the second time that comes to the market to complete what you need his family from food items, stressing his commitment to provide everything you need from the white and red meat as well as legumes, code lentils and livestock, rice, chickpeas, what Igainh for exit of the market in times of fasting,
pointing out that he returns for years to go to the beautiful Alwa market stressing that where all the necessary table of Ramadan and at a wholesale price to find what it takes to save money, especially if shopping for the month of Ramadan is usually an additional economic burden on the shoulders of the Iraqi family.
Good market movement
For his part, Kazim Jasim one shop owners, market movement during the month of Ramadan for the current year b »good» and with a turnout quite a bit by the citizens of Etjhezwa food and what they need to prepare breakfast, referring to the keenness of shop owners to provide all that is new and presented to the consumer as types of fresh juices and rice or encourage him by asserting that prices did not rise.
He said the rising prices of some goods return to the feet of some of the shop owners outside Alallop, to raise prices, blaming wholesale shop owners, what drives the citizen to go about wholesale markets to shop.
Committees to monitor prices
The owner of another shop within Alallop, which is often O., said the markets are active each year during the holy month, as it buys the citizen for his family a lot of the needs of the fast of the basic materials for making kinds of soups, raisins, Kamarudin and different kinds of foods, fruits and vegetables that are available at reasonable prices,
but he also said: the past years have been witnessing a larger turnout than seen today, attributing this to the economic situation and the financial crisis experienced by the country prompted the majority of the sufficiency all the things necessary.
He attributed the presence of a slight increase at the price of some materials to the heavy demand by the consumer, which is a barrier for low-income families, something that requires the presence of special committees
rcookie says():Intense campaigns
In Dhi Qar, financial and economic intelligence division in the province carried out extensive campaigns to market surveillance and follow-up in food prices and monopoly during the month of Ramadan.
A source in the division, in a statement »Sabah»: The detachments of the Division of Financial and Economic Intelligence intensive campaigns on the markets and shops to monitor the work during the month of Ramadan began.
He said the campaign resulted in the arrest of three traders after controlling for expired food items in their stores were seizure and confiscation and transfer of indictees to the competent courts.
Import goods
But in Wasit, the local government has brought its call for traders and assistants agents to import goods and foodstuffs Zurbatiyah across the border port and put the markets during the month of Ramadan to put an end to rising prices.
He said the information department in the province by Thamer al-Tai »Sabah» that the local government in Wasit will work to overcome all the obstacles that can stand in front of the mechanism of import.
He said Wasit called on all responsible parties in the port to overcome the obstacles that stand in front of the mechanism of import of goods by conservative traders and prevent them from performing their role in the supply of various goods and goods for the citizens of the province, pointing out that the conservative owner Saidi traders and importers need to import greater quantities of goods and materials student food with an emphasis on the importance of increasing commodity supply during the days of the month of Ramadan in order to stabilize prices.
Overcome difficulties
He said al-Tai said a delegation from the local government visited Eelam Iranian province to discuss overcoming the difficulties facing entering Iranian foodstuffs across Zurbatiyah port, pointing out that there is an agreement was with the Iranian side on the entry of Iranian food into the province of Wasit markets, and the abolition of standard routine at the port to check those materials in order to miss the opportunity to visually souls of traders who take advantage of the ordinary citizen and monopolize goods to mark the holy month of Ramadan.
Data recording
For his part, spokesman for Prime Wasit Saif Salah Mehdi »Sabah» said the council formed a committee to monitor the prices in the local markets and compared to prices prevailing in the wholesale market and to reduce the uniqueness food prices by some traders.
He explained that the committee will raise the daily report to the Secretary of the Board and registration of data that can be identified in which the high and low prices of food and other goods, including clothing that can record up to Eid al-Fitr.
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