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Monday, June 6, 2016

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments  6-6-16 

 Post From BondLadys Corner

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments  6-6-16 

Provide transparency by adopting the digital economy 
6/6/2016 0:00    BAGHDAD Mustafa al - Hashimi
said economic researcher Lubna al - Shammari: the adoption of new technologies and their applications in the economic aspects of Iraq would strengthen governance and check gears quality in the performance of the economy in general and the stock market in particular.
Modern systems and added - Shammari said in an interview »Sabah» that Iraq sought market Securities for the application of modern systems for the success of the deployment of trading directly on global sites will serve as a magnet for investment indirect factor and enhances the performance of the market.
She said the show trading bulletins own market Iraq Securities on the Arab and international economic sites will be the definition of foreign investors , exchange - traded sectors factor as well encouraging local investors to engage in the side of the indirect financial investments.
announced the Iraq Stock Exchange, the middle of last month, the signing of three agreements for the development of their dealings in order to ensure market move new, advanced to the stage and content in its financial transactions.
financial Services is seeking market to expand its contracts to include other specialized agencies the provision of financial services and dissemination of data and information for financial markets to investors, including data and prices of shares traded for the moment implemented online price over the bar prices ».
and put a Shammari Speaking to direct the transformation of Iraq 's importance to the digital economy as it provides transparency and significantly reduce the corruption and manipulation and fraud, as well as the reduction of effort and time to stroll public transactions and ease the pressure on staff during the completion of transactions in different ministries and departments.
and felt it was time to leave paperwork and transition to digitization and computerization of data and information instead of paper archiving outdated system, stressing that a number of departments of ministries began working mail , but the others have not been able to shift entirely to the digitization of information, data and computerization can cause confusion for the auditors between the  two circles.
 [tlm724] the adoption of new technologies and their applications in the economic aspects of Iraq would strengthen governance and check gears quality in the performance of the economy in general and the stock market in particular
[tlm724] announced the Iraq Stock Exchange, the middle of last month, the signing of three agreements for the development of their dealings in order to ensure market move new, advanced to the stage and content in its financial transactions.
Rate of Arab and foreign currencies compared to the dinar
BAGHDAD - The Journal News
Offer to you (Journal News), on Monday, currency and foreign exchange Orabi prices according to what we received from the sale of the currency market:
U.S. dollar
US $ 1 = 1,181.0000 Iraqi dinars
1 Iraqi dinars = US $ 0.0008
Paper price category of $ 100 = 128.800 Iraqi Dinars
1 euro = Iraqi dinars 1,342.3246
IQD 1 = 0.0007 euros
Sterling pound
£ 1 = 1,714.2227 Iraqi dinars
IQD 1 = 0.0006 pounds
Canadian Dollar
1 CAD = 912.8150 dinars
IQD 1 = 0.0011 Canadian dollars
Australian Dollar
1 AUD = 869.9239 dinars
IQD 1 = 0.0011 Australian dollars
Japanese Yen
1 Japanese Yen = 11.0845 dinars
IQD 1 = 0.0902 Japanese yen
Egyptian Pound
1 Egyptian Pound = 132.9094 dinars
IQD 1 = 0.0075 Egyptian pounds
Saudi riyal
1 SAR = 314.8955 dinars
IQD 1 = 0.0032 SAR
UAE dirham
1 AED = 321.5224 dinars
IQD 1 = 0.0031 AED
Sudanese Pound
1 SDG = 194.0934 dinars
IQD 1 = 0.0052 Sudanese pounds
Algerian dinar
1 DA = 10.6979 dinars
IQD 1 = 0.0935 DA
Bahraini Dinar
1 BD = 3,131.7122 Iraqi dinars
IQD 1 = 0.0003 BD
Jordanian Dinar
JD 1 = 1,667.9613 Iraqi dinars
IQD 1 = 0.0006 JD
Kuwaiti dinar
1 KD = 3,909.9487 Iraqi dinars
IQD 1 = 0.0003 Kuwaiti dinars
Lebanese Pound
1 LP = 0.7816 Iraqi dinars
IQD 1 = 1.2794 LP
NIS 1 = 307.0004 dinars
IQD 1 = 0.0033 NIS
Libyan dinar
1 LD = 888.0033 dinars
IQD 1 = 0.0011 LD
Moroccan dirham
1 Moroccan Dirham = 122.3967 dinars
IQD 1 = 0.0082 Moroccan dirhams
Mauritanian ounce
1 UM = 3.3268 Iraqi dinars
IQD 1 = 0.3006 UM
Syrian Lira
1 SYP = 5.3717 Iraqi dinars
IQD 1 = 0.1862 LS
Somali shilling
1 Somali Shilling = 1.9652 Iraqi dinars
IQD 1 = 0.5088 Somali Shilling
Omani Rial
RO 1 = 3,067.6918 Iraqi dinars
IQD 1 = 0.0003 RO
Qatari Riyal
QR 1 = 324.4550 dinars
IQD 1 = 0.0031 QR
Tunisian Dinar
1 TND = 557.8254 dinars
IQD 1 = 0.0018 Tunisian dinars
Yemeni riyal
1 YR = 4.7216 Iraqi dinars
IQD 1 = 0.2118 YR
Djiboutian franc
1 Djibouti francs = 6.6447 Iraqi dinars
IQD 1 = 0.1505 Djibouti francs

tlm724     MOF June 6, 2016
Therealbubbie      anyway you look at it , it's still junk !
 Zebari thanked " the seven states " to provide " generous loan " for Iraq
06/06/2016 13:39      BAGHDAD / tomorrow Press : through the Finance Minister, Hoshyar Zebari, on Monday, expressed his thanks and appreciation to his counterparts in the Group of Seven countries and the European Union for financial support " generous " obtained by Iraq to overcome the financial crisis experienced by .
A statement from the Ministry of Finance, has received " Tomorrow 's Press , " a copy of the " Minister of Finance met with the heads of the UN and the EU missions and the Group of Seven and the European countries and the World Bank and the Japanese Agency for International Cooperation accredited to Iraq , " the statement added , "
The minister has briefed Agreement Get ready 's credit ( SBA) with the international Monetary Fund and the efforts made ​​by the government's efforts to get the international financial support from friendly countries and international institutions to help Iraq to withstand and overcome the challenges faced by the war on terrorism and defeat al Daash terror on the one hand and narrowing the financial gap witnessed by the budget for Iraq in 2016 and the years that followed . "
He noted that " Zebari expressed his gratitude to those organizations and countries for their support for Iraq at this stage, reflecting the international community 's understanding of the challenges experienced by the extent of international support enjoyed by his government . " the Minister of Finance, according to the statement that " the government for its part will be faithful to its c
ommitments under the standby credit program , which was reached recently between Iraq agreement and the international Monetary Fund, which has contributed greatly to stimulate the donor countries to provide adequate support, and enhance the credibility of Iraq 's finance in the global financial markets and the credit rating agencies . "
, The statement " It should be noted that , Hoshyar Zebari , the Minister of Finance may face on the morning of 06/06/2016 messages of thanks and appreciation to his counterparts in the countries of the Group of Seven and the European Union 's generous financial support obtained by Iraq to overcome the financial crisis experienced by the other hand the government to the G seven G7 to bring financial support by 3.6 billion . "    LINK 

tlm724    Finance Minister meets heads of UN missions and the European Union and the Group of Seven countries and the European countries and the World Bank and the Japanese Agency for International Cooperation accredited to Iraq
Monday June 6, 2016   He met with Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari on the morning 6June 2016 Rasat UN and EU missions and the Group of Seven countries and the European countries and the World Bank and the Japanese Agency for International Cooperation (JICA) accredited to Iraq,
where he briefed the minister 's credit Get ready Agreement ( SBA) With the International Monetary Fund and the efforts made ​​by the Government's efforts to get the international financial support from friendly countries and international institutions to help Iraq to withstand and overcome the challenges faced by the war on terrorism and defeat al Daash terror on the one hand, and narrowing the financial gap witnessed by the budget for Iraq in 2016 The years that followed, which will enable Iraq to overcome the financial crisis experienced by the other hand.
The Minister also expressed his gratitude to those organizations and countries for their support for Iraq at this stage, reflecting the international community 's understanding of the challenges experienced by the extent of international support enjoyed by his government gave Mr. Minister Acknowledgement government states the Group of Seven G7 to bring financial support by 3.6 billion.
Sovereignty was confirmed by the government for its part will be faithful to its commitments under an agreement to prepare the credit program, which reached his recent between Iraq and the International Monetary Fund, which has contributed greatly to stimulate the donor countries to provide adequate support, and enhance the credibility of Iraq's finance in the global financial markets and the rating agencies global credit .
This should be noted that Mr. Hoshyar Zebari, Minister of Finance may face on the morning of 06.06.2016 and messages of thanks and appreciation to his counterparts in the Group of Seven countries and the European Union 's generous financial support received by Iraq from the group states.
Shredd      "Sovereignty was confirmed by the government for its part will be faithful to its commitments under an agreement to prepare the credit program, which reached his recent between Iraq and the International Monetary Fund, which has contributed greatly to stimulate the donor countries to provide adequate support, and enhance the credibility of Iraq's finance in the global financial markets and the rating agencies global credit."
Shredd:   We get a greater peek at the power of this and future loan agreements to Iraq. You may think them taking loans is a bad thing but not so.
Shredd:   First, countries have faith in Iraq's ability and intention to repay.
Shredd:   Second, Iraq taking and repaying these loans will enhance their credit rating with the rating agencies. This will in turn allow them to lower interest rates and expand the pool of lenders in future loans.
Shredd:   This is not a sign that Iraq is struggling and needs help. This is a sign that Iraq has matured to participate more in the global economic finance partnerships.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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