Don't WAIT!

Monday, June 6, 2016

Awake-in-3D: "Post RV-My Personal Take" 



As another crazy day comes to a close, I remain quiet and passive.

When unverifiable info becomes confusing and polarized, the smart play is to remain on the sidelines and wait for a glimmer of light and truth to break through the murky haze and illuminate the path forward.

As this all draws increasingly to a close - and it is drawing us towards the final act - it's time for me, and all of us (IMO) to take personal stock of our current situations and fully recognize that our unique, individual lives will not be the same in the near future. 

We have all struggled through and lived the roller coaster of this event on a daily basis - some for months, some for years. We have predominantly focused our energy on every detail, every rumor, every conference call and intel post.

We all have imagined ourselves walking into the exchange appointment to be sure. Yet, how many of us have concretely envisioned the conclusion of that exchange appointment?

How many of us have come to definitive and practical decisions on what we will do when it comes to the critical choice-point of our appointments?
It's one thing to have a plan for asking questions, negotiating, and navigating the many possible eventualities of the exchange process. But concluding the appointment is an entirely different matter.

Have you done a self-evaluation of where you are now financially and contrasted that with what your future financial situation "realistically" needs to be?

One that would allow you and your family to live securely, happily and stress-free for the rest of your life? Or, is your plan simply to "see what you can get" and figure it out from there?

Success in achieving goals, making solid decisions, and having absolute confidence is to know what you need and want, in absolute terms, before you walk into the exchange.

With all of the talk of vastly different rates and scenarios spread all across Dinar Land, how will we know when to shake hands and complete the exchange transaction, or when to keep asking questions, or... to stand up and walk away from the table?

If we don't know ahead of time, what will provide for a satisfactory transaction within our own unique, personal lives, what will we use as agauge to trigger the decision?

Example: If you are offered 11 cents for your ZIM, and you ask if there is any opportunity for a higher rate, and the answer is no, will you hold out, or argue for a higher rate that you "think" should be available? If the answer is still no, have you decided beforehand on whether you will decline the offer or take the offer?

Will you be happy and satisfied? Or angry and resentful?

This is important, because if you have not decided today on your personal trigger point, based on your own unique and personal financial evaluation (for making a conclusive decision within the coming exchange process), you will be unable to decide when that moment of truth arrives. 

All of the rumors and info that has ever been bantered around Dinar Land will not matter when you are one-on-one in the exchange appointment.

You can't call a GooRoo, you can't post a question here on this site and wait for advice - you must know what will make you happy financially before you walk into the appointment.

When you are armed with this knowledge in advance, and are presented with a transaction scenario that meets your predetermined criteria, you can close the deal and walk out confident and satisfied because you have meet your personal goals and plans.

If the exchange scenario offered exceeds your predetermined plan, then gratitude and opportunities are truly sweetened. 
My personal take: In the end, I don't care if someone may get a higher rate than I get.

I don't care if maybe I did not negotiate properly and may have received a higher rate if I had just said something differently.

I don't care if I am offered such a great rate that I may have to accept a structured payment.

I don't care what the rate I get is called (Sovereign, or whatever).

I know what I want and what will financially set my family up for a lifetime. It's not a overly large number - I have set my objectives within reason - not some low number - but one that makes for a really great life.

Of course I will discuss all issues, ask many questions, negotiate appropriately, and play the smart play. But if I have a deal that meets or exceeds my personal plan, I will walk away as the happiest soul on the planet and won't look back. 

What I will not do is come into my exchange from a place of uncertainty over what will bring financial freedom, satisfaction, security and a sense of fulfillment to me, on my own unique and personal level.

What others may get, relative to me, or what offers may or may not be available are not factors in what will allow me to decide on what I will do when that critical choicepoint arrives.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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