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Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Wealthwatch Chat Room News & Comments 5-24-16  Part 2 of 2

Post From  Chat Room

Wealthwatch Chat Room News & Comments 5-24-16  Part 2 of 2

 chattels: W.G. Dunlop ‏@wgdunlop 8h8 hours ago Iraq forces launch assault on IS bastion Fallujah, which has been outside govt control for nearly 2.5 years @AFP
Tootsie: ‹@chattels› here ye be ~ Article (22) First: The Council of Representatives session of the annual two legislative seasons , running for eight months starts first in March 1 and ends on June 30 of each year, and the second begins in September 1 and ends on 31 December.
Second: the legislative term in which she presented the state budget does not end until after approval. Third convenes meetings of the Council at least two days a week and for the presidency commission extended or identified as necessary.
Tootsie: ‹@chattels› more here
chattels: BAGHDAD / Network Tell A Iraq Legal Committee of Parliament announced, Monday, that the parties to the lawsuit on the legality of two sessions of the House of Representatives handed over to the Federal Court all data for the case to be considered by next Wednesday.
She said committee member MP Ibtisam al- Hilali today: " The parties to the proceedings on the legality of sessions delivered all the data relating to the case and is currently at the Federal Court. " she said Hilali, that" the arrival of the data relating to the case will contribute to speed up the court resolving the case .................
chattels: ‹@Tootsie› ty
Tootsie: Night! YVW - I was curious also, as had a brain fxxt with respect to date ~ Have fun
chattels: Iraq kicks off historic Fallujah operation against Islamic State
chattels: "Strategically, [the success of this operation will mean] IS will not be as close to Baghdad as now, as Fallujah is the strongest IS-controlled point to Baghdad,"
chattels: "A battlefield victory will bolster Abadi's position and help him dictate the points of the political agenda in Iraq,"
chattels: susannah george ‏@sgreports 4h4 hours ago while Iraq announces big Fallujah op - previous "victories" in Anbar remain largely uninhabitable
chattels: Iraqi politics is now fragmented and in total deadlock. But just as there are new, albeit strained Sunni-Shia relations in the war on ISIS, nothing is simple in Iraq.
chattels: ........................ understanding internal political dynamics within sects and ethnicities is more important for preventing Iraq’s next crisis than understanding the difference between Sunni and Shia.
chattels: " nothing is simple in Iraq." - truer words never spoken. Despite all and every complication and disappointment, my belief is that some good will come of it all. Will that goodness include a financial blessing for us. I don't know, but I continue to hope against arguably better judgment and prior experience with all things " Iraqi ".
I am addicted to the " real " news although at times it seems like we are watching a train wreck in slow motion. As sczin11 is fond of saying, " We don't now what we don't know. " We cannot see what we cannot see, yet we believe. Such is the nature of faith. So, I fight the good fight, holding on to faith and good conscience. It is all that we can do.
chattels: "Slow and steady wins the race."
chattels: Loveday Morris Retweeted Patrick Osgood ‏@PatrickOsgood 7m7 minutes ago Fallujah op day 2 not going so well. ISF/Militia dysfunction, offensive stalled at outskirts. Shelling into F continues. Garma secured tho
chattels: Kurds were absent from a meeting of the heads of the blocks today
chattels: Kirk H. Sowell ‏@UticaRisk 5h5 hours ago Also it looks like Shia militias are in the backseat on this Fallujah op, w regular security + "tribal Hashd" taking the lead.
chattels: Kirk H. Sowell ‏@UticaRisk 2h2 hours ago There are really "two Hashds" - one is the "Popular Mobilization Commission" which is dominated by Iran-loyal guys like Muhandis, Ameri, etc
chattels: Kirk H. Sowell ‏@UticaRisk 2h2 hours ago The second is "Hashd" as a label for any paramilitary group fighting IS, most of them Shia, some Sunni, with varying political loyalties.
chattels: Kirk H. Sowell ‏@UticaRisk 2h2 hours ago Thus the 1st "Hashd" is subsumed in the 2nd, which also includes groups like the Abbas Division, the Sadrist Peace Companies, Sunni groups.
chattels: Kirk H. Sowell ‏@UticaRisk 2h2 hours ago Politically the Sunni groups are "Abadi Sunnis" - they are tied to Sunni leaders like Anbar Gov Suhayb al-Rawi who have aligned with Abadi.
 chattels: Kirk H. Sowell ‏@UticaRisk 2h2 hours ago Kirk H. Sowell Retweeted Kirk H. Sowell Notable criticism of Iran-backed militia leaders by the head of the Sistani-backed "Abbas Fighting Division":
chattels: Kirk H. Sowell ‏@UticaRisk 2h2 hours ago Some confusion re the Hashd/Shia militias debate is semantic - "Hashd" or mobilization refers to very different things across contexts.
chattels: Leaders of parliamentary blocs, headed by al-Jubouri meet to discuss a comprehensive hearing
 chattels: Note the repeated use of the word " comprehensive " in the verbiage from Jubourri when speaking of a next parliamentary session. I suspect that such has some as yet undeclared import.
chattels: My sense is that there is more that needs to be accomplished than just the attainment of a quorum / resumption of " normal " parliamentary business or the personage of the Presidency of Parliament.
chattels: Likely it includes the affirmation of the remaining members of Abadi's technocrat cabinet.
chattels: It may include important action by Parliament in approving the terms of the IMF " loan(s) ".
chattels: If I am correct that the " current chapter " of Parliament ends on or about JUne 1, then a " comprehensive " session(s) of Parliament would be necessary to accomplish anything in the short time remaining before the Ramadan recess.
 chattels: Massoud Barzani told the front of the protesters that there should be a comprehensive meeting to discuss all of the files related to a heart presidency of the parliament and question the prime minister Haider al - Abadi.
chattels: " a comprehensive meeting to discuss all of the files related to a heart presidency of the parliament and question the prime minister Haider al - Abadi." 
chattels: Virtue Party calls on political forces to adopt a comprehensive reform of national and comprehensive approval in the first session of parliament
chattels: MP for the coalition of state law Jassim Mohammed Jaafar said the National Alliance rejected two proposals presented by the coalition forces to hold a session of parliament in Arbil after the announcement of the Federal Court decision.
chattels: " The State of law coalition rejected the proposal again, even though the team Jubouri suggested that meetings be held temporarily in Arbil, the meetings and then return to the capital after the stability of the security situation.
" he explained that" waiting for the Federal Court decision in the appeal hearings of parliament proceedings, is the common denominator between the front of the protesters and the political blocs and the team parliament speaker Salim al - ".
chattels: " waiting for the Federal Court decision in the appeal hearings of parliament proceedings, is the common denominator between the front of the protesters and the political blocs and the team parliament speaker Salim al - ".
chattels: Will we have a High Court decision tomorrow ?
chattels: Without a decision on the leadership of Parliament from the High Court I am hard pressed to see how there is any meeting of Parliament.
 chattels: Remember - "The extension of legislative term came into effect since last week, and there is legislation files must legislature accomplish passed quickly within the current chapter." - at least according to one news source.
chattels: My belief is that the "current chapter" of Parliament will end on or about June 1.
chattels: I do not believe that Parliament will convene after June 5, the beginning of Ramadan.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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