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Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Wealthwatch Chat Room News & Comments 5-24-16  Part 1 of 2

Post From  Chat Room

Wealthwatch Chat Room News & Comments 5-24-16  Part 1 of 2

chattels: said al-Jubouri, "Tomorrow we will meet with the heads of parliamentary blocs and we will determine the direction of the House of Representatives session that we hope to be comprehensive and attended by all " date.
chattels: Courtesy of Tootsie
Tootsie: Commander of the Fallujah operations announce Alsumaria News for full liberalization vine Monday , 23 May 2016 19:40 Anbar Announced the commander of the liberation of Fallujah operations Abdul Wahab al-Saadi team, Monday, Liberation completely eradicate the vine east of Fallujah, confirming raise the Iraqi flag over the Judicial Council building.
Saadi said in an interview for the Sumerian News, "The security forces and the popular crowd managed to edit the vine (13 km east of Fallujah) fully, organized Daash terrorist," noting that "it was raising the Iraqi flag over the Judicial Council building."
He said al-Saadi, that "the process of liberalization came after the killing of dozens of elements Daash," adding that "the engineering effort of the security forces continues to purge the city is full of mines and improvised houses and mined." The federal police captain Raed Shakir Jawdat, said Monday, isolating Fallujah for the vine and edit three areas in Vine City.
Tootsie: ‹@chattels› Evening/Afternoon, or? hi
Tootsie: "Jihad Brigades" expects edit Fallujah within days Monday , 23 May 2016 21:21 Baghdad "Jihad Brigades" I expected a faction of the popular crowd, Monday, freeing the city of Fallujah within days, indicating that the liberation of the city will contribute to reducing the "terrorist" operations in Baghdad and its environs.
The commander of Saraya good effect in an interview on "quarter of an hour," which aired "Sumerian" channel, "The introduction edit Fallujah, a process that began two days ago, and yesterday the big operation began," explaining that "the plan includes six axes, and all axes headed toward its goals, This was achieved all the targets set for the troops. "
 He predicted effect, "freeing the city of Fallujah in the days as in previous battles in Tikrit and Samarra and Tikrit Island and spend the country and washed away victory," adding that "the liberation of Fallujah will reflect positively and contribute to reducing terrorist attacks in and around Baghdad."
The Prime Minister announced the general commander of the armed forces, Haider al-Abadi, earlier Monday (23 May 2016), start editing Fallujah, the city process for Anbar province from the organization "Daash," asserting that the city will return to its residents and brings the Iraqi flag over it.
Security forces, backed by troops the popular crowd, during the past few hours, the Edit on the vine and several regions belonging to the city of Fallujah and "grip" on the city
chattels: For the second time in a month, Speaker of the Iraqi Parliament Salim Jabouri arrived in the Kurdistan Region and today met separately with Kurdish leader Masoud Barzani to discuss Baghdad’s political crisis and recent military developments against the Islamic State (ISIS), and Kurdish members of the Iraqi Parliament about their return to Baghdad after they left the city when angry protesters stormed the parliament building late last month.
chattels: "The focus of the meeting is on a possible return of the Kurdish MPs to Baghdad,"
chattels: Kurdish MPs have said they would welcome Jabouri and may hold talks with him but they are far from moving back to Baghdad any time soon.
chattels: ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - Iraqi military forces managed to push Islamic State (ISIS) militants back from agricultural areas outside of Fallujah on Monday as they began their military operation to retake that city.
chattels: The operation is commanded by Lt. Gen. Abdul Wahab Al Saadi who pointed out that a tough terrain, the risk of civilian casualties and the improvised explosive devices (IEDs) ISIS has planted in the city are obstacles to a swift victory, which is why they will begin the offensive by surrounding and bombarding ISIS positions.
chattels: Kurdish blocs to end their boycott and return to Baghdad next week
Tootsie: add to above thread,~~~~ ' Meeting with the Kurdish blocs Jubouri ends condition to return to Baghdad Monday 23-05-2016 |[/font] 10:27:21 10:27:21 Twilight News / called for a joint parliamentary delegation headed by Salim al-Jubouri, included deputies from different blocks return of deputies of Kurdish blocs to Baghdad to participate in the political process, while stressing Representatives Kurds insist on their demands before returning.
 Iraqi Parliament Speaker Salim al-Jubouri, who headed the parliamentary delegation and said that there are steps to determine the date of the next meeting of the Council with the participation of all the blocks.
After the arrival of the delegation to Erbil and Kurdish blocs meeting with House Speaker said at a news conference that the meeting was positive and has during the discussion of the political situation and how to manage his duties, adding that there are steps to set the date of the next meeting of the Council with the participation of all the blocks. .
The visit comes after the House of Representatives left the Kurds Baghdad after the events of last April 30 and attacked the demonstrators on the House of Representatives and stressed that their return to Baghdad, subject to the implementation of their demands, which summed up not to repeat the events and the implementation of the Kurdish demands in Baghdad.
chattels: My belief is that they are awaiting the High Court decision and until that decision is published, well .......................
Tootsie: Kurdish groups decide to end their boycott of the Council of Ministers and the House of Representatives 2016-05-23 21:57:07 | (Voice of Iraq) - Baghdad MP for the Kurdistan Alliance Risan Sheikh Dler confirmed that Kurdish blocs decided to end a boycott of the Council of Ministers and the House of Representatives sessions,
 while the National Alliance called for the rejection of division between his deputies have demanded all other political forces to open a new page for the parliamentary achievements in conjunction with the "victories" achieved by the security forces in its fight against "terrorism."
She said that the Kurds Dler ministers will resume their participation in cabinet sessions starting on Tuesday, the House of Representatives of the Kurds to the planned meeting , to be held next week, demanding the National Alliance to resolve differences before the announcement of the date of the hearing.
As demanded coalition forces and other blocs to open a new page in order to fulfill the laws that serve the country in conjunction with the "achievements and victories" achieved by the security forces on the battlefield against al Daash translate.googleuserconte...
Tootsie: cool ~ will resume their participation in cabinet sessions starting on Tuesday 

chattels: In the meantime Abadi is " wrapping himself in the Iraqi flag " or at least wearing the uniform and hoping for continued success against Daesh.
Tootsie: ‹@chattels›  :w00t:

​Tootsie: now the mine detection detail has to get busy - few years back they had some dogs trained, wonder if they still have them?

chattels: My question continues to be how much time is left for any Parliamentary action in the " current chapter " of the session ?
chattels: Joel Wing Retweeted Mustafa Salim ‏@Mustafa_salimb 12h12 hours ago PMU and federal police reached to the building of Garma local council north east of #Fallujah and raised the Iraqi flag. #Iraq
Tootsie: beats me chattels ~ for the life of me I cannot remember when their sessions are scheduled and when they had breaks - Used to know - dang -
chattels: Iraqi leader cites early success in push to retake Fallujah By QASSIM ABDUL-ZAHRA and SUSANNAH GEORGE May. 23, 2016 3:28 PM EDT
Tootsie: I used to follow Joel Wing when he was a reporter for news source that shut down. I really liked his material and how he presented items.
Tootsie: looonnggggg ago
chattels: ‹@Tootsie› The session was extended for thirty days recently, but the question is from what date was or to is it extended.
chattels: The constitution limits such extensions to thirty days.
chattels: Ramadan begins on June 5th.
Tootsie: yes, that is what I was referring to, not sure when the session was to end, prior to the 30 day extension.
Tootsie: right
 chattels: Only one article that I have seen says May 1 was to be the end of the current session and then a two month break.
 chattels: So, if extended 30 days from May 1, then June 30 is the last day.
 Tootsie: OK, time for all this fun to end for now, pets need feeding , and such. Have a good evening - and !@! I have missed my nap time favorite " Days of Our Lives" does put one in the znooze zone.
 chattels: ‹@Tootsie› bye

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