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Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Wealthwatch Chat Room News & Comments  5-4-16   Part 2 of 3

Post From  Chat Room
Wealthwatch Chat Room News & Comments  5-4-16   Part 2 of 3
RVPlease: US Soldier was killed in combat in Erbil yesterday................. Not Good....
BOBBY: Never is
Doug_W: having been in combat....that is the risk U take being a serviceperson
chattels: " ..............the Kurds are waiting for an apology cleric Moqtada al - Sadr, and the decision of the provincial government to return to the capital , Baghdad , and participation in the political process again."
chattels: Kirk H. Sowell ‏@UticaRisk I presume news that Muq Sadr is traveling to Tehran is related to recent announcements of mobilizations by Iran-backed militias in Baghdad.
chattels: Nathaniel Rabkin ‏@NateRabkin Nathaniel Rabkin Retweeted Kirk H. Sowell Last word from Muqtada himself was that he's on a spiritual retreat for the next two months.
chattels: U.S. serviceman killed by 'enemy fire' in northern Iraq
chattels: U.S. troops are getting closer to the fight against the Islamic State in Iraq
rocknrollbus: Sooooooo........Sadr "didn't" go to Iran? Now the Kurds can get their panties unbunched........
 rocknrollbus: What a bunch of kindergartners.........worse than our government........
OOTW: great article here
OOTW: this outlines what's coming as things stand now
Doug_W: Obama can always give them an Executive order
chattels: Later this week, Sadr and his protesters will push Iraq’s political standoff a little closer to the brink, with potentially huge consequences for the country’s future and for the fight against the Islamic State.“It’s clearly a critical week in the way ahead for Iraq ; no doubt about it,” - Courtesy of OOTW
chattels: " Will Sadr come to power, who knows? I would doubt it unless he gets the full backing of Iran and Ayatollah Sistani, which is unlikely. Will Iraq remain whole, again too many variables to call it right now, but as this analyst has said in the past, Iraq is very broken and heading to some form of breakup. " - Paul Davis
chattels: Paul Davis is a retired US Army military intelligence and former Soviet analyst. He is a consultant to the American intelligence community specializing in the Middle East with a concentration on Kurdish affairs. Currently he is the President of the consulting firm JANUS Think in Washington D.C. The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the position of Rudaw.
chattels: Kirk H. Sowell ‏@UticaRisk 7h7 hours ago Important read here from @LovedayM on Iraq, the US military presence, & recent ops.
chattels: Kirk H. Sowell ‏@UticaRisk 4h4 hours ago This stuff about Iran supporting Abadi has been nonsense, for sure, but they do want the Shia to be united. Sadr is off the reservation.
 chattels: Why America Needs Iran in Iraq The internecine fighting among Shias requires a deal with Tehran and Ayatollah Sistani. By Zalmay Khalilzad May 02, 2016 Read more:

chattels: ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Good Read above ^^^^^^^^^^^^
 chattels: Security In Iraq, Apr 22-28, 2016
chattels: " Overall, the government is expanding its control over the major areas in Anbar. The problem continues to be holding onto the smaller towns, which continue to switch hands in many places."
chattels: " .............. demonstrations in the capital demanding government reforms. Every time they occur the Islamic State has reduced its attacks. "
chattels: Iraq Iraqi army advances into Fallujah, recapturing two areas, strategic road By Rudaw
chattels: Zaid Al-Ali ‏@zalali May 2 Salim Jubouri says parliament will meet after all outstanding issues are resolved. i.e. never.
chattels: Kurds return to Baghdad of Representatives subject to political negotiations
chattels: :" The return of Kurdish deputies to the capital Baghdad, is subject to the meeting of the Kurdish side with the political leaders, after the House of Representatives of the official holiday. "
chattels: "the storming of the House of Representatives and the attack on parliamentarians Kurds and second Deputy Speaker of parliament, proved that the Kurds in Baghdad are not the only guests and authoritarian parties can take any position towards them at any time you wish."
chattels: " the political situation in Iraq headed towards a dangerous slippery slope, and on the political parties to deal with it wisely and resort to serious dialogue to pass the stage that threaten the future of Iraq. "
chattels: "the cleric Moqtada al - Sadr respects the Islamic Republic of Iran and what happened to slogans against them is unacceptable . " Noting that " the travel of Mr. Sadr to Iran taking dimensions surprising."

chattels: Navy SEAL Charlie Keating, an acclaimed Arcadia High School distance runner and grandson of the famous S&L financier with the same name, died in northern Iraq Tuesday.
chattels: "He was not on the front lines, and it turns out that being two miles away from the battle between ISIL and Iraqi forces is a dangerous place to be," Earnest said, using an acronym for the Islamic State.
chattels: The dead SEAL was part of a small team advising Peshmerga forces in northern Iraq. They had been checking on outposts when ISIS fighters mounted a complex attack, the official said. The SEALs were among the first advisers to help mentor counter-ISIS forces. ISIS militants used car bombs and bulldozers to breach the front line. They raced ahead and attacked the command post where the SEAL was located.
chattels: Loveday Morris ‏@LovedayM SEALS " went straight into the fight " and were " unloading on ISIS ", American with Christian fighters said. No boots ?
chattels: " ............. the Kurds of Representatives are waiting for an apology cleric Moqtada al - Sadr , and the decision concerning the Government of the Territory to return to Baghdad."
chattels: " ................. and the decision concerning the Government of the Territory to return to Baghdad."
chattels: " ................. and the decision concerning the Government of the Territory to return to Baghdad."
chattels: ??????????????????????
chattels: the commemoration in of Imam Kadhim's death in 799 is the current holiday in Iraq - no currency auction since 2 May.
chattels: Chief Prosecutor: Mosul file outside the jurisdiction of the normal judiciary... Courtesy of sczin
chattels: Interview
chattels: What is the prosecution's response to questions related to the fall of Mosul?
chattels: " The fall of Mosul, a file is a military crime of military jurisdiction, according to the law, ............"
chattels: " 76 field officers, starting from the rank of lieutenant and down into small mattresses have been referred to military courts."
chattels: It does not appear that " politicians " are within the jurisdiction of such prosecutions.
chattels: Maliki was the " supreme commander " of the armed forces / military , but does that place him under the code of military justice ?
chattels: Probably not.
chattels: Islamic State seeks news blackout in Mosul as Iraqi army nears
chattels: For Iraqis living in the Islamic State stronghold of Mosul, news is dwindling about the U.S.-backed army massing to the south for an assault on the city that could begin this year. 
chattels: The timing of the crackdown is significant, according to local officials and analysts. They said Islamic State's aim was to insulate residents and its own fighters from any further news about the advance of Iraqi forces.
chattels: The move reflects the importance of Mosul to the militants; the capital of Nineveh province is the largest under their control and regarded as their de facto capital.
chattels: Interesting article - talks about DAESH methodology - not stupid.
chattels: B. I. B. L. E. simply means: Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth!
chattels: A story with a provocative ending.
chattels: He wrote: "I've gone for 30 years now, and in that time I have heard something like 3,000 sermons, but for the life of me, I can't remember a single one of them. So, I think I'm wasting my time, the preachers and priests are wasting theirs by giving sermons at all."
chattels: Someone's reply : until someone wrote this clincher: "I've been married for 30 years now. In that time my wife has cooked some 32,000 meals. But, for the life of me, I cannot recall the entire menu for a single one of those meals.
But I do know this: They all nourished me and gave me the strength I needed to do my work. If my wife had not given me these meals, I would be physically dead today. Likewise, if I had not gone to church for nourishment, I would be spiritually dead today!"
chattels: " Faith sees the invisible, believes the incredible and; receives the impossible ! "

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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