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Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Wealthwatch Chat Room News & Comments  5-4-16   Part 1 of 3

Post From  Chat Room
Wealthwatch Chat Room News & Comments  5-4-16   Part 1 of 3
chattels: PM Barzani: ‘Bigger changes coming’ to Iraqi political situation
chattels: ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – Kurdish Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani described the Iraqi political situation as “complicated" with no glimmer of hope that conditions may take a turn for the better.
"The political situation in Iraqi is complicated,” a statement on the website of the Kurdish Regional Government’s (KRG) quoted Barzani as saying during a wide-ranging meeting with cabinet ministers on Monday. “There might be bigger changes coming."
chattels: "The political situation in Iraqi is complicated,”
chattels: .....................with no glimmer of hope that conditions may take a turn for the better.
chattels: " the Iraqi government and relations parliament problems between Baghdad and the Kurdistan Regional government, are not solved only through dialogue and political consensus and the government of inefficient balanced, and prove all the paragraphs of the Constitution of Article 140 and democratic referendum for the Kurdish people, these avenues is the only real solution to the problems the Government of Iraq and the provincial government and the people of Kurdistan, not how misguided illegal. "
chattels: Riad Sari Kahiah Prime Torkmen Party Wiley confirmed that the storming of the demonstrators for building the House of Representatives , "proved that there is a great imbalance in the current in the country 's political process."
chattels: He stressed that " the supreme national interest requires today announced full suspension of the ongoing political process in the country for a certain period from which to rebuild sound foundations for a new political life based on a healthy basis, sound and be able to achieve the aspirations and the aspirations of the Iraqi people to live free and decent . "
chattels: " the supreme national interest requires today announced full suspension of the ongoing political process in the country for a certain period ...."
chattels: I wonder whether the Kurds will return to Parliament any time soon ? Or at all.
chattels: condemned Kurdish blocs in the House what he described as the "storming of the House of Representatives and the attack on the Second Deputy Chairman of the Board Aram Sheikh Mohammed and a number of Kurdish MPs and MPs from the rest of the parliamentary blocs."
He said in a statement today: "We condemn We strongly condemn the storming of the Iraqi Council of Representatives , .............
chattels: it indicates the fragility of the government and its weakness, and that the security forces had not played any role in the protection of the parliament building and maintaining the integrity of the House of Representatives. "
chattels: " ............. we must reconsider how our participation as Kurds in the political process as a whole ".
 chattels: Come writers and critics......... Who prophesize with your pen........... And keep your eyes wide The chance won't come again And don't speak too soon ............For the wheel's still in spin ......... And there's no tellin' who That it's namin' For the loser now Will be later to win ..............
chattels: For the times they are a-changin' - Bob Dylan
chattels: There is no national state of emergency in Iraq. Abadi is not " in control ". Parliament has not been " fired ". Parliament is not meeting in Najaf. Parliament must approve a declaration of emergency by a 2/3 vote. Parliament cannot even make quorum with the Kurds having left town, much less agree upon such a declaration.
People are grasping at straws to support their wishful thinking that the IQD will revalue any day now. Iraq is a mess and may not survive the summer at least in the form that we know it today. The " fantasy news " and the " all news out of Iraq is erroneous " is just plain silly.
chattels: Iraq " entering the world markets " and an attendant " RV " in the first half of 2016 is delusional. Write it down.
chattels: You can vilify me in July / August if I am wrong.
Ononotagain: Chattels... haha... its a good a guess as any. IMPO I feel once Iran opens up, the world can side step Iraq, and not miss a beat... :cool:
chattels: Parliament rapporteur rule out holding hearings and warns of a "collapse of the political process because of the weakness Abadi"
chattels: ruled the House of Representatives decision of Imad John, on Monday, the possibility that the House of Representatives held its meeting next week, and as pointed out that the parliament threatened to "final closure", warned of a "collapse of the political process because of the weakness of Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi."
BOBBY: Chattels.... will agree with your  assessment of things
BOBBY: moving in circles is not progress
chattels: ‹@BOBBY› Doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result is the definition of insanity.
BOBBY: its insane to think they are in any position to rv there currency any day now as its promoted
BOBBY: I see Sadr is being promoted as the latest savior
BOBBY: to quote Tommy Lee Jones... if this aint the mess , it will do till it gets here
chattels: ‹@BOBBY› Reports are that he, Sadr, is now in Iran.
BOBBY: I read that
chattels: Like to be a " fly on the wall " of those meetings, eh ?
BOBBY: have to wonder what his agenda is in all of this
chattels: ‹@BOBBY› " kingmaker " according to people that I pay attention to.
BOBBY: wonder if the maker wants to be king?
chattels: a dangerous populist cleric
BOBBY: a very loose cannon
chattels: He cannot be king, but he intends upon anointing that person I believe
BOBBY: do you feel the Dawa party is constricting Abadi in his efforts?
chattels: ‹@BOBBY› The Dawa part is divided and " at war with itself " like many of the Shiite political factions
BOBBY: would I be correct in guessing Maliki has a play in that?
chattels: ‹@BOBBY› Maliki thrives upon turmoil.
chattels: " Nouri al-Maliki, in particular is seeking the downfall of Abadi, presenting himself as the only Shia leader who can handle the security situation and manage the Sadrist protests."
chattels: " ............ president of a coalition of law Nuri al - Maliki demanded to go hard and cooperation to solve the security problem and restore the prestige of the state after the protesters broke into the House of Representatives."
chattels: Maliki is an authoritarian - dictatorial. Adolf Hitler rose to power in Germany with the promise of restoring law, order and the prestige of the state.
chattels: " ................. to solve the security problem and restore the prestige of the state ................ "
BOBBY: its a mess from top to bottom
chattels: ‹@BOBBY› Democracy is a messy business. Some make it through, others not.
chattels: We shall see what fate has in store for Iraq and us.
BOBBY: all we can do is wait and see if or when, out of our control
chattels: ‹@BOBBY› Indeed.
BOBBY: better pack a lunch, its gonna be awhile lol
chattels: The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. - Thomas Paine
BOBBY: wise words sir... I hope they are a glimpse into Iraq s future
chattels: “THESE are the times that try men's souls. ................. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value."
BOBBY: I thought Shabbibi gave value lol
chattels: I hope that I am wrong.
BOBBY: i believe you are 100 percent correct in your assessment, and its just the facts at hand
Dianne777: me too lol
chattels: We shall see. :)
BOBBY: if it does happen , it will be in its own time
chattels: For me, a pleasant surprise is superior to unrealistic expectations met with disappointment.
BOBBY: agreed
chattels: Why people want to continually set themselves up for disappointment is beyond me.
BOBBY: it is amazing how someone follows the words of somebody who is consistently wrong

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