Don't WAIT!

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Tidbits from KTFA Members Tuesday Afternoon 5-3-16


Cinderella1906:  I could be way off base here but Frank says he likes Tuesdays and Thursdays.. 

We are still in the window as the ISX is coming back after the break from last Thursday at I think around 10am on Wednesday

I believe that is the time they open unless it has changed and I am sure someone will correct me if I am wrong ...that is about 12 hours away from now ..(  Backdoc even said yesterday to keep an eye on this ..

It would be as good a time as any to go international ... )

I guess we will see.. But point is we are still in the window .... 
Reddstar:  Rough translation, but if I'm understanding this correctly, the new ministers have been sworn in. Even with a "lack of quorum", under the constitution, Abadi had them sworn in. If this is the case, then we are witnessing Abadi exercising his authority. Thoughts?

Islandg1211:  Yes, I have a thought. Abadi has the power under Article 61, and he needs to "Use it or Lose it" now, IMO.

Source: Consultant Abadi call new ministers for the purpose of direct Bozarathm!

An official source revealed on Tuesday that the adviser Abadi Nofal Abu Barns contact
new ministers and invited them to directly Bozarathm by the performance of the constitutional

right, attributing it to a lack of quorum for meetings of the Council of Ministers has completed
putting Abadi in a constitutional defect.

The source told / balances News / "The Prime Minister's Advisor Nofal Abu Barns contact
neo ministers who voted them the House of Representatives and invited them to directly
Bozarathm before performing the oath in parliament, contrary to the constitution," noting that
"the new ministers can not be that lies before they perform their constitutional right and the
issuance of a presidential decree to them. "

The source, who preferred anonymity, said that "the move was for lack of a quorum in the
Cabinet meeting, putting Abadi in a constitutional problem," adding that "disable Cabinet exacerbate

it in light disrupt the work of the House of Representatives"    LINK

Jay: Wow..!! Red. nice find. With this, my thoughts are...Dr. S will be announcing soon...WHY...???

Abadi has enough ministers to finish the reforms and now  they are sworn in.

Bagdahdi dead, (confirmation still pending Franky...???)

Maliki gone/swinging...(LOL)...

LDs...OUT....????????.....NOT SURE... But on last nights CC,,,, thats the way I understood it.

Tuesday/Wednesday a holiday...???....Yeah..OK..LOL.

E. to W. Family. 

Franky quote..."I LIKE THE FIRST WEEK OF MAY".

Stay strong and God Bless Family.



ReddStar:  Family, yesterday I posted an article showing Shahristani calling out Sadr. Which IMO was a act of desperation. Now we see from this article that Sadr went to Iran to ask for help on pressuring the Dawa party.

This is looking better & better for us. Abadi's opposition is beginning to fade away more & more, with each passing day....IMO

Private sources of the New World: Sadr visited Iran for  several hours and met with Ali Shamkhani!

The new world of its own sources learned that the cleric Moqtada al-Sadr had yesterday
made an unannounced visit to Iran that lasted for several hours during which he met some
Iranian officials, including Ali Shamkhani secretary of the Supreme Council for National Security of Iran.

The source, who attended the meeting and who declined to be himself told the daily the New World said that "al-Sadr wants to improve the atmosphere with Iran after chants launched by some fans of the Sadrist movement in the courtyard of the celebrations inside the Green Zone, and asked Iran also put pressure on the rest of the parties of the National Alliance for the pass the list of ministers submitted by the chest. "

The masses of the Sadr movement had last Saturday stormed the heavily fortified Green Zone, which includes the most sensitive state and diplomatic missions centers.An angry mob stormed the House of Representatives   LINK


Naphtali:   Family,
I have been thinking about how Frank has illustrated this journey with the LAVA FLOW.
Remember that it can't be stopped, it is moving forward - the path isn't a perfectly straight line, and it changes speed at times, but it finishes the course.
I am not discouraged with where we are; in fact I am extra excited today.
The New Reality is staring at us and we are walking towards it.

Good things are happening.  Progress is being made.
We will get to the End Zone, that will in a blink of an eye turn into a Starting Line for the next Phase.
We are blessed to BE A BLESSING!!
Blessings for you this day.

Prime Minister and Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces Dr. Haidar al - Abbadi heads a meeting of the Ministerial Council for National Security

Mr. Prime Minister and Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, Dr. Haider al-Abadi chaired a meeting of the Ministerial Council for National Security.
During the meeting to discuss the security situation, particularly in Baghdad and the measures taken to protect state institutions and the importance of protestors demonstrated commitment allocated for the places.
It was to take a series of decisions that would protect state institutions and ensuring the necessary protection and prevention of overtaking them and authorize official bodies concerned with the conservation security measures to take to prevent a recurrence of any violations or an assault on the institutions and public and private property.

Information Office of the Prime Minister     3 May 2016

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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