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Tuesday, May 3, 2016

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments  5-3-16  Part 2 of 2

Post From BondLadys Corner

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments  5-3-16  Part 2 of 2

Bondlady      bla bla bla...your just as guilty as the rest of them...and barzani doesn't give a crap about Iraq he only cares about the kurds, and makein sure the kurds get more than the rest ...of course some is restitution for what saddam did and is the main reason kurds have more in everything than the rest of Iraq and its peoples. and hes one of the biggest supporters of the quotah system as well as allawi is...
tlm724:     quota system  (Evil or Very Mad)
 Beware Vhassan Trojan amongst you! / Mohamed                  
May 3, 2016 7:17        Mohammed Dhloz     The general public, they see the face of it; Afeelnon their position, and their words and actions; sometimes Bartjalah and mood, and at other times the emotions and unconsciously, and another party entertains shame and remain confused between mood and emotion.
Perhaps, these fools them Khvaya things and its interior; so they are walking according to the vision of volatile resulting from lack of understanding of the dimensions and consequences; taken as a result of these acts and words.
Most of the public, tend to passion, and this is not a mistake, but rather a personal Mknunat exposed to oppression, injustice and deprivation, and what most of them in my country!
However, the danger lies in the improvisation group, calling letters and phrases and sayings; make Alatefaan malleable tools, however these Almtzbzbon Alaratjaleon their actions; and the result is the creation of a mess of mixed tangle, black and white, and fool the world, and perhaps truth with falsehood.
Breathe a sigh of relief, after the fall of the former regime and the change that happened after 2003.
And it emerged a new political class, we were hoping for better ones; to re-take a Bgdadha Iraq and, until we realize that the dreams that we utter days between our lips, and live moments in Mnamna; has become within reach and easy investigation.
Dreams evaporated and crashed, and aspirations have gone and become far; because of the political parties and blocks, was not concerned with Iraq and its people; rather, its interests and its investments and desires, and left people waiting for them a long, but to no avail.
Protest movements and demonstrations that have emerged recently, and sit-ins, which was broken, all of which were the focus of respect and appreciation; because it constitutionally guaranteed.
Because it is considered a powerful means of pressure; the legislative and executive branches; to approve projects that the public control and provide security services for the government and the Council of ministers.
It is natural that the street is divided between supporters and opponents, there is no regular case complete; politics has taught us that the variable fixed and variable hard, go the opposite condition depending on the circumstances and the ingredients and interests.
That the unity of the country and the unity of the people and the unity of doctrine; she makes of success and victory ally to achieve the desired goals.
Fear of subduction lurking; to create strife between the people of the same community and that is what they prefer; and slogans and chants that we heard only messages and objectives up to the near and distant; to suggest that there is something masterminded at night or Sedber;
but we hope the wise men and wise men should make the measure during the day and not at night ; so they can catch up with the Trojan horse detection Almashash them and waiting and looking for the opportunity, before Nghafooa and see it shining again at night, then the echo and lattes while Mendm, and lattes while inevitable.
Bondlady      Breathe a sigh of relief, after the fall of the former regime and the change that happened after 2003.
And it emerged a new political class, we were hoping for better ones; to re-take a Bgdadha Iraq and, until we realize that the dreams that we utter days between our lips, and live moments in Mnamna; has become within reach and easy investigation.
Dreams evaporated and crashed, and aspirations have gone and become far; because of the political parties and blocks, was not concerned with Iraq and its people; rather, its interests and its investments and desires, and left people waiting for them a long, but to no avail.
[tlm724] after their liberation from the tyranny of Saddam they all expected a better life , a new way of life !
[tlm724] the opportunity was ripe for the picking !
[tlm724] they still had our support and could have made their country great, given their people pride and prosperity
[poopsie] so sad
[tlm724] whichis probably all the people really wanted, was a better way of life. A secure GOI and country and food for their children, the chance to earn and be proud !
[tlm724] the political parties and blocks, was not concerned with Iraq and its people
[tlm724] at this point in time I am sure they are disgusted with the whole thing and their fears are being realized, dreams of a better future must seem bleak
[tlm724] the GOI has ONE shot to correct their actions and I pray to God that they make the right decisions for THE people for once ! just so you know those protests are far from over, I'm not tryin to bring you down just keeping it real

Kurdish lawmaker: What it was done by demonstrators style uncivilized
03/05/2016 10:03 | Direction Press / special
The Kurdistan Alliance Bakhtiar Shaways that what he had done on Saturday, protesters and their entry into the House of Representatives was the style of uncivilized.
Shaways In an interview with "direction Press" said that recent events have deepened the political differences and knot the issue of cabinet reshuffle, which was supposed to be voted on this week.
Shaways said that every Iraqi citizen has a right guaranteed by the Constitution to demonstrate and to express his opinion, but that does not abuse the state institutions, especially the supreme legislative authority.
He added that the demands of the masses Shaways clear in demanding reforms and the fight against the corrupt and bring them to justice. Indicating that these demands do not justify the way in which he protesters and the protesters.
The Organizing Committee of the sit-ins in Baghdad, announced exit from inside the Green Zone in the center of the capital, in deference to visit the Imam al-Kazim (AS) according to a statement it received "direction Press" a copy of it, saying that the protesters will return to the region after the end of the visit for the purpose of "reform" of the political process , while calling for a "great pause" on Friday.
[tlm724] Bakhtiar Shaways that what he had done on Saturday, protesters and their entry into the House of Representatives was the style of uncivilized.
[tlm724] No, you Sir are uncivilized !! All of you stealing and turning your backs on your people, that is uncivilized and a no class move !!

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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