Don't WAIT!

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Frank26, Mountainman and KTFA Members Tuesday PM  5-24-16


Mountainman:  This ARTICLE Is (FULL) of BLACK GOLD REALITIES/RIYALS.....(see article below) (WHY).....???.....

Because {IT} Tells the COMING PLUNGE/De-Peg of The PETRO DOLLAR that IMO.....Will Send The GLOBAL ECONOMIES and The US MARKETS into the PLANNED DEVALUATION PROCESS from  Last Weeks G-7 Meetings regarding Said {DEVALUATIONS}......

The "GREAT GLOBAL AWAKENING" is CONVERGING as A COORDINATED [Downward] SPIRAL of Economies that are Colliding.....Where Some Will RISE and Others (WILL) FALL......for in the NEW REALITY that is What Will have to Happen......[OIL] will Merge into it's New Position to PLAY it's DESIGNED Role per The IMF as A UNIVERSAL CURRENCY.....and The SAUDIS are Moving Towards the PRIVATIZATION of their OIL MARKET and Other Areas of Government Owned Entities......

So these "IOU'S" are In Preparation for Their {TRANSITION} in their Market.....They will See the RIYAL also RISE to it's Competitive VALUE w/Other GULF Countries CURRENCIES.....

and Other Countries Making these MAJOR MOVES.....The FINAL STEPS of{ALL} GLOBAL Changes w/ SPEED Are COMING to a (GLOBAL THEATER)  Near You.....

This won't be Pretty....but the SAUDIS are getting Direction for this CORRECTION w/OIL and their PPP......DEPENDENCE on the PETRO DOLLAR is NO MORE to Be Seen.....

NOW {Watch} What Happens w/ the Brexit Looming and OIL as Well....At least as We Once Knew it's Current ROLE.....Their ALLIANCE w/the UK will Be Most Needed.....and I See A MERGING of the Two's Relationship and the Currencies as CHINA will HELP the UK {Transition}w/ the YUAN being Used for OIL and Other SWAPS......

This Is A {HISTORY} Maker Here.....An ARTICLE to Be [F R A M E D]......(ALL) this= IMO.....

Blessings,Mountainman  (8)=New Beginnings.....for "HOLD on TIGHT"......The {RUSH} to A NEW REALITY is At THE DOOR......

Don 960:  Tuesday, May 24, 2016 - 02:00

As Financial Crisis Escalates S. Arabia Paying Contractors in IOUs

World Economy

Saudi Arabia faces a vicious liquidity squeeze as capital continues to leak out the country, with a sharp contraction of the money supply and mounting stress in the banking system.
Three-month interbank offered rates in Riyadh have suddenly begun to spiral upwards, reaching the highest since the Lehman crisis in 2008, Telegraph online reported.

Reports that the Saudi government is to pay contractors with tradable IOUs show how acute the situation is becoming. An IOU is not a negotiable document and does not specify repayment terms such as the time of repayment.

The debt-crippled bin Laden group, close to the ruling clique, has laid off 50,000 construction workers as austerity bites in earnest.

Societe Generale’s currency team has advised clients to short the Saudi riyal, betting that the country will be forced to ditch its long-standing dollar peg, a move that could set off a cut-throat battle for global share in the oil markets.

Francisco Blanch, from Bank of America, said a rupture of the peg is this year’s number one “black swan event” and would cause oil prices to collapse to $25 a barrel. Saudi Arabia’s foreign reserves are still falling by $10 billion a month, despite a switch to bond sales and syndicated loans to help plug the huge budget deficit.

The country’s remaining reserves of $582 billion are in theory ample–if they are really liquid–but that is not the immediate issue. The problem for the Saudi central bank, SAMA, is that reserve depletion automatically tightens monetary policy.

Bank deposits are contracting. So is the M2 money supply. (A measure of money supply that includes cash and checking deposits (M1) as well as near money). Domestic bond sales do not help because they crowd out Saudi Arabia’s wafer-thin capital markets and squeeze liquidity. Riyadh now plans a global bond issue.

While crude prices have rallied 80% to almost $50 a barrel since mid-February, this has not yet been enough to ease Saudi Arabia’s financial crunch.

US inventories are still hovering at record levels. Data from the US Energy Department showed a rise of 1.31 million barrels in the week to May 13. “The supply glut seems persistent. Oil could well fall to a new low for the year,” said Ben Combes from Llewellyn Consulting.

Eventually the next cyclical oil spike will come to the rescue. The question is whether the Saudis can batten down the hatches and make it through the financial storm in a very leaky ship.

  Public-Private Partnerships

Saudi Arabia may establish a unit in the ministry of economy and planning focused on pulling together public-private partnerships that will help the government cut costs and improve efficiency, according to people familiar with the matter, Bloomberg reported.

The division would aim to boost the role of the private sector in planning, financing and delivering projects and services for the government, the people said, asking not to be identified because the information is private. A decision on whether to move ahead is expected in the next few weeks, the people said. Officials from Riyadh held meetings with PPP specialists from the UK to discuss the idea and how best to implement the policy, the people said.

Saudi Arabia is undergoing its biggest ever economic shakeup, led by Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, as it prepares for the post-oil era following the plunge in crude prices that started in 2014, the kingdom’s main source of revenue. One of the government’s biggest challenges will be navigating the worst economic slowdown since the global financial crisis as authorities cut spending to plug a budget deficit that reached about 15% of gross domestic product in 2015.

Under the rule of King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, who died in 2015, the country was wasting as much as $100 billion a year because of inefficient spending, according to Minister of State Mohammed Al-Sheikh. The country has slowed payments to contractors and suppliers, started borrowing from local and international banks, and tapped the country’s foreign reserves to deal with runaway spending and lower income from oil’s slump


RedStarr:  2017 budget...."international loans"...."international banks"....sure'll get loans....once the international world.....recognizes your international currency..

Parliamentary Finance: Iraq needs to friendly countries loans for the reconstruction of liberated areas! 

.BAGHDAD / JD / .. Parliamentary Finance Committee confirmed, that the 2017 budget will focus on the reconstruction of liberated areas, pointing out that Iraq needs international loans from friendly countries for the reconstruction of those areas.

A member of the committee MP Masood Haider told / KD / it at a time when the security forces and the Peshmerga forces and the popular crowd locked and tribal fierce battles against Daash gangs in various regions of the country, those battles that left heavy losses on the infrastructure of those areas the level they need to be big money to rebuild rehabilitated.

He added that Iraq Selja to the reconstruction of liberated areas to fund and loans from international banks and friendly countries as well as focus on the 2017 budget of the reconstruction of areas that have been liberated from the grip Daash.

ReddStarr: These articles are great....IMO....think about it....why is Iraq interested in ....consumer protection...why is it even needed...IMO...any country that is entering the global arena....(open trade)....has to have an agency to protect the citizens....from fraud...unfair business practices...complaints....etc...from the products that are being imported...they also work closely with law eliminate....corruption...(dummy corps) you see how Iraq is starting to line everything up...

Iraq participates economic meeting in Egypt for the establishment of a technical team for Consumer Protection

BAGHDAD: Iraq's Euphrates News} participate in the meetings of the follow-up and implementation which will be held in Egypt for the period from 24-26 of this month, hosted by the Arab League delegation headed by Director General of the Department of Economic Relations and Trade, Ministry of Commerce.

A statement by the Ministry of Commerce, the agency {Euphrates News} received a copy of it, that " the Iraqi delegation will take part in meetings of the Implementation Committee and the follow - up emanating from the Arab Economic and Social Council meetings, which
discusses the eight items of the most important follow - up application of the Greater Arab Free Trade Area and the source of the bill associated with mutual shipments under Greater Arab Free trade area, in addition to the third item report contains the recommendations of the group of experts and specialists in the field of competition and anti - trust in the Arab countries. "

" the meetings of the Arab committee will include the establishment of a technical team to protect the consumer, as well as barriers to the application of unified Arab standards . " He explained , " either in the sixth item of the Committee are discussed standardized form of periodic reports for the Greater Arab Free trade area, and in the seventh item discussed in the General Federation of cooperation and chambers of Commerce and industry and Agriculture for Arab countries report and in the eighth item report and recommendations of the ad hoc Group to establish a mechanism for commercial processors


Thomas:  I like reading Franks notes and WS. I believe everyones notes and opinions have been very well stated today.

IMO I believe we need to see the official Fitch Rating also Moody's on Iraq. Somehow that is being hidden from us. I guess too much knowledge is a bad thing. B- is a junk rating and that does not impart the wealth of Iraq more too they are wallowing in mud... which we know they are not.

Malaki has to be gone. That looks like a June 20, 2016 hell or high water date with infamy.

Either is goes into the abyss or he will have a very nice departure from this earth.

I agree with Frank, Fallujah has been taken and they are slowly imparting the news. Always hiding the dealt cards.

Mosul has to be leveled and clensed of ISIS, I believe that has been underway for the last thirty days.

I would really like to see the RV occur on May 27 because that's my birthday and a great Holiday to remember our Veterans by. See I am good for something.

It is correct in the statement that you cant get a loan without the three C's lets see how this rolls out.

Have a great day and good to hear that Randy is on the mend.
Frank26  (From Monday night CC)  Certifications...SWIFT codes...this is all good.  The BIS told Iraq a long time ago to go ahead and raise their value.

The IMF is watching Mosul

I told you...give me Mosul..and you’ll see INTERNATIONALISM!  ...we believe that is a precursor for the RV of Iraq. When you see Mosul...BOOM! 

The confidence in Iraq is changing everything.  Abadi is building confidence in the GOI and the INTERNATIONAL world.  The citizens are pouring back into Iraq with tears of happiness to their homes.  They know about the reforms.   

IMO – they are ahead of their time line...we believe they are ahead of the conditions that they agreed too.  Iraq is going through a propaganda campaign with the citizens.

The purchasing power is about to change inside of Iraq! In Iraq...a Dinar is a Dinar.  You need to grasp that.  IMO – they will come out at 1 to 1 inside of their country.  Then 3 days later, you’ll take it.

They are about to enter the “INTERNATIONAL” world.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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