Don't WAIT!

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Awake-in-3D and WSOMN Member Chat Tuesday Afternoon 5-24-16


OnceWasLost:  AWAKE probability (supposedly) says we'll see exchanges for us by approximately when? Within one week? TWO?

Awake-in-3D:  Once was Lost - we are in an incredible window right now. We are not where we have ever been before regarding the process/logistics/mechanics. Hey Dorothy... we ain't in Kansas anymore!

OnceWasLost: :) I'm concerned there MIGHT be cabal control post other words this is ALL a cabal thing - them shifting gears for more "control"...sacrificing their own to make it look legit...?  ...sorry! I DO have dark thoughts sometimes...I know that isn't a probability but have a creepy feeling sometimes...I confess!

Awake-in-3D:  The Central Banking Clans will be toothless, post GCR (transition to gold-backed)... It's funny, not only will currency transition, but we will transition from the toothless ones to the ones with bite. :) 

it's ok to feel creepy... there's been a lot of creepiness to digest and deal with as we learn the truth about, well... everything.
What's important is to stay calm and realize that we have inside information that puts us in control of our future - and our family's future. Creepiness is real, but fear is a choice. :)

Awake-in-3D:  If we all visualize the GCR funds as a giant Vault with a multi-combination tumbler lock, the tumblers began clicking and falling into place over the past 18 hours. That vault is going to open very soon IMO. Then we will see how the currency transaction plan will execute. No one knows for sure, anyone who says they know the details is speculating. :

Evenstar:  I have been told it will happen suddenly. one moment the old rates are showing and the next moment the new

Awake-in-3D:  Evenstar - whether the rates will show privately or publicly, in the beginning (while exchanges begin) is the big question. I believe they will not be showing publicly for a time (like in airports or rate boards, or Forex). And I have good reason to believe this. But we will see, like I said, no one at our level knows these details... NO one. :)

Meek92:  Awake n 3D who implemented the new guide lines for the banks to change the attitudes of doing business and will the derivatives be there before the gold backed announcement is made and/or in effect?

Awake-in-3D:  meek92 - Derivatives will change by design in a non-fiat, global economy. Paper profits fuelled by non-asset-backed instruments cannot exist in the post-GCR environment. Much like cancer cells cannot exist in oxygen rich, alkaline environments.
Meek92:  Awake but will they be there the day we think?

Awake-in-3D:  meek - I have no concerns whatsoever regarding the safety of my funds at the bank post-exchange. None. If the banks are not safe, we won't be exchanging. It's really that simple.

GEG-Dinar:  Awake, any thoughts on the astronomical rates that some are putting out there? It would seem to me if that was even remotely close to what they are saying, inflation would skyrocket with that much money going through the system.
Awake-in-3D: GEG - I can speak to this in depth on the call tonight... I don't bash anyone - I listen and discern. There is a very logical and rational way to determine if these rates could possibly be real. I call it the "give every household in the USA a million dollars and see what happens"...

Awake-in-3D:  The currencies we have represent gold-backed assets for the bank. Our very exchanges are hydrating the banks with liquid assets. You see, it's really symbiotic. That said, the banks will be capitalized anyway with the USN, so again, I have no concerns whatsoever. But that's just me. I am not a financial advisor. But I do have significant contacts in banking who know about the coming transition.

Meek92:  Awake thank you It is tough to trust them.

Awake-in-3D:  meek - I understand, I had the same trust issues once upon a time. But if you trust that the GCR is real, and that the very purpose of the GCR is to correct the polluted environment enabled by the fiat system, then, by deduction, one must trust that the banks are made whole by the GCR. :)

Lostnq8:  if the banks want our currency to hydrate them, then why are we still waiting for someone to push the so called RV button

Awake-in-3D:  lostinq8 - Simple answer: the banks are waiting to exchange just like we are. They are NOT in control of the process or the release. It's really that simple. :)

Lostnq8: awake really thought that was the case - based on your previous call and other info from multiple peeps, is the Fed still holding this up and if so how much longer can they hold it up before the eoncomy collapses

Awake-in-3D:  lostnq8 - The FED and Central Banking Clans have been playing a check-checkmate scenario for a long time. The GCR is not a new idea. Each time the "Fiat Boys" counter a move to usher in the non-fiat system, the GCR Boys move additional pieces and the FED gets cornered. We are pretty much at Checkmate this week.

Pavy: so Awake back in the not so old days we talked about 2 and 3 baskets of currencies, is that still on the table or are they all kind meshed into one

Awake-in3D:  Pavy - Simple answer: the currencies we hold are all being exchanged at once along with other we have never discussed. My belief, based on how it was explained to me, is that by the time the "GCR Effect" goes public (in the news, etc.), all currencies will have adjusted to gold backed and near parity rates (around 1-to-one value)

Minniemouse:  THANKYOU AWAKE for explaining...helps keep me grounded.....

Awake-in-3D:  minnie mouse - BEing grounded is the best way to stay sane in this event! LOL

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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